Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 196 Powder Keg

Pirates Park was packed and very lively.

The season has reached its final stage, and the competition for various championships has also reached a fierce stage.

The fans are enthusiastic and every home game is a lively event.

Even if the game hasn't started yet, just the warm-up before the game can get the Madrid Pirates fans in the stands excited.

Even in the locker room inside the stadium, the voices of the fans can be clearly heard.

It wasn't until assistant coach Valentine closed the door that the noise outside became much quieter.

Head coach Parotti looked at the players who were making final preparations for the game and said: "Now announce the roster."

Many people's hands were lightly paused.

Valentine stared at Maxi Carey, a little nervous. He was afraid that when Parotti read out the Dutchman's name, Carey would say, "You'd better hire someone else, I'm not ready yet"...

This is definitely not Valentin's unfounded worry. He feels that with Carey's character and temper, it is entirely possible for him to do such a thing.

"Havel, Irazusta, Moreno, Armantegui, Brynjolfsson..."

Parotti didn't have as many ideas as the assistant coach. He calmly listed out the names in his mind one by one...

"...Bella, Daya, Cerovic, Silverio, Hu, Carey."

After reading the last name, Parotti looked at Maxi Carey.

Not only him, but assistant coach Valentin and others in the locker room also set their sights on the Dutchman.

Under everyone's gaze, Kaili's expression remained normal, and he was not beaming with joy because he finally appeared on the stage.

Judging from his expression, it seemed that this sudden incident had been expected by him.

※※ ※

"Dad! Daddy!"

In the box, two children pointed to the photo of Carey that appeared on the big screen and shouted excitedly.

behind them,

The surprised expression on Sophia's face has not faded yet.

Before the game started, when the on-site DJ announced the list, she did not expect that her husband would appear on it.

She felt that it was a very good result that her husband came on as a substitute today.

As long as she and the children don't have to travel in vain.

"... Somewhat unexpectedly, Parotti put Maxi Carey on the roster before this game... This is Carey's first appearance after recovering from injury!"

The surprised voice of commentator Sanchez came from the TV in the VIP box.

"We don't know what kind of performance he can bring to the game. After all, since returning from injury, he has not had any outstanding performance: no goals and no assists. He seems to be still struggling with the unfamiliarity of being away from the court for a long time... …”

※※ ※

Real Catajon head coach Jean Osvaldo was also surprised when he saw Carey play.

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Because Kyrie has failed to play in two consecutive games, he didn't expect that he would fail in the game against himself.

He didn't know if this meant that he was lucky enough to win today's game...

Why did Kyrie either come on as a substitute or not even have a chance to play for a minute in two consecutive games? It's simple. The match between Saria and Madrid Pirates already told everyone the answer.

Because although Kaili has recovered physically, he still has big psychological problems.

On the one hand, being away from the court has kept him from finding the rhythm of the game, and on the other hand, he is now afraid of physical confrontation.

Saria finally took a point away from home thanks to their restraint on Kyrie.

Real Catajon is stronger than Saria, so why can't we go one step further and take away three points directly?

You know, against Saria, Carey only came on as a substitute.

And this game, Kyrie is.

As long as Carey's performance can be contained, and Madrid Pirates have a rotating lineup and Real Catalon has the main force, winning away from home is not impossible.

It's easy to deal with Kyrie, you just need to make the players hit harder.

Real Catajon really needs these three points. Their position currently ranked fifth is not solid, because behind them, Sebastian is only one point less than them, and Sevilla Navigator is only two points behind.

Both of these teams can surpass them at the last minute of the league and instead squeeze Real Catalon out of the European qualification zone.

When the two sides met in the first half of the league, Real Catalon drew with Madrid Pirates 1:1 at home. At that time, Madrid Pirates also adopted a rotating lineup during the game due to the influence of the Champions League.

How similar is it to today's situation?

Since we were able to draw with Madrid Pirates at home then, why can't we go one step further now?

Thinking of this, Osvaldo issued the first instruction to the players on the field before the game started:

Target the Dutchman!

※※ ※

Maxi Carey was targeted and as soon as he got the ball, a Royal Cathorn player would quickly appear next to him.

No, he hadn't even picked up the ball before the Royal Catalhorn players around him were already on him.

They hit him so hard that he couldn't get the ball.

They didn't care if they were fouled if they did so. Anyway, as long as Carey couldn't control the ball, Royal Cathorn's defensive goal was achieved.

If you want to successfully defend Kyrie, you have to pay some price.

Of course, Cathorn's players will indeed pay more attention to their actions and try not to take cards.

In fact, this is already good. In the past, when Kyrie was at his peak, as his opponent, even if you wanted to use a foul to stop him, you couldn't because the "Flying Dutchman" didn't give you a chance to foul at all...

※※ ※

Carey took the ball with his back to the attacking direction, and then he tried to turn around. He almost succeeded, but Cathorn's player grabbed the jersey tightly from the side and refused to let go.

In the end, his turn failed to complete.

The football was also lost.

The referee's whistle sounded, calling Cathorn a foul.

But despite this, Tobera Casases, the Cathund player who was guarding Kyrie, still held on to Kyrie's jersey, as if the game was still going on.

It wasn't until Carey waved his arms angrily and slapped Casases's hand away that he raised his arms and stepped back, signaling that he had not taken action in the physical conflict.

Osvaldo, the head coach of Real Catalon on the sidelines, laughed when he saw this:

Well done, Tobella! That's it, keep provoking him, irritating him, and then successfully detonating this powder keg!

As long as he could make Kaili lose his cool, it would be equivalent to destroying one of them.

The game had only started ten minutes, and Osvaldo did not believe that Parotti would replace Carey just ten minutes into the game.

If he really does that...just wait until Kyrie goes back to the locker room and gets mad. This will be enough to cause chaos within the Pirates, and they won't be able to play with peace of mind in the second half!

Maxi Carey is not a mild-tempered person. Two consecutive serious injuries in two years have also made him sensitive and irritable. This is no secret, everyone knows it.

The actions against Kyrie on the court were not only to steal his ball, but also to stoke the fire in his heart.

Once it burns, it is beyond anyone's control.

Both Carey and the Madrid Pirates will be burned to ashes by this angry flame!

※※ ※

"Cathorn wanted to piss off Carey and make him lose his cool."

Valentin on the sidelines reminded Parotti.

Parotti nodded: "Of course, any head coach who is not stupid will do this."

"What should we do? What if Kaili can't control his temper..."

"We have no choice but to replace him now. Then before the other party succeeds in provoking it, Kyrie will explode." Parotti shook his head and said.

For Kyrie, who has a proud personality, it was a huge insult to be substituted before the first half was finished. So unless he is sent off with a red card, it is absolutely impossible for Parotti to risk igniting the explosive barrel and replace him.

Valentine sighed.

In the past, Kyrie was actually a troublesome guy, but he could always use his outstanding performance on the court to make everyone temporarily ignore, or tolerate, the troublesome side of his personality.

Now that he has lost the ability to shine on the court, the flaws in his character have been infinitely magnified, which is a bit annoying.

It's like a player who has constant news off the court and is always surrounded by tabloids and paparazzi. As long as he can continue to score goals, lead the team to victory and win the championship. All of the above are just part of the "legend".

But if the player performs poorly, then all "legends" immediately become the culprits for his poor performance.

When doing well:

I smoked, drank, got tattoos, permed my hair, and picked up girls, but I knew I was a successful professional.

When you perform poorly:

What? you drink? No wonder you are in bad shape!

What? Do you smoke? No wonder your physical condition is so bad!

What? Do you perm your hair? If you put a little more thought into taking care of your hair and focus on football, you won't be so incompetent!

What? Do you have sex before the game? Such indulgence is not professional at all!

Valentin is now extremely fortunate that the club spent more than 100 million euros to bring Hu Lai last summer. Otherwise, the team's performance would have been worse than last season, and they might not even be able to qualify for the Champions League.

Valentin thought to himself that fortunately, the contract between the club and Kyrie only had one year left. When the contract expires next year, he can get rid of this burden...

But in order to prepare for a rainy day, he would suggest that Parotti start looking for an excellent organizational midfielder from now on to replace Kyrie and complete the team's real key puzzle.

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