Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 408 The Nemesis of the Scarlet Witch


When Louis Payson saw the football fly towards Tom Walker, he was actually relieved.

Because the ball was not passed to Hu Lai.

It shows that he completed his task well, forcing Carey to temporarily change his focus on passing the ball and choose to shoot directly directly in a hurry.

Come to think of it, the quality of such a shot is not much higher...

Before this thought disappeared from his mind, he saw Walker make a fatal mistake-the football was released!

His eyes widened, and then he realized he should do something...

Then everything went dark - someone had already rushed in front of him!

It was Hu Lai who penetrated just now!

Payson watched helplessly as Hu Lai stretched out his foot and kicked the football that flew out!

Follow-up shot!

The ball went in!

Payson still stood in the same position as before, stunned.

Hu Lai had already opened his arms and ran to the corner flag area to celebrate the goal.

The cheers above Pirates Park were deafening.

"Oops!" British commentator Matthew Cox sighed, "I told you not to give Hu even the slightest chance! Since Payson has already retreated, why not follow him to the end? Just keep running. He stopped, but let Hu go...that's Hu! His eyes should be fixed on this person!"

As a Premier League commentator, Cox is really familiar with Hulay.

That's why he was so heartbroken.

When he saw Walker miss the ball in the commentary box, he exclaimed: "Hey, be careful!"

But nothing has changed.

Payson stood there and watched the whole process of Hu Lai's follow-up shot...

The score of 4:1 is almost a disaster for Tramed.

Now that the away goal advantage rule has been cancelled, Tramed's goal is far less meaningful than before. Of course, even if this rule is not cancelled, it actually doesn’t mean much.

After all, the point difference was widened to three goals.

If it was 3:1, returning this away goal would still be useful.

It's already 4:1... Do you want to say "Tramed only needs to return to home and win 3:0 to advance to the semi-finals with the advantage of away goals"?



The Leeds City fans in the "White Rose" bar followed Hulay's landing and roared.

Then they laughed loudly: "Well done, Hu! That's it! You are worthy of being our 'Scarlet Witch's Nemesis' from Leeds!"

Yorkshire, where Leeds is located, and Lancashire, where Tramed is located, are enemies in English history.

Every time the teams from these two places meet, no matter how strong the teams are or what their levels are, they will be more intense than teams from other places.

When Leeds City was still in the lower leagues, they had no chance to play against a giant like Tramed.

There was almost no interaction between the two teams.

But when Hu Lai came, everything changed.

Every game between Tramed and Leeds City is very intense.

Of course, during the two and a half seasons that Hulay played for Leeds City, there were indeed many stories between this team and Tramed.

Some stories can even "go down in history forever" and are still talked about many years later, becoming classics in the history of the Premier League.

During that time, there was even a saying that the century-old feud between Leeds City and Tramed would begin with Hulay, who single-handedly transformed the two teams from general regional enemies to A mortal enemy who will never stop fighting.

Although it is a bit exaggerated to say this, it is not wrong.

After all, with the size and strength of Leeds City at the time, without Hulay, they would have been almost unable to fight back against Tramed - this was evident in the confrontation between the two teams before Hulay joined. But without Hulay, Leeds City also played in the Premier League for a season and a half. They were at a comprehensive disadvantage against Tramed.

How could Tramed take this team seriously and regard it as a "mortal enemy"?

It was precisely because Hulay joined Leeds City and helped the team win 3:2 at the Red Roof Stadium. While bringing Leeds City to the Premier League throne, it also nailed Tramed to the "pillar of shame" forever, which allowed the two teams to form such a big gap.

Although he has left Leeds City now, he is still so excited to play Tramed.

This makes Leeds City fans who have been paying attention to him particularly happy.

They happily sang songs that mocked Tramed. These songs had been played during Leeds City's game against Tramed.

In the eyes of Leeds City fans, Tramed's road to the Champions League has come to an end.

Although there is still one leg to play and it is at home.

But so what?

Hulay has great memories at the Red Roof Stadium, just like his performance at Stan Park Rangers' home ground. Going to the Red Roof Stadium to play may be as relaxing and comfortable for him as going home. .


Amid the sarcastic chants of Leeds City fans, the game on live television has resumed.

Tramed's players, who were three goals behind, were a little flustered.

Although Kevin Locke hopes that the team can regain the tradition of the "Scarlet Witch" of the past, in fact, this group of players is still far behind the group of players in Tramed's golden era.

First of all, in every position, they have no way to ensure that their players are the best and most competitive championship-level players.

So when they faced off against the real championship-level Madrid Pirates, the consequence of choosing an aggressive and risky strategy was naturally... to be beaten by their opponents.

It can only be said that Kevin Locke is courageous, but a little reckless.

Or... he was anxious.

The initial chaotic period left Tramed's defense in danger.

Locke frowned and stood on the sidelines, waving his arms and shouting loudly.

But instead of asking the players to stabilize, he...

"Attack! Attack out! Keep attacking!"

Now he looks like a gambler who is obsessed with losing. He doesn't care that he is losing his pants and wants to bet all his wealth on the gambling table.

Under such circumstances, Luo Kai may be one of the few players who can support Locke's confidence...or "ambition".

He sprinted back and forth up and down the right path like he was tireless. The high-intensity training he had been doing since entering professional football paid off at this time.

Long-term strict self-requirements allowed him to have enough physical energy to sprint up to 30 meters even in the last ten minutes of the Champions League.

Naturally, he won more ball rights with such outstanding performance.

In the 85th minute, after dribbling the ball at high speed from the wing, he suddenly stopped and cut inside, shook off Ion Martinez, dribbled laterally, and then shot with his left foot!

The football shot into the far corner, bypassing Hewel's fingers, but in the end it went out from the outside of the back post!

This caused Matthew Cox to sigh repeatedly: "Ronaldo almost saved the team! If he can help Tramed tie the total score to 2:4, then there is still hope for the second round!"

And Ion Martinez gradually struggled when facing the increasingly crazy Luo Kai.

Finally, in the 88th minute, in order to stop Luo Kai, he had to foul intentionally and received a yellow card.

This penalty also made many Tramed players dissatisfied. They believed that Ion should have received a yellow card on Luo Kai a long time ago, so now this yellow card will make him two yellows and one red, and he will be sent off...

This time, when his teammates were complaining for Luo Kai, he calmed down and just prepared for the next attack.

Luo Kai's outstanding performance on the wing also inspired other teammates.

Let them realize that although they are now three goals behind, the game is not over yet.

Even if they can get a goal back, it can lay the foundation for a comeback in the second round.

So in the last few minutes of the game, it almost became an away game where Tramed besieged the Madrid Pirates.

If someone had just turned on the TV, they would have thought that Tramed was playing at home...


In the fourth minute of injury time, there was less than a minute left before the end of the game.

Luo Kai once again got the ball on the wing.

Facing Ion, the red-eyed Luo Kai did not force a breakthrough, but instead pedaled his bicycle.

Ion, on the other hand, cautiously fought and retreated without taking a step to steal the ball.

Many Chinese fans watched this scene and sighed - now the person in front of Luo Kai who looks like a formidable enemy is the main left back of the Spanish national team and the winner of the World Cup!

Although Ion fought and retreated, Luo Kai still approached step by step on his bicycle.

When he was getting closer to Ion, he suddenly pushed the football away with the outside of his right foot, accelerated and changed direction to overtake!

This time he did not choose to do it himself, but swept the football towards the goal!

"Cross from Luo Kai! Baria!"

He Feng exclaimed.

The football was passed to Ricardo Barea who was outflanking him in the middle of the goal!

The latter pushed the ball forward!

Haywell rushed forward, but his hand did not touch the ball...

But his arm touched!

The football pushed out by Ricardo Barilla was rejected by Hywell with his arm!

Barea also wanted to come up and take a shot...but Danny Drew kicked the ball out first!

"Balia... Oops! He missed a great opportunity! This may be Tramed's last chance in this game!"

Barea put his head in his hands and stared at the Madrid Pirates goal with wide eyes, "WTF" written all over his face.

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PS, starting from today, I will temporarily make single updates. I will reply to double updates after I finish rewriting. Thank you for your support!

(For more specific reasons, you can go to the previous chapter to read the leave application chapter, which explains it in detail. Thank you!)

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