Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 470: Element 4 of the famous game: fast pace

1st 4: Fast pace

In most people's minds, Argentine star Melly Banega's goals are basically scored by using his skills with his feet to get past defensive players.

The only difference is whether to pass one or to pass multiple.

So when Rafael Fonseca made a pass, the defensive attention of the Madrid Pirates players was on Vandenberg and Cerrados.

Although Melli is very capable, he rarely scores in offensive opportunities such as crosses from the wing.

On the one hand, he does not have the physical advantage, and on the other hand, he is indeed not good at grabbing points.

Only Juan Ramirez noticed Melly at the last moment and rushed to stop him, but failed.

Melli was extremely excited after scoring the goal.

Counting today's final, this is the fourth Champions League final he has participated in.

In the previous two finals, he failed to score a goal.

He scored a goal against Stan Park Rangers in last year's final, helping the team defeat the opponent 2:1 and win the championship.

In this year's final, before the first half was over, he had already scored twice and scored two goals.

Significant progress!

Excited, he ran to the corner flag again and waved his fist at the Madrid Pirates fans in the stands behind the goal.

Naturally, he responded with crazy boos and middle fingers from the Madrid Pirates fans.

But Melli didn't care. He smiled happily when the Madrid Pirates fans cursed him.


"Great job! That's it, Mellie!"

Xavi Sanchez, the director of football of the Kings Club, was on the podium, shaking his fist to celebrate the goal and cheering loudly to the players on the field.

At the beginning of last season, when it was decided to correct Melli and completely replace Cerrados, as the club's football director, he was under tremendous pressure. It could even be said that he fought against all the opinions to determine the strategy with Melli as the core.

After all, Cerrados is only thirty-three years old, and he scored twenty league goals and seven assists last season.

With this kind of data performance, he suddenly has to make way for Melli. The club has to withstand a lot of pressure from public opinion.

But Xavi Sanchez insisted on doing it because he knew that Melly was mature and could not wait any longer. If you really wait for Cerrados to retire before letting Melly take over, it will be a waste of Melly's talent.

So even though it seems ruthless, it is indeed criticized,

Sanchez still pushed the team to complete such a transformation.

He was even ready to kick out Cerrados, the captain, if Cerrados didn't cooperate.

He does not regret doing this, because this is the tradition of the Madrid Kings Club - the meaning of his work is to keep the club competitive for the championship forever. Winning championships and victories is the ultimate goal of the club. In order to achieve this goal, anyone can be sacrificed.

The team's Champions League championship last season proved that Xavi Sanchez's bold adjustment was correct.

But in fact, last season's Champions League semifinals were a huge obstacle for Sanchez.

If the Kings are eliminated by the Pirates in the semifinals, his insistence on building a team with Melli as the core will be a heavy blow.

Fortunately, the Kings eliminated the Pirates in the end and won the twelfth Champions League trophy in the club's history in the Champions League final.

This allowed Xavi Sanchez to successfully break through.

Originally, before this, he was also under tremendous pressure within the club's senior leadership because of missing Hu Lai.

After winning the Champions League, he proved to the club's senior management that even if we missed Hu Lai, we don't have to worry about the future. Because we have a Melly Banega who is better than Hulay, even much better!

Even without Hu Lai, as long as we have Merry, the King will still be the champion!

Champions are indispensable!

This season's Champions League final is a better proof for Xavi Sanchez than last season's semi-finals.

Because this time it was a direct duel between Melli and Hulay in the final.

Judging from Hulay's crazy state this season, if Melli can lead the team to defeat the Pirates who have Hulay in the end, will it completely end the debate about whether the Kings missing Hulay is a mistake that cannot be ignored?

Hulay's goal just now was indeed very beautiful. Xavi Sanchez believed from the bottom of his heart that if this goal was finally selected as the best goal in the Champions League this season, he would also vote for it.


Our Melli has already scored two goals in the final to help the Kings regain the lead!

Xavi Sanchez has always believed that Melli's talent is several times that of Hulay, and his future achievements will be higher than Hulay!

Now that we have Meili, why should we regret missing Hu Lai?


Jesus Valentin turned to look at coach Parotti.

After his adjustment, the effect was immediate, and Hulay helped Madrid Pirates equalize the score.

However, the Madrid Pirates' defense is not as strong as before. There are more gaps in the defense, making it easier for opponents to seize opportunities.

So the Kings of Madrid have scored again.

It seems that if we score one and the opponent scores one, there is no loss. But the Kings had one more goal than the Pirates at the beginning...

He looked at Parotti to see if the coach would readjust his tactics and stabilize his position first.

But to his surprise, Parotti did not do this. Instead, he stood up and walked to the sidelines again, gestured to the Pirates players on the field, and told them:

Everything is business as usual, unchanged.

At this time, Parotti "stabilized".

After making the gesture, he came back and explained to his assistants: "The facts are obvious. This game has turned into a chaotic battle. If we retreat and defend now, we may not be able to defend it. We might as well attack out. Use offense instead of defense, use offense to suppress their offense, so that they can't easily threaten our goal...Will we continue to concede goals if we play this way? Maybe, but this is the pressure and risk that we must bear."

After losing the ball, the Madrid Pirates players on the field were indeed a little confused, so Parotti's instructions at this time were very timely.

It stabilized the morale of the troops and let them know how to play next.

When the Madrid Kings players ended their celebration and returned to their own half, the Pirates players were already standing in their positions, waiting for the kick-off.

As the referee blew his whistle, Hu Lai in the center circle kicked the ball out again, and the game continued!


The Madrid Pirates tried to take advantage of the kick-off opportunity to threaten the Madrid King's goal, but when they passed the ball horizontally in the midfield, it was intercepted by the King's midfielder Albin Estrom.

The King of Madrid took advantage of the situation and launched a counterattack.

However, due to the sudden incident, the King of Madrid was not fully prepared.

When Estrom passed the ball forward, he was a little too hasty and the ball passed too wide.

Cerrados failed to reach the ball, and the football was caught by goalkeeper Hewel who struck in time.

After intercepting the pass, Hewel stood up from the ground, threw the football to the side with his hands, and threw it to Kamara who retreated to receive the ball.

After receiving the ball, Kamara turned and dribbled forward, but was forced up by Kings midfielder Mohamed Osay. He made a sudden stop and changed direction and passed Osay, but was stopped by Dudu Carlos who was returning to defense.

In desperation, he could only pass the football to Maxi Carey who was retreating.

Carey turned around and passed without stopping the ball, transferring the football to the left wing.

Tonini raised his foot to stop the ball on the sideline.

After the ball stopped, it was poked out of the sideline by King's right back Patin Garcia.

The chaotic battle finally came to an end.

But the two teams’ quick offense and defense didn’t end there.

Then the two sides went back and forth, and the fight was very lively.

First, Ion intercepted the ball from Orsay in the frontcourt and directly passed the ball to the ribs of the penalty area. Hu Lai made a diagonal run and volleyed with his left foot directly over the crossbar.

Then Melli dribbled the ball from the wing and cut inside, seeking to hit the wall with Cerrados, and then used his left foot to shoot into the far corner.

The football was saved by goalkeeper Hewel!

The Madrid Pirates fans in the stands screamed at the same time.


In the 38th minute, Rafael Fonseca crossed the center with a low ball from the left wing.

The football hit Moreno's foot and changed its line slightly. Instead of rolling towards the top of the penalty arc, it curved slightly and turned towards the goal!

This caught the Madrid Pirates defensive players off guard, and the defenders collectively stood still and did not move.

But Cerrados was very alert. He rushed out of the defense and ran towards the football as he was closest to the football.

Goalkeeper Hewel also gave up the goal!

Amid huge cheers and boos, Cerrados caught up with the football first and used the outside instep of his left foot to push the football to the outside!

He shook Hewel who had fallen to the ground!

But at the same time, the angle of his shot was already very small, and Cerrados just started with an extreme ejection and then caught up with the football and passed Hywell... This set of actions had already consumed too much of his physical energy, and his steps were messy. The center of gravity was unstable, and after barely catching up with the football, he forced a shot.

The football hit the side netting.

He himself also lost his center of gravity and spun around before falling to the ground...

"Ah! Cerrados! Side net! What a risk! If this ball had been replaced by a younger and faster Melilai, it might have gone in!" the Argentine commentator said regretfully.

Unfortunately, when the ball appeared, Melli was still on the right, too far away to miss it.


In the 40th minute, Madrid Pirates launched an attack.

Hu Lai looked back in the frontcourt and saw the football passing to Carey, and immediately started running.

He did not turn around and accelerate forward. Instead, he retreated first and made a gesture to meet Kyrie, causing Sequeiros to follow him and pull him out of the defense.

Then he turned to the left of his body, made a circle, then turned around and accelerated to sprint in a straight line!

Meanwhile, Kyrie had just received the ball.

When Sequeiros saw Hulay suddenly accelerating forward, without considering that Kyrie was the player with the ball, he immediately let Kyrie go and turned to chase Hulay.

Carey raised his foot to stop the ball and turned his head to observe Hu Lai's movement, so the ball seemed not to stop well. It did not stop at his feet obediently, but bounced up after landing.

Everyone thought Kyrie was going to wait for the football to fall before taking control again, but who would have thought that he rounded his thighs and fired directly from a distance of thirty-five meters from the goal... volleyed!

Such a long distance, such a sudden shot, and it hit the goal frame, forcing the Madrid Kings goalkeeper Rodríguez Backer to fly into the air and save the football from the bottom line to the extreme!

This time it was the Madrid Kings fans' turn to scream.

"Kyrie! Oh! Beautiful long shot! Forced Barker to make a world-class save!"


The first half ended with a few minutes left, but the rhythm of both sides never dropped.

How fast is it?

In the 44th minute, the Madrid Pirates made a comeback and pressed onto the King's 30-meter line.

Vukovic dribbled the ball laterally and tried to pass the ball to Ion Martinez on the left.

However, under the interference of Osei, his diagonal cross pass was not played well. Kings right back Padin Garcia judged his passing intention, stepped forward decisively, and intercepted the football.

Then Garcia immediately passed the football forward, hoping to launch a counterattack.

But because both the interception and the pass were too fast and sudden, Estrom, who was supposed to receive his pass, did not catch the ball, and the football slipped past his feet and rolled behind him.

It was then intercepted by Madrid Pirates' Juan Ramirez.

Ramirez also wanted to launch a counterattack quickly, so he did not stop the ball. Instead, he directly pushed the ball towards Maxi Carey in front of him.

At the same time, he quickly moved forward, as if he was going to hit a wall with Carey in a one-on-one.

But his pass was blocked by the referee - because of the frequent transfer of ball rights in the small area of ​​​​the left rib in front of the penalty area, the referee had no time to distance himself.

Seeing Ramirez's direct pass, he wanted to hide, but the direction of hiding was the same as the direction of Ramirez's pass. The football just hit his leg, bounced back, and pulled forward. Mires passed by...

The King almost made a counterattack - in the end, the King's counterattack was too hasty and the long pass was inaccurate and failed.

It wasn't until the referee finally blew the whistle to end the first half that the crazy back-and-forth offense and defense between the two teams came to an end.

"The first half is over! With Melli's two goals, the Madrid Kings lead the Madrid Pirates 2:1, and the Pirates' goal was scored by Julay... For neutral fans, perhaps it is the most recent The most exciting half of the Champions League final in fifteen years... The entire first half was almost in such frequent offensive and defensive transitions. As mortal enemies, the two teams know each other very well, so there is no trial. Everyone has How many abilities were used to create such a wonderful first half..."

He Feng in the commentary box let out a long breath and finally got out of the tense and intense state just now.

Yan Kang said worriedly:

"But for Chinese fans, while enjoying such a high-level game, they are also worried. They are worried about whether the Pirates will have the physical ability to continue playing with the Kings in the second half. After all, the Kings are better at this fast-paced style of play, and the Pirates are He also played one more Copa del Rey final than the King and had six days less rest..."

During the TV broadcast, the players from both teams did not stay on the court. They hurriedly walked off the court and towards their respective locker rooms.

The Madrid Pirates players, who were one goal behind, showed no signs of frustration, and the Madrid Kings players, who were one goal ahead, had no joy on their faces.

As mortal enemies, they all know that no one will admit defeat until the final whistle blows, so it is absolutely impossible to open the champagne at halftime...

This game is destined to be a fight to the death.


PS, the second update is here, and there is another update!

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