Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 371 It’s also a kind of experience... right?

"Thunder! Thunder!"

Assistant coach Fernando Gonzalez roared loudly on the training ground:

"Concentrate! This is training, not playing house! You won't achieve any training effect!"

Claudio Ray quickly apologized to his assistant coach and returned to training.

But it still caused head coach Roy Wei to snort dissatisfiedly.

After training, returning to the locker room, Claudio Ray also quickly packed up and left.

As soon as he left, captain Cerrados returned to the locker room, looked around and asked: "Where is Claudio?"

Someone answered him: "I left, not long ago."

Cerrados sighed: "Forget it, I'll find him again tomorrow..."

"What's going on?" A teammate asked curiously. "Is Mr. Royvi looking for you just because of him?"

"Who else could it be for?" Cerrados shrugged, "Didn't you find that Claudio's mental state was not right after that game?"

In fact, strictly speaking, it was not after that game, but the day after the game.

As the video on the Internet spread more and more widely and its influence grew, Claudio Ray's mental state began to plummet.

Obviously, those comments and discussions on the Internet deeply hurt him.

"I know it's inappropriate to say this, but I still want to say that this kid brought it all on himself!"

Peralta, the team's main center back, took off his training clothes and threw them at his feet, with his upper body naked, and hummed.

Albin Eström also agreed: "I remember I told him before the game, don't talk nonsense, right? Before he did this, we were ahead in terms of score and form. In the end, he didn’t know what he was thinking, so he actually went to provoke Hu…and then he not only angered Hu, but also activated Kaili, what the hell!”

As a midfielder, Estrom kept wiping Claudio Ray's butt in the second half of the game, but facing Maxi Carey and Vukovic who were already playing crazy, he was really unable to stand alone. , playing very embarrassingly and very hard.

Originally in a three-man midfield,

The real defensive midfielder Osei is only responsible for defense, while Dudu Carlos is dedicated to organizing offense. Estrom has to take care of both offense and defense, helping on both sides.

But in the Madrid Derby, he almost became a pure engineer.

This is actually not what Estrom is capable of, nor is it what he likes.

Without his support on the offensive end, Dudu Carlos can create fewer offensive opportunities.

With one move affecting the whole body, the offensive quality of the Madrid Kings naturally plummeted, and they were defeated by the Madrid Pirates.

When it comes to Claudio Ray, Estrom also has a lot of opinions to complain about.

Others seemed to feel the same way, and everyone wanted to complain.

There were various analyzes after the game, and everyone could see that the turning point of the game was actually Claudio Ray running to provoke Hulay. After that, Hu Lai found Kyrie and chatted with Kyrie for a few words. Then Kyrie exploded and equalized the score before the end of the first half.

Hulay was unstoppable in the second half, which ultimately led to the defeat of the Madrid Kings.

From the fact that Hulay went to Claudio Ray to celebrate after completing his hat trick, it can be seen that he was indeed unhappy with Ray's provocation in the first half. And instead of celebrating after scoring the first goal, he waited until he finished his hat. It shows that he is holding back his energy and wants to score three goals before being thundered in the face.

Isn't it obvious that it was Lei who started this matter?

And what made everyone very unhappy was that they actually told Lei before the game that they could not talk to Hu Lai during the game under any circumstances.

You must know that Cordero's "tragedy" is still vivid in our minds. Not long ago, no one wanted to become the second Cordero, so they were very concerned about this issue.

But all of them cared about it. Claudio Ray, who faced Hulay for the first time in the game, turned a deaf ear. Because of his willful actions, the whole team fell into an irreversible situation.

This is the most annoying thing.

Cerrados saw such signs and quickly stood up as captain to interrupt the momentum. He said to everyone: "No matter what, he is one of us. We cannot simply take the responsibility for losing the game." Push it to him alone..."

Now that the captain has said so, others naturally can't continue to complain. They all shut up, but judging from their expressions... they were still somewhat concerned.

Of course, Cerrados knew what everyone was thinking. He looked around the locker room and finally his eyes fell on Mellie Banega, who had been silent and showed no obvious emotions.

Claudio Ray admired Melly very much, so Cerrados wanted to ask Melly to enlighten Ray. He named him: "Melly, do you want to take the time to talk to him?"

Unexpectedly, Melly's answer surprised Cerrados:

"I don't think it's the best time to go to him, captain. Claudio was indeed hit, but it's not a bad thing for him. People always have to experience setbacks to grow, and he also needs to experience something like this. Frustration, otherwise if things go too smoothly, his mental endurance may not allow him to play in a club like the Kings..."

Cerrados understood that Merry didn't want to care.

He admitted that what Melly said made some sense, but the problem now was that the setback Claudio Ray encountered might... be too big.

If it's just that Kyrie passed him over and over again in the game, and Hu Lai scored on him... that would be no problem.

But the current situation is that after the game, the "cyber violence" against Claudio Ray not only did not disappear, but also intensified.

Cerrados didn't even know if Ray would make it.

Of course, if he can really do it, his future will be limitless.

But what if you can't make it through?

Someone has to give this young man a helping hand, right? This is originally the responsibility of the veteran.

Cerrados decided to do it himself.

After all, he is a talented player trained by the Kings themselves. As the captain of the Kings, how can he ignore it?

※※ ※

"I heard there seems to be something wrong with Ray..."

During dinner, Li Qingqing talked to Hu Lai about the gossip she heard in the team.

"what is the problem?"

"I was out of shape during training for several days in a row and was scolded by the coach. Everyone is saying that it was because of your celebration..."

Hu Lai laughed: "Is that kid's mental endurance that bad? This is where he is not as good as our Chinese players."

"How to say?"

"We have been scolded since childhood, and we have already developed a body of copper and iron, and a big heart! No matter how wind blows from east to west, north or south, I will remain unmoved!"

Hu Lai put his hands behind his back and said with his head held high.

Li Qingqing reached out and patted him: "You are quite proud!"

Then he added: "But I'm not worried about Kings fans coming to scold you for this. You have a bigger heart than Lei Lei."

"Hey, I'm great everywhere!" Hu Lai continued to be proud.

Li Qingqing was happy: "Hey, you want me to avenge the king again?"

Hu Lai was instantly frightened: "No, no, I didn't mean that..."

Then he changed the subject: "I'm worried that you will be implicated by me. They know that scolding me is useless. What if they come to scold you?"

Li Qingqing snorted: "If you really scold me, I will transfer to the Pirates!"

Hu Lai was surprised: "What the hell?"

Li Qingqing waved his hands repeatedly: "You're kidding! Kings fans won't come to trouble me. My teammates also said that this incident was always the result of Lei's provocation... If he didn't provoke you with the World Footballer, I guess you I won’t do that either.”

Hu Lai nodded and said: "Of course. It's normal to have a war of words on the court. You have to suffer if you lose. There's nothing to feel wronged about. If you're not convinced, just win it in the next game, right? Or wait until this Thursday. Can you help Lei get revenge?"

Li Qingqing rolled her eyes at Hu Lai: "Why should I help him get revenge?"

Hu Lai was a little surprised: "You didn't ask me why it was Thursday?"

"Because you have the King's Cup semi-final against Royal Catharon on Wednesday." Li Qingqing replied.

Hu Lai chuckled: "That's what I mean."

※※ ※

On Wednesday night, February 7th, Madrid Pirates faced Real Catajon at home.

This is the first leg of the Copa del Rey semi-finals.

In fact, before the "Madrid Derby" with the Madrid Kings, a Copa del Rey was played. The Madrid Pirates defeated Samirspor 3:2 at home with half of the main lineup rotated.

Hulay came on as a substitute in the second half of that game, but did not score.

Letting him play is just to keep the game in shape so that he can better deal with the King of Madrid.

In the context of the Madrid derby, this Copa del Rey match did not attract people's attention at all. Some people even did not know that three days before the derby in the same city, the team had a Copa del Rey match.

Originally, I didn’t put much effort into it, it was just a competition to train the rotation lineup, but now I have reached the semi-finals in one go, so I can no longer treat it with the mentality of “training the team”.

So in the first leg of the semi-finals against Real Catalon, even though they had just finished the Madrid derby, Parotti was almost on the main team and only rotated in a few positions. For example, in the goalkeeper position, the 33-year-old substitute goalkeeper Olmer Cabaro started instead of Hywell.

The 29-year-old Hywell is at the peak of his career. As long as he is not injured, it will be difficult for the substitute goalkeeper to shake his position. In order to give the substitute goalkeeper a chance to play, Cabaro has always been started before the Copa del Rey.

If the team reaches the King's Cup final, this will still be the arrangement.

This is also the feeling of taking care of the substitute goalkeeper as much as possible.

Otherwise, in the team's several seasons, the total number of appearances has not reached double digits, which is really unjustifiable...

However, in addition to the goalkeeper's key position, Parotti still uses the main force.

The starting striker combination is still Maxi Carey and Hu Lai.

Midfielder Vukovic also did not take a rest.

But captain Juan Ramirez was replaced by Joaquin Vela.

Joaquin Vela is an excellent jack-of-all-trades, with a balanced offense and defense, and can naturally play as a defensive midfielder.

In the end, with goals from Hulay and left-back Olaf Brynjolfsson, the Madrid Pirates defeated Real Catajon 2-0 at home and won the opportunity to advance to the semifinals.

The second leg of the semi-finals will have to wait until a month later to make way for the league and the upcoming Champions League knockout rounds - two months after the group stage, the Champions League knockout rounds are finally coming.

※※ ※

Attached: Champions League quarter-final matchup:

Athletic Amsterdam vs Paris Eger

Metallurgy St. Petersburg vs Blue-White Munich

Turin Bulls vs Tramed

Westphalia vs Madrid Kings

Sporting Manchester vs Catalonia United

Stan Park Rangers vs Madrid Pirates

North London Wanderers vs Porto United

Alvara vs Ruerrhein

Note: The team that plays home first will be ranked second in the group.


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