Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 2 Here we go again

No. 1

A chain supermarket that is unique to Jincheng and its surrounding areas has just opened its doors, and it is not yet completely bright. A van is parked at the door, and supermarket employees are busy moving goods from the container to the supermarket.

The floor of the supermarket was filled with all kinds of cardboard boxes, making it difficult to find a place to stay.

The newspaper that had just been delivered was placed casually on a mineral water box at the door.

A young man appeared at the entrance of the supermarket on a bicycle, peered inside, and then his eyes rested on the pile of newspapers.

He shouted to the busy staff: "I buy a newspaper!"

"Two yuan and a half a piece, take it yourself!" The staff was too busy to spare, so they could only let the customers help themselves.

"How many copies are there in total? I want them all!" the young man said boldly.

He finally succeeded in attracting the attention of all the staff present, and they all looked over in surprise.

"You want them all?"

"Yes, I want them all."

Seeing the other party's expression of embarrassment, the young man asked again: "Isn't there a limit per person?"

"There is no such rule..." the staff member said hesitantly.

"Then I'll buy them all!" The young man breathed a sigh of relief, and then stepped forward to lift the pile of newspapers, as if he was afraid that someone would come out and snatch them from him.

Although it is a bit strange that everyone bought this pile of newspapers before they were unpacked, there is indeed no rule that says each person only needs to buy a few newspapers, so as long as customers are willing to pay for them, there is no need for them in the supermarket. Reason not to sell.

Moreover, it is difficult to sell newspapers and other items nowadays. They often sit next to the supermarket checkout counter for a whole day without anyone picking them up, let alone buying them home.

But they still have to read these newspapers every day because this is their "mission."

Now that someone is helping them "solve problems", the supermarket is naturally happy.

While the young man scanned the QR code to pay, the supermarket staff asked curiously: "Why did you buy so many newspapers?"

"Giving it away."

"Giving it away?"

"Well, give it away!"

After paying the money, the young man picked up the newspaper, turned around and put it on the back rack of the bicycle outside. Then he got on the bicycle, rang the bell, and rode away with a jingling sound.


The entrance and exit of a subway station is one of the places with the largest flow of people, but today because it is Sunday,

It was early in the morning but there weren't many people there.

The young man stood at the subway entrance with a bundle of newspapers at his feet.

Facing everyone entering and exiting the subway, he would ask:

"Would you like a World Cup qualifying number? It's free!"

I heard that it was given free of charge, and when someone reached out to ask for it, the young man happily took out a copy from the newspaper at his feet and handed it to the person.

Then he continued shouting.

Hearing his shouts, some passers-by who were not coming to take the subway came to him specifically to ask for newspapers.

They opened the newspaper and read the headline:

"'The World Cup is coming again'... Hey, I remember last time it was 'The World Cup is coming again'? This time there are more. This title is really lazy!"

"Hey, but isn't this great? Three years ago we were 'here', and this year it was 'here again'. Only one word was added, and all the meaning was expressed." said his companion.

"That's what you said... Here we go again, here we go again..." the first person murmured, "It's really unexpected that we also said the words 'We are here again at the World Cup'... …It was so difficult to qualify for a World Cup before, but now I have qualified for two consecutive World Cups, and it feels so easy this time…Hey, why do I feel that the festive atmosphere of entering the World Cup this time is not as strong as the last time?”

"If we can make it every time, what else is there to celebrate? Now, I guess we have to wait until we enter the knockout rounds of the World Cup to celebrate, right?"

"What you said...makes sense. Do you think we can make it to the knockout rounds this time?"

"Who knows? I think it may not be possible until we host the World Cup in 2034..."

"If we can really qualify from the group stage, what a grand occasion it will be..."

"Yeah yeah……"

"I really want to see..."

"Haha! I want to see it too!"

The two of them were holding newspapers in their hands, chatting and walking, and gradually walked away.

Outside the subway station in the downtown area, young people wearing red Chinese team jerseys continued to shout:

"We're in the World Cup again! We're in the World Cup again! Do you want a special edition of the World Cup? It's free! No money, no money, just to share the joy with everyone!"


"Sister Xie, your original suggestion was discussed repeatedly in two places after we returned. Finally, we discussed a new plan. What do you think?"

Representatives from Dongchuan and Jincheng sat in front of Xie Lan and Diao Xiaoyun, carefully and conscientiously explaining the new plan they had worked on for a month.

"The plan to build a museum on the border of Dongchuan near Jincheng... is difficult. Because there is no suitable place and management is difficult. But, do you think this can be done... that is, we build a Hu Lai in Dongchuan The museum will show his journey from high school to professional football. Then build a football park in Hulai in Jincheng, open to citizens who love football to play football and exercise. Of course, this football park is definitely not just It’s an ordinary football park, but Hulay’s football park, which has many elements of Hulay…”

In fact, after Xie Lan proposed her idea, she was complained by Hu Lixin, who criticized her idea as unreasonable and completely nonsense. After thinking about it herself, she felt that it was not very reliable.

Let’s not talk about whether there is a suitable area to build this next to Dongchuan and Jincheng - the junction of the two cities is in the wilderness. Building a museum and football park in such a place has inconvenient transportation. Who would usually go there?

Fortunately for the museum, it makes sense to build a football park in a place with a lot of people, so that nearby people can come and play football. If it is built in a place where it takes an hour to drive and cannot be reached by buses and subways, who will go there? ah……

So her idea of ​​taking care of two cities was destined to be something that no one could take care of in the end.

Now that the two sides have come to terms with the result, Xie Lan thinks it's pretty good and acceptable.

But just when she was about to nod, her hand was gently held by Diao Xiaoyun beside her.

Then I heard Diao Xiaoyun say: "Director Wang, Director Yang, we would like to ask, should we build just one football park?"

Director Wang, the representative of Jincheng, first looked at each other and Director Yang, the representative of Dongchuan, then looked at Diao Xiaoyun and said carefully: "This is what we are considering for the time being..."

In fact, they do only plan to build one, but they can't say it to death. They must always leave some room so that they can maneuver later.

"Those two directors, do you think this is okay? Can Hulai Football Park be built into a chain brand? It is not just about building one and ending with it, but taking Jincheng as the center, radiating to surrounding areas, and building more football parks. Parks are constructed and managed according to unified standards, making it convenient for citizens to exercise and also meeting the arrangements for football sports in surrounding campuses - we all know that many primary schools in urban areas are not connected to football fields because of their small space. None of them..."

Director Wang and Director Yang looked at each other again.

Diao Xiaoyun is right.

Many schools do not have football fields, not only because the space is not big, but also because football fields take up too much space. With the same area, several more basketball courts can be built, which can satisfy students from several classes at the same time. . As for the football field... there are at most two fields separated from the center line.

So some schools will build basketball courts in the middle of the track instead of football fields.

When the school wants to carry out football sports, it must either borrow a basketball court or rent a social venue outside. If you do this, you will also face the embarrassing situation that the lease of the venue will expire, or the venue will simply be pushed away... and you will have to find another place. Playing football is like playing guerrilla:

In the first grade of primary school, they can also find a field to play football near the school. In the second grade of elementary school, I might have to go to the east of the city. The third grade of primary school has been moved to outside the West Third Ring Road, which has virtually increased the cost of playing football for many children, and has even caused many families to give up letting their children play football.

At present, most of the football stadiums in society are commercial stadiums built with private capital, and the level of management and maintenance varies. Moreover, many sites are "waste utilization" of unplanned wasteland. With the changes in urban planning, this year it will be a football field, and next year it may become a garbage recycling station and a municipal park.

"Our company is willing to cooperate with the government to scientifically plan and build more football parks. Make full use of Hu Lai's signature effect and cooperate with the Jincheng City Government and the Andong Provincial Government to build Jincheng into China's 'Football City', Anton Build China into a 'strong football province' and let football become another business card of Anton Jincheng besides food, beautiful scenery and pandas..."

The two representatives were still thinking, but Xie Lan had already slapped his thigh: "Xiao Yun is right, that's what we mean! If we want to do it, we should build a big one! We need to build a museum and a football park, and the more the better! This way, we can build a big one! There is a football park in the city, and there is also a football park in Dongchuan!"

Director Wang and Director Yang looked at each other again, and finally Director Wang said: "We will seriously consider your suggestion..."

Diao Xiaoyun said: "The football park can be considered again, but it is already confirmed that the museum will be built in Dongchuan. So can we advance the Hu Lai Museum project first? We hope to be completed and open to the outside world before the 2034 China World Cup."

"This is no problem." Director Yang from Dongchuan nodded and said firmly, "We will start working on this project when we get back. We will strive to complete it within three years."

Diao Xiaoyun turned to look at Xie Lan. Her aunt gave her a thumbs up and praised her for a job well done.


"Good evening, viewers, today is the 202nd, the sixth day of the fifth lunar month. Welcome to the News Network. Today's main content is..."

"In a World Cup Asian qualifier that ended last night, the Chinese national team defeated Syria 4:0 away from home in the United Arab Emirates. While taking all three points, it qualified for the World Cup two rounds in advance... This is the second consecutive game for the Chinese men's football team. Qualified for the World Cup finals... sent a congratulatory message to the Chinese National Men's Football Team, congratulating them on reaching the World Cup finals, highly praising the men's football team's courageous style of fighting, and encouraging them to compete in next year's World Cup in Spain and Portugal. The style competition shows the level..."

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