Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 340 Big business

"The mysterious guest appeared in the El Clasico and caused a sensation in the audience!"

Chen Xingyi forwarded the video link to the group and said: "Hey guys, if I hadn't watched the live broadcast, I would have been fooled by this title! @Bitch, why did you think about going to the live broadcast in the first place? Are you watching this game?"

Zhang Qinghuan: "Don't ask, asking is stealing the show."

"Stealing the show?" Not only Chen Xingyi didn't understand, but Wang Guangwei and others were also confused.

Zhang Qinghuan explained patiently: "You are not in Spain, so you don't know. Let me tell you, today the whole of Spain is reporting on yesterday's game, but the focus of the report is a bit biased. Didn't Melli score twice in the game? Was he the best in the game? As a result, his coverage in the media was not as good as that bitch Hu Lai...

Everyone was in disbelief: "Huh? It can't be possible?"

Zhang Qinghuan: "Anyway, the media in Madrid and Barcelona are all discussing why Hulay went to watch El Clasico live. This is his first time. There is even news that the reason why Melli performed well is because Hulay went to the scene. .”

Everyone carefully recalled the process of live broadcast of the game. They didn't see the warm-up before the game, but they saw the subsequent game. After Melly scored the second goal, he ran under a stand to shake his fist, instead of the die-hard Madrid Kings fans congregating in the north stand.

This in itself is strange.

In addition, during the game, the TV broadcast also pointed the camera at the box in the stands many times to tell everyone that Hu Lai was here.

Putting it together like this, isn't Melli's outstanding performance just because Hu Lai was watching the game?

Hu Lai jumped out: "Under the gaze of Big Brother, can Meili not try his best to perform?"

"Fuck, so you're going to cause trouble?"

"No, no." Hu Lai explained seriously, "I just want to accompany Qingqing to watch a game. We have never had such an opportunity before. This time CCTV happened to be filming a documentary for Qingqing. With such an event, I I just want to rub it in. How did I know that Melly would care so much about me coming? You see, I was right when I said he was a petty person, right?"

"Hu Lai, do you hear what you are saying is human? How could you not know that Meili cares about you? You just deliberately provoked me!"

"That's right, I think you just want to watch the excitement and don't mind it, and are here specifically to support the fire!"

"I watched videos on the Internet,

Every time you are in the broadcast, the scene is booed, and then you wave your hands amidst the boos... You are so mean! "

Faced with everyone’s “denunciation”, Hu Lai made an expression with his hands clasped in fists: “Reward, reward!

"I'm not complimenting you!"

Wang Guangwei: "I suddenly understood why Hu Lai was practicing with Li Qingqing in his backyard. Because he didn't dare to go shopping at all, for fear of being sacked when he went out, right?"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

The group was filled with joy.

M※※Meili threw her phone aside and lay on the sofa alone without wanting to get up.

He scored twice in the El Clasico and was elected the man of the match, helping the Kings defeat Catalonia United and rising to first place in the league...

There are so many things that can be said, but the media focuses on Hu Lai.

Guess why Hu Lai came to watch this game!

What’s good to report about this?

Are you out of materials? !

It didn’t matter that he was robbed of his head by Hu Lai in the Champions League. Melli really didn’t expect that his outstanding performance in the El Clasico could not match the off-field performance.


Not only the traditional media, but also the Internet is full of discussions about Julay's "parachute landing at the Crown Stadium to watch the El Clasico", and related topics have become hot topics in Spain.

Everyone is full of speculations about why Hu Lai came to the Crown Stadium to watch this game that he couldn't even compete with.

Well, in fact, Meili was also curious about why Hu Lai came to watch this game.

But he won't speculate like the media.

He picked up the phone again, sat up from the bed, found Hu Lai's number in the address book, and sent him a message:

"what are you thinking?"

Hu Lai replied instantly: "?"

Melly continued to ask: "Why do you come to watch the game?"

This time Hu Lai did not reply immediately, but asked Meili to wait for almost five minutes before replying: "What are you doing? Do you have to care about me when I come to watch the game?"

Melly took a deep breath and continued to send the message: "I'm just curious. You have never come to the Crown Stadium to watch a game before."

This time Meili waited longer. It took almost ten minutes before Hu Lai replied to him: "Don't think too much, buddy. I just accompanied my girlfriend to shoot the film. You performed very well in the game, you are confident." One thing, Merry, you don't have to pay attention to me...really."

Seeing such an answer, Melly almost smashed her phone against the wall.

What does "be more confident" mean? Where am I not confident?

What does "don't care about me" mean? It sounds like I care about you!

He suddenly felt that he might as well watch the speculation in the media about why Hu Lai came to watch the game.

At least Hu Lai won't be so angry that he won't be too proud.

Damn, why is this person so annoying? !

Obviously winning the El Clasico is a very happy thing, but in the end, I was so disgusted that I lost all interest in the victory. Wait, wait until the Madrid derby in the second half of the season... I must settle the score with Hu Lai in person. !

The lights in the bedroom were dim, and Kabangka lay on the large soft bed like a dead person, with his hands behind his head and his eyes staring straight at the ceiling.

Even though his naked girlfriend was swaying back and forth in his arms, he didn't even look at her.

After working for a while, when Kabangka didn't respond at all, his girlfriend stopped with some frustration, then raised her upper body, lay down and stared at her boyfriend.

"What's wrong?" Kabangka continued to stare at the ceiling, but he asked aloud, indicating that he could actually feel the movement caused by his girlfriend.

"It seems that losing to Merry is a big blow to you." The girlfriend smiled, "You don't even want to look at me."

After hearing this, Kabangka finally turned his head and looked at her, and then smiled: "I'm fine, my dear."

"The smile is so forced." His girlfriend curled her lips, then lowered her head again and rested her head on Kabangka's strong chest.

"You can't stay like this, Kabangka."

she said softly.

"Didn't you come to Spain just to compete with Melli? You lost to him this time, but you can win back next time when you return to home. Anyway, you two are always like this, sometimes you win, sometimes he wins."

After Kabangka was silent for a while, he suddenly patted his girlfriend's smooth back: "You are right, my dear."

Then he kissed his girlfriend on the face and motioned for her to get up.

After his girlfriend stepped aside, he turned over and picked up his mobile phone from the bedside table.

After rummaging through the address book, he found his target and started editing the text messages.

After sending it, he put down the phone, turned around and hugged his girlfriend again, his eyes finally falling on his girlfriend's graceful body curves.

A blazing fire reignited within him.

He suddenly turned over, and with his girlfriend screaming, he pressed the beauty underneath him.

※※※The phone buzzed, and Hu Lai picked it up and took a look.

There is a short message.

"Just wait for me, Hu!"

Hu Lai frowned and looked at the text message sent from an unknown number:

Who the hell are you!

"What's wrong?" Li Qingqing, who had just finished taking a shower, wiped his hair and came out of the bathroom. He saw Hu Lai frowning and staring at the phone.

"Nothing, I seem to have received harassing text messages..."

"Harassing text messages? Let me see..." Li Qingqing walked over and picked up the phone.

"This should have been sent to you by your opponent, right?" she said after reading the content of the text message.

"But this is an unfamiliar number." Hu Lai's implication was that this text message could not have been sent by Meili.

"It's not like Meili is your only opponent." Li Qingqing returned the phone to Hu Lai. "Maybe someone else?"

"Then besides Meili, I haven't offended anyone else recently..." Hu Lai couldn't understand.

Li Qingqing laughed when he heard this: "That's hard to say. I feel like you have enemies all over the world now."

Then she pushed Hu Lai and said, "Hurry up and take a shower!"


Hu Lai was stunned for a moment, and then saw the light flowing in Li Qingqing's eyes, as if there was water, and he suddenly understood. He immediately threw the phone aside without thinking about who sent the text message.

He jumped three feet high and ran to the bathroom.

No matter who posted it!

there is always a solution to a problem!

Let’s talk about it later!

Now... of course I have to do big things, do serious things!

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