Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 21 The Old Principal’s Biggest Wish

No. 1 wish

"At the European Football Ballon d'Or awards ceremony held early this morning domestic time, Chinese players Hu Lai and Li Qingqing won the men's and women's Ballon d'Or at the same time. They also created a historical record. It was the first time that a couple of players won the European Ballon d'Or at the same time. The ball prize…ha!”

At this point, the anchor on the radio couldn't help laughing.

The guest next to him also laughed and complained: "What kind of 'historical record' is this! How can there be such a record?"

"I haven't done statistics, but I think the two of them are unprecedented, right?"

"That is, let alone at the same time. There are not many players in world football who can become lovers, and even fewer who can win the Ballon d'Or."

"So what I said is correct. I suggest Hu Lai and Li Qingqing apply for Guinness World Records..."

When the anchor said this, he laughed together with the guests, and the air of joy filled the studio.

Li Ziqiang, who was driving, turned the channel change knob and changed the frequency modulation.

After the sizzling sound of electricity, another voice sounded.

"I should thank many people. The list is long enough to be used on the red carpet. But there is only one person I want to thank most at this moment... I feel that the luckiest thing in my life is meeting you, Qingqing..."

This time it’s simply Hu Lai’s original voice.

After the original sound, came the anchor's laughter: "Listener friends, you just heard the most romantic confession in world football... Haha! Who would have thought that Hu Lai's acceptance speech when he won the European Golden Globe Award for the first time was actually Like this? Turning gratitude into an affectionate confession to his girlfriend... If there is any shortcoming, it may be that Hu Lai didn't kneel down to propose to Li Qingqing on the spot..."

Change the channel again.

"...In today's society, too many people are accustomed to talking about love. When facing a girl whom they have just met for less than ten seconds, they can say, 'Do you believe in love at first sight?' Just seeing a profile, Posting online for help and looking for someone is actually harassment in the name of love. In the past, we were shy to express our inner feelings, but now we are overflowing with emotions... We dare to talk about 'love' no matter what we do... ...Friends, on the stage in Frankfurt, Germany early this morning, Hu Lai and Li Qingqing explained to us what real 'love' is!"

"..." Li Ziqiang glanced at the car's central control screen.

But this time he didn't reach out and tune in again.

Because they are all the same.

Today the whole world is discussing the story of Hu Lai and Li Qingqing.

He didn't turn off the radio and simply concentrated on driving.

The anchor's affectionate tone came from the car stereo:

"...They have known each other since high school until now,

Exactly ten years have passed. In the past ten years, they have parted and reunited, but no matter what they have experienced, they have never forgotten their original intentions... So when Hu Lai climbed to the top of the world, the first thing he thought of was the first person to help him. What is the most loving confession than ten years of companionship? We always say how wonderful it would be if life were just like the first time we met... For Hu Lai and Li Qingqing, their lives are really... just like the first time we met! "


After locking the car, Li Ziqiang walked towards the school gate.

From a distance, he saw workers wearing safety ropes and standing on ladders to hang new banners on the school gate.

Looking closer, the retired old principal Zhai Guangming stood in the small square in front of the school gate with his hands behind his back, looking up and supervising the work of the workers.

"It seems that Principal Jiang has prepared the banners in advance this time."

Li Ziqiang walked to Zhai Guangming and said.

"With such an obvious result, if he didn't know to do it in advance, he would be dead wood." The old principal snorted, then turned to look at Li Ziqiang, his eyes softening obviously.

"Strengthen yourself, you are a good student!"

"Principal Zhai, when you say that, I feel like you are scolding me." Li Ziqiang said aggrievedly.

Zhai Guangming laughed so loudly that the workers working on the ladder couldn't help but turn around and follow the sound.

After laughing, Zhai Guangming patted Li Ziqiang on the shoulder: "I... I don't have any wishes anymore. There is only one left. You must promise me."

"Say it, Principal Zhai. Can I not agree to your matter?"

"When you and Qiulei got married, I was the witness. When Qingqing and Hu Lai get married in the future, you must let me be the witness."

Li Ziqiang was stunned for a moment, then smiled bitterly and said: "How can we be sure about the children? They haven't talked about getting married yet..."

"Tsk, isn't this an obvious thing? Hu Lai confessed his love to Qing Qing in front of the whole world. Is he going to scum Qing Qing in the future?"

"He dares!" Li Ziqiang's eyes became sharp.

"Isn't that enough?" Zhai Guangming smiled slightly. "What else can't be said for sure?"

Li Ziqiang realized that he seemed to have fallen into a logical trap, and he quickly defended: "No. I meant just in case Qingqing..."

"Qingqing kicked Hu Lai?" Zhai Guangming asked, "Do you think your daughter is that kind of person?"

Li Ziqiang remained silent.

"Not Qingqing, right? In that case, isn't it only a matter of time before they get married?"

Li Ziqiang said: "...but I don't know when they will get married. Regarding young people, I am afraid that they will take too long..."

"I'll wait as long as I want. Don't worry, I'm in good health - I don't believe they can't get married until they're forty, right?"

Li Ziqiang was speechless again.

Seeing that he stopped talking, Zhai Guangming raised his eyes slightly: "Or, Li Ziqiang, do you look down on me, a retired old man? Do you think I am not worthy of being their witness?"

Li Ziqiang waved his hands repeatedly: "No, no, no... no, absolutely not. Principal Zhai, it is their honor that you are willing to be their witness!"

"Hey, I don't think it's their honor, it's my honor! Then it's settled. When their date is decided, you must be the first to notify me. I don't want to be I saw this on the news."

Li Ziqiang could only nod in agreement: "Don't worry, Principal Zhai. I will definitely make sure to let you know first."

"Okay!" Zhai Guangming was very happy. "You go about your business, ah. Leave me alone, ah."

He focused his attention on the banner being hung up again.

The red banner has golden characters written on it:

"Warm congratulations to our school alumni Hu Lai and Li Qingqing for winning the European Golden Globe Award at the same time! The first couple in history!"

"Goodbye, Principal Zhai." After Li Ziqiang bid farewell to the old principal dejectedly, he walked into the school alone.

The campus was quiet during the summer vacation, so the sounds coming from the direction of the football field were particularly clear.

The children's laughter can already be heard there.


The leaders finally finished speaking, and the host said loudly:

"All leaders and guests are invited to conduct the ribbon-cutting ceremony!"

On the temporarily leveled construction site, Xie Lan, dressed in a long red dress, stood side by side with the leaders of Dongchuan City.

The etiquette ladies in cheongsam pulled red silk and colored balls in front of the leading guests.

At the same time, there was a hostess standing next to each person. They were holding trays in their hands, and a pair of golden scissors was placed in each tray.

Someone behind the cameraman raised his arms high and directed everyone to cut together.

When he raised his arm, Xie Lan picked up the scissors on the tray, opened them and hung them on the red silk.

When the "conductor" waved her arm down, she cut the red silk cleanly as she had rehearsed before.

The colored balls fell onto the tray.

Warm applause erupted from the scene, and a large amount of ribbons and confetti were sprayed out from behind the inflatable arch behind them.

The faint roar of machinery could be heard in the distance.

"...Today, at a construction site in Hanjing District, Dongchuan City, our province, gongs and drums were roaring, and firecrackers were blasting... The construction project of the museum of Hu Lai, the famous football star in our province, officially broke ground!... Comrade Xi Jinping at the groundbreaking ceremony Delivered an important speech, he pointed out... He emphasized... He said... The general manager of Jinxi Engineering Construction Co., Ltd., the representative of the construction party... also promised at the ceremony to complete the construction tasks with quality and quantity...

"The first phase of the project is expected to be completed in March next year, and the museum will be put into use and open to the public before the opening of the World Cup next year. At the Hu Lai Football Museum in Dongchuan, fans can learn in detail what Hu Lai is. embarked on the road of football. It is reported that this time the museum will also perfectly reproduce Hu Lai's 'secret training base'... I believe that by then this will definitely be a holy place for fans across the country to check in...

"When Hu Lai won the European Ballon d'Or for the first time, his hometown Dongchuan City in Andong Province gave him the best gift! The folks in Andong Province also look forward to Hu Lai's continued efforts on the court. Dedicate more wonderful goals to us and win glory for our motherland and hometown...

"In addition, our reporter learned from Jincheng that the Hulai Football Park project has also entered the public announcement stage..."

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