Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 156 Rival Fans

During halftime, Han Shuyu planned to go to the restaurant in the stadium to buy some drinks and food.

But she didn't succeed.

Because the "restaurant" specializing in food and beverages was surrounded by excited Madrid Pirates fans. They were not going to buy anything, but singing.

Singing and dancing, the restaurant bar was packed with people.

Han Shuyu couldn't squeeze in at all.

She could only shake her head outside in despair.

Then she realized it was good material.

So I took out my phone and started shooting.

Take note of all those excited Madrid Pirates fans.

She thought that the Madrid Pirates fans were very satisfied with the team's performance in the first half and the score of 2:1, so they gathered here to celebrate...

At this moment, there was a middle-aged fan with a beard next to her, who was turning his head to look at her, his eyes moving back and forth between her face and the mobile phone in her hand...

Han Shuyu was attracted and felt that this person's gaze was a little impolite, but the other person suddenly asked: "Are you that Chinese girl?"

Han Shuyu was stunned for a moment, and then she realized what she was doing. She asked in surprise and joy, "Are you the one back then..."

The uncle nodded: "Yes, it's me."

Then he pointed to the crowded restaurant bar: "Do you want to buy something to eat?"

Han Shuyu nodded sheepishly: "Uh, yes. But I can't squeeze in..."

Without saying a word, the uncle walked forward, walked behind a Pirates fan who was blocking him, raised his hand and patted his shoulder: "Give way, give way!"

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His tone was not very polite, but when the fans in front of him turned around and saw it was him, they all smiled and stepped back, leaving a way out.

He just walked in all the way,

After successfully buying something, he returned and handed it to Han Shuyu:

"Secret pirate burger, and pirate beer."

"Thank you, uncle." Han Shuyu took the things and asked, "I noticed that when you went shopping just now, you seemed to be very familiar with those people..."

Just now, when the uncle was waiting to pick up his meal, there were always people around him coming up to chat and greet him.

Even the waiter who handed him the food had a few words with him.

This made Han Shuyu realize that this ordinary uncle might not be ordinary...

The bearded uncle smiled: "I am an old football fan, and everyone here is an old football fan, so naturally they are familiar with each other."

Han Shuyu thought the same thing. European football fans are all about community. Fans who often watch football together are old acquaintances.

So it's not unbelievable that the uncle knows other people.

Although there seem to be a lot of people who are familiar with the uncle...

Han Shuyu, who was holding a burger and beer, looked at the Pirates fans who continued to gather in front of the restaurant bar. After the uncle left, they blocked the bar again, like a pool of running water.

She felt a little strange: "Why are they gathering here if they don't want to buy anything?"

The uncle laughed and said, "They are causing trouble for Kings fans."

"Creating trouble?"

"Yes. This restaurant is relatively close to the fans of the away team, so the fans of the away team will come here to dine during halftime. Normally, there is no problem. But now it is the Madrid Derby..."

Following the uncle's fan's narration, Han Shuyu suddenly realized.

It turns out that the fans of Madrid Pirates gathered here to sing various anti-King of Madrid songs in order to disgust the fans of their rivals.

If there are Kings fans who want to come here to buy something to eat, or buy drinks to quench their thirst and soothe their throats. Then these Kings fans will find that the restaurant and bar in front of them is surrounded by fans of their rivals...

Want to buy?

Okay, first squeeze through these sworn enemy fans with unkind expressions and murderous intent. The Pirates fans will not really refuse to let them buy, they will also get out of the way, but they will always stare at you with murderous eyes. At the same time, Singing viciously at you.

How many people can actually buy food and water in the face of such huge psychological pressure?

Basically, everyone is scared.

Isn't it just smoke coming out of your throat?

Bear with it!

But this will inevitably affect their ability to cheer for their team in the stands in the second half.

After all, my throat was dry and thirsty, making it uncomfortable to speak, let alone roar at the top of my lungs.

Therefore, Madrid Pirates fans are not just doing it to disgust the fans of their rivals, they can really help their team by doing this.

It's just that this approach is really abominable to the Madrid Kings fans.

How you view this matter depends entirely on your stance.

Madrid Pirates fans take it for granted, while Madrid Kings fans think Pirates fans are despicable.

But the eldest brother doesn’t talk about the second brother. If the Madrid Pirates fans do this to the Madrid Kings fans, the Madrid Kings fans are naturally not White Lotus.

It's just that they don't block the meal, they block the toilet...

During halftime, almost all the toilets were blocked by Madrid Kings fans. Madrid Pirates fans want to go to the toilet?

You may not be able to get in even if you queue up until the start of the second half of the game.

So in order to avoid going to the toilet as much as possible, Madrid Pirates fans have to drink less water.

If you drink less water, your throat will become thirsty easily, and it will be impossible to cheer for the team with all your strength.

The purpose is the same as that of Pirates fans, to indirectly help their team.

※※ ※

Because there were so many people in front of the restaurant and bar, Pirates fans were singing all the time and were very noisy.

So Han Shuyu said goodbye to his uncle and returned to his seat to eat with a burger and beer.

"Why have you been gone for so long?" Li Qingliang asked her.

"There are too many people..." Han Shuyu told Li Qingliang what he saw in front of the restaurant.

After listening, Li Qingliang explained with a little embarrassment: "This is the mortal enemy..."

Han Shuyu took a bite of the burger and nodded: "Yes, mortal enemy."

This is indeed a common practice between mortal enemies.

It's hard to say who is right and who is wrong.

This is just a competition between fans.

In the past, there were cases where the air conditioning in the visiting team's locker room suddenly failed when the team officially left the game, and the locker room was extremely hot; or in the cold winter, the hot water supply was stopped, so the visiting team players either could not take a shower, or they could only take a cold shower. …

In short, in the name of Derby, it is completely normal to do whatever it takes to stumble your mortal enemy.

Seeing that Han Shuyu didn't respond, Li Qingliang tried again: "In fact, we are also mortal enemies."

"It's okay, it's not that bad. After all, no matter what, we can't compare to the real fans of both sides. I used to think that I was quite loyal, but now I feel that I am nothing..." Han Shuyu looked at Spain in the stands. the fans said.

Eating a hamburger bought for her by a Pirates fan, Han Shuyu continued: "Recently, I feel more and more that some fans in China are quite ridiculous. They are obviously Chinese fans thousands of miles away, but they behave better on the Internet than in Madrid. The fans are still fanatical... attacking and cursing each other, as if this way they can prove their loyalty to their favorite team."

"This is inevitable. Didn't we discuss each other's teams before?" Li Qingliang said, "If it weren't for Hu Lai, I wouldn't have dared to ask you to watch the Pirates game..."

Han Shuyu thought about what he had said and done before, and then laughed: "It's true, I used to be the same person I just thought was ridiculous. But now I have more and more other ideas... I just met him again Here comes the uncle."

"That uncle who said you might be a Pirates fan in the future?"

"Yes." Han Shuyu nodded, "He bought the burgers and beer for me. I didn't dare to join in at the time..."

"It's such a fate that we can meet so many people."

"He asked me if I was a Pirates fan now?"

Li Qingliang asked curiously: "Then how did you answer him?"

"I pointed at the Pirates fans crowding in front of the bar and said, I can't be that kind of Pirates fan..."

"Ah..." Li Qingliang sighed regretfully.

He understood this. After all, the behavior of those Pirates fans was really unpleasant. As a Kings fan, Han Shuyu certainly couldn't accept it.

He was a little regretful, because he hoped to make Han Shuyu a Pirates fan. Otherwise, why would he give up the hard-earned tickets to Han Shuyu in the first place? Let her go to the Pirates home game?

It seems that after so many Pirates games, Li Qingliang originally thought that Han Shuyu had already fallen in love with the Pirates. As a result...he saw Pirates fans' extreme behavior, which will definitely damage the image of Pirates fans in Han Shuyu's heart.

Han Shuyu didn't seem to know what Li Qingliang was regretting. She continued:

"Then the uncle shook his head and said to me, I didn't have to be such a Pirates fan... I asked him again, what kind of Pirates fan is that? He said, just watch Pirates games like this. I He said that I was clearly here for Hu Lai, but he said it didn't matter... People on the Internet started to say that I was a Pirates fan, but I felt that my feelings for the Pirates were not that bad yet... Li Qingliang, you are a Buccaneers fans, are you saying I’m a Buccaneers fan?”

Li Qingliang listened to Han Shuyu talk so much that he didn't know how to answer for a while.

He hoped that Han Shuyu was, but he was afraid that if he said it, it would arouse Han Shuyu's rebellious psychology. After all, the scene she saw during the intermission was not pleasant.

Fortunately, he noticed the movement below the stands at this time, so he simply pointed there and said: "They are coming out!"

Han Shuyu followed his hand and looked there, and saw players from both sides walking out of the corridor one after another, and walking back onto the court in pairs.

The second half of the game is about to begin.

Whether Han Shuyu is a Madrid Pirates fan or a Madrid Kings fan seems to be less important.

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