Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 252 The beginning of a summer

Ou Yangjin, Guan Shipeng, and Tian Yuan finally met Xia Xiaoyu in Terminal 1 of Dongsheng International Airport. The three of them greeted him enthusiastically, and then asked: "Brother Xiaoyu, are you alone?"

Xia Xiaoyu was stunned for a moment, then frowned: "Why do you three look so disappointed?"

"Ha, no, no, absolutely not!" Ou Yangjin waved her hands quickly, denying it on behalf of the other two people. "We just feel a little surprised. Brother Xiaoyu, aren't you from Dongchuan? Why aren't you with Brother Hu?"

"Oh, I didn't leave with Brother Hu. I just made an appointment to meet at the airport." Xia Xiaoyu said.

As for why I didn’t make an appointment with Hu Lai to go together, of course it was because I didn’t want to make a light bulb!

This time, the Olympic team and the women's national football team started training at the same time, so Hu Lai and Li Qingqing left Dongchuan together.

How hard must Xia Xiaoyu have opened his eyes before he took the initiative to apply to travel with them...

If Hu Lai hadn't taken the initiative to go to the capital for training together, Xia Xiaoyu wouldn't have even planned to walk with Brother Hu and the others from Jincheng to the capital.

Before Hu Lai arrived, Ou Yangjin came up and asked Xia Xiaoyu: "Brother Xiaoyu, are the gossips about Brother Hu that are said on the Internet true?"

Xia Xiaoyu didn't understand: "What gossip?"

"Oh, it's just... is Brother Hu so stubborn?"

Xia Xiaoyu was speechless: "Why are you interested in these?"

Ou Yangjin defended herself with a smile: "I'm not trying to analyze Brother Hu's personality from what kind of person he is and whether he is easy to get along with..."

Xia Xiaoyu grinned: "Don't worry, he is easier to get along with than anyone else."

Tian Yuan also came up and asked: "Brother Xiaoyu, brother Hu, do you have any hobbies? What songs do you like to listen to? What do you like to eat?"

"What are you doing, a census?" Xia Xiaoyu glanced at them.

"No, hehe. I just want to know some of Brother Hu's little hobbies..."

Xia Xiaoyu waved his hand: "Don't worry about it. Brother Hu doesn't care about this at all. He comes to the Olympic team just to play football. Instead of thinking about how to please him, it is better to do your own thing well and play football well." ”

Looking at the three people who are obviously about the same age as me,

But Xia Xiaoyu, a teammate of the Olympic team who is still more immature in all aspects, couldn't help but say a few more words: "Do you know why Brother Hu can succeed so quickly?"

Ou Yangjin blurted out: "Brother Hu is so talented!"

"Talent is of course important, but for Brother Hu, it is definitely not the most important." Xia Xiaoyu told his teammates his observations of Hu Lai over the years, "I think the reason why Brother Hu has been able to achieve what he has achieved now is And the time is so short, mainly because he is purer than all of us... You have all heard about the villa we rented together in Flashing Star, right?"

"I know, I know!" Ou Yangjin nodded repeatedly, "You guys made a football field in the backyard, and you play football together when you have nothing to do. You even invite your teammates to have a party..."

This is not news. It was reported by the media at the time, and now there are still people on the Internet who come up with it from time to time to relive how good Hu Lai is...

Xia Xiaoyu asked them: "How many players do you think can achieve this level? Who have to train in the base and go home?"

The three of them looked at each other, and then shook their heads together. Ou Yangjin even grinned: "Aren't you tired?"

"Yeah, most people will feel tired. Then if I tell you again, even if Brother Hu has moved to a giant like Pirates and won so many honors, he will still train with Li Qingqing in the backyard of his home in Madrid , what do you think?"

The three "cute newcomers" were stunned. They were dumbfounded and could not imagine the scene described by Brother Xiaoyu.

We are all professional players, why do we work so hard to play football?

Make money!

What do you do to make money?

Buy a luxury house, buy a luxury car, and replace everything with luxury goods. For food and clothing at home, if you can afford it, buy the top one...

To put it bluntly, enjoy it!

What happened to spending your hard-earned money on your own to enjoy yourself? It's not illegal.

Leaving the training ground and the court is your own private time, and private time is used to enjoy and relax.

So asking them to train after returning home from the team is really... unthinkable!

But Hu Lai did just that.

You must know that he has reached the peak that all Chinese players can imagine. It stands to reason that it is reasonable for him to sleep on his laurels. Not to mention just normal relaxation and entertainment...

But he is still training.

Not only him, but also Li Qingqing. No wonder they can win the Champions League!

Xia Xiaoyu looked at the three stunned teammates, smiled slightly, and then sighed: "Everyone knows that Brother Lin is very professional, right? Didn't Coach Leimen say that Brother Lin is professional like a European player. Like Brother Lin's ten years of hard training, self-discipline in life, and self-love are all due to his extremely high professionalism. Brother Hu, on the other hand, does it simply because of his 'love', his pure love and love for football. Do this. So, no matter what you want to do, just keep it simple and pure, just play football, and just think about how to play well."

The three peers fell into silence.

The silence did not last long and was soon broken by the arrival of Hu Lai and Li Qingqing.

"Oh, you're all here!" Hu Lai, who was dragging his suitcase, greeted them. "The plane hasn't taken off yet, right?"

Xia Xiaoyu couldn't laugh or cry: "Don't worry, Brother Hu, we are really about to take off, we will never wait for you here!"

Hu Lai hugged his neck forcefully: "Fuck you, ruthless!"

Xia Xiaoyu grinned because of Hu Lai and contributed a lot of emoticons.

Li Qingqing, on the other hand, smiled and watched the two people playing around, his loving eyes always falling on Hu Lai...

The three "cute newcomers" stared blankly at the scene in front of them.

In fact, they had already been in contact with Hu Lai at the training base before. Hu Lai and the others came to Shining Star to visit Director Zhao some time ago. After the training, everyone communicated with Hu Lai.

Hu Lai's performance now is not much different than before.

But perhaps because they just listened to what Brother Xiaoyu said, when they looked at Hu Lai's performance, they always felt that every move he made perfectly corresponded to what Brother Xiaoyu said.

He doesn't have the airs of being "China's top star" because he is pure!

I play with Brother Xiaoyu like this because he is pure!

The smile on his face is because he is pure!

Even why "football goddess" Li Qingqing was able to get together with him, wasn't it because he was pure? !

Success and fame, beauty by his side, winner in life...all this is because of his purity!

In the eyes of these three people, Hu Lai became dazzling, as if he was glowing on his own, making people dare not even look directly...

Hu Lai, who was playing with Xia Xiaoyu, noticed the looks around him. He let go of Xia Xiaoyu, then turned and grinned at them: "From today on, we are teammates, let's work hard together!"

The three people lost their ability to think and just nodded like a conditioned reflex:

"Okay, okay... okay, Brother Hu!"

"We will work hard!"


"Ladies and gentlemen, our plane will land at the Capital International Airport in half an hour... Please fasten your seat belt, put away the tray table, straighten the seat back, open the sun visor. Turn off your mobile phone, Laptops and other personal electronic devices…”

The unique voice of the stewardess came from the cabin PA.

Hu Lai, who was originally lying on the seat, pressed the button to adjust the seat to the normal position, then turned his head and looked down.

The vast plains and rolling mountains appeared in his eyes.

"What are you looking at?"

Li Qingqing's voice sounded in his ears.

Hu Lai turned around and saw Li Qingqing also sitting up from his seat.

"Look for the Great Wall. You can't see it from the space station, but you can always see it from the plane, right?"

Li Qingqing also looked around, but when he didn't see it, he said, "It should have passed."

Hu Lai was still watching, seemingly a little unwilling to give up.

The plane began to turn and dropped in altitude. The blue sky outside the porthole was gradually filled with white clouds and mist. It was impossible to see the mountains below, and naturally it was impossible to see the Great Wall.

Just when Hu Lai was about to sit back, he suddenly looked out of the porthole and widened his eyes at the lower right corner, and at the same time reached out to pull Li Qingqing.

Li Qingqing was pulled over by him, almost lying on Hu Lai's body: "What are you doing?"

"Look, Buddha's light!"

Li Qingqing looked over and saw a circular rainbow-shaped halo in the direction Hu Lai was pointing.

In the middle of the halo is the gray shadow of the airplane, which is projected on the "curtain" made of clouds.

It is indeed the light of Buddha!

"Ah!" Li Qingqing whispered in surprise.

The Buddha's light appeared very briefly. When the plane passed through the clouds and saw the mountains below again, the Buddha's light disappeared.

It was as if it had never appeared.

But both Hu Lai and Li Qingqing were 100% sure that they saw it.

As if there was some divine will, on the day when preparations for the Olympics officially began, they saw a light in the sky that heralded good luck.

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