Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 347 Return to the League

Sun Juan stared at the photo of herself and Zhang Qinghuan on her phone in trance. She had been looking at it for who knows how long.

This is a selfie of her and Zhang Qinghuan on the yacht.

It was taken by Zhang Qinghuan holding a mobile phone and using the front camera.

The background is the island of Madeira, where the lights are starting to turn on, and the setting sun is in front of them. The setting sun is not in the photo, but through the high-light reflections on their faces and eyes, you can still tell when this was taken.

In the photo, she is leaning slightly sideways, leaning on Zhang Qinghuan's shoulder.

Zhang Qinghuan also tilted his head towards her.

Their heads were gently leaning against each other.

Everyone is smiling.

She smiled brightly and warmly.

There was no out-of-focus, no blur, and she didn't squint this time, even though the sunlight was actually a bit dazzling.

Almost a year ago, she took advantage of the public holiday to travel across the ocean and came to Barcelona.

In fact, she didn't have many extravagant desires. She just wanted to come to his city, blow the evening breeze that he blew, and breathe the air that he had breathed before. That could barely be considered an embrace, right?

I haven't been willing to delete the two photos of her with her eyes closed on her phone.

Because she thought that might be the only photo taken of her and Qing Huan.

As a result, in just one year, her life has undergone earth-shaking changes.

She traveled across the ocean again.

And there are no flaws in this group photo!

But she still didn't delete the photos of the first group photo together.

Because no matter whether it was perfect or not, it was her first time after all.

After the vacation, her official vacation is coming soon.

She did not choose to stay, but returned to Jincheng as originally planned.

As for when she and Zhang Qinghuan will see each other again, and how they will go in the future,

In fact, Sun Juan has no plans at all yet.

Zhang Qinghuan did not urge her to make a decision.

Sun Juan felt that she still had to think about it carefully, after all, this was not a trivial matter.

Zhang Qinghuan also expressed 100% understanding of this.

But when she left, Zhang Qinghuan told her that even if she chose to stay in China, their relationship would not change in any way.

She, Sun Juan, is Zhang Qinghuan's girlfriend.


"Hey, I suddenly remembered something."

"what's up?"

Hu Lai took out his mobile phone and found Han Shuyu's column on the website, then clicked on one of the videos to show Li Qingqing.

"Look who this is?"

He pointed to the girl wearing Zhang Qinghuan Sarria jersey on the cover and said to Li Qingqing.

Li Qingqing's eyes widened: "Sister Juan?!"

"I just said it always looks familiar...

During this vacation in Madeira, although they were very happy with each other, neither Hu Lai nor Li Qingqing had any in-depth gossip about the past of Zhang Qinghuan and Sun Juan.

Anyway, as long as they are together, as for what happened before... apart from satisfying the curiosity of ordinary viewers, it has no meaning.

So they didn't know that Sun Juan had actually been to Barcelona before that.

Of course now they know.

"Sister Juan is so devoted... I hope Brother Huan will not let her down this time." Li Qingqing said with emotion after watching the video.

In fact, Sun Juan is not the protagonist in this program, but just the side effects shown in some clips are enough to make Li Qingqing feel so emotional.

In the eyes of ordinary viewers, this may be just an ordinary female fan.

But in the eyes of Li Qingqing, who knew the outcome of the two of them, Sister Juan's today was achieved through her own hard work.

She dug up a photo of herself with Hu Lai on the yacht in her mobile phone.

They were also taking selfies with their hands raised, but behind them were Zhang Qinghuan and Sun Juan.

Especially Sister Juan, when Li Qingqing pressed the shutter, she made a "" sign behind her a little naughtily.

Seeing this scene, Li Qingqing laughed again.

This trip to Madeira will surely remain in their memories for a long time.

※※※After returning to Madrid, Hulay immediately started training for the team to prepare for Catalonia.

The relaxation and warmth of vacation were left behind, and he, including other teammates, had to break away from the vacation state.

If you prepare for war with an overly relaxed attitude, big problems will arise.

In order to make the players nervous as soon as possible, the team's training volume is very large, and high-intensity training is used to quickly get the players into the rhythm of the league, both physically and mentally.

The game against Catalan United is very important for the defending champion, but it happens to be the first game after the holidays.

It's hard to say how much the players can recover, and the coaching staff can only do their best.

After seventeen rounds of the league, the current number one is the Madrid Kings, who have 45 points.

Madrid Pirates are in second place with 44 points.

Catalan United ranks third with 41 points.

The status of the top three in the "Western Super League" is indestructible. Other teams may be able to defeat them in one or two games, but it is very difficult to threaten the status of the "top three in the Western Super League" in such a long process of the league.

The team currently in fourth place is Sevilla Navigators with 33 points. There is an eight-point gap with the third-placed Catalan United, not to mention an even greater gap with the league's first-place Kings, which is double digits.

In fact, if they had a choice, the coaching staff of Madrid Pirates would definitely want to finish the 18th round match against Catalan United before taking a holiday, instead of facing Catalan United in the first game after the holiday.

Because the Madrid Pirates team was in very good shape before the holiday.

They have just broken the club's league winning streak record set last season in the league and currently maintain a streak of thirteen league wins.

It can simply be said to be overwhelming.

Then this momentum was interrupted by the seven-day Christmas holiday after the seventeenth round of the league.

Just like stopping a car that is already traveling at high speed and then slamming on the accelerator to start, it will definitely consume more fuel than cruising at high speed.

The only good news is that this holiday has an impact on the players' team status in both directions. It is not only the Madrid Pirates that have an impact, but also their opponents Catalonia United.

Catalonia United has 13 wins, two draws and two losses in the league this season. The two losses were consecutive losses - first they lost to the Madrid Kings in the El Clasico, and then they failed to recover in time and lost again at home in the next round. Samir Sports.

Although they introduced Kabangka as an offensive midfielder this summer, they did better defensively.

Currently conceding only eight goals, it is the team that has conceded the fewest goals in the league.

The offense is not weak either, with 41 league goals, the second-highest number of goals scored by the team in the same period.

Second only to the King of Madrid.

The Madrid Kings are on full fire this season, scoring 58 goals, leading La Liga.

However, they conceded fifteen goals and their defensive performance was average.

Madrid Pirates are relatively balanced, with good offense and defense. On the offensive side, they scored 37 goals, second only to Madrid Kings and Catalan United. On the defensive side, they conceded 11 goals, which is worse than Catalan United.

Such data is in line with their respective tonality.

Both Catalonia United and Madrid Pirates emphasize passing control and overall tactics, so their offensive and defensive performances are relatively balanced.

The Kings of Madrid obviously pursue strong offensive firepower. They have a record of scoring eight goals in a single game, and they have also scored five goals in four games. Compared to their powerful offense, their defensive performance is just normal.

The King of Madrid does not rely on defense, they rely on offense to win the championship.

Catalan United and Madrid Pirates have similar styles and lack the means to restrain each other tactically. They are very familiar with each other. We are all vixens, so why are we just having fun?

Therefore, a contest like this depends more on the performance and state of the players rather than any unexpected and exquisite tactical arrangements.

In the match against Catalonia, Julay was the biggest supporter of the Madrid Pirates.

His condition is as good as that of the early Madrid Pirates, and he is as unstoppable as ever.

Starting from the fifth round of the league until the seventeenth round, goals were scored in every game for thirteen consecutive league rounds. This performance also surpassed the club record he set last season for scoring in eleven consecutive league rounds.

If he can continue to refresh his consecutive scoring record, the chances of Madrid Pirates beating Catalonia United away from home will greatly increase.

What makes Parotti happy is that although he went out to play for a few days, Hu Lai, the team's top scorer, is still in good condition after resuming training.

There is no feeling of physical fatigue, no delay in finding the training state, and no lack of confidence.

In other words, on the contrary, not only did he not have all the above symptoms, but he was like a fully charged machine.

This makes all the Pirates coaching staff, including Parotti, somewhat confident about the next away challenge to Catalonia United.

※※※PS, May has started, please get a guaranteed monthly pass during the double monthly pass period!

In addition, the target has been achieved during the double monthly pass period, and the promise has been kept. An additional chapter will be added today~!

Additional update at 1:00 noon!

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