Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 48 A great cause

Chapter 1721 A great cause

"Oh! Oh! A goal-line clearance! He made an incredible defense!"

What accompanied the commentator's exclamation was the scene of Ou Yangjin flying in the air, retreating, but kicking the football with his feet on the goal line.

The slow-motion video was even more shocking, and every detail was clearly visible.

At that time, Ou Yangjin was completely in the air, with no way to use his strength. This kick was more like a desperate "kick" where all the bets were placed.

If the kick is empty, then everything will be over.

You could say it was a gamble, but totally understandable.

After all, there was no other better way than gambling at that time.

Even because this is gambling, it is even more valuable.

Because this shows that Ou Yangjin did not give up until the end.

"That's what Ou Yangjin is like. He always fights until the last moment. This was the case when we played Argentina in the Olympic semifinals. When he lost his balance and fell to his knees, he could still hit the ball on the ground with his head... This Who would have thought? But he can. So I am not surprised at all that Ou Yangjin can clear the ball on the goal line. He is simply a 'famous scene maker'!"

After finishing speaking, Hu Lai, who was being interviewed in front of the camera, gave Ou Yangjin a thumbs up.

This is a clip from the news about Ou Yangjin’s debut in the Scottish Premier League.

Although there is no live broadcast of the Scottish Premier League in China, it does not mean that no one pays attention to Ou Yangjin.

Especially after he performed a famous goal-line clearance scene in his first show, everyone's attention has exploded.

The performance of the international players who have studied abroad has become increasingly stable. Everyone knows what each person can do, and it is difficult to have any suspense or surprises.

And everyone is used to their performance, so now it’s time to find new points of interest.

At this time, Ou Yangjin suddenly came on as a substitute in the Scottish Premier League and performed well, becoming the focus of everyone's pursuit.

In fact, when Ou Yangjin was selected for the big list, there were already a wave of reports in China.

It's just that at that time, no one knew whether he could play in the game, and being selected for the squad meant nothing.

Now Ou Yangjin not only appeared, but also had a very explosive performance.

Everyone was also fired up.

The video of him kicking the football out on the goal line has been widely circulated and played repeatedly on the Internet.

It attracted countless Chinese fans to climax one after another.

Thunderous cheers.

Underneath each video are countless passionate messages and comments.

Chinese fans are so enthusiastic, how could Chinese reporters remain indifferent?

Reporters immediately flew to Glasgow to interview Ou Yangjin, and some reporters took a different approach and went to interview overseas players already in Europe to hear what they thought of Ou Yangjin, a junior.

The previous video was of Hu Lai being interviewed.

He said these words after the training ended and he was blocked by reporters at the entrance of the training base.

No one would doubt that Hu Lai was dealing with reporters, because he once won an Olympic gold medal with Ou Yangjin on the Olympic team. Fans and reporters all knew that Hu Lai and Ou Yangjin had a good relationship.

At that time, some people joked, "I wonder if Hu Lai and Ou Yangjin have a good relationship because he sees his own shadow in Ou Yangjin..."

In addition to Hu Lai, many other Chinese players studying abroad in Europe also sent blessings and encouragement to Ou Yangjin.

As a defensive player, Wang Guangwei warned Ou Yangjin: "Don't get carried away because of your outstanding performance this time. The head coach can't let you start just because you made a goal-line clearance. You still have to stay calm and follow your own rules no matter what." Rhythm training. If you have the opportunity to play, then perform seriously. If not, then continue training and wait for the next opportunity..."

Netizens commented: "I feel like it would be better for Luo Kai to say these words. It would be more convincing if he said such words..."

Luo Kai was indeed interviewed. As a player who joined the giant Tramed in his first game in Europe, he also shared his own experience on how to survive in a giant club: "Claude Rangers is a giant in the Scottish Premiership, and the competition within the team is fierce. Don't think about giving up as soon as you encounter some setbacks. If you persist, you will win. I think we Chinese players have an advantage, that is, they are obedient. Just do whatever the head coach tells you..."

Zhang Qinghuan said: "...No matter what situation you encounter, you must remain confident. If Claude Ranger can sign you, it must mean that there is something about you that impressed them. They can't spend that money to buy a water dispenser in vain." . So be confident and don’t think that Chinese players are inferior to European players.”

Zhou Zijing: "Don't say anything, just do it!"

Chen Xingyi: "I have always been optimistic about Ou Yangjin's performance in Claude Ranger because he is very smart."

Xia Xiaoyu: "I think Ou Yangjin can definitely gain a foothold in Europe with his strength. He has a body, which is good. Because his physical condition is good enough, the adaptation period will be shorter than ours..."

He was right. Many people were always deceived by Ou Yangjin's playing style and forgot that Ou Yangjin was actually a "strong man" who was 1.86 meters tall and weighed more than 80 kilograms.

If you can play in Europe with such physical fitness, at least you don't need to gain muscle first.

What he needs to learn is the awareness of European football.

Due to physical reasons, Xia Xiaoyu went through a painful adaptation period after joining Alvara.

Everyone sent their encouragement, blessings and experience to this young player who is currently a marginalized figure in the national team.

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"Zhang Qinghuan is right, and so is Wang Guangwei. Each of them is based on their own circumstances, and what they say is reasonable and speaks from the bottom of their hearts. But in the end, it still depends on you, Xiao Ou. Follow your own pace, I believe in you."

Tao Hongjun was at the dining table, smiling from ear to ear.

Ou Yangjin performed well and became the focus of fans across the country during this period.

The happiest person is probably not Ou Yangjin himself, but Tao Hongjun.

He seemed to finally see some light.

"Don't worry, Brother Jun. I can handle it." Ou Yangjin made a "pinching" gesture.

"Well, let's try to get into the squad for the next game. Whether we can play or not is another matter. First, we should try to get into the squad continuously."

Ou Yangjin nodded in agreement, then lowered his head and continued eating.

It was obvious that Tao Hongjun was no longer thinking about eating.

He put down his chopsticks and said with emotion: "That's great. The appearance of football in our country is indeed very different from before... You see, your affairs have affected so many players, and they are all already famous in Europe. Someone who has a firm foothold and sincerely gives you advice and encourages you... Ha!"

As he talked, Tao Hongjun amused himself.

Through this little thing, he seemed to see the bright future of Chinese football.

This made him feel more and more that it was the right decision for him to quit his foreign trade job and come to the Football Association's "Overseas Affairs Department" to contribute to Chinese football.

When he made this decision, he encountered resistance from family and friends.

No one can understand why he gave up a lucrative career and chose a job in the Chinese Football Association. The key is that working in the Football Association sounds like it has an official status, but in fact it doesn’t even have a formal establishment.

At that time, many people advised him:

"You will definitely regret it later..."

Although he refused to admit defeat, he said that he would never regret it.

But he is also worried that if that happens, even if he does not regret it, criticism from outsiders will follow.

He doesn't like being slandered by others for his career.

Now at least the changes around us have taken place:

After Ou Yangjin's goal-line clearance, he posted the video of Ou Yangjin's appearance on his WeChat Moments, which received countless likes and comments.

This includes those who have vowed before that they will regret it.

Others called him, left messages in private messages on WeChat, congratulated him, congratulated him, and asked him for Ou Yangjin's autograph...

Overnight, it seemed that he had changed from the unreasonable "madman" and "idiot" described by a relative to "someone else's child."

What made Tao Hongjun so confident was not Ou Yangjin's outstanding performance. He knew very well that such a performance was not the norm.

What makes him so determined about his choice is the attitude of these players studying abroad towards Ou Yangjin. Regardless of their personal relationship, they are willing to help Ou Yangjin.

Although Hu Lai, Wang Guangwei, and Zhang Qinghuan had a good relationship, they did not form cliques and attack dissidents.

Tao Hongjun can feel that these international players who first went abroad to play in Europe really hope that more and more Chinese players can come out of the country.

When everyone holds the same idea and forms a joint force, how can the future of Chinese football be bad?

Tao Hongjun firmly believes that what he is engaged in is a great cause.

A few years later, when people look back on the history of Chinese football's first move to Europe, their own name will be indispensable.

Although the money earned from such a business is less than that from foreign trade... there are many people doing money-making things, and there is no shortage of him.

But to help the development and progress of Chinese football, there is a shortage of people and he is needed.

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