Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 480 The last element of a famous game: conflict and red card

Element 1: Conflict and red cards

"Merry! Ah! Merry!!"

Han Shuyu screamed while pointing his camera at the court.

In her shot, Mellie Banega is dribbling the ball at high speed along the wing and rushing towards the Madrid Pirates penalty area.

There were many others screaming like her, and Han Shuyu heard it himself. Regardless of men or women, everyone was like a helpless little girl in front of Meili's impact with the ball. They could do nothing but scream.

Fortunately, Ramirez rushed over from the side and gave Melly a fierce tackle!

Scooping Merry out of the sideline with the ball!

The referee's whistle sounded, and then was drowned out by even louder cheers and boos.

The cheers came from the Madrid Pirates fans, and the boos came from the Madrid Kings fans.

The former cheered for their captain and Merry's miserable appearance.

The latter believed that Ramirez committed a flagrant foul and should be sent off with a red card!

The referee did give Ramirez a card, but it was not a red card, but a yellow card.

This made the Kings fans in the stands and the Kings players on the court very dissatisfied.

The fans booed and the players surrounded the referee, seeking an explanation.

Only the head coach Roy Wei shouted anxiously on the sidelines: "Why are you going to surround the referee! Do you have a lot of time?! Let the game start quickly!!"

In his view, this is clearly a "poisonous plan" by the Pirates to make the Kings players waste energy and time on such trivial matters. In addition, it will also make the Kings players restless and unable to perform at their true level.

Look at the Pirates players. When the Kings players besieged the referee or scolded Ramirez, they were like sharks smelling blood. They surrounded them and provoked the Kings players with verbal provocations. They were unable to calm down and could only be dragged into the pirate's rhythm.

Melly was shoveled so hard that he lay on the ground holding his legs and rolling around, and no one paid attention to him.

Fortunately, not everyone in the King's formation has lost their minds.

Captain Cerrados tried to separate everyone and scolded them about what was most important now.

Melly himself struggled to get up from the ground and signaled to the referee that he did not need a team doctor to come up for examination or a stretcher.

Then he limped out.

Because both sides scored a total of four goals in the second half, plus there were substitutions, the fourth official on the sidelines gave the game seven minutes of injury time.

It is now the 93rd minute, four minutes before the end of the game.

There really wasn't much time left for the king, and they couldn't afford to waste it.


"You must hold on! Hold on!! Don't capsize the boat at the last moment and end the holiday..."

Xie Lan muttered nervously in the stands.

There are many, many people like her.

At the scene, or not at the scene, as long as they support the Madrid Pirates and Hulay, they are praying silently, praying that the Pirates can withstand the crazy offensive of the King at the last moment.

No one in the bar could still sit and watch the game. They all stood up and looked up at the TV.

In the living room of Chu Yifan's new house, some people even knelt on the floor to watch the game...

Parotti also stood on the sidelines, looking into the stadium with a slightly solemn expression.

He was also very nervous inside, and this was actually a manifestation of his nervousness.

Roy Wei next door formed a sharp contrast with him - he was pacing back and forth on the sidelines, waving his arms vigorously from time to time to signal the players to press up, press up, and press up again.


Not all Kings players can be like captain Cerrados or Melli, who can concentrate on the game without any emotion after experiencing Ramirez's intentional foul.

There are always people who are dissatisfied that Ramirez only received a yellow card and was not sent off with a red card.

This kind of emotion is accumulated in the heart and needs to be vented.

So when Hulay turned his back to the attacking direction in the midfield and received the ball from his teammate, and when he was about to delay for a while, he was swept into the air by Peralta from behind!

Literally being swept into the air - Peralta came from behind to sweep Tang's legs. Hulay was actually already dodging, but he still couldn't dodge while jumping in the air.

After all, most people sweep close to the ground, so they can avoid it by just jumping up.

But this time Peralta swung it directly into the air... It was said to be a sweeping kick, but it was more like a "roundhouse kick".

So even if Hu Lai jumped up, he couldn't escape and was kicked firmly in the calf.

He lost his balance in the air and fell to the ground with a scream.

The referee's whistle sounded again.

And this time it was accompanied by a harsh and short continuous whistle.

Because Camara had already rushed towards Peralta when he saw Hulay being kicked to the ground. The referee was afraid that the two would fight, so he quickly warned both sides with such a rapid whistle and ran up quickly.

At the same time, cheers and boos rang out again from the stands.

It's just that this time the objects were exchanged - the cheering fans were replaced by the Madrid Kings fans. They really hated Hulay and wished that Peralta would kick Hulay off the field this time.

The boos came from Pirates fans. Not only did they boo, they also cursed and cursed Peralta. He cursed as harshly as he could, and cursed Peralta and his entire family for eighteen generations.

Well, the eighteenth generation of our ancestors was scolded by Xie Lan...

Madrid Pirates players also quickly rushed to help Kamara.

Some people were concerned about Hu Lai's injury.

Like Danny Drew.

He ran to ask about Hu Lai's situation: "Are you okay, Hu?"

Hu Lai gritted his teeth in pain - this was not an act, it was real pain.

Although he was equipped with [Broken Bear Leg Guards] and was not injured, this thing could not relieve pain.

I was kicked on the calf bone. It hurt even though it wasn't hurt!

" hurts..."

he said through gritted teeth.

"You're really unconvincing like this..." Drew became even more worried.

"It's's okay..." Hu Lai grabbed Drew's arm and struggled to ask: "Per...Peralta...Ta...has...been...received?"

Drew said to himself that the boy didn't care about his own injuries, so why did he care about Peralta?

But he still looked up, and then said to Hu Lai: "Not yet, our people are fighting with their people, the referee is busy pulling them away, and he hasn't had time to play the card..."

"Then I... lie down for a while..."

Hearing what Hu Lai said, Drew confirmed that he was really fine.

So he ignored Hu Lai, patted him, and got up to help his teammates "ask for an explanation."

The Madrid Pirates players emotionally confronted the Kings players.

They yelled and cursed and pointed at each other, but no one actually took action.

Except for Kamara at the beginning - he rushed up and bumped Peralta with his chest. It was his move that caused a fierce reaction from the players on both sides.

Among them, Moreno yelled the most fiercely. He pointed his finger at Peralta and shouted: "You murderer! Murderer! You are the murderer! Come at me if you can!"

It seemed that he was going to challenge Peralta at any time. At the same time, teammate Joaquin Vela was desperately holding Moreno to prevent him from freeing himself.

Someone else stood in front of Moreno, not pushing him back, but just ensuring that Moreno would not actually touch the opponent's player.

Because if he really meets the other party, it will be bad.

Both sides were in chaos, with boos and middle fingers flying in the stands.


The Chinese commentators and Chinese fans did not bother to enjoy the "Derby scenery". They were all worried about Hu Lai.

Although Hu Lai has not had any major injuries since he entered professional football, no one can take it lightly. What if he gets caught this time?

Hu Lai lay on the ground and didn't get up, so everyone couldn't let go.

Seeing that the team doctor had already run onto the field, the Chinese fans were heartbroken.

Although there will be no World Cup, no Asian Cup, and no Olympics this summer, if you suddenly suffer a serious injury when you are at your best, then this good momentum will come to an abrupt end and you will not be able to continue it in the future.

The TV broadcast was replaying Peralta's foul action against Hu Lai, and Yan Kang took a breath of air: "This kick... hiss - Peralta was aiming for the useless person! I watched It all hurts, let alone Hu Lai who was kicked!"

Yan Kang said in a stern tone: "Peralta must be sent off with a red card for this foul! Because this is no longer a tactical foul to steal the ball or stop the attack, this is malicious injury! He was running and kicking from the beginning. He hurt Hu Lai! It's extremely bad! Regardless of whether Hu Lai was injured or not, he should be sent off!"

I don’t know how many people are criticizing Peralta in front of the TV and on the Internet.


Parotti on the sidelines also appeared emotional. He was protesting and putting pressure on the fourth official, hoping to send Peralta off.

Roy Wei stood motionless on the sidelines and made no expression.

When Parotti was excited, he didn't go up to confront the opponent passionately.

Because he realized that the situation was over.

The game time has reached the 96th minute, and there is one minute left before the end of the game.

It's not that there isn't a precedent for miracles in the last minute of a game.

But those teams that have created miracles all have one thing in common, that is, they are focused on the game and united.

But what about the current King of Madrid?

Their attention was all distracted by this conflict, their emotions were out of control, and they were unable to focus on the game itself.

What can such a team do to create miracles?

So Royvi had to accept the reality that the first Madrid derby in the history of the Champions League final would end with the King's defeat.


When the game entered the ninety-seventh minute, the conflict between the two sides finally ended.

In this conflict, Camara and the opponent's Osei each received a yellow card, and Peralta, who committed the foul, was directly kicked off the court with a red card!

Pirates fans in the stands booed and yelled at him.

The Kings fans greeted the referee and Hulay cordially with boos and curses - they thought Hulay was diving, because now Hulay is standing on the court alive and kicking, and there is still a little bit of him that was kicked by Peralta. What does it look like?

The commentators all sighed: "It is indeed a Madrid derby. There were conflicts and red cards at the end of the game. This game will definitely go down in the history of the Champions League and become the most exciting Champions League final in the 21st century!"


PS, the second update is here, please vote for me!

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