Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 446: Special treatment for disobedience


Among the steps for Madrid Pirates to achieve the "Triple Crown", the Champions League championship is considered to be the most difficult, because the opponent is the strongest and has a special hatred bonus.

The Copa del Rey is the easiest because the opponent Saria is not strong.

In the middle of the league, theoretically speaking, the Madrid Pirates have a very high chance of winning the championship. The third-ranked Madrid Kings have already withdrawn from the competition for the league title early, and they can only put all their hopes in the Champions League final.

But Catalonia still hopes to compete for the league championship.

They are only four points behind the Madrid Pirates. If they can defeat the Madrid Pirates in the 37th round of the league, they can reduce the point difference between the two sides to one point, and maybe they can create a miracle in the final round.

In the final round of the league, Catalonia United faced Atlético Corvette at home, while Madrid Pirates challenged Real Huelva away.

Both teams are currently in the relegation zone and have a chance to go up. This kind of team is the most difficult to beat.

Catalonia also has the advantage of playing at home, and the Madrid Pirates have to go to Real Huelva's home ground.

What if they are really overturned by Real Huelva in the away game?

By then, won’t Catalan United be going to create a miracle of reversal and winning the championship?

No matter how slim the hope is, you still have to have a dream. What if it comes true?

Of course, to achieve a miracle, you must first do your own thing well.

For example, we must first defeat Madrid Pirates away from home, and then return to home to defeat Atlético Corvette.


The Catalan United team arrived in Madrid the day before the game. In the evening, they will conduct acclimatization training at Pirates Park Stadium and participate in the pre-match press conference.

Generally speaking, one or two players will participate in the pre-match press conference.

When Carlos Cordero approached head coach Jose Bernal and said he wanted to attend the pre-match press conference, Bernal was not surprised.

"I knew you were looking for me."

He even said so.

"But I don't know if it's a good thing or a bad thing to have you in the pre-match press conference..."

Cordero was afraid that the head coach would disagree, so he fought hard: "Of course it's a good thing, 100% a good thing. I often dream about that game now, and I hope that tomorrow's game will be the end of that matter. And even if I don't When I go to a press conference, most of the reporters’ questions will be about me. I don’t want to become a coward who hides.”

Bernal sighed, knowing that he could not convince Cordero, so he nodded: "Okay,

I agree with you to go. "


"I came to Pirates Park with a lot of goals."

At the pre-match press conference, goalkeeper Carlos Cordero became the center of attention of everyone present.

Brazilian star Kabangca, who attended the press conference with him, seemed to be ignored.

But Kabangka didn't care. When he heard what Cordero said, he patted the shoulder of his teammate next to him to encourage him and to show that he stood with him.

Hearing what Cordero said, the reporters in the audience also became excited.

Everyone knows what Cordero is talking about - in the eighteenth round of the league, the Madrid Pirates challenged Catalan United away from home. In that game, the Madrid Pirates defeated Catalan United with a score of 4:1.

But more interesting than the results is the process.

The reason why Catalonia lost so miserably was because Cordero made two very low-level mistakes in the game.

A direct pass to Kamara helped Kamara assist Hulay to score.

Another time Hulay's shot caused Cordero to let go, and the football flew over his shoulder and into the goal.

Cordero became the target of criticism after the game. Although he said that the first mistake was a trap deliberately created by Hulay, it did not relieve the pressure on him.

Of course, Hu Lai also shared some of the burden, but Hu Lai didn't care...

It’s time to scold, I won, so what?

Cordero didn't have such a good attitude, because Catalonia really lost.

Now it seems that if Catalonia had not lost in that game, even if it was a draw, the point difference between the two teams would not be four points, but one point.

As long as Catalonia United defeats Madrid Pirates in this round of the league, they will be able to firmly control their destiny without having to look at the faces of other teams in the final round of the league.

Therefore, if Catalonia does not win the league championship in the end, it can also be said that their failure in the 18th round of the league is destined to miss the league championship.

Then Cordero, who made two mistakes, must bear the main responsibility.

"I know I made two mistakes in the last match, but things happen for a reason. Moreover, it proves that if Hu doesn't use those dirty tricks, he will not be able to score from me... I know that Hu has scored 32 consecutive goals. If he has scored in every league game, then his consecutive scoring record ends here!”

As soon as this statement came out, the press conference was in an uproar.

Reporters finally heard the explosive content they wanted to hear most!

Carlos Cordero challenges Jule!

He wants to end Hu Lai's consecutive scoring record!

Will Hu Lai respond?


Hu Lai did not attend the pre-match press conference between the two sides. He was stopped by reporters on his way to the locker room after getting off the bus.

"I watched his (Cordero's) interview. Regarding the record, I said from the beginning that I actually don't care how long I can continue the record. From the moment I set the record, I It's clear that any record is meant to be broken. So he wants to end my record? No problem. Anyone can end my record."

After briefly answering the reporters' questions, he followed the other teammates to the special channel.

The reporters were talking behind him:

"Hu is so low-key?"

"Oh, what a pity, Hu didn't pick up the fight. The two of them didn't quarrel!"

"I think Hu's approach is right. What's the point of talking so much before the game? Whether Cordero can really end Hu's record, won't we know when the game comes?"

"Hu Zhen is getting more and more mature. Instead of having a war of words with Cordero, it's better to say something for the occasion..."

Chinese reporters also whispered together:

"Spanish journalists actually think that Hu is becoming more and more mature? Can't they hear the sarcasm in Hu Lai's words?"

"That's right. The phrase 'anyone can end my record' clearly means 'I'm going to hit ten'!"

"Ahem... To be honest, if I didn't know Hu Lai's true face well enough, I wouldn't be able to tell..."

"Hey, don't talk nonsense, don't guess what other people think. There's no such thing as 'I'm going to fight ten', there's no yin and yang. If Hu Lai didn't say it, let's not guess. Just report it as it is."

"Oh, yes, yes! That's right! When Hu Lai faced the challenge from Cordello, he kept a clear mind and was not disturbed by the outside world. He focused solely on the competition! He has a thunderous chest and a calm face. You can be called a general! Hu Lai is awesome!"


Madrid Pirates received a throw-in just five or six meters past the halfway line.

Toni was closest to the football. He took the ball thrown by the ball boy and tried to serve it out.

But was stopped by Ion Martinez.

"Go away, Toni! Go forward!"

Ion ran up and waved Tonini back to the field.

He's going to throw the foul ball.

Ion Martinez is nicknamed "The Grenadier", and his skill is to throw throw-ins with great force.

If it is a foul ball very close to the penalty area, the entire Catalan United team will be highly nervous.

However, the ball was really far away from the goal and penalty area, and it was difficult to threaten the goal. Therefore, Catalonia's defensive focus was still on Tonini, who ran forward for a distance along the left wing.

They thought Ion was going to cooperate with Tonini and throw the football to the Brazilian winger.

Unexpectedly, Ion held the football and retreated a full three or four meters - because there was a billboard on the side of the field and there was not enough space, he retreated diagonally.

Looking at this posture, the Catalan United players immediately realized that Ion was going to "throw a bomb" again!

They immediately looked for possible receiving targets.

Who else could it be?

Of course it’s Hu Lai!

Originally there was a Catalan United center back Paul Fortune next to Hulay, but now another center back Joel Jimenez has been added.

Two people wanted to double-team Hu Lai.

At this moment, Hu Lai suddenly started to move forward and ran behind the two central defenders!

This would put him in an offside position.

But... the throw-in was not offside!

So although Hu Lai got behind the two of them, he was offside.

But Ion on the sideline still struggled to throw the football to Hu Lai far ahead!

The football flew about thirty meters in the air and landed in front of the Catalan United penalty area!

This is outrageous!

"Ion! Powerful throw-in! Good shot!!"

Catalan United goalkeeper Carlos Cordero immediately pressed forward upon seeing this, but instead of abandoning the goal and attacking, he shortened the distance between himself and Hulay and blocked the angle of his shot.

At the same time, Joel Jimenez was chasing from the side, trying to push Hulay to the wing.

He succeeded.

Because when Hu Lai stopped the ball, he really used the outside instep of his left foot to stop the football to the outside.

Others also chased the ball, deviating from the goal and the angle became smaller and smaller.

But after catching up with the football, Hu Lai did not give up the idea of ​​shooting. He did not make adjustments and directly raised his left foot without facing the goal!

Turn around and tease!

The football flies towards the goal!

When Cordero saw the football flying, he immediately took off, raised his arms high and made a save!

He didn't dare to bet that Hu Lai would masturbate directly with this kick...

His hand didn't touch the ball!

The football flew over his hand and then suddenly fell!

The Cordero man was still in the air. He turned around hard and saw the football crashing into his goal from the far corner!

After the throw-in, Ion Martinez, who was standing on the sideline to watch the show, saw the football flying into the goal from a distance. He raised his arms high, turned to the Madrid Pirates fans in the stands, and cheered with them!

Assist, it's that simple!

"Ah ah! Hu! Hu!!! Hu Lai!!" Sanchez roared. "Only seventeen minutes into the game, Hu gave Madrid Pirates the lead! He scored first, scoring for the 33rd consecutive league round! The 54th goal of the season! Such Hu is unstoppable!"

He Feng roared: "Hu Lai——! Beautiful! A world wave! A difficult turn shot! It also had the effect of an elevator ball! Before the game, Cordero said that he would end Hu Lai's consecutive scoring record. , now his mission has ended prematurely! There is nothing to say, this ball is not offside, and the foul ball is not offside!"

Yan Kang was even more excited: "Isn't Cordero unconvinced? Hu Lai! Specializes in treating unconvinced people! Hahaha!"

Carlos Cordero fell from the air and lay on the ground, staring blankly at the football in the goal.

He made no mistakes this time, and Hu Lai didn't play any tricks.

But he still lost the ball!

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