Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 465 The game begins


After the live artistic performance, players from both sides came out of the locker room one after another.

The substitute players walked straight out of the tunnel, while the players who were going to start stayed in the tunnel, gathering in small groups. They did not line up immediately, after all, it was still a while before they started playing.

The players on both sides are actually very familiar with each other, but at this time, they have almost no communication.

Players from Kings of Madrid will not go to Pirates of Madrid players, and vice versa.

The only exception is Hu Lai.

After he walked to the passage, he greeted Merry warmly: "Hi, long time no see!"

It’s been a long time indeed.

The last time the two met was in the 22nd round of the league, which was on February 3 this year.

Meili has not played for almost four months, and Hu Lai misses him very much.

His enthusiasm is definitely not fake.

But Merry ignored him.

This season, Melli has completely lost in the competition for collective and personal honors in the league.

Thirty-three goals set a record for the most goals in his career in the league - he scored 31 goals last season.

Logically speaking, scoring more than 30 league goals for two consecutive seasons is a very commendable achievement.

If it weren't for Hu Lai, he would have been praised by the media by now.

But now, few media outlets have mentioned his achievement.

Everyone's attention is swarming on Hu Lai's astonishing record of 60 league goals in a single season.

In comparison, his thirty-three goals are nothing to mention.

If it weren't for his 132 tricks against Getafe in the last game, he was almost "trapped" by Hulay - Hulay's goals would be twice as many as his own.

For Melly, the competition in the league is over, and he lost undisputedly.

But that doesn't mean he's lost this season.

He still has a chance to reverse the victory in the final game.

As long as he can successfully defend his title in the Champions League final, he can surpass Hulay, who scored 60 goals in the league.

As the saying goes, he who laughs last is the one who laughs best.

Meili knew that Hu Lai's greeting to him was just a psychological warfare before the game.

He needs to stay focused.

So I ignored Hu Lai and just thought that the sound just now was to say hello to others.

He didn’t call me by his name anyway…


Just after the players from both teams had walked out, Corentan Kilic and Luis Cuellar came out of the lounge carrying the Champions League trophy, passed between the players of the two teams, and walked towards the court.

As he passed the players, Cuellar waved to the Kings players and cheered: "Come on, boys!"

Not to be outdone, Kilic also waved his fist at the Pirates players: "Go forward, Pirates!"

Then they walked out of the passage.

Then, players from both sides in the tunnel heard huge cheers from the stands outside.

Obviously, this is because the Champions League trophy was unveiled.

"Okay, okay! Line up, all line up!" Pirates captain Juan Ramirez took the lead in clapping his hands to remind his teammates. "Ready to appear!"

Next door, Kings captain Serrados is doing the same thing.

Players from both sides, who originally gathered in twos and threes, came to their respective teams and stood in a line.

"It's time to appear!"

He Feng said excitedly after seeing this through the screen in the commentary box.

"It's getting closer and closer to the 2028-202 whistle kick-off! The artistic performance is over, the Champions League trophy is unveiled, and the players from both sides are also lined up in the tunnel. Now they are waiting for the referee team to lead them out..."

Although this scene was just an ordinary scene before the game, it made him very excited and his voice rose an octave.

He has commented on more than one Champions League final, and it is not new for him to commentate on the spot.

But there have been so many times before, but none of them can be compared with now.

His anticipation for this final was unprecedented.

During the artistic performance before, he didn't even have the intention to introduce the artistic performance properly. He just wanted to let these messy rituals pass quickly and get to the main point. It would be best if the competition started as soon as the whistle blew!

So he just briefly introduced which song was sung by which singer after the artistic performance, and nothing more went on.

Now he finally got excited again and quickly got into work mode.


The referee team walked out of the lounge, passed between the two teams, and came to the front.

The referee said to the players of both teams: "Are you ready, gentlemen? Please follow me."

After saying that, he took the lead and led the people out of the passage.

Players from both sides walked out together behind him.

At the same time, the magnificent Champions League theme song sounded from the stadium broadcast.

Accompanied by the high-pitched music, everyone present...even the audience in front of the TV felt numb.

Some people even stood up and watched TV, as excited as if they were entering the venue themselves.

"It's coming, it's coming!"

In the living room, Yan Yan and his friends cheered.

At the same time, such cheers were heard in countless corners of China.

Chinese fans have been waiting for this game for too long.

After Hu Lai's "legendary six minutes", they began to wait and look forward to the final.

Even the league and the Copa del Rey in between are not of much concern.

For some Chinese fans, the Triple Crown is certainly great.

But if they had to choose one, they would rather choose the Champions League champion.

The importance of winning the Champions League is completely different from winning the league.

Of course, now that we have won the league and the King's Cup, everyone's expectations for the Champions League championship are even greater...

"Players from both sides appear!"

When a close-up of Hu Lai appeared on the TV broadcast, someone in the bar said:

"Oh, I have goosebumps..."

He thought he was the only one who had such a reaction, but soon more people raised their arms and said, "I'm up too."

"Me too……"

"And I……"

Yao Yuling even more excitedly put her hands together on her chest, her whole body trembling slightly.

Peng Hao caught a glimpse from the side and wanted to reach out to help Sister Yao calm down, but he didn't dare. He could only watch secretly from the side...

At this moment, someone in the bar shouted: "Hu Laixiong!"

So more people followed and shouted: "Rise up! Rise up!"

Yao Yuling was among them. Peng Hao quickly looked away, looked at the TV screen, and then shouted together.

"Biao... Hu Lai is rising!!"


Lilith peeked at Luo Kai beside her and found that he raised his head and looked at the close-up shot of Hu Lai's entrance on the TV screen in the private room.

She didn't know what the story was between Luo Kai and Hu Lai, but her female intuition told her that Luo Kai was obviously lying when he said that he only came to watch a Champions League final.

Luo Kai, who was looking at Hu Lai in a daze, didn't notice the eyes from around him.

Hulay has already reached the stage of the Champions League final, but he doesn't know how long it will take and how long it will take to get here.

Chasing Hu Lai?

I'm afraid I can't catch up...

Maybe he should no longer focus on Hu Lai, but should lower his head, look at his feet, and take the path in front of him first.

His outstanding performance in the last moments of the Champions League this season should allow him to play the main role in the Champions League next season.

His goal next season is to keep his main position in Tramed.

In fact, Hu Lai's performance this season shocked him deeply.

Some media have calculated that so far, Hu Lai has scored an astonishing 90 goals in all competitions this season!

This does not include the 13 goals scored by the Olympic team.

The Chinese media calculated these thirteen goals.

Counting these thirteen goals, Hu Lai has scored more than 100 goals in a single season...

How to pursue such a performance?

Even if you risk your life to catch up, you won't be able to catch up!

Luo Kai never dared to think that he could score ninety goals in a season... let alone ninety goals. If he could score thirty goals, it would be worthy of celebration.

Counting the national team games this season, he has only scored a total of 13 goals - nine goals for the club and four for the national team.

Whether he admits it or not, he is no longer a player who can chase Hu Lai as his goal.

That's called "shooting too high a goal."

Hulay's stage is in the Champions League final, and Hulay's opponents are top stars like Melli and Kabangka.

Luo Kai just kept his head slightly raised, looking at the figure on the TV screen in a daze.

Who would have thought...

What if someone who was like a clown in the class at first has become a giant who needs to look up to him ten years later?


After all the necessary procedures were completed, Hu Lai stood alone in the center circle with a football under his feet.

Madrid Pirates won the right to kick off the Champions League final.

The noisy Milan Central Stadium fell silent.

Fans from both sides paused the confrontation that lasted from the moment they entered the field to the present, waiting for the whistle.

In the stands where the fans of the Madrid Kings gather, there is a giant TIFO, which simply and directly depicts the twelve Champions League trophies and the year they won the championship.

The fans of the Madrid Kings use this method to show the domineering power of the King of Champions League.

A TIFO for pirate fans is a cartoon of a pirate holding a trident stabbing the king from his throne.

In fact, just looking at the TIFO of both sides, Pirates fans have already lost momentum...

This is the confidence of the Champions League kings. They don't have to go out of their way to show off their abilities. They only need to line up the championship trophies they have won, which is shocking enough.

In the quiet stadium, the on-site commentator He Feng said softly: "Friends from the audience, the players from both sides have now stood still. The game..."

The referee raised his wrist to look at his watch to confirm the time, then pressed the timing button and blew the whistle at the same time.

"The game begins!" He Feng and Yan Kang shouted at the same time.

At the same time, in the commentary box, commentators from all over the world shouted this sentence together in different languages.

"Game start!!"


PS, three updates starting tomorrow until the end of the game!

Please also ask for a guaranteed monthly ticket for July!

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