Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 218 Everything has been done

Parotti was mentally prepared when he lined up his rotation to face Valentia away from home.

Let alone a draw, even if it was a loss, he could only accept it.

Who said that the next step would be the second leg of the Champions League semi-finals against Madrid Kings?

With such a behemoth on his side, how dare Parotti be distracted from thinking about the league match with Valentia?

He has to rest most of his key players.

Not losing is already considered a good result.

Although they are tied with the Madrid Kings in terms of points, they are still ranked ahead of the Kings - because the Madrid Pirates double-killed the Kings in the league, so when comparing the winning and losing relationships between them, the Pirates have the advantage.

In this way, as long as the Madrid Pirates win the remaining three league rounds, they can still win the league championship.

At least you don't have to look at other people's faces.

This situation is already very good.

Now all he should think about is the Champions League semifinals with the Kings.

Decisive battle at Crown Stadium!

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"Betía's performance in the league against Valentia was quite satisfactory, neither good nor bad. But this does not guarantee that he can maintain this performance in the next game - led by the Kings and Valentia The pressure is not of the same magnitude at all. I am worried that he will become the target of the King of Madrid..."

Before the game against the Kings, the Pirates coaching staff was making final preparations. They analyzed the status and physical fitness of the current players one by one to decide who would play and who would not.

"But we don't have a better candidate, so we can only arrange for him to start." Parotti finalized the candidate to partner Moreno in one sentence.

"I see there are rumors on the Internet that the club is interested in Danny Drew of Sporting Amsterdam?" Second assistant coach Naher suddenly asked.

Parotti shook his head: "Only discussing the next game, transfer matters are not within the scope of today's discussion."

Valentine began to report on Kyrie's physical condition again: "Kyrie's physical condition is still difficult to play the whole game. If he is allowed to start, I estimate that he will be replaced in less than 60 minutes this time.


Although Carey did not go to the away game with the team at all for the weekend's game against Valentia, he was consumed too much in last Tuesday's game against the Madrid Kings. Originally, my physical fitness had not returned to its optimal state, and after all this exertion, I was naturally still stretched thin.

If 100 is used to represent full physical fitness, then Kyrie's physical fitness before playing the Madrid Kings at home may have been 75. When he was substituted during the game, his stamina was only 5. After a week of rest and recovery, my physical fitness is only 65 at most.

The away game against Madrid Kings will definitely be more difficult than the first-leg home game and will require more physical energy.

So Kyrie will play less minutes than he did on the court.

At this time, Parotti needs to consider whether to let Kyrie start or let him come on the bench.

Parotti made a decision: "Let Kyrie be the substitute, and Ruiz will start in his place."

In the game against Valentia, Ruiz also started, but he was replaced after only playing for 60 minutes, so his physical fitness is still guaranteed.

And in this Champions League semi-final against the Kings of Madrid, Ruiz will definitely not be able to play the entire game, so there is no need to worry too much about his physical fitness.

Letting Ruiz start is based on the fact that the Madrid Kings will launch a fierce attack from the beginning in this game, and the Pirates will be on the defensive first.

Under such circumstances, it would not make much sense to let Kyrie play. On the contrary, it would waste a lot of his physical energy unnecessarily.

Might as well let him rest on the bench and then use him as a backup.

High center forward Ruiz starts the game. When the team shrinks and plays defense, he can act as a bridgehead in the frontcourt. In this way, when the Madrid Pirates counterattack, they no longer need to advance step by step through the midfield. Instead, they can pass the ball directly from the backcourt to the frontcourt, and then Ruiz can control the football and buy time for others to intervene.

This also avoids the shortcomings of lack of creativity in offensive organization without Kyrie playing.

In addition, Ruiz can also play as a central defender in set-piece defense to increase air defense strength.

As for the other locations, there’s not much to say.

Di Kunzo is still on the right, replacing Silverio. The Portuguese's condition is unstable and he really doesn't dare to open the blind box in such an important game. So play it safe and use Di Kunzo. Although the Italian forward is not a winger and is not very fast, it is better than nothing.

Juan Ramirez and Joaquin Vela partner in the middle. The main tasks of the two people are to intercept and sweep. Destroy the King of Madrid's attack and protect the front of the Pirates' defence. They are not expected to organize offense, or in other words, compared with organizing offense, they have a heavier task on defense, so naturally they cannot invest more energy in offense.

Ramirez also had to withdraw into the penalty area to help Betía defend, and the burden on Joaquin Vela's shoulders was not light at all.

How can we organize an attack like this?

After getting the ball, he drives forward with a big kick and looks for Ruiz's head. This is considered to be an attack...

On the left is Toni. There's nothing to say about this, Madrid Pirates' absolute thigh on the left wing.

A typical Brazilian wide player with skills and speed.

There are no other changes in the back line except for Bedia replacing Amantegui.

Ruiz's partner is of course Hulay.

Formation 44, focusing on two wings when attacking, threatening the King's goal through crosses from the wings.

This is already the best solution that Parotti's coaching staff can come up with given the current personnel situation.

Adjustments will be made based on specific circumstances during the game.

If the score is behind or there is a stalemate and the offense needs to be strengthened, then send Maxi Carey to use his talent and creativity to open up the situation and create murderous opportunities for Hu Lai.

If you are very lucky, you may still lead in the second half. Then Kyrie can also be played, but his task after playing is to use his ball-handling ability to slow down the pace of the game and delay time.

In addition, Madrid Pirates also focused on practicing the offense and defense of set pieces during this week.

Parotti puts his team in a "underdog" position and believes that set pieces are very important if they want to advance to the final away from home.

They already have free-kick masters like Tonini and Carey, and they must further improve their set-piece tactics and carry forward this advantage.

At the same time, they also specially practiced penalty kicks to prepare for possible penalty shootouts.

In the order of penalty kicks arranged by the coaching staff, captain Juan Ramirez was the first to appear, followed closely by Hulay who appeared second.

His penalty kick ability is unquestionable.

Parotti's point of view is that the player with a higher penalty kick ability should be higher in the penalty kick order.

Instead of putting the players with the best penalty kick ability at the beginning and end of the five-man roster like some traditional head coaches do.

This more traditional approach is based on the consideration of letting the player with the best penalty kick ability to finish the game.

Because the fifth penalty kick is very stressful, a strong player must be arranged.

But the reality is:

Most of the time, in fact, the fifth penalty kicker may not be able to wait for the chance to play, and his ability to take penalty kicks is completely useless...

This is a huge waste.

Therefore, many head coaches now tend to let players with excellent penalty kick abilities play as early as possible. On the one hand, they want to establish their advantage in the score as soon as possible, and on the other hand, they also want to put psychological pressure on their opponents.

Just like another Champions League semi-final on Tuesday night.

Stan Park Rangers dragged the Turin Bulls into a penalty shootout at home.

In the penalty shootout, although Turin Bulls goalkeeper Albertazzi performed well, he could not resist his teammates.

He saved a penalty kick and forced another penalty kick to hit the crossbar.

The Turin Bulls missed three free throws.

So much so that Caesar, who was about to take the penalty kick in the fifth round, had no chance to play, and the Turin Bulls were defeated.

Except for the first penalty kick, the Turin Bulls had three remaining players and all missed the penalty.

In the final penalty shootout, Stan Park Rangers eliminated the Turin Bulls with 1:1 and took the lead in reaching the Champions League final.

This season's Champions League final is held in London. For Stan Park Rangers, it can be regarded as half a home stadium.

After the game, some Italian media criticized Turin Bulls head coach Mattio Zaccaroni for not putting Caesar last to take the penalty kick.

As a superstar, Caesar should play early, even if he is not allowed to kick first, he must be placed in the middle.

This way, at least when the Turin Bulls miss their second penalty kick, Caesar can steadily score the penalty kick to rebuild the team's confidence.

It's not like three consecutive free throw shooters collapsed.

Seeing the fifth appearance of Caesar, he was anxious at first, but in the end he could only hide his face and sigh.

The game between Stan Park Rangers and Turin Bulls served as a reminder to Parotti.

Although he is unwilling to play a penalty shootout, he must be prepared to do so.

When that time comes, don't let some mistakes in tactical arrangements lead to regrets.

That would probably be more disappointing than being eliminated.

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PS, there are three updates starting today, the second update at 1:00 noon, and the third update at 6:00 pm! (To be continued)

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