Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 232 Season 1 is coming to an end

"Qingqing, are the Kings Club really preparing in advance to celebrate the league championship at the Harvest Goddess Square?"

During dinner, Hu Lai asked Li Qingqing, who was sitting opposite him.

He recently saw a statement on the Internet that the Madrid Kings Club was ready to celebrate the La Liga championship at the Plaza de la Harvest. The reason is naturally because their opponent in the last round of the league, Saria, has no desire and no desire. There is no suspense for the Madrid Kings to defeat this team at home.

At the same time, the Madrid Pirates challenged Catalonia United away from home. It was a "snipe and clam" type game, and it was difficult for the Pirates to win. And as long as they fail to win, the championship will belong to the King.

Li Qingqing frowned and thought for a while, then shook his head and said: "I have never heard of such a thing. Besides, our club is not that stupid, right? You are still the number one in the list now."

"That seems to be a rumor on the Internet..." Hu Lai nodded, then picked up his phone and started typing.

"What are you doing?" Li Qingqing asked curiously.

"I'll refute a rumor to Brother Huan."

Hu Lai was immersed in typing while talking.

Li Qingqing couldn't restrain her inner curiosity and simply leaned over to peek at the screen.

Hu Lai noticed her action, didn't care, and continued typing:

"Brother Huan, Brother Huan, I have inquired clearly. According to internal information, the King's Club is really ready to celebrate the La Liga championship at the Harvest Goddess Square! Obviously they all think that it is easy to beat you who have no desires and desires in the last round! It's really a piece of cake! You look down on people, I will fight for you..."


Li Qingqing rolled her eyes when she saw what Hu Lai had typed. She knew that Hu Lai was causing trouble again.


Zhang Qinghuan, who was eating, picked up his phone and smiled.

Yong Jun glanced at him: "What's wrong?"

"Hu Lai this bitch!"

Zhang Qinghuan cursed and handed the phone to Yong Jun.

Yong Jun took it and took a look, and also laughed: "Do you believe it?"

"I don't believe him.

It was originally a "three noes" rumor. Even if the Kings can beat us, it doesn't mean they can win the championship. It still depends on the result of the Catalan United and Pirates games..."

Yong Jun returned the phone to Zhang Qinghuan: "Hu Lai is afraid that you will really have nothing to ask for."

"He thinks too much..."

Zhang Qinghuan took the phone and shook his head, then sent a voice message:

"Don't fool around, Hulay. As long as you defeat Catalonia United in the away game, the league championship will be 100% yours. Stop playing tricks here."


"Don't fool around, Hulay. As long as you defeat Catalonia United in the away game, the league championship will be 100% yours. Stop playing tricks here."

Li Qingqing heard the voice played by Hu Lai and covered her mouth with laughter: "It's self-defeating!"

Hu Lai was not discouraged. He said to Li Qingqing: "If you want to fight for all the power you can, it is always right to get double insurance."

At the same time, he typed in the group: "Brother Huan, you misunderstood me. I am not here to win the championship for us. I am really fighting for you. Even if this round of the league has nothing to do with us winning the championship, can the king not put you in this situation?" In your eyes? Even if they didn’t arrange the celebration in advance, would the Kings’ players really take you seriously? I don’t know what others think, Brother Huan, anyway, I can’t bear to put this matter on me. !”

While he was typing, Li Qingqing leaned on the table next to him with his chin propped up to read.

Seeing Hu Lai's words, she couldn't help but express her admiration: "Hu Lai, sometimes I really don't know from whom you learned your ability to tell lies. Logically speaking, Aunt Xie and Uncle Hu both Not someone like you..."

"Do you still need to learn this?" Hu Lai asked sincerely.

Li Qingqing opened his mouth, then shook his head: "Okay, you are extremely talented..."

Hu Lai smiled slightly: "Thank you for the compliment!"

Then he was "rewarded" by Li Qingqing's eye roll.

He was not ashamed, but proud. He was as happy as a child.


"Hu Lai's words also have some truth, but the premise is that the king really underestimates the enemy."

Yong Jun said after reading the long paragraph sent by Hu Lai.

Zhang Qinghuan ignored Hu Lai, put down his phone, and said to Yong Jun: "Whether the king underestimates the enemy or not, it has nothing to do with us. Before the end of today's training, our head coach held a small meeting for us."

"Oh? What did Casas say?" Yong Jun became interested.

"He said that although the game the day after tomorrow seems to be no longer pursued, he still requires us to try our best in the game..."

Zhang Qinghuan told Yong Jun the situation at that time.


The Saria players changed clothes and came out of the locker room and came to the training ground to prepare for the day's training.

It stands to reason that after everyone arrives and the assistant coach takes everyone to warm up, the training officially begins.

But not today. Before the start of training today, head coach Arnaud Casas and the entire coaching staff appeared in front of the players. He did not announce the start of training, but first talked to everyone about the final round of the league.

"It's a pity that we didn't win against Pamplona at home in the last round, so we missed the European war next season... But I'm still proud of everyone's performance this season. We are not a wealthy team like the Kings. Not winning a championship this season is a failure. We don’t have such a burden..."

In fact, Casas is right, he is not deliberately promoting his own players.

Although this season ended in vain, the performance of Sarria's players was indeed better than last season.

Last season Saria finally qualified for the Europa League. That was because last season Saria only needed to concentrate on the domestic league.

This season, Saria is fighting on two fronts, reaching the quarter-finals of the Europa League and currently ranking eighth in the domestic league.

This performance is even better than Valendia - a team that is stronger on paper than Saria, ranked fourth in the league last season and qualified for the Champions League. They have reached the quarterfinals of the Champions League this season, but are currently ranked tenth in the league, two points behind Saria.

"...I know there are some voices from the outside saying that we have nothing more to ask for. I don't agree with this statement. Indeed, no matter what the result is in the final round of the league, it will not change the outcome of our season. But it doesn’t mean that we have to have a spot in the European competition to be considered worthy. Our performance this season has been so good, if we were pushed to the ground and beaten by our opponents in the last round at the Crown Stadium... it wouldn’t look good, would it?”

Casas spread his hands, already revealing his thoughts.

"So in this last round of the league, we are not without desires, we have goals. After such an outstanding season, God arranged for us to make the final round at the King's home court. I think this is good . And at such a critical time, our performance can even determine the league championship... What a glorious thing, gentlemen. So I think if we can put in a wonderful performance in this game, we will definitely give A wonderful memory from this amazing season.”

Having said this, Casas said seriously: "So I hope gentlemen, you can understand - this is definitely not a game without desires! Our goal is very simple, that is, we will try our best to destroy the king." A feast and celebration! Showing our strength and ending this amazing season while giving a good start to the new season!”


"Cassas really said that? A good start to the new season?"

Yong Jun keenly grasped the key information and asked Zhang Qinghuan.

Zhang Qinghuan nodded: "Yes, he really said that."

"Ha, then I'll be relieved." Yong Jun laughed when he heard this. "Before, I was worried that Casas would leave the team. After all, he has done well in Sarri in the past two seasons and may be poached... He is indeed a good head coach and is very suitable for Sarri. Ya. The most important thing is that he quite likes you, ha! Since he is now talking about a good start to the new season, it means that for him, the new season has already begun, which means that at least he will continue next season. Stay in Sarria.”

"Yes. After hearing what he said, everyone was very excited." Zhang Qing said with a smile, "They cheered on the spot. Torado also told me that he wished that tomorrow would be the game against the Kings, but when he thought about it, He will be disappointed if he has to wait another day..."

Yong Jun clapped his hands and said with a smile: "So, Hu Lai and his team's league championship is double insured!"

"No, no, no." Zhang Qinghuan shook his fingers repeatedly, "Uncle Yong, don't make it sound like we are fighting for that bitch Hu Lai. We are fighting for ourselves. It's just that we happen to be mortal enemies in the same city, and we don't want to see that either. Catalonia won the championship. So..."

Zhang Qinghuan spread his hands.

"...That bitch Hu Lai took advantage of him."

"You're right. Just in passing."

"If Hu Lai really wins the championship, how many meals do you think Uncle Yong should treat me to before he can repay the debt he owes me?"

"Ha, it doesn't matter what I said. I suggest you ask Hu Lai directly."

Zhang Qinghuan glanced at his phone, which had turned off the screen, and rubbed his chin.

Finally, he decided: "Let's wait until he really wins the championship! Now I always feel like I'm trying to find him. 'Ah, if you win the championship, you want to treat me to dinner!' Then this kid might beat me to death just to not win the championship. Already..."

Yong Jun laughed loudly: "He is not so stingy anymore!"

Zhang Qinghuan himself was also amused. He waved his hand and said sincerely: "In's really an amazing season..."


Li Qingqing and Hu Lai looked at the silent mobile phone, and then she said: "Your trick didn't work, Hu Lai."

Hu Lai clicked his tongue: "Forget it. Even if Butcher Zhang dies, he won't eat pigs with hair on them! After all, we still have to unswervingly follow the path of independence!"

"You are just a simple bitch!"

"Hey, you're talking about me? Then who came up here with a face of excitement just now?" Hu Lai picked up the chopsticks again, "Eat, eat! No matter what, we will see the outcome the day after tomorrow!" (To be continued)

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