Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 129 The people inside are helpless

"... Qin Qi from Anton Shining Star was transferred from the youth team to the first team in the middle of this season and joined the team in the Chinese Super League. Such a promotion can be called 'sitting on a rocket'. But compared with recent news , which makes people think that what he was riding in was not a rocket at all, but an ox cart...

"You can go abroad to train with a Bundesliga team when you are under 18 years old, and you can directly sign a professional contract when you are 18 years old... Even Hu Lai and the others have not had such treatment before. Frankfurt White Hart Club replied to China When reporters asked questions, they admitted that it was indeed because of Qin Lin that they were very concerned about Qin Qi. However, they still valued his own talent when signing Qin Qi. Mr. Nico Tiede, the youth training director of Frankfurt White Deer, was very optimistic about Qin Qi. Seven's future, I think he has the ability to gain a foothold in the Bundesliga...

"Speaking of it, Qin Qi does have a close relationship with Germany because he was born in Germany. In Qin Lin's second season playing for Frankfurt White Hart, Qin Qi was born in Frankfurt. So, in a sense, He can also be regarded as having 'Frankfurt blood'..."

Lin Zhiyuan looked at the news on the Internet and said sourly: "Seventeen-year-old kids can go to Germany, but I can still only stay in China..."

His agent Qiu Xinrong next to him smiled and said: "The father of this seventeen-year-old kid will be your head coach next season."

Lin Zhiyuan stopped discussing Qin Qi's matter after hearing this, but sighed: "That boy Zhou Zijing is now the number one player in the National Olympics, isn't it just because he played a few games in Leeds? He was my defeat at the beginning. Woolen cloth!"

"The uniqueness of the goalkeeper's position..." Qiu Xinrong had no choice.

The 21-year-old Lin Zhiyuan has been the main goalkeeper for the South China Tigers for almost four seasons, but there is no guarantee that he will become the main goalkeeper when he goes to Europe.

The goalkeeper is the most conservative position of every team. Unless the main goalkeeper makes a big mistake or is seriously injured, he will not be replaced easily.

Lin Zhiyuan's talent and performance certainly attracted the attention of European teams, but their arrangements for Lin Zhiyuan could not satisfy both Qiu Xinrong and Lin Zhiyuan.

They either plan to buy Lin Zhiyuan as a substitute, or they plan to loan him to a lower-level league team to gain experience.

Neither of these options is what Lin Zhiyuan and Qiu Xinrong want.

To continue to stay in the South China Tigers as the main goalkeeper, although there is no problem in terms of status and treatment, the South China Tigers are a wealthy team in the Chinese Super League and have strong financial strength. At the same time, according to the salary limit order, the national football team can receive an annual salary of 10 million yuan.

This is money that countless people find difficult to earn in their lifetime.

In a sense, he even earns more than players in mid- and lower-tier foreign clubs.

But Lin Zhiyuan didn't want to stay in the country like this.

To put it bluntly, watching others go abroad one after another, what's the point of being the number one star in China?

People will only say that Lin Zhiyuan seems to be "the king of the mountains without tigers and monkeys"...

Seeing that Lin Zhiyuan was a little depressed, Qiu Xinrong comforted him:

"But look at it, Zhiyuan. If you go out, the adaptation period will be shorter than them. Because you have experience playing abroad, there won't be much problem with the language as long as you go to Germany."

Lin Zhiyuan said weakly: "Then let's wait until I really go out..."

"Do you regret not accepting Insubre's invitation now?" Qiu Xinrong asked.

Just after playing in the World Cup, many Chinese team players were favored by European clubs, and some simply went abroad.

As the main goalkeeper of the Chinese team, Lin Zhiyuan, who became the main goalkeeper in the World Cup at the age of only 20, naturally attracted much attention. Although he conceded six goals in the World Cup, sometimes a goalkeeper's ability is not just about the number of goals conceded.

The most important thing is that he is only 20 years old. He can become the main goalkeeper of the Chinese team at such a young age and guard the goal for the national team in the World Cup. This is enough to illustrate his potential.

Therefore, wealthy clubs like Insoubre also extended an olive branch to Lin Zhiyuan.

But Lin Zhiyuan refused.

"I have no regrets then." Lin Zhiyuan shook his head simply and said, "I went to play as a substitute, or was loaned to a low-level league team. It would be better to play as the main force for the South China Tigers."

Qiu Xinrong nodded: "Okay, I will try my best to help you go to Europe. We have been in contact with Westin Athletics over the years. I believe that as long as the time is right, you will return to Europe sooner or later. But you have to be patient. , Zhiyuan. Don’t be tempted by the excitement they play in Europe. You are only 21 years old. As a goalkeeper, you still have at least fifteen years of career. At worst, we can go out after the next World Cup."

Lin Zhiyuan sighed, but still agreed: "I listen to you, Uncle Qiu..."

If you can't go out, you can't go out. You can't go abroad just to study abroad, right? What if you are unable to play games after going abroad and lose your position as the main goalkeeper of the national team?

The outside world is very exciting, and Lin Zhiyuan is helpless because he can't get out.


After the last round of the Chinese Super League, Qin Lin got busy at his home next to the Flashing Star training base in Liucheng District, Jincheng.

The family of three was busy packing their luggage.

Although the season is over, there is no holiday for Qin Lin, who is about to become the head coach of the South China Tigers.

He will go directly from Jincheng to Lingnan City, and he will stay in that city for who knows how many years to come.

His wife will go to Germany with their child Qin Qi. His son will go to Germany to pursue his football dream, and his wife will take care of his daily life.

The couple were separated for that day, and they didn't know how long they would be separated.

"The slogan of Jincheng says that this is a city that you don't want to leave once you come here. I originally thought that after we came here, we wouldn't wander around anymore..."

While packing her luggage, Wang Yuan sat on a chair and sighed as she looked at the room that had gradually become empty.

"I'm sorry, wife..."

"What are you sorry for?" Wang Yuan said to Qin Lin next to her with a smile. "I'm not blaming you. I just can't bear to leave this place..."

"I'm sorry that because of my profession, you always follow me around. You could have followed me back to Lingnan this time, but you had to accompany Xiaoqi again."

Wang Yuan shook her head slightly, stared at her lover and smiled: "Who told me to marry a professional player and now have the son of a professional player?"

Qin Lin looked at her.

The two of them didn't speak anymore, but they seemed to have said a thousand words.

"Mom, the one you saw me in..."

Qin Qi suddenly rushed down from upstairs, raised his head and shouted.

Then he saw his parents looking at each other affectionately.

"Uh...did I disturb you?"

Wang Yuan turned around and continued to pack her things, while Qin Lin glared at his son: "Have you packed your things?"

"It's coming, it's coming... Leave me alone, just pretend I don't exist... Keep going, ha, keep going!"

After saying that, Qin Qi turned around and ran upstairs again, as if he was afraid that if he slowed down, his father would catch him and beat him up.

Qin Lin did not chase him, but turned around and looked at Wang Yuan: "Look at your son!"

"It doesn't sound like you're talking about your son!" Wang Yuan said angrily.

Qin Lin noticed a photo album in her hand: "What is this?"

Wang Yuan opened it: "My son's photo album when he was a child."

"You still have this thing with you?" Qin Lin was a little surprised.

"What else? Throw it away?" Wang Yuan rolled her eyes at her husband. Will she speak?

"No, I thought you just left it at Lingnan's house..." Qin Lin came up to look at it together.

In the photo, a baby with closed eyes is curled up on a small bed, and next to him lies Wang Yuan, who is looking at him tenderly with a smile on her face.

"This is a photo of Xiao Qi when she was just born..." Qin Lin sighed. "At that time, this kid was so ugly and wrinkled..."

"Children are like this from birth."

"This was taken in the hospital?" Qin Lin asked.

"Well, we filmed it in a hospital in Frankfurt."

"By the way, he was born in Frankfurt, and now he has gone to Frankfurt. I don't know if he has returned to his hometown..."

As she spoke, Wang Yuan turned to the next photo. In the photo, Qin Qi was lying motionless on the bed, trying to raise her big head.

"Ha, he is still cute when he was a child! He is just like a toy, hey..."

Wang Yuan rolled her eyes at her husband, and then laughed herself, thinking what her husband said was very interesting.

"It turned out to be so big in the blink of an eye... When you two came to Jincheng, I could still pick him up. But that was the last time I picked him up, and now he is taller than me... oops , time flies so fast, it’s been seventeen years in the blink of an eye..."


"Strange, why can't I find it?"

In his room, Qin Qi almost turned everything upside down but still couldn't find the best player trophy he won in his last national competition.

He thought it might be taken away by his mother, so he rushed out the door again to find his mother.

But when he just rushed to the stairs, he saw his father and mother cuddling tightly in the living room below, not knowing what they were looking at.

He was so focused that he was completely unaware of the movement behind him.

Seeing this scene, Qin Qi quietly shrank back.

It's better to look for it yourself...

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