Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 250 Why are they a good match?

In front of the majestic single-family villa like a club, a black seven-seater business car parked at the door.

Then the car door opened and several people got out.

It was Zhang Qinghuan, Wang Guangwei, Xia Xiaoyu, Hu Lai and Li Qingqing.

Zhang Qinghuan turned his back to the villa door, first looked at the small villa next door, and said with emotion: "The building is really empty. Even Brother Lin and his family have moved away."

"Brother Lin went to the South China Tigers to be the head coach, and my sister-in-law went to Germany to accompany Xiaoqi. Of course, this house was vacant." Xia Xiaoyu said.

"I don't know what happened to Qin Qi when he went to Germany. There is no news at all?" Zhang Qinghuan lives in Spain and rarely sees news about Qin Qi.

"It is said that he is in the youth team..." Xia Xiaoyu's understanding was limited.

Li Qingqing faced the big club-like villa and exclaimed: "Is this the place where you used to live together?"

Hu Lai made an invitation gesture: "Welcome to the 5A-level scenic spot 'Football Apartment'!"

"What the hell, why is this a 5A-level scenic spot?" Wang Guangwei complained as he locked the car. "Didn't you say 4A before?"

Hu Lai frowned: "Yes? Did I say that? Lao Wang, please don't talk nonsense!"

Wang Guangwei obviously came prepared, and sneered: "Of course there is, it's in Chapter 342 of Volume 4."

Hu Lai:? ? ?

Li Qingqing was amused by the bickering between Hu Lai and Wang Guangwei, and said in an envious tone: "That's great!"

"What's good?" Hu Lai asked her.

"Being able to live with friends, it's so lively every day..."

"Actually, it's not that good." Wang Guangwei said, "In the beginning, we often argued about who cleaned the toilet. Later, we hired part-time workers to solve this problem once and for all."

Hu Lai raised his hand: "I suggest that according to the number of goals, whoever scores fewer goals should clean the toilet! But they all agree..."

Zhang Qinghuan pointed at Hu Lai and said to Li Qingqing: "Qingqing, do you think what your boyfriend is doing is a human matter?"

Li Qingqing also patted Hu Lai: "I wouldn't agree if it were me!"

Hu Lai hid for a moment,

But he didn't avoid it completely: "Brother Huan, don't talk about me either. Don't you also suggest that whoever has fewer assists should clean the toilet?"

Then he pointed at Wang Guangwei: "Old Wang said whoever steals the least number of times will be the one who cleans up. Forget about the others, Old Wang, why do you think you are so mean-spirited!"

Wang Guangwei said angrily: "Who is so embarrassed!"

"Hey, do you admit that you acted like a coward?"

"Fuck, Hu Lai, what the hell are you..."

"This is Brother Huan's classic line. Lao Wang, please don't infringe!"

Zhang Qinghuan: "I have given temporary authorization to Lao Wang! Lao Wang, bite him!"

"Damn, Brother Huan, you are the dog!"

"Let's forget it? Lao Wang, I'm not the one who stirs up trouble, but if this matter is placed on me, I definitely can't just let it go!"

"Hu Lai, please be a little better in front of Qingqing..."

Xia Xiaoyu said to Li Qingqing helplessly from the side: "Sister Qingqing made you laugh..."

As a result, Li Qingqing smiled even happier when he saw the few people making a fuss.


After all the fun, everyone still took Li Qingqing to visit this villa that carries countless memories for them.

Wang Guangwei opened the door, and there was no dust as expected, but the windows were bright and clean, and the marble-paved floor was so bright that it reflected the ceiling under the sunlight.

After Junpei Morikawa also went abroad to study, the key to this house was given to Wang Guangwei's parents. The two old people drove over every now and then to open the windows to ventilate the house, and at the same time hired aunties from a cleaning company to do some cleaning.

Except for the fact that the bedding has not been changed, the villa is completely ready for habitation.

Everyone introduced Li Qingqing to each room while reminiscing about the past.

Li Qingqing listened to everyone's busy introductions, and then looked at the houses, as if he could see the images of them living and playing together here.

Although this period of time was not long, it left a profound mark in their respective lives.

After all, this was the best period of their respective careers, and it has even affected them to this day, and may even affect them in the future.

A few like-minded friends get together and only think about how to play well and how to improve.

Such pure living in this big house.

The corners of Li Qingqing's mouth curled up, and he could completely relate to the joy.


After visiting everyone's rooms, the group went to the football field in the backyard.

Although this football field is not used by anyone, it is not abandoned. You can tell that it is carefully maintained.

Zhang Qinghuan even found that the footballs in the equipment warehouse were fully pumped.

He picked it up with his toes and bumped it twice, feeling the firm touch, and said to Wang Guangwei: "Old Wang, your parents are really thoughtful."

Wang Guangwei smiled: "They know what this place means to us."

Taking advantage of Zhang Qinghuan's distraction, Hu Lai stole his ball from the side, brought it directly to the court, and then waved to everyone: "Come and play football!"

Everyone booed him: "You're crazy! Hu Lai, haven't you played enough football in a season? Why do we still come here to play football?!"

Hu Lai stood in the football field in the distance, with a football under his feet, and asked Li Qingqing: "Is Qingqing coming?"

"Come!" Li Qingqing agreed with a smile and stepped off the stage.

Then Hu Lai looked at the others: "Don't you want to play with the 'No. 1 player in China's Champions League'?"

Several people looked at each other, and then Zhang Qinghuan shouted: "Damn, Hu Lai, you are so despicable!"

"Stop talking nonsense and just say whether you're coming or not!"


Everyone ran onto the court.


Xia Xiaoyu, Wang Guangwei and Zhang Qinghuan were sitting on the sidelines, watching Hu Lai and Li Qingqing trying to pass the ball to each other with their left feet.

Then Wang Guangwei said with emotion: "The two of them are really well matched. It's quite normal to pass the ball to each other like this. I can even see the feeling of 'the love of a man and his concubine's sword'..."

Xia Xiaoyu said excitedly: "I really envy Brother Hu... How great it would be to find a like-minded girlfriend!"

Wang Guangwei pushed Xia Xiaoyu: "Wake up, Xiaoyu. There is only one Li Qingqing in the world."

Zhang Qinghuan said: "Yeah, I'm afraid only Li Qingqing can play football with Hu Lai like this without getting bored. Let me tell you, when he lived with Li Qingqing in Madrid, he would go there every night after dinner Playing football in the backyard to that an exaggeration?"

Xia Xiaoyu opened his mouth wide: "Exaggeration..."

"You have never seen photos of him and Li Qingqing going shopping in any media, right? Because they don't go shopping at all! For them, going home and playing football together is the best entertainment."

What Zhang Qinghuan said was a bit exaggerated. How could Hu Lai and Li Qingqing not go shopping?

It's just that the frequency of their shopping is indeed relatively low, because neither of them has very high material requirements. They don’t really like to go to luxury stores and go on shopping sprees.

There are only two cars in their garage, one provided by the club's sponsor and one purchased by the agent.

Wang Guangwei nodded: "I know why I wasn't surprised at all when I heard that they were together. I even thought they should be together..."

Xia Xiaoyu turned around and asked, "Why?"

"Because they are both so pure in football." Wang Guangwei replied.

Zhang Qinghuan slapped his thigh: "Old Wang, I understand what you said. Don't you? If it were an ordinary girl, who could agree to such a torment? If an ordinary girl hears Hu Lai say, 'Let's go play football' , believe it or not, you have to ask him right away, 'Who is more important, football or me?'" Ha, so now football makes you happier than me? "Okay, then you can go to bed with football in your arms"..."

Xia Xiaoyu laughed out loud at Zhang Qinghuan's vivid tone and staggered around: "Brother Huan, how do you understand so well!"

Wang Guangwei snorted: "Nonsense, who doesn't understand Brother Huan? He has more women than you have seen since you were a child, Xiaoyu!"

Zhang Qinghuan raised his middle finger to Wang Guangwei: "Your uncle!"

Wang Guangwei smiled playfully: "Brother Huan, you said you are not the youngest, but now Hu Lai has a girlfriend, why don't you find one?"

"Fuck. My mother was urging me to find a girlfriend at home. Why am I being urged by you when I come to Jincheng?" Zhang Qinghuan said sadly and angrily.

Wang Guangwei suddenly realized: "I asked you why you suddenly came to Jincheng to play with us! It turns out that you are here to hide from debts... Hey, brother Huan, how about I introduce some to you?"

As he spoke, he came closer, as if he wanted to whisper.

Zhang Qinghuan stretched out his hand and pushed him away: "It's better to keep it for yourself. Aren't you single too, so you have the nerve to talk to me? How can I still lack a woman?"

"Then Brother Huan, you should find one!"

Following the familiar voice, Hu Lai and Li Qingqing walked over together. The former spread his hands with a mean expression: "Let me state it in advance, Brother Huan. It's not that we don't believe you, it's mainly because we want to broaden our horizons... "

Zhang Qinghuan was too lazy to pay attention to him, stood up and patted his butt: "Let's go, let's go, we agreed to go see Zhao to guide them."

Hu Lai and Wang Guangwei "whispered" loudly behind him:

"Brother Huan changed the subject!"

"That's right, Brother Huan feels guilty!"

"Old Wang, please tell me clearly, are you suffering from heart or kidney deficiency..."

Blue veins appeared on Zhang Qinghuan's forehead: "I heard it!"

Hu Lai complained to Wang Guangwei: "It's all your fault for speaking so loudly! Do you think Brother Huan heard it?"

"Damn, just like you talking softly!"

Xia Xiaoyu couldn't stand it anymore: "You guys are all talking loudly... Uh, what's wrong?"

He asked when he saw Hu Lai and Wang Guangwei both turning to look at him.

Hu Lai first looked at Wang Guangwei, then grabbed Xia Xiaoyu and said to Li Qingqing: "Qingqing, look, there is an honest man here!"

Xia Xiaoyu was embarrassed.

Li Qingqing smiled and bent over.

Zhang Qinghuan listened to the laughter coming from behind, hummed softly, and took out his mobile phone. He had just received a new message.

Unlock it and take a look.


"Thank you for the meal last night. In fact, when you were injured, I didn't take care of you. So I always feel that this meal is well deserved... If possible, can I treat you too? Have a meal?”

Zhang Qinghuan smiled slightly and quickly replied:

"Okay, tomorrow or the night after tomorrow, whichever day are you free?"

As soon as this message was sent, he received a reply from "Chanjuan": "Great! Let's do it tomorrow night. Whatever you want to eat, I'll treat you!"

She also posted a chest-slapping emoticon.

Zhang Qinghuan smiled and replied: "Whatever, I believe it will be delicious. Because it is your treat."

There was no immediate reply this time, but Zhang Qinghuan didn't care. He probably went to read someone's review.

He put away his phone and looked back at the four people who were still playing around: "Are you leaving or not? If you don't leave, the training with Director Zhao will be over!"

"Go, go, go!"


Under the setting sun, the joyful voices of five young people added a lot of life to this courtyard that had not been occupied for a long time.

But as they left, the courtyard quickly returned to its former tranquility.

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