Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 439 Deathly Silence

1st Silence

"Kamala...inverted triangle!"

On the TV screen, with his back to the opponent, Eswein stretched his foot backwards and made a "scorpion tail swing", hoping to use such a difficult action to destroy Kamara's cross.

In fact, he can be touched, if Hu Lai doesn't take the first step...


After he stepped up the kick, Eswein missed the kick.

At the same time the football flew from behind him to the center.

After Hu Lai landed, he suddenly stopped and changed direction, cut inside, then got into a stance and volleyed!

As the number one goalkeeper of the German national team, Tobias Schlitt reacted quickly and he also pounced on the football.

Unfortunately, the power of Hu Lai's shot was too great. Even if Schlitter pounced on the ball, he could not change the flight path of the football.

"Ahhhhhhhh!!!" Spanish commentator Sanchez screamed loudly, "Huh!! Huh!! Hu - GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

As a Spanish commentator, Sanchez squeezed his lung capacity to the extreme. He only took two breaths during such a long commentary.

Then he took a deep breath, his lips flew up and down, and he explained like a machine gun: "Brilliant! Unbelievable! Amazing! Great! When the blue and white Munich had just equalized the total score, Hu took advantage of the kick-off opportunity to score for Madrid. The Pirates regained the lead! Who would have thought? When Becker scored, countless Pirates fans were probably thinking about how to play overtime...but Hu pulled them back again! Hu is like a god this season Go down to earth! No one can stop him from scoring goals! He's going crazy! He's already going crazy!"

However, no one listened attentively to his long and wonderful explanation.

In the large and small pubs in downtown Madrid, the Pirates fans who could not travel with the team to the away game were all celebrating wildly. They roared, cheered, hugged... No one cared what the commentator Sanchez said.

All they know is that the Madrid Pirates are ahead again!

The total score is 4:3!

If Blue and White Munich wants to come back, they have to score another goal.

But now it's their turn and there's not much time left for them!


"Ouch! Hu Lai! Ouch! Wow! Beautiful! Beautiful! So beautiful!! Oh my god, what is this! What is this? The Madrid Pirates just conceded the ball and they kicked off and scored! The blue and white Munich I’m afraid the fans weren’t even happy for a minute, right?”

He Feng and Yan Kang were shouting in the studio.

It didn't sound like a professional commentator, but like an ordinary fan who was frightened.

You can't blame them, such a scene is indeed rare in the world.

I'm afraid even the craziest screenwriter can't write such a script.

Hu Lai didn't have many chances in the first 80 minutes, but Becker's goal seemed to turn on his switch. He scored with one shot after the kickoff!

In front of the TV, Xie Lan held his head in his hands, widened his eyes, and looked at the TV screen with an exaggerated expression. He didn't know how much was sincere and how much was acting...

But the dumbfounded look of Hu Lixin next to her was definitely not an act.

Perhaps the more people know about football, the more incredible they find this scene in front of them.

Because this is really difficult to explain with football knowledge.

Finally, I can only say:

This is football!

Football is round!


"Holy shit! This is football! Oh shit! Football is round! Brothers, this, this, this..."

Han Shuyu in the media gallery was recording with her mobile phone. This was the only way she could express her feelings.

She cannot be as eloquent as a professional commentator, and can only use vulgar language to express herself most directly.

She only started recording after Becker scored. She originally wanted to record the situation after the Blue and White Munich scored, but she didn't expect to accidentally film the entire process of Hu Lai's goal...

If this were not the case, she would never dare to think that Hu Lai could take advantage of the kick-off opportunity to score.

It was almost as if she had planned it beforehand.


"Isn't this too nonsense?"

In front of the coaching bench of the Blue and White Munich, second assistant coach Grimand Aylmer made such exclamations and questions.

Just a moment ago, he was laughing so hard because Becker broke Caesar's record, but now he showed a horrified expression.

Head coach Hantcek had already rushed to the sidelines and made gestures to the players on the court, indicating that they should continue to attack.

The total score changed from 3:3 to 3:4, and there was only one way ahead of Blue and White Munich.

Don't think about anything else, just attack!

Just do it!

There is only a way out by attacking.

Despite suffering an unprecedented blow, head coach Hantcek was the first to react and made the right and decisive decision.


After the Madrid Pirates players ended their celebration and returned to their own half, the referee blew the whistle and Becker kicked the football back. Blue and white Munich couldn't wait to launch a counterattack.

After experiencing the initial panic, the blue and white Munich fans in the Iron Dome cheered for the team again.

Although they were equalized by Madrid Pirates just after scoring a goal, it was indeed a heavy blow.

But what scene haven’t the fans of Europe’s top giants Blue and White Munich seen?

A truly wealthy family has experienced strong winds and waves, and cannot be knocked down by just one blow.

We are Munich in blue and white!

We are the dominant players in German football!

Our mortal enemy in Europe is the King of Madrid, what are the Pirates of Madrid?

Blue and white, charge!

Amid the cheers of the home fans, the Blue and White Munich also passed the ball directly from the backcourt to the frontcourt after the kick-off, looking for Mark Becker, seeming to want to copy the miracle of the Madrid Pirates.

But this time Becker's spot was occupied by Danny Drew.

He overpowered Becker and jumped up to push back the flying football.

Vukovic controlled the second point and directly picked the football behind him with his back to the direction of attack!

Then he turned around and swung away the blue-and-white Munich player Torey Weier who was rushing towards him.

After turning around, Vukovich used his chest to remove the ball from the air, then looked up and looked ahead.

He saw Hu Lai thrusting forward, with a huge gap in front of him.

So he didn't hesitate and directly passed the ball to the front of Hu Lai's running route!


When Hu Lai was running forward, he looked back and saw that the football was flying towards him, so he concentrated on sprinting.

Jean Cron followed him, close to Hulay, but did not dare to make a move.

When running into the thirty-meter area, Hu Lai looked back at the football again, and the ball was already close at hand!

So he suddenly accelerated, temporarily getting rid of Jean Cron's personal interference, jumped out, and stretched out his right foot.

The football that flew more than fifty meters across the field stopped firmly on the instep of his right foot!

Then he was sent to the turf in front of him by Hu Lai.

When he landed, he took advantage of the situation and walked away with the outside of his feet!

The whole process was done in one go, as smooth as Dove.

"Hu Lai! Beautiful stop!"

"Hu——! Good shot!"

Because the ball stopped so well, Jean Cron couldn't find a chance to steal the ball, and he was half-blocked by Hulay.

The two people just entered the penalty area.

Jean Cron did not dare to steal the ball rashly.

It wasn't until Hu Lai raised his right leg that he stretched out his foot from behind to tackle Hu Lai's shot!

But the huge advantage Hu Lai accumulated for him by stopping the ball played a crucial role at this time!

Jean Cron didn't reach it!


The football was whipped toward the goal by Hu Lai!

Schlitt, who moved to the near corner to block the shot, made a save, but did not touch the ball!

The football was almost in Schlit's face, passing over his head.

When Germany raised his head, he felt as if a huge plane was flying past his eyes. The roar exploded his eardrums, causing him to lose his hearing in a short period of time, and he could no longer hear any sound.

Hantcek, who was waving his arms on the sidelines, still kept his teeth and claws, but the expression on his face was no longer ferocious, but dull.

The blue and white Munich coaching staff behind him are like a group of sculptures with different expressions. They all look motionlessly towards their own goal.

Schlitter rolled over and fell to the ground, finally seeing the football.

The football is in the goal.

He looked beyond the mesh to the stands behind him.

The spherical grid is like windows, and the "windows" are full of dull faces.

At this time, Schlit suddenly realized that perhaps it was not that he had temporarily lost his hearing, but that the entire stadium had fallen into an incredible silence, as if he had died!

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