Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 200 The powder keg won’t explode?

Maxi Carey drove his car out of the courtyard gate and cast a habitual glance to the left. Sure enough, he saw Hu Lai and his girlfriend filing out of two cars and then parting ways.

Kaili waited for Hu Lai's car to pass in front of his car, then refueled a little and drove the car onto the highway, following Hu Lai's car.

Then he reached over and turned on the radio.

Fixed time period, fixed frequency, fixed program, fixed radio DJ, fixed topic... He knew that at this time he would definitely hear the discussion about yesterday's La Liga match.


"... In a La Liga match that ended last night, the Madrid Pirates defeated Real Catajon 2:0 at home. This result is not very surprising. After all, the Pirates are at home and are indeed stronger than Catajon. One point. If they can't beat this opponent at their home court, Madrid Pirates can announce their withdrawal from the championship...

"The most discussed thing about this game is not the result, but the first goal in the game. The ball was scored by Hu, but the assister was a long-lost name... That's right! It's the one who has already The one we almost forgot... Maxi Carey——! Hahaha!"

The slightly frivolous laughter sounded again on the car radio.

Kaili, who was driving, snorted lightly, but did not turn off the radio or change the channel.

He drove quietly and continued to listen.

"Hu scored his 30th goal in the league this season... but this is not news at all, it is not worth mentioning, because it is so common! But Kyrie's assist deserves our praise. One thing to say. After watching the game last night, I went to the Internet to find the video of the goal. I watched it countless times... I think it was at least thirty times, right? As everyone knows, I once watched Kai I was very pessimistic about the future and criticized his performance after his return from injury, but I was willing to apologize to him on the show - although I don't know if he listened to my show... ha!

"Guys, that's a work of art! I mean that assist is a work of art! We always say football is an art, and Kyrie's assist illustrates that perfectly! When Kyrie turned around At that time, what I thought in my mind was; 'Oh, it's over, the Pirates' offense is over here, let's pass the ball back and start over again!' But before I finished thinking about this, I saw something that made me extremely excited. What a shocking scene! Kyrie actually used his heel to deliver a scalpel-like direct kick from such a distance! Oh my god... I'm sorry, listeners, I have to be very careful not to use expletives, then. It’s really…”

Listening to the radio DJ who used to ridicule me, he worshiped his performance last night.

The corners of Kaili's lips curled up.

In the past nearly a season, he had heard a lot of the DJ praising Hu Lai's various tricks, but whenever he mentioned himself, he always criticized or badmouthed him. .

What "Kyrie has lost his dominance" "Kyrie should think about the future of his career" "The Dutchman with a broken wing will never fly again" "Although he played the game, he did not fully play. It’s like he’s separated from the others by a layer of barrier”…

Various criticisms, of course the most famous one is "Who needs 'MAX' anymore?"

And coupled with the DJ's characteristic flirtatious laughter, it really made Carey feel like rushing into the live broadcast room and punching this bastard in the face.

Now he finally managed to get this fucking bastard to apologize to himself on the show.

Carey felt this was even better than scoring a goal in the game.

Looking at the Audi RS Q8 driving slowly in front of his car, Kaili seemed to find it more pleasing to the eye...

Just when Kaili was thinking this, the green light at the intersection ahead flickered and was about to change color.

The black Audi RS Q8 in front of him got stuck and passed the intersection, but he could only apply the brakes in front of the stop line, leaving himself at the intersection, and then watched Hu Lai's car leisurely. keep going……

Sure enough, it still doesn’t work!

After finally waiting until the traffic light turned green, Kaili almost ejected and then quickly caught up with Hu Lai's car.

Kaili quickly glanced at the rearview mirror to confirm that there was no car coming from behind him, then turned on his lights to change lanes, downshifted to fill up on fuel, and speeded up to overtake, all in one go.

He left Hu Lai's car behind him again.

Only then did I feel that my thoughts were clear.


Last night's outstanding performance in the game gave Carey a lot of confidence and he can't wait to play in the second leg of the Champions League quarter-finals next week.

But during the recovery training the day after the game, reality poured cold water on him:

He performed well in yesterday's game, but at the cost of draining almost all his energy.

Therefore, his current physical condition is not suitable for starting in Wednesday's Champions League game.

Although before the training started, the club gave him a simple physical test.

But in fact, there is no need for a physical test. He can feel the "inability to do what he wants" after overdraft just during recovery training...

Then he realized an issue that he had ignored intentionally or unintentionally, but was actually very important.

That is, although after two consecutive serious injuries and more than a year of recuperation, his historic ball sense is still there, but his physical functions are indeed not as good as before.

This includes not only the decline in physical function caused by the injury itself, but also part of the reason coming from recuperation.

"...After all, I was seriously injured for half a year and have been recuperating. There is no systematic training and competition. I am not adaptable to the rhythm of the game, and my physical reserves are seriously insufficient..."

After training, when he got Maxi Carey's physical test results, Valentine shook his head and sighed.

The physical test results are not very optimistic either.

There is a lot of data in it, but it can be summed up in just one sentence:

The current physical fitness of Maxi Carey is not enough to meet the requirements of continuous combat.

Contrary to what many people think, it does not mean that the longer players rest, the better their physical fitness will be. Players must ensure that they rest while also training and competing with sufficient intensity to achieve good physical performance.

Otherwise, why should the team train more after every vacation - increase the amount of exercise and training intensity?

It is to allow the players' muscles to recover from the slack and lazy vacation and be able to store more energy.

The human body is like a machine, and it is certainly not good to be exposed to high-intensity loads for a long time.

But if it is left idle for a long time, it may deteriorate faster than a high load for a long time.

In the past two years, Kyrie has been seriously injured twice and has very little time to return to the training field for normal training.

Therefore, his body has actually not adapted to high-intensity training and competition in the past two years.

He was in good condition and performed well in yesterday's game. He was very excited.

The price is that physical energy is exhausted early.

In fact, when I think about it now, I'm even a little scared - I'm lucky to be just exhausted after being too excited. At least Kyrie hasn't paid the price of "injury" yet.

There is no similar precedent in football.

Although there are not many "unlucky guys" who get very excited after playing, and then quickly injure themselves and end the game, there are some.

For a player like Kyrie who has suffered serious injuries, it is extremely lucky that he was not injured.

"There is also the impact of just finishing the game..." Second assistant coach Enzo Naher reminded everyone to consider another factor.

"Of course, I just finished playing the game. Not everyone's physical recovery ability is as good as Hu's. But no matter what, he will definitely not be able to make it to the Champions League on Wednesday." Valentine shook his head. "And currently, double matches in a week is a bit of a burden for him."

Nahel stopped talking because he also understood that Valentin was not deliberately trying to find trouble with Carey, he was telling the truth.

A player has not played a good game for more than half a year. Yesterday's game was his first start, and his physical condition is definitely not much better.

In fact, Naher also knew very well that Kyrie's physical condition could not adapt to double games a week.

They are discussing here now, and what they are worried about is how to tell Kaili about this.

After all, he had just played a very good performance in the game, and had an "assist of the century" that was hotly discussed by the media and fans.

Presumably both confidence and fighting spirit are at their peak.

Feeling so good about myself.

At this time, I ran to Kyrie and said: Sorry, we don't plan to let you start in Wednesday's Champions League game. Whether you can come off the bench depends on the game situation...

With Carey's temper, what would he do?

These coaches get headaches just thinking about it.

Alas, now I feel that Hu Lai is really a "core player" who is easy to get along with!

Parotti could feel what the coaches were worried about, so he said: "It doesn't matter, I will talk to Kyrie. So it's decided that we will not start him in our game against Valentia on Wednesday. "


"I'm OK."

Parotti looked at Maxi Carey who said this in front of him and confirmed with his eyes.

So Kaili repeated what he had just said: "I know my physical condition, so I can accept this arrangement."

Only then did Parotti smile: "That's good."

Then he painted a bigger picture for Carey: "The season is about to end, and both the league and the Champions League are very difficult. Although double matches a week is still a bit reluctant, your role in the league is still very important. So in the next round we The away game against Getafe is 132. I hope to see you perform like you did yesterday."

Kaili nodded: "I will do my best. Is there anything else?"

Parotti shook his head: "No more..."

"Then I'm leaving." Kaili stood up and said goodbye.

Parotti watched him leave.

The Dutch didn't chat much with him, and his attitude could be described as "cold".

Perhaps deep down he still had some objections to the fact that he had asked him to change his position and playing style.

But it doesn't matter. As the team's head coach, he only needs to be responsible for the team's results and doesn't need to care too much about Kyrie's opinions.

But despite this, he was still a little surprised.

Because Kaili accepted all his suggestions so calmly...

He didn't slam the table or yell at himself - Parotti still remembers how Kyrie burst into his office and angrily asked him why the team spent 100 million euros to buy someone in his position. Same players.

It feels as if the team is owned by his family. Without his nod of approval, the team cannot recruit...

Although he didn't understand why Kaili was behaving like this now, Parotti was indeed relieved.

In any case, the powder keg within the team did not explode.

It's also possible that all his previous anger was vented against the Royal Cathorn.

Thanks to Tokeri, Madrid Pirates won relatively easily and without paying a huge price, laying a good foundation for the Champions League quarter-finals against Valentia at home next Wednesday.

Now Madrid Pirates defeated Real Catalon 2:0 at home, and later yesterday, Catalonia defeated Baetic 3:1 at home.

The pressure came to the King of Madrid.

They challenge Sebastia away from home. What will the league look like in the "European Derby" with the blue and white Munich?

Parotti is really looking forward to this afternoon's game.

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