Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 468 Famous Game Element 2: World Wave

Part 1: World Wave

Vukovich took the ball in the backcourt and tried to directly pass the ball to Hu Lai in the frontcourt.

However, just as his long ball was about to fly to Hulay, it was headed back by Kings center back Sergi Peralta.


Xie Lan in the stands let out a long sigh of regret.

"What's the hurry? Pass it to Kaili and move forward!"

At the end, she complained.


The square of Madrid Kings fans in the stands diagonally in front were applauding Peralta’s header. Others were coaxing Vukovic, who passed the long pass, to thank him for passing the football directly to Peralta. .

Tony Clark looked back at the Madrid Kings fans and said to Matt: "Although the pass was not in place, it is right, and moving forward is the right thing."

Matt also nodded: "Parotti also realized the problem. He wanted to create a quagmire in the midfield and backcourt, but the King's offense was too fast to get into the quagmire... so he made adjustments."

"Parotti is definitely an underrated master coach."

The two stopped chatting and continued to watch the game seriously.

On the field, because the Madrid Pirates obviously strengthened their offensive, but there were some gaps in their defense, so the King did not shrink back, but faced the Madrid Pirates' offense and attacked them.

When it comes to offense, the King of Madrid is not afraid of the Madrid Pirates at all.

In La Liga this season, the Madrid Kings have scored a total of 120 goals, leading La Liga, and 12 more goals than Catalonia United, which has the second most goals.

In the Champions League, the Madrid Kings are also the team with the most goals - they scored a total of 30 goals before the final.

Not only are they not afraid of the Madrid Pirates' attack, they even want the Pirates to attack them.

The two sides played very openly, with you coming and going, and the transition between offense and defense was very fast.

The game also looks better.


Danny Drew got the ball in the backcourt, and Madrid Kings captain Cerrados rushed to press him.

Under his pressure, Drew could only use long passes to rush the football to the frontcourt.

The accuracy of the pass cannot be guaranteed.

Cerrados also hopes that through this kind of pressing, the Pirates players will make mistakes and hand the ball to the King.

Wasn’t it successful this time?

The football flying towards the frontcourt was pushed back by King's center back Nuno Sequeiros who rushed up to clear the ball with a header.

Dudu Carlos, who was near the center line, dropped back to catch the ball. He raised his foot to stop the ball.

But someone is faster than him...

Vukovich rushed up from behind, jumped up towards the football, and kicked the football in the air!

He and Dudu Carlos collided. Dudu raised his foot to stop the ball and kicked Vukovich's leg, but Vukovich still passed the football before losing his balance and falling to the ground. frontcourt!

There were screams of surprise in the stands.

It is not quite appropriate to say that this was a long pass... because Vukovic used a volley kick in desperation.

The football flew towards the left rib of the Madrid King's penalty area at an extremely fast speed!

There, Maxi Carey is speeding towards football!

King's center back Peralta followed back.

He doesn't actually need to steal the ball, he just needs to run with it.

It has been stuck on the inside, so that even if Kyrie receives the ball, he cannot directly threaten the goal.

As for Hu Lai...he left it to other teammates to solve.

Kings goalkeeper Rodriguez Barker originally wanted to give up the goal, but gave up the idea when he saw that the football was flying towards the ribs at an angle and Peralta was following.

He continued to guard the goal, but moved from the center to the front point to block Kyrie's possible shot. Although the angle was very small, you can't say that Kyrie will not shoot. There are no stars of his level. Scored a goal from a tight angle...

To be honest, this was not a very good offensive opportunity for Madrid Pirates.

Vukovic may have just wanted to snatch the football away from Dudu at that time. Rather than launching an attack with a long pass, it is better to say that he accidentally passed the football to Carey while making a clearance.

For the Madrid Pirates, as long as Carey can control the ball, this offense can still be played.

If Carey fails to keep the ball, Madrid Pirates will have to be prepared to immediately switch to defense.

But Vukovich is still lying on the ground holding his ankles. If he wants to defend him, he may have to struggle to get up and limp into the battle...

In fact, he had already planned to do this - although he was lying on the ground, he raised his head and paid close attention to the situation in front of him. He put his hands on the ground and gritted his teeth to get up.

Maxi Carey turned his head and looked towards the center while rushing forward.

Goalkeeper Bakker noticed his action and immediately looked back at the center, pointing at the center and shouting: "Be careful with Hu!"

Nuno Sequeiros did not answer because he was running towards the door with Hulay.

The football kicked by Vukovic finally hit the ground and bounced high after falling to the ground in front of Carey.

Seeing the height of the ball bouncing, Peralta was relieved in his heart - it is difficult to control the ball at this height. And when the football fell to a suitable height, he also followed it. This attack of the Madrid Pirates can be said to be... It is difficult to pose a threat!

Sure enough, Carey also slowed down and opened his arms at the same time, trying to block Peralta behind him. He looked up at the football and prepared to stop the ball.

Of course, it was impossible for Peralta to give him the opportunity to get the ball easily in the penalty area and immediately stick to it.

But at this moment, he saw Kaili jump up suddenly!

It's not the kind of jump that wants to jump up and unload the ball with the chest, nor is it the kind of jump that wants to compete for the header, but... a barb!

Barb? !

At this angle and position, even a barb can't hit the door!

Peralta's eyes widened, and Carey's barb was reflected in his pupils. The football at the highest point was hooked by Carey... to the center!

A cross!

An inverted triangle cross!

An inverted triangle cross with a golden hook!

Peralta's neck turned with the football. When it reached the limit, he caught a glimpse of another figure flying in the air out of the corner of his eye!



"Oh, God!"


Amid the unanimous exclamations and exclamations of the commentators, Hulay, who rushed to the penalty spot, suddenly stopped while running and got rid of Cequeiros, who had been following him.

The latter stretched out his hand to pull him, but he was just a hair away and couldn't touch him!

Then Hu Lai turned around and took off!

He soared into the air with his back to the goal!

Then lean back, lift your right foot and press down, just like a lever, raising your left foot!

The whole set of movements is extremely smooth, as graceful as a textbook barb...

Sequeiros, who was thrown away, looked back and saw this scene. He stood there, leaning back slightly, raising his head, opening his mouth wide, and paying attention to Hu Lai in the air!

Rodriguez Backer turned back from the front point. Before he could reach the position, Hu Lai in the air had already firmly hit the football with his left foot!


The football that was pulled over by Carey changed direction and accelerated towards the goal!

When Bucker saw this scene, he didn't even have time to make a save. He could only watch on the ground as the football rushed into the goal!

His eyes fell on the football in the goal, and then turned to the figure who completed the shot.

Hu Lai had fallen from the air. After landing, he immediately turned over and looked up to confirm the result of his shot.

After seeing the football in the goal, he propped up his body with both hands, got up from the ground, turned around and ran towards the corner flag area.

While running, he also made gestures to the Kings fans behind the Kings goal - repeatedly pressing down with one hand:

Quiet, I'm going to show off!

Then he jumped up in front of the stunned Madrid Kings fans who held their heads in their hands, raised his hands above his head, turned 180 degrees in the air, and waved down!

When his arms swung to the end, his feet were firmly planted on the turf!


Thunder rang in the stands opposite, rolled over the entire stadium and reached over the heads of the Kings fans, blowing their hair, clothes and hearts, then climbed over the high ceiling of the center court and disappeared into the horizon behind them.

But if you listen carefully, there seems to be a rumbling echo lingering in the ears and hearts of every Kings fan...

In the stadium under their noses, the Madrid Pirates players were running wildly.

Vukovich struggled to get up, but was pulled up from behind by Danny Drew, and then limped to keep up with his teammates and ran towards the figure in the corner flag area.

One by one, they ran over and hugged Hu Lai.

Those who couldn't hold Hu Lai jumped up high and pressed down from above.

Those Madrid Pirates players who came late and couldn't even catch the players from above shook their fists at the Kings fans in the stands, showing off their power in front of the rival fans just like Melli did after scoring a goal.

But this time, the Kings players didn’t even think of protesting to the referee or causing trouble for the Pirates players...

They all stood there, dumbfounded.


PS, the third update will be sent today, and the third update will continue tomorrow!

Asking for a monthly ticket!

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