Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 368 “Shocking”


With the commentator shouting, the Argentine star dribbled the ball towards the Madrid Pirates penalty area.

The person blocking him in front of him was Danny Drew.

The opponent turned to Meili, fighting and then retreating.

Melli decided to speed up and get rid of the opponent, so he raised his left foot and prepared to use the outside instep to pick the ball.

But just as he raised his foot, Drew, who was right in front of him, suddenly took action!

A kick as fast as lightning, stabbed hard!

The football was stolen by him! Melly quickly turned around and tried to regain control of the football, but was pushed aside by Drew.

In terms of absolute strength, Melly is no match for Drew.

After Drew squeezed him away, he controlled the football and passed it out cleanly, without giving Melli a chance to counterattack.

"Drew completed another successful defense against Melli! The two met three times this season. In the first confrontation, Drew was completely helpless against Melli, but in the last two times, his performance has improved a lot!"

He Feng said excitedly.

As a Chinese commentator, of course he supports Madrid Pirates.

So he was really happy to see Drew not falling behind in the confrontation with Melly.

Otherwise, Hu Lai scores two in front and the team's defense loses three in the back. What's the point?

Mellie was so annoyed that he even pushed Drew in front of him.

Drew turned back to him and said, "Be careful, Mellie, your move is very dangerous!"

Melly, who was in a bad mood, snorted: "When did you learn to talk so much like Hu?"

Drew was a little surprised: "If I had really imitated Hu, I should have been lying on the ground when you pushed me just now, Melly. You have to thank me for not imitating Hu. I have a good relationship with him, but I'm not He, please don’t slander me casually.”

"..." Meili was furious, because after thinking about it, he realized that if it were Hu, he would really lie down on the ground holding his head...

Then you might get a yellow card.

Although as an offensive player, it is not a big deal to receive a yellow card.

But Merry still felt sick.

The 25-year-old Melly has been playing professionally since he was 16 years old. His career has lasted nine years, during which he has seen many opponents of all kinds.

There are those who are powerful, and there are those who are of low character.

But this was the first time he had seen someone as powerful as Hu Lai but with a low character.

He felt a little regretful, maybe he shouldn't regard Hu Lai as his "whip"...

At first I thought it was just an ordinary whip, but I didn’t expect it to be a whip secretly dipped in chili pepper water and with a barb at the end!

※※※After the Madrid Kings scored the first goal, they did not score again until the second half. Instead, the Madrid Pirates chased three goals in a row.

Now behind with a score of 1:3.

Mellie scored eagerly, but was hit by Drew's precise blow.

Madrid's attack stalled.

The Madrid Pirates are playing more and more energetically.

The Kings' defensemen are under tremendous pressure, especially Claudio Ray.

Maxi Carey acts as if he is targeting him, and will actively choose to face him whenever there is a chance in the offense.

In front of Carey, who has delicate footwork and 20-year imagination, the "Prince" of the King of Madrid

It is no longer as relaxed and complacent as the first half.

The head coach's encouragement and praise to him during the halftime break didn't seem to have any positive effect, or the effect was too short... and now the buff has expired.

A shrill whistle sounded.

The audience booed loudly.

Maxi Carey rolled on the ground holding her calves.

Next to him, Claudio Ray was sitting on the ground, spreading his hands to defend the referee who was running towards him.

But the referee didn't seem to pay attention to his excuse. On the way there, he took out a... yellow card from his pocket! "Ray kicked the opponent down when Kyrie was about to break through him. A yellow card is no problem at all! Ray, who still had the advantage against Kyrie in the first half, was suddenly completely suppressed by Kyrie in the second half..." The commentator Sanchez said.

But Madrid Pirates head coach Parotti did not think a yellow card was "completely okay". He complained to the fourth official: "That should be a red card!"

Assistant coach Valentin came up and reminded him: "I think Maxi should be replaced.

He must not get hurt..."

Parotti nodded: "Let Di Kunzo warm up."

Now that the team is two goals ahead of the Kings, they can indeed consider replacing Kyrie. There is no need for him to play the full 90 minutes in this explosive derby.

Kyrie is in such excellent form this season that if he is injured, the team's offensive effectiveness will be greatly reduced.

Parotti didn't want to take that risk.

Kaili got up from the ground on his own. After he limped a few steps, he felt that the place where he was kicked was less painful. He probably didn't hurt his joints.

Only then did he feel relieved.

But he still glared at Claudio Ray.

As a player who has been seriously injured twice in a row, he is very sensitive to injuries.

No matter how many words Lei used to mock and provoke him, he didn't care.

But he couldn't remain indifferent to such actions that might cause him injury.

"Boy, are you unable to stop me except this way?" he asked, sarcastically staring at the other party.

Claudio Ray was a little embarrassed, but he still said stubbornly: "I went for the ball!"

"I don't believe what you say! Toni came up to speak for his teammates, "That kick of yours was clearly intentional! "

The two sides huddled together because of Claudio Ray's foul, and the game was suspended for a few minutes.

After the order of the game was restored, the Madrid Pirates immediately made substitution adjustments.

Replaced Maxi Carey with DiQuinzo.

Carey walked to the sidelines and briefly handed over to DiCunzo before walking off the court. Coach Parotti took the initiative to hold his hand and explained to him: "I'm worried that you are injured. The kid is obviously a little angry."

Kaili nodded: "I know."

"You have taught him a lesson, now take a good rest." Finally, Parotti patted Kyrie on the shoulder hard and sent him to the bench.

After high-fiving his teammates one by one, Kyrie sat down in his seat, wiped the sweat off his face and neck with a towel, and set his sights on the court.

He did teach the bastard a lesson, but Carey didn't feel like he was "teaching him a lesson hard."

He still has some unfinished thoughts...

It's a pity that he really can't afford to take that risk now.

This damn body!

※※Due to Claudio Ray’s foul, Madrid Pirates won a free kick in the frontcourt.

This free kick near the center line on the right side of the court was taken by Toni and it was impossible to directly threaten the Madrid King's goal.

Tonini chose to transfer the ball diagonally and kicked the ball to the right.

After Kamara received the ball near the sideline, he sought cooperation with Vukovic who came up to meet him:

He passed the football to Vukovich and accelerated forward.

King Madrid's left back Rafael Fonseca followed him back.

Upon seeing this, Vukovic did not pass the football immediately, but turned around and made an inward cut.

Fonseca, who originally followed the retreat, saw that Vukovich was about to cut inside, so he stopped following the retreat because Kamara did not continue to advance, but slowed down and stopped.

But just when Fonseca was shrinking to the center and pressuring Vukovic to get the ball, the Serbian international suddenly sent a through ball with his left foot!

The football passed through the space between Fonseca and center back Sequeiros!

As he passed the ball, Kamara started up again!

With a faster start speed, he received the ball in the space behind Fonseca!

"Vukovic! Good shot! Kamara!!"

After receiving the ball, Camara looked up to observe the situation in the middle. Seeing that Hulay and Dikunzo had formed a "double ghost hitting the goal" situation in the middle, he did not continue to dribble the ball down the bottom. Although there was space, he might lose better offensive opportunities.

So he decisively passed the football to the goal!

Dikunzo, who was heading towards the goal, saw Camara pass the ball directly. He almost ran over and braked quickly. Then he turned around and jumped up to try an overhead shot!

But because he was too hasty, his kick did not hit the football, and the football passed by before his hook...

But before the fans and defensive players of the King of Madrid could breathe a sigh of relief, they saw a figure passing by at very low altitude not far from Di Kunzo!


"Hu Yiyi!!"

It was like a torpedo sticking to the sea surface, breaking through the waves, and accurately hitting the target - Hu Lai jumped to the top at a very low altitude!

The ball will hit the target in the future!

With such a sudden header from such a close range, goalkeeper Buckle could only make a reflexive save, and it was completely impossible to save the ball!

The football flew into the goal before he could pounce on it!

"Julay!! Good goal! Good goal! Good goal!! Julay! It's amazing! He completed a hat trick! Julay once again scored a hat trick against the Kings of Madrid! He is playing against the Kings of Madrid It’s done!”

He Feng, who was in the commentary box, shouted at the top of his lungs.

When people are in a noisy environment, they will involuntarily raise their voices.

The current Pirates Park stadium is like being in a violently erupting volcanic crater, with huge roars coming from the ground reverberating.

Even if He Feng and the others were wearing sound-isolating and noise-cancelling headphones, they couldn't block those movements.

In addition to the sound, the table in front of them was shaking, and their buttocks

It's like sitting on a 4D seat watching an exciting popcorn movie.

Feel the shock that Hu Lai's ball brings to this stadium in all aspects!

Literally "shocked"!



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