Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 350 Infectious disease?


Seeing the football flying into the goal, Sanchez roared in a long voice.

"Hu! Hu! Hu Lai!! Hu Lai!! Beautiful goal! It was the home team Catalonia United that conceded the goal first! Hu once again showed his amazing efficiency!"

The Holy Family Stadium was filled with cheers from away team fans and boos from home team fans. These sounds were so intertwined that it was impossible to tell whether this was a home or away game.

Hu Lai, who scored the goal, ran towards the corner flag area in the hustle and bustle. He jumped high, then turned and fell down.


Although the number was small, the cheers of the Madrid Pirates fans still leaked out a little from the noise.

Let people vaguely hear the wind and thunder.

After successfully planting the flag at the Holy Family Stadium for the first time, Hulay hugged his teammates who flocked to him after landing.

Then following the crowd, he gave a thumbs up to Maxi Carey outside the crowd.

Kyrie passed the ball beautifully.

Because he ran back twice in a row without greeting Kyrie beforehand, and Kyrie didn't know how he was going to run.

When most people see him cutting across the middle, they will definitely find a way to get the football to his feet.

But Carey did the opposite, passing into the space he ran out of.

As a result, Hu Lai just turned back and got the ball.

"It's amazing!" Captain Juan Ramirez, who lives in Carey, asked curiously after being amazed, "How did you know that Hu would go there?"

Carey shrugged, "I don't know."

"Huh? You didn't know where you were going to pass it?" Ramirez was surprised.

"Because it was an opening, Juan," Carey explained. “I don’t have to pass the football to Hu, I just have to pass it into space.

How to get to the empty space is Hu's business. "

After hearing this, Ramirez exclaimed: "It's beautiful! And Hu Cha is very good at finding and running into gaps.

So instead of thinking about how to pass the ball to Hu, it is better to simplify the process and just pass the football into the space! As expected of Hu’s neighbor, haha! "

Ramirez gave Carey a hard slap on the back.

Kaili was photographed grinning - what does this have to do with me being his neighbor? !

But he also had to admit that although he and Hu Lai didn't deal with each other, they were surprisingly able to work together on the court...

Although he didn't know why.

He didn't want to study this either.

Anyway, this is his last season with Madrid Pirates.

※※※When this goal was replayed, the commentator He Feng was also amazed:

"Look at Hu Lai's movement of the ball. What is a textbook move to get rid of the defense without the ball? This is it! Run in a straight line first, let Fortune accelerate and get in front of him, so that Hu Lai is in Fortune's position. The angle of view was in the blind spot, and he had to look back frequently to observe. Then he slowed down and made a crosscut, tricking Fortune into following the crosscut. Pay attention to Hu Lai's position at this time. He was still in the blind spot of the angle of view behind Fortune. So when he first When he changed direction for the second time, Fortune failed to detect his change of direction in time, and eventually lost Hu Lai...

"Actually, we have seen continuous changes of direction like this when players dribble. For example, I remember that when Kamara was in Leeds City, there was a similar continuous change of direction with the ball. This can greatly interfere with defensive players and allow The opponent loses their sense of purpose and direction as they change direction again and again. In fact, this is also very applicable to running without the ball, because you don't need to carry the ball, so you can run more unscrupulously!"

"But there is a problem, He Feng, that is, the running players and passing players need to be able to think of going together. Otherwise, when Hu Lai crosses for the first time and passes the football directly to his feet, what kind of exquisite running without the ball will happen? There is nothing left to say..." Yan Kang said.

"Kyrie passed the ball very well! There are always rumors that the relationship between Hu Lai and Kyrie is not good. It is true that we rarely see the two of them interacting closely, but this does not represent the relationship between the two of them. It’s not good. In fact, Kyrie provided assists to Hu Lai many times, and several of them were very unexpected passes... It can even be said that those passes may only be received by Hu Lai. So I think Just this kind of passing and running cooperation can prove that the two of them have a very tacit understanding. And if the relationship between the two of them is really bad, it is impossible to have such a tacit understanding!"

He Feng nodded and agreed: "That's right. The friendship between gentlemen is as light as water. Not every friend in life has strong feelings. Hu Lai and Kaili should be the 'friendship between gentlemen'!"

When Xie Lan heard these two ignorant commentators talking nonsense, he curled his lips: "What kind of gentlemanly friendship! You have to overtake my son's car every time, how can you be a gentleman?!"

Regarding the relationship between her son and Kaili, the mother must be most concerned about it. So she had already asked during the video call with her son.

In front of his mother, Hu Lai naturally didn't lie and told everything.

To put it bluntly, it's not really a good relationship, but it's not to the point of being "enemies". Although it is neither salty nor bland, it is definitely not the level of "a friendship between gentlemen".

And regarding the experience of being laughed at by Kaili every time on the way to training, Hu Lai also complained to his mother, saying that Kaili, the "fifth king" besides the "four kings", is not only small-minded. , still very naive.

If you can't compete with yourself on the court, you have to win back on the road...

"But I can't race with him, so what if he overtakes me?"

Hu Lai finally said this to Xie Lan.

Xie Lan comforted him at the time, "You have to allow others to make amends, otherwise it will cost you too much face."

In private, she didn't know how many times she scolded Kaili behind her back for showing off...

※※※ After the game restarted, all the players of Madrid Pirates, who were one goal ahead, had a very peaceful mentality.

Anyway, they are in the lead now.

However, the Catalan United players were a little impatient.

After all, this is their home court, and they learned the hard way this time. They took the lead from the beginning of the game and actively attacked.

In the end, the Madrid Pirates scored first.

Catalan United players can't help but think: Since the results are the same, what's the point of our previous efforts?

This is very defense-breaking.

In fact, it still makes sense. After all, if they didn't bother like this, they might have conceded the goal earlier. In the game last season, Hu Lai scored in the first nine minutes.

Now we have managed to last until the twenty-seventh minute, which is three times the nine minutes. What an improvement!

※※※Kabonka asked for the ball with his back to the attacking direction. He could feel the pressure exerted on him by Pirates captain Ramirez behind him.

But he still insisted on letting his teammates pass the ball.

Campnossa passed the football to him.

As the football rolled towards him, Kabangka began to adjust his body orientation, from completely facing away from the direction of the attack to trying to face sideways.

But he was tightly entangled with Ramirez, and his position adjustment was not very successful - if he wanted to adjust his position, he might be directly approached by Ramirez, and instead lost his position.

So when the football rolled to his feet, he still kept his back to the goal.

Then he wanted to repeat the same trick and once again used the soles of his feet to step on the football directly behind him, and then turned around at the same time.

But this time he didn't succeed.

As soon as he stepped on the football, Ramirez poked the ball out from under his feet!

At the same time, Kabangka, who was turning around, lost all balance and was knocked to the ground!

Rosas wanted to counterattack, but Vukovic beat him to it and took the football away!

The Madrid Pirates not only prevented an attack by Catalan United, but also took advantage of the situation to make Catalan United's midfielder missing two people, and directly launched a counterattack!

Kabangka, who fell to the ground, waved and shouted to the referee, indicating that Ramirez had committed a foul.

The referee ignored him and turned around to follow the Madrid Pirates' attack.

Ramirez, who was trailing behind, turned around and said contemptuously to Cabangka: "Young man, don't even think about repeating your same tricks in front of me!"

After saying that, he also dropped Kabangka and ran forward.

Kabangka punched the turf angrily and then got up from the ground.

Fortunately, Catalonia United defended this wave of offensive from the Madrid Pirates.

So he ran back and prepared for the next attack.

Ramirez looked back and saw Kabangka running up again. This time he took the initiative to reach out to Kabangka and asked him: "Are you okay?

Kabangka high-fived him: "I can beat you several times!"

"Ha!" Ramirez laughed. "Then come on."

※※※The Catalan United offensive advanced, and Ramirez entangled Kabangka again.

Upon seeing this, Rosas did not pass the football to the Brazilian genius, but gave it to his old midfield partner Campuzano.

The ball was advanced by Campuzano.

Kabangka made an air cut and used his advantage in speed to temporarily get rid of Ramirez.

Campuzano saw that Kabangka was one position ahead and quickly passed the football.

When Kabangka caught the ball, he stepped on the football behind him and braked suddenly.

Ramirez went over the top.

Kabangka then dribbled horizontally to open up space.

Then before Ramirez pounces again, he kicks and shoots!

The football bypassed the fingers of Pirates goalkeeper Haywell, also bypassed the goal post and flew out of the baseline!

The Catalan United fans in the stands cheered and then turned to exclamations and sighs in half a second.

Kabangka, who was unable to score an equalizer, held his head in regret with his hands.

Ramirez gasped and said next to him: "It's interesting, but it's not easy for you to score our goals in this way. In comparison, our efficiency is much higher than yours... Maybe it takes you more time to score a goal , enough for us to score two goals.”

Kabangka looked at the captain of the Madrid Pirates, listened quietly to what he said, and then asked: "I'm curious, is Hu Lai's verbal skills contagious?"

Ramirez was stunned for a moment before he realized what the other person was saying. He laughed and said, "You can understand that. Maybe we can continue chatting?"

Kabangka kept silent. He had no interest in chatting with the other party. Of course, if he was in the lead, he might accept the proposal.

He planned to come to Ramirez to "exchange feelings" after he helped Catalonia overtake the score.

※※※PS, please give me a monthly pass during the double monthly pass period! !

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