Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 126 You still have to watch women’s football

"The game is over! The game is over! Sure enough, dragged down by the Champions League match in midweek, the Madrid Kings team was obviously out of shape... They lost to Catalonia 1:2 away from home and lost the first El Clasico this season. '..."

Han Shuyu in front of the computer let out a long sigh.

She was not surprised by the result, but she was still upset.

After all, no one likes to lose.

The midweek game against the Turin Bulls was too energy-consuming.

The game lasted until the last few minutes, and the Madrid king relied on Melli's flash of inspiration to resolve the battle.

Although they won in the end, the main players of the team played almost the whole game, which consumed a lot of physical energy.

Under such circumstances, the team challenged Catalonia United away from home, and the result was predictable.

Melli, who saved the team in the last Champions League game, was in poor form this time and failed to score.

Once the game was over, he was shown in close-up, breathing heavily.

His eyes could not hide the disappointment and pain.

After losing this game, the points gap between Madrid Kings and Catalonia United not only did not narrow, but widened to six points.

This season, the Kings of Madrid lost when they faced the other two top two teams in the Spanish Super League. It can be said that they performed the best among the top three teams in the Spanish Super League.

"Oh! Forget it! Let's watch women's football!"

Han Shuyu didn’t want to watch the Catalan United fans cheering and celebrating at their home court and showing off their power. She turned off the live broadcast and posted a message on station B:

"To defend the glory of the king, can we really only rely on the women's football team? Go to the scene tomorrow to cheer for Sister Qingqing!"

※※ ※

The lights came back on in the conference room, and the live game picture on the projection screen dimmed slightly.

There were occasional sighs in the silent room, until the team's head coach stood up and said to a room full of girls wearing Madrid King sports jackets: "If you are unhappy about losing the game, please play in tomorrow's game." Come on, come on. Now go back and rest!"

Li Qingqing and his teammates got up and left the conference room.

Walk to their respective hotel rooms.

The failure of this national derby made the players of the women's team not in high spirits.

The atmosphere in the team, which was always chattering in the past, has also changed, becoming a little dull.

On the way back to the room, Li Qingqing received a WeChat message from Hu Lai:

"Look what I said? Now it's really up to you to get revenge! Come on, let them know who is really in charge of the King of Madrid!"

Seeing such an inappropriate message from her boyfriend, Li Qingqing rolled her eyes.

"Why do you feel like you are gloating?"

"You see what you said... I am a player for the Kings' rival Pirates. When I see the Kings lose, of course I am gloating!"

"You hate it, I'm a Kings player!"

"I support the King's women's football team 100%!"

Li Qingqing could completely imagine the expression on Hu Lai's face when he said this.

He must be very happy when the Kings men's team lost in the El Clasico.

But I am also a member of the King's Club...

This time I really want to avenge the king in football!

※※ ※

"Brothers, please look! Crown Stadium!"

Han Shuyu was in the stands and pointed his mobile phone camera at the spectacular Crown Stadium stands.

"The reason why I showed up here is to watch the Kings game. Someone must have said it, didn't the Kings game just happen yesterday? The Kings lost to Catalonia in an away game... Yes, yes, I know, I know , the Kings lost...but the men's team lost, what does it have to do with the women's team? That's right! What I came to watch today was the game of the Kings' women's team, a 'Madrid Derby' of the Spanish Women's Super League! Sister Qingqing, come on!"

In her shot, the stands at the Crown Stadium opposite were empty.

"I have to say that the Kings of Madrid really attach great importance to women's football. Not only do they use the same training base, they even play women's football games in the Crown Stadium at home as well as the men's team. Can you believe it? But I think the Crown Stadium is very important to women's football. The game is too big... In fact, there are already many people sitting in the main stand where I am, but there is no one in the opposite stand, which makes it look very empty... If the stadium is smaller, these same people can take all the seats. With the stands full of people, will the visual effect and psychological experience be much better?"

Along with Han Shuyu's explanation, she turned the camera back and forth, leading the audience to follow her camera to understand some of the situations before the game.

“…After all, it’s a derby in the same city, and there are still clear distinctions in the stands. The main stand where I am is full of home team fans, and the stands over there are full of Pirates fans… Before the game even starts, the fans of the two teams are already standing across the stands. On... Even though it’s a women’s football match, the atmosphere that a local derby should have is indispensable!”

In order to create an atmosphere, the Madrid Kings also placed many red cardboards on the chairs in the home stand.

Every fan watching the game in the main stand can raise it to form a sea of ​​red to cheer for the home team.

This was Han Shuyu's first time to watch a women's football match live. Everything she saw was strange to her. She focused her camera on the surrounding fans and also looked at the Madrid Pirates fans in the distance.

The Madrid Kings fans who played at home were naturally well prepared, and the Madrid Pirates fans who came to the away game were not to be outdone. They kept singing and cheering for their team.

Han Shuyu even saw fans holding posters of Hu Lai's iconic celebrations, obviously hoping to stimulate the Madrid Kings fans in this way. After all, in the previous Madrid derby, Hulay's brace helped the Madrid Pirates defeat the Madrid Kings away from home.

However, Han Shuyu was not stimulated and instead smiled happily:

"Hu Lai is the men's football team! The men's football team doesn't care about the women's football team!"

When Li Qingqing followed his teammates out, Han Shuyu was excited again.

She shouted to Li Qingqing in the distance: "Sister Qingqing! Sister Qingqing! Come on!"

This time she can cheer for the Kings of Madrid unscrupulously, not because this time she is at the home court of the Kings of Madrid, but because there is also a Chinese player in the Kings' team. Cheering for the Kings is equivalent to cheering for Chinese football.

Now Han Shuyu realizes that sentence more and more. No matter which club she is a fan of, she will always be a Chinese fan.

※※ ※

Han Shuyu is a fan, but she doesn’t watch women’s football games.

Today's Madrid derby between women's football teams is the first women's football match she has watched live.

This is not because she is sexist, but the women's football game is indeed far less enjoyable to watch than the men's football game.

The women's football game is slow and the intensity of the confrontation is low, resulting in a greatly reduced viewing experience.

This difference can also be felt to some extent from the price of game tickets. The most expensive ticket price for the men's football team's Madrid derby is 150 euros (non-VIP box price), while the face price for the women's football team's Madrid derby ticket is less than ten euros... …

The Crown Stadium, which can accommodate 85,000 people, is still empty, with only one side of the stands occupied.

The Madrid Kings Women's Football Team is already considered a very high-level team in women's football, and this game is also the highlight of the Women's Super League.

There is no way to attract more fans to watch the game live.

This is the current state of men's and women's football.

But after only watching the game for twenty minutes, Han Shuyu was so shocked that his mouth opened wide, and his inherent impression of women's football was greatly changed.

This change comes from one person.

Li Qingqing.

As a player wearing the No. 10 jersey of the Madrid Kings, Li Qingqing shows a completely different trait from other female football players around her on the court.

Speed ​​and power.

These two points are often the characteristics of male football players.

Needless to say, speed, Han Shuyu saw with his own eyes that Li Qingqing forced a breakthrough from the wing and used speed to get rid of his opponent, causing the Madrid Kings fans in the stands to scream.

At that moment, Han Shuyu thought he was watching a men's football match.

Strength does not mean that Li Qingqing is very good at physical confrontation, but that her shooting, passing and other technical movements are very powerful.

This is especially obvious in the empty stadium. When Li Qingqing took a long shot from outside the penalty area, the muffled sound caused by her hitting the football with all her strength echoed in the stadium, as if a heavy hammer hit everyone's heart.

So when the game reached the 23rd minute, Li Qingqing suddenly took a long shot from outside the penalty area and kicked a very beautiful world wave. The goalkeeper of the Madrid Pirates Women's Football Team did not even make a save. It's normal...

"Wow! Beautiful! So beautiful! Waves around the world! Sister Qingqing is so powerful!!"

Han Shuyu jumped up, raised his arms and shouted.

Li Qingqing ran on the court with open arms and hugged his teammates.

The Crown Stadium burst into warm applause.

The depression of the men's team losing the game at Catalonia United's home court yesterday was diluted a lot by the applause...

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