Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 28 Take the lead

Chapter 1701 Take the lead

After Tatsuya Sugiyama dodged Gao Ruimin, he passed the football before Xia Xiaoyu made a move.

Then he and Xia Xiaoyu collided.

The ball he passed fell to the feet of Japan's main forward Tsutomu Ito.

In the penalty area of ​​the Chinese team, Itonu made no unnecessary adjustments. After receiving the ball, he shot directly!

The football went straight to the far corner against the turf!

Then he was saved from the bottom line by one hand!

"Lin Zhiyuan! Wow! Beautiful! Beautiful save! Itonu's shot was sudden, but Lin Zhiyuan's reaction was faster! He should have expected that Itonu would shoot directly..."

"Nice cum! You got me off!"

After getting up, Lin Zhiyuan turned around and shouted to Itonu in German.

Although Itonu has moved to Premier League champion London Bridge this summer, he had played for Almaine for four years before, and his simple German is no problem at all.

Lin Zhiyuan spat trash-talk at him in German, and he completely understood it.

But Itonu ignored Lin Zhiyuan.

The Japanese team's corner kick did not pose a threat to the goal guarded by Lin Zhiyuan.

Because the ball was pushed out by the Chinese team's center back Wang Guangwei in front of the goal.

The Chinese team took the opportunity to launch a quick counterattack.

Luo Kai, who was retreating, intercepted the football and passed it to Xia Xiaoyu, who was approaching in the middle, and then he turned around and ran forward.

Xia Xiaoyu passed the ball diagonally into the space in front of Luo Kai, allowing Luo Kai to give full play to his speed advantage.

Luo Kai ran wildly, but the Japanese team returned to defense quickly.

Because the person chasing after him was Morikawa Junpei.

When the Japanese team attacked a corner kick, he played as a central defender behind to guard against the Chinese team's counterattack.

Based on his understanding of the Chinese team players, he started to move closer to Luo Kai's wing after Luo Kai received the ball pushed out by Wang Guangwei.

By the time Luo Kai sent the message back to Xia Xiaoyu, Morikawa Junpei had already started in advance and ran over.

Then Xia Xiaoyu just made a long pass, and everyone thought together.

Because Morikawa Junpei arrived in time, Luo Kai was unable to use his speed advantage to forcefully break through him.

He could only brake suddenly, stop the football, and then pass it to Zhou Zijing who was following in the middle.

Then it is transferred to the other side by Zhou Zi Jing.

After receiving the ball, Chen Xingyi slanted into the penalty area, suddenly cut inside, and then took the inside of his right foot and shot into the far corner of the goal!

The main goalkeeper of the Japanese team, Nobuo Nishiguchi, jumped into the air and stretched his arms as far as possible.

He failed to touch the ball, and the ball did not go into the goal, but went directly around the far post!

"Oops! Chen Xingyi! Almost!"

Although no goal was scored, applause and cheers erupted from the stands after the initial exclamations.

Maybe some people really hope that the Chinese team that lacks Hu Lai will lose to the Japanese team to slap Dillon, a stubborn old man, in the face, but this is only a very small number of people.

The vast majority of Chinese fans still do not want the Chinese team to lose to the Japanese team at home.

So when the game started, they did their best to cheer for the Chinese team.

And the Chinese team did not disappoint them.

After the game started, there was no scene where they were beaten by the Japanese team and unable to lift their heads.

Instead, it was a back-and-forth game with the Japanese team.

This really surprised many Chinese fans.

Of course, the most surprising thing was the Japanese fans in front of the TV.

Like those optimistic Japanese media, they originally felt that the Chinese team without Hu Lai was nothing to be afraid of. The Japanese team with all its main players could beat the Chinese team even on the road.

But ten minutes after the game started, what they saw was the Chinese team playing back and forth with the Japanese team.

The Japanese team indeed launched an aggressive attack on the Chinese team's goal from the beginning of the game, hoping to score a goal as soon as possible and open up the situation.

But they encountered a fierce counterattack by the Chinese team.

So much so that the Japanese team had to slow down their offensive pace, recycle appropriately, and consider their defense...

The Chinese team's counterattack was really too strong.

The Chinese team without Hu Lai chose a different style of play, and the formation changed from the previous 352 to 343.

When attacking, Luo Kai and Chen Xingyi became wingers again.

Of course, when defending, they still have to drop back and serve as full-backs.

This places high demands on their physical fitness, but Luo Kai and Chen Xingyi have been trained in European football and can play in Asian-level competitions with ease.


Chen Xingyi's missed shot just now is a microcosm of the Chinese team's offense during this period.

It stands to reason that when Luo Kai was blocked by Junpei Morikawa, the Chinese team's counterattack might have failed, but Luo Kai quickly moved and other teammates also actively cooperated, and finally developed the counterattack from the right to the left.

And it poses a threat.

This is completely different from the previous situation where the Chinese team's offense was a one-and-done deal, and when it encountered obstacles and failed to win, it completely stopped.

"Although we didn't score a goal, it showed our momentum... I think this is very important. Facing a strong enemy like the Japanese team, it is more important not to be afraid than anything else!" He Feng, who was commentating the game on the spot, cheered the team loudly. .

Every time the Chinese team players get the ball, the Chinese fans in the stands will give out huge cheers to cheer them on.

When it was the Japanese players' turn to take the ball, there were boos.

Only Junpei Morikawa received the least boos. Because he has experience playing in the Chinese Super League and has a good relationship with many players of the Chinese team, even Chinese fans like him.

In the face of hatred between the country and the family, Chinese fans can only go so far.

It is absolutely impossible for them to cheer for Morikawa Junpei... At most, they will not boo or boo less.

When Junpei Morikawa picked up the ball, the boos in the stands were relatively scattered. When he passed the ball to Tatsuya Sugiyama, the booing immediately became louder.

In fact, Chinese fans don't have any objections to Sugiyama Tatsuya. Sugiyama is not like Park Kyi-hyun, who once stepped on the trophy under his feet during a competition in China...

The Chinese fans booed him solely because they put enough psychological pressure on him to force him to fail to perform at his normal level.

Tatsuya Sugiyama, who serves as the main core in Vesseldorf, is also the current number one star of the Japanese national team. It is no exaggeration to say that his performance determines the performance of the Japanese team.

Amidst the boos, facing Gao Ruimin's defense, Sugiyama Tatsuya used a change in rhythm to shake the opponent away, but Xia Xiaoyu soon pressed forward.

The two men struggled together.

In the end, Sugiyama Tatsuya passed the football, but he also lost the best opportunity to pass the ball in the fight.

After Itonu caught the ball, he was held back by Mao Junzheng.

Then Wang Guangwei came up and stabbed the ball cleanly from the side, breaking the football!

The boos instantly turned into cheers.

Amid cheers, Wang Guangwei passed the football to Xia Xiaoyu, who was retreating.

Xia Xiaoyu did not stop the ball directly, but pretended to catch the ball and tricked Sugiyama Tatsuya into attacking. However, he turned around from the other side and passed the football at the same time, thus completing the adjustment and turn.

But just as he turned around, he saw Junpei Morikawa rushing towards him!

Obviously Morikawa Junpei guessed his intention and is waiting for him here!

Xia Xiaoyu poked the football out almost reflexively.

Fortunately, Zhang Qinghuan was not far in front of him and prevented the ball from falling at the feet of the Japanese players again.

Junpei Morikawa's grab is an adventure. If he can successfully grab it, he can launch a counterattack on the spot, which will directly threaten the Chinese team's goal.

But if he fails to grab it, the space behind him will be exploited by the Chinese team...

Like now!

Zhang Qinghuan turned around while catching the ball, and then directly drove the ball forward!

When Zhou Zijing saw this, he did not turn around and run forward. Instead, he did the opposite and retreated to respond, shortening the distance between himself and Zhang Qinghuan.

At the same time, Chen Xingyi and Luo Kai were on the wing. One of them drove forward at high speed along the left wing, while the other cut diagonally in from the right wing to fill the space created by Zhou Zijing after he retreated.

Zhang Qinghuan saw the situation in front of him while dribbling the ball and sent a long diagonal pass. The football rolled to the left side of the turf.

Chen Xingyi made full use of his speed advantage and raced with the Japanese team's right back Yoshitoki Kiyota on the wing. Finally, he overtook and squeezed in front of Yoshitoki Kiyota and received the ball from Zhang Qinghuan!

"nice shot!!"

There were thunderous cheers in the stands!

Then Chen Xingyi made a pass!

The football drew an arc and flew into the Japanese team's penalty area.

Luo Kai, who was leading the charge, used his sprinting speed to leap high to meet the ball and hit the top!

The Japanese team's center back and the captain of the Japanese national team, Yamayama Kengo, tried to compete with Luo Kai for the top during the retreat, but failed to grab the point!

"Luo Kai——!! Header to the top!! Beautiful——!"

Following He Feng's roar, the football was pushed toward the upper left corner of the goal by Luo Kai!

Although the Japanese goalkeeper Nobuo Nishiguchi made a save, he was out of reach and missed it completely!

Amid huge cheers, the football flew into the goal!

Eighteen minutes after the game started, the Chinese team playing at home took the lead to break the deadlock and take the lead!

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