Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 172 The difference between me and Hu Lai

Seeing Hu Lai score, Chen Xingyi thought a lot.

When the Madrid Pirates players celebrated the goal, he stood there in a daze.

His memories even drifted back to his distant middle school days.

Remembering that he himself was once a talented player known as "the number one player in high school football".

At that time, he had not yet entered professional football, but many professional teams had already expressed their interest in him. This shows that in the eyes of these professional football people, Chen Xingyi has the ability to play professional football.

He also thought that with his talent, it would be easy to play professional football?

As a result, reality slapped him mercilessly, making his face almost swollen.

From the champion of the high school national competition to the Dashun Golden Arrow, he could only start as a youth team player. .

For a long time he was unable to get a chance in the first team.

If he hadn't cut his losses in time and went to the Flash Stars on loan, his career would have taken a different path.

The cruel world of professional football has worn away his temper and pride.

He is no longer the star player who dominated high school football across the country and made countless fans scream with every move he made.

Studying abroad and coming to Europe made him deeply realize this truth.

He is just an ordinary professional player.

Looking at the records Hulay has created in European football, he is just out of reach.

He also gradually accepted this reality, feeling that he could first establish himself at Sporting Amsterdam, and finally as long as he could play in the five major leagues, that would be good.

He was actually right to think so.

You know, even in Japan, which has the most overseas players, there are not many players who can play in the five major leagues. Most of them are in second-tier European leagues outside the five major leagues, or in low-level leagues.

And Chen Xingyi, even if he ends up playing for a relegation team in the five major leagues, he can become the main force of the Chinese national team, surpassing countless Chinese players.

He couldn't say whether he could compare with Merry or not.

He didn't even dare to think about it!

But now the coaching staff of Madrid Pirates treats him like Melli.

He experienced the initial fear and pessimism - how could I possibly perform well when the opponent defended me with such an attitude? Basically it’s locked!

Until he saw Hu Lai's goal.

A very, very beautiful and imaginative goal.

He suddenly seemed to have returned to the last game of his high school years - the finals of the national competition.

His first fight with Hu Lai.

Before that game, the defending champion Shuguang High School was favored by everyone. Everyone thought they could win the national competition for three consecutive years and create an unprecedented record.

And what is Dongchuan Middle School where Hu Lai is located?

Just a dark horse.

For Hu Lai, Shuguang High School is probably equivalent to Mellie Banega in Chinese high school football, right?

How can they challenge such a powerful enemy?

The results of it?

Hu Lai scored a hat trick in that game, incredibly defeating the powerful Shuguang High School and helping Dongchuan Middle School win the cup.

Hu Lai himself became the top scorer and best player in that national competition.

From then on, his football journey began... From a high school player to a member of the best team of the year who scored 75 goals a year, it is simply a legend.

Chen Xingyi suddenly remembered the original match, and thought of Hu Lai's courage.

And it’s not just that game, there are many times, such as the East Asian Cup against South Korea, the Football Association Cup against Dashun Golden Arrow, the U23 Asian Cup against the Japanese Olympic team, the Olympics against Argentina...

There are many examples that prove that this kid never seems to be afraid...

I don’t even know what awe is.

So he has made it all the way to the present, becoming a being who can truly compete with Meili.

Danny Drew can't get any advantage in front of him.

But I was frightened by my opponent's attitude towards me...

Just ridiculous.


Of course, he experienced many setbacks from high school football to professional football.

But has Hu Lai never encountered any setbacks?

What's important is not whether you encounter setbacks, but shouldn't what's important be how you face setbacks?

Chen Xingyi, Chen Xingyi, I didn’t expect that these years of training would turn you into a coward.

※※ ※

"Holy shit! Hu Lai is awesome!! Awesome!!"

Chen Hantang was in the stands, and there were some Chinese student fans diagonally in front of him. After Hulay scored, they waved their national flags and shouted in Mandarin.

The scarves hanging around these people's necks are Amsterdam Racing scarves. Maybe some international students studying in the Netherlands...

When his son was not performing well, Hulay used such a wonderful goal to help Madrid Pirates take the away lead. The contrast is really strong.

He was vaguely worried about how the Internet would tease his son.

His son's poor performance makes Hu Lai a flawless foil.

Chen Hantang has no problem with Hu Lai, but he is worried that his son will become Hu Lai's stepping stone.

Thinking of this, he turned his attention to his son standing in the distance.

If it wasn't so noisy here, he really wanted to yell at his son: "What are you doing!"

Growing up, his genius son never let him worry about football. Although there were some setbacks, they all passed.

Seeing that Hu Lai, who was not as good as his son in the past, is getting better and better as he plays, he also comforted his sons that each has his own path. As long as he can help the Chinese team participate in the World Cup in the end, it will lead to the same goal, and there is no need to rush for the moment.

But now, Chen Hantang has become the anxious one.

Because he was in full public view, he couldn't help his son.

※※ ※

Hulay ran back into the Pirates' half surrounded by his teammates.

When passing near the center line, he set his sights on Chen Xingyi.

Little Star is already standing next to the center line, waiting for the kick-off.

He winked mischievously at Little Star, seeming to say to him:

You see I scored a goal, so I didn’t lie, right?

However, Chen Xingyi turned a blind eye to his little move.

Hu Lai asked for trouble, crossed the center line angrily, and returned to his own position.

The TV broadcast did not capture this small detail, because when Hu Lai "winked" at Chen Xingyi, the TV broadcast focused the camera on the coaching benches of the two teams.

In front of the visiting team's coaching bench, Madrid Pirates head coach Parotti and his assistant coach Valentin were talking and laughing. Of course, they covered their mouths when they spoke, so it was difficult to guess what they said through their mouth shapes.

Then the scene turned, and in front of the home team's coaching bench, head coach Munster was frowning.

Chen Xingyi, who he had high hopes for, inexplicably lost his game during the game, and Danny Drew, who also had high hopes for him, failed to last even half of the game in front of Hu Lai.

Although he only conceded one goal, he felt a deep sense of crisis.

If we continue playing like this, it seems almost impossible for our team to make a comeback at home...

The opponent was the Pirates who had just defeated the Madrid Kings in a local derby.

Although everyone is a member of G13, now the two teams are not on the same level in terms of strength and morale. It's not easy to beat the Pirates, even at home.

Under the premise of being tactical opponents, one has to hope that the players will be as good as he, the head coach, expected.

After all, tactics need to be executed by players. If the players...especially key players are not in good condition, perform poorly and cannot execute tactics, then what use are the best tactics?

※※ ※

Hu Lai scored in the thirty-sixth minute. After he scored, there was less than ten minutes left in the first half.

During this period, Madrid Pirates failed to score any more goals, and of course neither did Atlético Amsterdam.

When the referee blew the whistle at the end of the first half, the score was temporarily fixed at 0:1, and Sporting Amsterdam, which was playing at home, was one goal behind.

The TV broadcast first gave Hu Lai a close-up shot.

In the camera, Hu Lai walks slowly down the field with a relaxed smile on his face.

He scored a goal in the first half and was in good form, easily of course.

Then the broadcast gave Chen Xingyi another shot.

It seems that the director of this game is very knowledgeable and knows that this game is a contest between two Chinese players.

In the close-up shot, Chen Xingyi trotted along with his head lowered, and soon disappeared into the passage.

"Chen Xingyi's performance in the first half was very average... Of course, he was heavily defended by the Madrid Pirates in the first half, and there were people around him almost all the time. I hope he can find the feeling as soon as possible in the second half... "

He Feng looked at this scene and sighed.

Yesterday during the match between Tramed and Alvara, he even said that today everyone will see a wonderful "Chinese Derby".

As a result, Hu Lai's performance today was good enough, but Chen Xingyi seemed mediocre.

If Hu Lai performs well unilaterally, what's the point of such a "Chinese Derby"?

Yan Kang said from the side: "Actually, at the end of the first half, Chen Xingyi's performance became more active and almost created a cross opportunity. But unfortunately, there was too little time left for him, and the first half was over. ...So don’t be discouraged, if you can maintain the feeling of these last few minutes, I think there is still hope!”

Starting from the 40th minute, as the first half was coming to an end, Athletic Amsterdam, playing at home, launched a fierce offensive, seemingly hoping to take advantage of the Pirates' slack in the last few minutes of the first half to equalize the score.

To put it simply, it was a sneak attack.

Chen Xingyi got an opportunity in these few minutes.

Instead of breaking through with the ball himself, he passed the football sideways to Abiles, and then suddenly accelerated and rushed behind the Pirates' defense.

Although he had not performed well before, Abiles passed the football to him.

However, under the pressure of Ramirez, the ball was passed a little too wide, but Chen Xingyi still caught up with the ball when it was about to cross the baseline, and then swept the ball towards the center with his feet.

But despite his efforts, the football flew directly over the baseline and never really landed in front of the goal.

This was also Sporting Amsterdam's last attack in the first half.

Not long after that, the referee blew the whistle, ending the first half.

Although the pass was unsuccessful this time, Yan Kang saw something positive. At least Chen Xingyi could move forward actively in the game.

He hoped that Chen Xingyi could hold back this tone and save it for the second half.

But don't give up your energy!

※※ ※

PS, on the first day of the Lunar New Year, I wish you all a happy New Year. I wish you all good luck and good luck in the new year!

At the same time, I also asked for some guaranteed monthly tickets as red envelopes, thank you all!

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