Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 37 Score goals like Maxi Carey

Chapter 1710 Score goals like Maxi Carey

"People only remember Hu's crazy performance last season and think that he was the number one contributor to the team's Triple Crown win and the most indispensable person in the Pirates' formation. But they ignore the real reason behind Hu's crazy performance..."

In the visiting team's coaching bench, Catalonia's new assistant coach Steyn van Hoyzen murmured to himself.

"It turns out that Maxi Carey is the real engine of this team and the key man behind Hu's 95 goals in a single season. And Hu is the beneficiary."

Head coach Reilly Vicente said: "You can't say that, Steyn. Look, Kyrie went to Leeds City. Why didn't Leeds City's forwards score goals? It can only be said that Kyrie and Hu complement each other." Relationship, both of them are equally important to the Pirates. Losing anyone will greatly reduce the Pirates' combat effectiveness. Without Kaili, Hu will be trapped in a tight siege, and without Hu, the opportunities created by Kaili will only be wasted."

"So why doesn't he renew his contract with the Pirates? It's good for him and the team. Everyone is looking forward to him renewing his contract..."

Reilly shrugged: "You know, he is Maxi Carey. If everyone wants him to do something, then he may not do it."

"Ha, yes." Van Hoyzen laughed. "Thanks to Kyrie's weird temper. If he really renews his contract with the Pirates, he might still be under the rule of the Pirates this season."

"So we have to seize this opportunity. Apart from the pirates, the King's Tavares will only rely on Melli, and they won't be able to go far..."


Hu Lai did feel the change in the game without Kyrie.

When Kyrie is on the court, he only needs to run into position and he can always receive Kyrie's pass.

No matter what method he uses, Kyrie always seems to be able to get the ball over.

Hu Lai thinks that the most powerful thing about Kaili may not be his outstanding skills, but his powerful imagination.

It’s not that ordinary players can’t do some balls, it’s just that they can’t even think of them!

For example, in the second round of the Champions League semi-finals, he assisted on his own goal after coming off the bench.

Most people will choose to stop the football before making plans. After stopping, they can either shoot, carry it themselves, or pass the ball.

But under the circumstances, as long as the ball stopped at his feet, the best opportunity was gone.

So Kyrie chose to pretend to stop the ball, but actually passed the ball.

With just one tap, the football was passed to his running route.

It doesn't matter how cool this technology is, nor how difficult it is to do. Any professional player will do.

The key is whether the brain can think of it.

This gave him great inspiration.

Of course, he couldn't be like Melli, who ran all the way from the midfield with the ball, passed several people in a row, and staged a great show of defeating six generals in five levels.

But that doesn't mean he can only be a point-grabbing shooter in front of the goal.

Getting rid of defensive players requires not only movement, but also a little bit of skill.

He knows all the basic technical moves of football and is proficient in them.

With just a little use of your brain, you can combine those mediocre basic technical movements into some very amazing skills, thereby achieving unimaginable effects.

Hu Lai thought to himself, what I lack the most is brains... No, it's imagination!

Butcher Zhang died and refused to eat pigs with hair on them.

Without Maxi, wouldn’t I have scored a goal?

Isn't this funny? !

He turned around, and as expected, he saw Paul Fortune next to him.

So he gave the Catalan United French central defender a friendly smile.

The Frenchman ignored him and looked clearly past him to the front - they had fought so many times, and if he could still be fooled by Hu Lai, he was really stupid.


Kabangka created a threat in the frontcourt, but Mario Salado's shot in the penalty area was easily caught by Hywell.

Then Hewel threw the ball to launch the attack.

The Madrid Pirates advanced all the way to the front of the Catalan United penalty area.

Then he moved to the left wing and gave it to left back Ion Martinez who inserted in behind.

When Ion got the ball, Hu Lai didn't wait for the opponent's pass in the middle, but took the initiative to meet it and ran towards the ribs.

It looked like he was going to pick up Ion.

Toni was behind Ion, further back.

Catalan United's right back Rico Hidalgo was in front of Tonini, preventing him from easily entering the penalty area.

When Ion saw Hulera coming to meet him, he passed the football to the middle.

Hu Lai ran toward the football, then raised his left foot to stop the ball.

Paul Fortune followed him, but he didn't follow him immediately. He planned to wait for Hu Lai to stop the ball and then pounce on it.

The timing must be just right, neither too early nor too late.

Too early and Hu Lai will pass the football directly to his teammates outside the penalty area.

If it's too late, Hu Lai will have more space to get the ball, and maybe he will turn around successfully.

Paul Fortune saw the right opportunity and stepped forward to grab it!

At the same time, Hu Lai received the ball.

But he didn't stop the football at his feet, but turned around!

He used his right foot as the axis, turned his body to the left, and pulled the ball behind him with the inside of his left foot.

In this way, he changed from facing away from Paul Fortune to facing Paul Fortune!

"Oh, pretty..."

Seeing Hu Lai turn around, He Feng couldn't help but snap.

But before he had time to scream, he saw Paul Fortune on the field stretching his legs to kick the football, and then Hu Lai, who had just turned around, used his left foot to push the football forward sideways!

The football jumped between Fortune's open legs!

At the same time, Hu Lai suddenly accelerated and passed by Fortune, who was in the air, and caught up with the football!

"Wow!!" Yan Kang next to He Feng exclaimed. "Very beautiful!!"

Pirates Park exploded with huge cheers.

Paul Fortune rushed over. He wanted to reach out to pull Hu Lai, but he only caught a ball of air...

Goalkeeper Toney Schulman quickly pressed forward from the front point, rushed out of the goal, quickly shortened the distance between himself and Hulay, and blocked his shooting angle!

At the same time, another Catalan United center back Joel Jimenez also came from the middle, trying to stop Hulay!

Hu Lai, who had just caught up with the football, did not hesitate and shot directly!

He shot with his right foot, but instead of hitting the back point, he straightened his instep and volleyed!

The football sticks to the turf and goes straight to the near corner of the goal!

Tone Schulman initially guessed that Hulay might hit the far corner, so his body's center of gravity was tilted to the outside.

When the football was shot, the other person had already fallen to the outside. When he saw the football going straight to the near corner of the goal, all he could do was to extend his legs as much as possible and drag them behind to block...

He did block the ball!

But he just kicked the football towards the near post!

The football hit the inside of the goal post and bounced into the goal!

Schulman fell to the ground and turned to look back at the football in the goal behind him.

Joel Jimenez just ran to Hulay, and he also turned to look at the goal.

Before Paul Fortune could even catch up, he stood where he had pounced and turned around to look into the goal.

Hu Lai was also looking at the goal, confirming the result of his shot.

When he saw that the football was already in the goal, he pushed away Joel Jimenez who was blocking him, turned around and rushed towards the corner flag area.

Amid huge and enthusiastic cheers at Pirates Park, before he even reached the corner flag area, he jumped high into the air, turned 180 degrees in the air, and made his signature celebration move.

Even though he took off early, the Pirates at Pirates Park quickly followed up with a tacit understanding:



"HUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!" Spanish commentator Alvarez Sanchez shouted in the commentary box. "An acrobatic goal! Hu teased Paul Fortune with his turn! For Fortune, he didn't even know what was happening, he was passed!"

"Hu Lai! Beautiful! Beautiful! This ball is so beautiful! It was so beautiful!" He Feng and Yan Kang shouted in the studio behind.

"Oh, this ball! This ball... it's so imaginative! Hu Lai's fortune was so dumbfounded that he just stood there stunned! Haha!"

"This ball..."

Catalan United assistant coach Steyn van Hoyzen on the sidelines was stunned and didn't know what to say.

Riley Vicente said solemnly:

"It seems that Hu has also improved and is not satisfied with last season's performance..."


Hu Lai hugged and celebrated with his teammates who jumped on him. Everyone was shocked that Hu Lai could score such a juggling goal.

They all exclaimed: "How did you do it, Hu?!"

"How did you do it? Physical instinct." Hu Lai said.

But no one believed it, because as his teammates, we all knew what Hu Lai was capable of.

This kind of ball was what Maxi Carey was good at in the past, Hu Lai?

You're lucky!

But Hu Lai really didn't lie and show off this time.

He is truly physical.

In fact, it is a very simple technical movement of catching the ball and turning around. Because of the practice, it has become the body's instinct.

The difficulty was that after he caught the ball and turned around, he met Paul Fortune and suddenly made a move. He chose to directly push the ball he had just pulled back out.

This is actually the body’s instinct.

Hu Lai didn't design it in advance - there's no way he could have designed it.

You can only adapt to circumstances.

At this time, the importance of basic skills is reflected. If you are not proficient in technical movements, it is absolutely impossible to kick such a ball.

Of course, the most important thing is... you have to dare to think.

Why do you have to catch the ball with your back to the goal?

Why can't you turn around while catching the ball, and then wear your crotch after turning?

The movements are all ordinary technical movements, but when combined according to the actual situation, they have unexpected effects.

Teammates were all joking about Hu Lai, saying he was deceived.

Hu Lai himself felt as if a door opened in front of him, and a whole new realm appeared in front of him.

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