Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 357 Who said I have to score goals?

Game 202 is the Spanish Super Cup.

Other leagues, such as the Premier League and the Bundesliga, regard the Super Cup as a "super warm-up match" before the start of the new season.

The league champion of last season will face the domestic cup champion.

In England it's the Premier League winner versus the FA Cup winner.

But Spanish painting style is very different.

Not only did they put the Super Bowl in the middle of the season, but they also expanded it from two teams to four teams.

This decision initially attracted opposition from the three wealthy teams of Madrid Kings, Catalan United and Madrid Pirates.

Because such changes will increase their number of games and make players more tired.

In addition, the Copa del Rey has also undergone a reform of the competition system. It used to start in September every year and last until May. It is interspersed with the league and European competitions and is not intensive.

It has now been changed to start in December every year. La Liga teams enter in January.

It is somewhat similar to the FA Cup in England.

The result of this arrangement is that January, which was supposed to be a relatively loose schedule, turned into a "devil schedule month".

For the "three heroes of the Spanish Super League", they have to play in La Liga, the Copa del Rey and the Super Cup.

The schedule is very intensive.

Take this year's Madrid Pirates as an example. If they can reach the Super Cup final and keep winning in the Copa del Rey, they will play eight games throughout January, averaging one game in less than four days.

If the previous competition format was followed, Madrid Pirates would only play five games at most in January, almost one game a week.

Not only will there be fewer games and the events will be less intensive, they will also have more winter breaks, giving them enough time to train and replenish energy in the middle of the season.

Last season, the Madrid Pirates directly gave up the Spanish Super Cup, sent out all the substitutes in the semi-finals, and lost to Valentia 1:2.

Parotti also arranged this year's Super Cup semifinals.

Many main players, including Hu Lai, did not appear in the game roster.

But the end result was different from last season.

Because this time the rotation of Madrid Pirates actually defeated Sporting Vizcaya 2:1 in the semifinals!

They will then meet the Madrid Kings, who eliminated Catalonia United, in the Super Cup final.

Let’s not mention that the opponent is a mortal enemy in the same city. Let’s just say that this is the Super Cup final. As long as you win, you can win the championship. Which head coach would choose to give up in the final?

If you want to rotate, you have to do it before then. For example, if you give up the Copa del Rey in the first few rounds, you will never use a rotating lineup to train the team when you reach the semi-finals.

Now that we have reached the Super Cup finals and can win a championship trophy if we win one more game, why give up?

So without saying anything, in the Spanish Super Cup final, Parotti made major adjustments to the lineup, replaced almost the entire main lineup, and decided to fight to the death with the King of Madrid.

The match was not scheduled to take place at the home ground of the two teams, but at a neutral venue - Valentia's home stadium, Casavalla.

Fans from both sides took this game very seriously and packed the stadium to capacity.

For fans of Mellie, this is his first championship since being crowned king.

If he can win the Super Bowl, it will be like adding a dazzling gem to his crown.

Hulay's fans also attach great importance to this game. Their dissatisfaction with the FIFA selection results will be vented through this game. If Hulay can defeat Melli, wouldn't it be able to prove FIFA's Is the World Footballer of the Year selection a piece of shit?

※※※Melli struggled to dribble the ball forward. As soon as he pushed the football away, Vukovich kicked from the side and pushed the football away from Melli's feet.

Mellie stopped suddenly and tried to turn around and regain control of the ball.

The ball has been protected by Juan Ramirez.

When he rushed forward, he just bumped into Ramirez's body, but he didn't shake him.

The Madrid Pirates fans in the stands burst into laughter when they saw this, and those Pirates fans in the first few rows shouted at Melli:

"World Footballer of the Year! Huh? World Footballer of the Year?!"

The implication is "Hey, isn't this World Footballer Melibanega? I haven't seen you for a few days, why are you so embarrassed?"

They were taunting and irritating Melli in this way, and at the same time expressing their dissatisfaction with Hulay not even making the top three - because of Hulay's outstanding performance in Madrid Pirates, almost all Pirates fans are Hulay fans.

Melli was tightly defended by the Madrid Pirates players in this game.

Vukovic and Ramirez guard Melli alone, which is a very common scene in the game.

Melly got into frequent physical fights with the two of them, which consumed a lot of energy.

Sixty-seven minutes into the game, he has yet to score.

The only good thing is that Hu Lai didn't score either.

Hulay, who was also closely guarded by the Madrid King's defense, struggled to find opportunities and spent most of his time fighting hand-to-hand with his opponents.

"Both players are in a tough battle. But Melli has an advantage over Hu. In addition to shooting and scoring, he can also break through and score. Hu can only shoot and score. He is a pure shooter. As long as he is restricted If you stop his shot, his threat will plummet."

So said the Argentinian commentator.

"Now the Madrid Pirates have deployed heavy troops around Melli in order to guard him. Ramirez and Vukovic are not far away from him.

This creates opportunities for other Kings players. As long as Melli can distribute the football, he can pose a fatal threat! "

※※Melli did play like this. When he got the ball again, he broke through to attract Vukovic and Ramirez, and then passed the football to Cerrados.

After passing the ball, he continued to penetrate the penalty area diagonally, as if he wanted to hit the wall with Cerrados.

So Ramirez continued to run after him.

Cerrados took advantage of the space created by Melly and shot from the line of the penalty area!

The football was slightly over the crossbar!

Cerrados, who completed the shot, gave Melli a thumbs up and praised him for passing the ball beautifully.

Alfonso Candela in the box saw this scene with a happy smile on his face.

Faced with the provocation and excitement of the Madrid Pirates fans, Melli did not lose his mind and still knew what he should do.

This shows that his mentality has indeed been corrected.

No matter what the outside world says, he is indeed a double winner of the European Ballon d'Or and World Footballer of the Year. Hu Lai should do his best to challenge him by any means, instead of him lowering his body and wallowing in the mud with Hu Lai.

Don't worry about the rumors and just play your style.

When you want to score, shoot without hesitation. If you see a teammate in a better position and are willing to pass the ball, don't care about the goal difference between you and Hu Lai, DOT!

This is the Melibanega that Candela hopes to see, a hexagonal all-round warrior with almost no shortcomings.

※※※Hu Lai completed a sprint of about ten meters in the penalty area - he rushed into the penalty area from the penalty arc.

He is always followed by centre-back Sergi Peralta.

The Argentinian central defender not only ran with Hulay, but in the process his hands were always competing with Hulay.

The two people seemed to be practicing "push hands" in traditional Chinese martial arts.

The two hands are entangled, you push over and I push over.

They fought several times at a distance of ten meters.

In the end, Kamara's cross was blocked from the sideline, and Hu Lai's trip was in vain.

Looking at the panting Hulay, Peralta, who was also panting, grinned.

But that's all.

He learned well and didn't try to confront Hu Lai with trash talk, he just smiled.

So in the televised footage, behind the panting Hulay was Peralta, grinning happily.

X※After the Madrid Pirates' clearance ball was thrown, after some patient passing, it went from the right to the left, and then Ion made a pass from the left wing.

This time Peralta still pestered Hule, and his center back partner Nuno Sequeiros jumped up to head the ball to clear the ball.

Dudu Carlos controlled the second drop point and advanced the attack.

The Kings of Madrid tried to counterattack.

But while advancing along the wing, the football was intercepted by Tonini who was returning to defense.

Then it was Madrid Pirates' turn to launch a counterattack.

Tonini intercepted the ball and passed the football diagonally to the other side of the court with a big kick.

Kamara caught the football on the sideline, passed it up to Maxi Carey who came up to meet him, and then accelerated himself down the sideline.

His rush took away Brazilian left-back Rafael Fonseca from King Madrid.

The latter ran back with Kamara, as if he were running a 100-meter race on the court, for fear of being thrown away by Kamara.

At the same time, the Madrid King's back line also retreated to the penalty area line.

The forward line is quickly returning to defense.

They still have space inside and outside the penalty area.

After Maxi Carey received the ball, he looked up at the situation in the penalty area and took the ball and cut inside laterally.

But he just took a step inside, then suddenly rounded his left leg and rubbed the football hard into the penalty area.

Just as he started to pass the ball at a 45-degree angle, Hu Lai, who was originally standing on the line of the penalty area, suddenly accelerated and rushed towards the goal!

Peralta started almost simultaneously with Hulay, but was still thrown away by less than half a body.

He reflexively reached out and tried to pull Hu Lai's arm.

But as soon as he caught it, he let go - he was afraid that Hu Lai would roll into the penalty area.

However, taking advantage of this opportunity, Peralta got close to the opponent. Whether Hulay shot directly or tried to stop the ball, he would immediately hit it and make Hulay lose his balance.

In order to prevent the referee from calling him a foul, he raised his hands in advance.

Goalkeeper Rodriguez Barker also has his eyes firmly on Hulay, wary of his direct shots - Barker does not dare to underestimate this guy who has scored 28 goals in less than half a season. . Hulay can definitely shoot directly against Peralta's defense.

And he can also hit the ball within the goal frame.

The football drew an internal arc and flew towards Hu Lai, who had already reached the penalty spot.

Hu Lai jumped up to face the flying football and raised his left leg at the same time, as if he was going to stop the ball, and he seemed to be going to shoot directly.

Peralta shrugged and pushed Hulay forward.

Bucker's entire center of gravity compressed and turned into a spring, ready to pounce at any time. His eyes were still fixed on Hu Lai...or to be precise, they were locked on Hu Lai's swinging left leg.

Then he saw Hu Lai's left leg swinging over without touching the ball!

Whether it's stopping the ball or shooting, it doesn't matter!

He slipped the football directly under his crotch!

When Bakker saw the football coming out from under Hu Lai's crotch, his body reflexively threw it out, but it was too late!

The football fell to the ground in front of him and bounced, grazing the inside of the far post and spinning into the goal!

After landing, Hu Lai turned his head and saw the football flying into the goal. He turned around and spread his hands to Peralta behind him, and asked with a mean smile: "Who said I have to score the goal?"

Then he shook off the stunned Peralta and ran towards Maxikeri laughing.

Other Madrid Pirates players on the field have rushed towards the Dutchman in the ribs from all directions.

Kaili had quickly put away the surprised expression on his face, and stood there, first spreading his hands, then opening his arms, and turned around,

Look around, full of pride!

XOXXPS, please vote for the double period!


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