Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 210 No distinction between equals

When Kyrie suddenly crossed into the penalty area, everyone's attention was naturally attracted to him.

Just as Melli is the best player for Madrid Kings so far in the game, Carey is also the most active Madrid Pirates player during this period.

When Kyrie entered the penalty area, even if he didn't have the ball at his feet, no one dared to turn a blind eye.

Before Hu Lai, Carey was the boss of this team and the leading scorer.

No matter how much the King of Madrid attaches great importance to Hulay, it is impossible to ignore Maxi Carey who enters the dangerous area just to prevent Hulay.

So both Peralta and Sequeiros set their sights on Carey.

Even King Madrid's midfielder Osai turned around and pounced.

This battle is completely like a star holding the moon.

Therefore, no one would have thought that Kyrie did not catch the ball at all, but allowed the football to slip between his legs and pass it right to Hu Lai who was diagonally behind him.

The Madrid Kings players closest to Kyrie didn't see this scene at all because of their perspective.

But whether it was the fans in the stands or the audience in front of the TV, they could all see it clearly.

When Carey missed the ball, there was a huge cheer.

The commentators were also impressed. .

"Beautiful! Beautiful leak!"

"What a ball! Kyrie!"

After Carey attracted the attention of the Madrid King's defense, the next thing became much simpler for Hulay.

He just needs to catch the ball, adjust, and shoot.

Just like in training.


After scoring, Hulay excitedly turned around and ran towards the corner flag area. After making his signature celebration, his teammates swarmed over and hugged him.

The Madrid Pirates fans in the stands were all cheering and they left their seats.

I squeezed into the first few rows of the stands, trying my best to get closer to the players - Pirates Park is a standard football field, there is no track, and there is only a row of billboards between the competition area and the stands. Players and fans can interact directly, and those fans in the front row may even reach out and touch the players of Madrid Pirates.

They expressed their excitement by slapping the players, and the players did not care whether there would be any safety hazards if they were slapped on the body by the fans.

At this moment, people of different identities gather together, cheering and hugging, just for one thing.

That’s a celebration!

After Tonini scored in Hulay, he first looked at Maxi Carey with wide eyes.

The latter spread his hands towards him.

Tonini pounced on him: "You missed the ball so beautifully!"

Carey smiled and said: "I guessed that they would be attracted by my movement, so I asked you to pass the ball to me."

"But how do you know that the ball you miss will fall right at Hu's feet?"

Kyrie shrugged: "Of course, after my careful calculation, as long as you can pass the ball when you see me starting, when the football I pass from you intersects, the extension line from you to the football will definitely be Hu……"

Tonyni blinked, then laughed and patted Kaili on the shoulder: "You're so beautiful!"

Kyrie grinned and wanted to refute something, but was already dragged by Toni and ran towards the other teammates who were celebrating.


Hulay's goal poured cold water on the Madrid Kings, who had just started to attack, forcing them to cool down and realize that this was the home court of the Madrid Pirates.

Even if they were ahead before, their opponents had the ability to come back.

Therefore, we cannot take it lightly and think that this Pirates Park stadium is their world.

While the Madrid Pirates players were celebrating wildly, Royvi walked to the sidelines and called captain Cerrados over for a face-to-face discussion.

To put it simply, it is to deal with the Madrid Pirates in the midfield, allowing Osei to follow Maxi Carey closely, and not allowing him to have such space to take the ball at will.

"But we must remind Osei not to use too many foul tactics, which will only give the Pirates more free kicks in the frontcourt. Let him stick up and fight with Kyrie, but be careful..."

Cerrados nodded: "Understood, just to let him consume more physical energy."

Royvi patted Cerrados on the shoulder with satisfaction: "That's it, go back!"

Kyrie is indeed in good shape, but judging from the previous two games in which he performed well, if he is in good shape, it means that physical energy consumption will increase.

At this time, let Osei fight hand-to-hand with Carey to speed up his physical consumption. Carey will definitely not be able to play the whole game.

As long as Carey's performance can be restricted, the Madrid Kings still have a chance.

After all, the Madrid Kings are playing away from home, and a score of 1:1 is completely acceptable.

As long as we don't lose the first round and return to home in the second round, then everything is easy to say.

On the contrary, the Madrid Pirates, if they are unable to break the deadlock, will become more and more impatient as the game time goes by and under the pressure of the home court.

If we can seize this opportunity, it is not impossible for the Madrid King to succeed in a sneak attack and take away the victory from the away game.


When the game restarted, the Madrid Kings were no longer as aggressive as before, but they also did not retreat to their own penalty area.

Instead, he dealt with the Madrid Pirates in the midfield.

There are three players in the midfield for Madrid Kings and four players for Madrid Pirates.

It seems that there is only one less king, so the difference is not big.

But Maxi Carey on the Pirates' side is often more like a midfielder, and he drops deep.

So Madrid Pirates is actually more like a midfield five.

There are two more people than the king.

The king's response was to have Osei target Carey.

The "black and tough" defensive midfielder Mohammed Osei is an engineer-type defensive midfielder. He has one task on the court, which is to defend. In addition to defense, he is also defensive.

The three midfielders of the Madrid Kings have a very clear division of labor. Dudu Carlos and Albin Estrom are responsible for the offense. Dudu is closer to the opponent's penalty area and sends fatal passes. Albin Estrom is responsible for coordinating the overall situation and controlling the rhythm.

Osei was behind them "wiping the butts" of the two of them, and most of the time he never went too far.

After he grabbed the ball, he immediately looked for Dudu and Eström, instead of trying to make a penetrating long pass himself... and he rarely rushed to the front of the opponent's penalty area to perform a single. Ride through the levels.

Therefore, his direct contribution to the team's offense is very little, similar to that of Madrid Pirates captain Juan Ramirez.

But there are differences between them. Ramirez can attack but doesn't want to attack, while Osei can't attack at all, and head coach Roy Wei doesn't allow him to participate in the offense.

As a black player, Osei is a Ghanaian international. He has a strong body, and the muscles all over his body seem to contain explosives. He has a strong sense of strength, but his feet are really rough. His shots are not accurate, and he often makes mistakes when passing the ball over fifteen meters...

But he is really strong. He is 1.88 meters tall and weighs nearly 90 kilograms. Just standing on the court is like a black tower, full of oppression.

With such a midfielder attached to Kyrie, even if there is no foul, just a normal physical confrontation with Kyrie will make Kyrie feel huge pressure.

He had to use more physical energy to get rid of Osay.

This makes it difficult for him to create any better opportunities.

So although the Madrid Pirates equalized the score in the 36th minute, Carey did not perform so well in the rest of the first half, and the Madrid Pirates' offensive did not follow suit.

However, although they did not score a goal, the Madrid Pirates' offense was still enough to suppress the Madrid Kings, making them unable to threaten the goal guarded by Hywell.

The last ten minutes of the first half came to an end in this way.

The referee blew the whistle to end the first half, and the players from both sides left the field and entered the tunnel.


At halftime, both coaches encouraged and praised their players in the locker room.

The performance of both teams in the first half was indeed good. It can be said that each played good football for half of the time.

But it was the second half that decided the final outcome.

Parotti said to his players with a serious expression:

"The situation in the second half will definitely be more difficult than we expected. When we attack with the ball, we must remain vigilant and always be careful about their sudden counterattack after stealing the ball...So if we lose possession of the ball in the midfield, we will We must do our best to press them, press them, and prevent them from successfully passing the ball..."

In the Madrid Kings locker room, head coach Royvi clapped his hands hard and reminded the players to pay attention and listen to what he said:

"... When switching from defense to offense, it is very critical. Parotti's team will definitely press us high in the frontcourt. We all know that they will do this. So we have to quickly move the football, every time Everyone must know what they have to do before passing the ball individually, if you don’t know, then move forward!”

Roy Wei waved his arms and slashed forward.

"Raise our speed and make the rhythm of the game faster! We have to lead them to run non-stop. We have an advantage in terms of physical fitness, so don't worry, they will soon collapse earlier than us! "

"How do we attack? In addition to Kyrie, we need to give full play to our advantages on the two wings. On the one hand, we can take this opportunity to push their offense back. On the other hand, we can also take advantage of the chaos created by Kyrie. ...Obviously they will step up their defense against you Kyrie in the second half..."

When Parotti said this, he quickly added:

"I know your ability is outstanding, but you can't compete with Osai. This is a football game, not wrestling. So if he touches you, you move the ball quickly. I believe with your ability, you have many ways to be in the game. Passing the ball while being pressed..."

Parotti knows very well what kind of temper Kaili has. To deal with someone like him, you have to smooth things over. Even if you want him to make changes, you have to praise him first.

This way Kaili will be more willing to listen.

Otherwise, it will be useless even if you use emotion and reason.

Because Carey doesn't listen to reason at all.

Otherwise, why is Kaili not recognized as one of the "Four Heavenly Kings"?

Just because his character has a great impact on his career...

When dealing with Kyrie, as a head coach, sometimes you have to lower your attitude.

It seems a bit flattering.

Some head coaches believe that doing so undermines the coaching authority and are unwilling to do it.

But Parotti has no such psychological burden. He is a "good person" who is easy to talk to.

Sure enough, after Parotti said this, Kaili nodded with a sullen face: "No problem."

Parotti slapped her hands.

"very good!"

In the visiting team's locker room, Royvi said: "Defensively, we have to continue to interfere closely with Kyrie like Osei did in the first half. Others will surround him when they have the opportunity to steal the ball or create difficulties for him. Anyway, We must not let him take the ball easily and comfortably, we must make him run back and forth and engage in physical confrontation, which consumes a lot of his physical energy!"

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