Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 35 The top 12 matches are over

Chapter 1708 The Top 12 Tournament Ends

"Big failure! The Japanese team failed to defeat the Chinese team in the away game and fell to third place in the group!"

"...The Japanese team can't even beat the Chinese team without Hu Lai. I don't know what they are doing! It's simply a shame! The team with the highest level of Asian football failed to win against the Chinese team... Such How can Japanese football have the nerve to call itself 'Asia's No. 1'?!"

"Japanese football should reflect on itself! We can't really think that we are number one just because the media boasts about 'Asia's number one'! Look at our neighbors, China has risen! If Japanese football doesn't do something, , it will definitely be surpassed by China in Asia!”

"Our media always use the excuse 'Japan is still number one in the number of overseas players' to brag about our football strength. Yes, China's number of overseas players is indeed not as good as ours, but so what? They have a fool. That’s enough to crush us all! Their quality is far better than ours, and now they are also beginning to pay attention to sending players overseas. With the size of China’s population, I believe it won’t be long before the number of their overseas players will exceed ours. . Then what excuses will our media have to find?"

"Now we can only hope that the Chinese team will show the energy to compete with us when facing Iran, right?"

"What are you thinking? How is it possible! It is absolutely impossible for the Chinese team to go all out to fight against Iran. They are eager for us to play in the play-offs! So I think that in the last game, the Chinese team will definitely play with all substitutes and let them go!"

"I think so too. If the Chinese team has the ability, just make me wrong once!"

The Japanese team failed to defeat the Chinese team in the away game, which caused an uproar in Japan, and there was endless condemnation and discussion on the Internet.

There are also Japanese media that use a very pessimistic tone to report the Japanese team's upcoming World Cup qualifying trip, believing that it is a certainty that the Japanese team will play in the play-offs.

After being tied by Iran at home and again by China on the road, Japan's head coach Carlisle was also under great pressure.

If he really fails to bring the Japanese team to the World Cup, he will definitely be fired.

For him, it was considered a no-brainer.

There are also reports from Japanese media about how happy China is that the Chinese team tied with the Japanese team and squeezed the Japanese team into third place in the group.

Of course, there are some "private translators" who translate domestic fans' gloating remarks into Japanese and put them on the external Internet, and then translate Japanese fans' comments about these remarks back and put them back on the domestic Internet.

Using this "human confusing behavior" to prove that Chinese fans' gloating has affected the image of Chinese people in the minds of Japanese people will also put Chinese students in Japan in a dangerous situation, thus blaming those cheerful Chinese fans.

I think China’s poor image in the minds of the Japanese people is all caused by you fans taking schadenfreude!

As a result, these "private translators" were scolded on the Chinese Internet.

Because everyone can see that they are talking nonsense and stirring up trouble.

It's just that the "private translators" themselves may not think so. Each of them feels that they are like the Virgin, exuding the brilliance of humanity that transcends national boundaries.

But in the eyes of others, they are just flies and mosquitoes buzzing around them...

Both the Chinese Internet and the Japanese Internet are full of all kinds of messy voices.

It was in such noise and commotion that the last game of the top 12 began.

What makes the Japanese media and fans happy is that the Chinese team announced their starting lineup before the game against Iran, and did not use all substitutes.

The offensive trident combination of Zhou Zijing, Luo Kai and Chen Xingyi still started. It's just that some adjustments were made in the midfield.

For example, Guo Junfu replaced Zhang Qinghuan in the starting lineup.

It can be seen from the starting lineup that the Chinese team does not want to let go of the Iranian team.

The highly encouraged Japanese team faced the Thai team at their home court and bombarded them indiscriminately, eventually sweeping their opponents 6-0.

The Chinese team and the Iranian team also played very fiercely, and they performed very tenaciously in the away game.

Although they conceded two goals in the first half, the Chinese team relied on goals from Zhou Zijing and Chen Xingyi to get the score back in the second half.

It's just that this time the Chinese team failed to maintain the 2:2 score until the end.

Amid the deafening screams and shouts of the Iranian fans at home, the Iranian team launched a desperate counterattack in the last 25 minutes of the game.

Finally, in the 81st minute, the Chinese team's goal was broken.


Iran takes the lead again!

This time the Chinese team did not try their best to equalize the score like they did against the Japanese team in the last game.

On the one hand, this is because many main players have been replaced, and on the other hand, it is also because the Chinese team's players have different fighting spirit when facing Iran and Japan - Iranian football and Chinese football do have enmity. , but there is more than just football hatred between China and Japan.

And the impact of home and away games must also be taken into consideration.

In the end, the Chinese team failed to draw with Iran in the away game and lost the game 2:3.

This was also the only game they lost in this top 12 tournament.

Because the Iranian team defeated the Chinese team at home, it is meaningless even if the Japanese team plays at home.

They have the same points as the Iranian team, and the goal difference is not superior - in fact, the goal difference is only one difference. Japan almost made sense.

In the last game, they achieved a goal difference of six, and the goal difference was already tied with Iran.

But in the end, the Iranian team defeated the Chinese team, and the goal difference was one more than the Japanese team...

The difference between this goal difference is heaven and earth.

Iran ascended to heaven and directly qualified for the World Cup finals.

Japan fell into the quagmire and had to compete with Australia, the third place in another group, for a play-off spot.

Australia is not an easy opponent to deal with. Their players are generally strong and can completely suppress Japanese players with strength.

Therefore, it is not certain whether the Japanese team can qualify for the play-offs with the fourth place in Central, North America and the Caribbean...

If they lose to Australia in the intra-Asian play-offs, then everything is really over.

After the game, some Japanese fans who were unwilling to accept the reality angrily cursed the Chinese team on the Internet for being disrespectful and unsportsmanlike.

But no one cares about the distant barking of negative dogs.

Chinese fans continue to gloat and don't mind at all when "private translators" translate their words to Japanese fans, and even actively ask to be translated...

How could Chinese fans not actively participate in such a good thing as allowing Japanese fans to break through the defense?

The Chinese national team was disbanded on the spot after completing the entire top 12 tournament in Tehran, Iran, and the European overseas players returned directly to their respective clubs from Iran.

Players who play domestically will return to China with the rest of the team and continue to play in the Chinese Super League.

The next time they gather together should be the national team match day in October, and then it will be the real warm-up match to prepare for the World Cup.

But at that time, Chinese players studying abroad no longer had to travel and travel.

Because the Chinese team will come directly to Europe for training and warm-up with European teams.

There is no need for Asian-level opponents to serve as warm-up opponents in preparation for the World Cup.


Hu Lai welcomed his international teammates who were going to participate in various national team competitions at the training base, and he no longer had to train with the youth team.

But there isn't much time left for them, because the third round of the league against Catalonia is about to start.

Fortunately, Hu Lai did not participate in the last two rounds of the top 12, otherwise Parotti would have had his head ripped open by now.

The match between the Chinese team and the Iranian team was on September 11th. Because it was too late after the game, there was no way to leave directly.

We waited until the next day, September 12th to set off again, and it was already the evening of the 12th when we returned to Madrid, Spain.

The whole day was spent on the road.

The league match against Catalonia is on the afternoon of Saturday, September 15th, leaving Hulay with only two days to catch up on jet lag, rest and train on the 13th and 14th.

By then, even if Hu Lai is fine physically, mental fatigue may affect his performance.

Just like last season, I just finished playing two national team games in early September, and I will play the "Madrid Derby" when I come back. Time is very tight.

Although Hulay scored in that game, he failed to help Madrid Pirates win.

Thanks to Jorge Dillon for not calling up Hulay this time, at least Parotti doesn't have to worry about Hulay's status.

As for the other players... while they've certainly all been affected by the international break, so has Catalonia. Everyone is a wealthy family, and there are many international players in the team. Everyone is affected by the national team match day in the same way, but for the Madrid Pirates, the top scorer took a good rest in Madrid for a week.

This time it is a home game, so the Pirates team no longer has to travel. If they play away from home, they have to go to Barcelona one day in advance, so there will be even less rest time.

However, public opinion is not optimistic about Madrid Pirates defeating Catalonia United at home.

Mainly because of the difference in status between the two teams.

Although Madrid Pirates defeated Sevilla Navigators 3:1 away from home in the last round of the league, this game is very special. Because of some metaphysical relationships, it cannot be judged by common sense.

Putting aside this game, it is difficult to say that Madrid Pirates are on the right track now.

It's hard to say what kind of performance Madrid Pirates, who have not yet completely gotten on the right track, can perform against Catalonia United, which has been reborn.

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