Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 58 Beyond Football

Chapter 1731 Beyond Football

"The next step is your game against the pirates. Does it really matter if you come out to dinner with me?"

Across the dining table, a woman with good looks and a prominent figure asked this question.

“The game is a game and life is life.”

Mellie Banega, who was sitting opposite her, smiled and shook her head to comfort her.

"So it won't affect your game?" The woman seemed a little worried and asked again.

"No." Melly still looked at her gently. "Professional players also have to have their own personal lives, it can't always be football."

The woman laughed: "I thought there was only football in your life - you don't go to bars or nightclubs. Apart from football, you don't have any news..."

"How can I know you if you only have football, Sylvia?" Melly thought the girl in front of her was so cute. "Isn't it because I came to buy something that I met you?"

Sylvia Julius is the name of the girl in front of me, an ordinary shopping guide in a luxury store. If there is anything extraordinary, it is that Sylvia is the most beautiful shopping guide in the store. She has just graduated from college and has a youthful and beautiful face, a curvy figure, and a particularly sweet smile.

Her acquaintance with Mellie originated from an ordinary shopping trip.

That day, Melly went shopping at his favorite luxury brand store as usual. He wanted to buy himself some casual T-shirts.

He opened the door and came in. The shopping guide who came to serve him with a smile was the girl in front of him.

She smiled so sweetly that even Merry was stunned for a moment.

The shopping experience made Melly very satisfied, but he didn't take it too seriously.

Later, he went there several times, and every time Sylvia greeted him with a smile.

Until the most recent time, when he went there, he found that the person who greeted him was not Sylvia. Although the shopping guide also had a charming smile, Melly felt a little uninterested.

That time he went shopping and left without buying anything.

After returning home and sitting in the spacious and luxurious living room, he realized what that girl with a sweet smile meant to him.

In fact, Sylvia was right. Before that, his life was all about football, or most of it.

He doesn’t think about anything else but football.

His living needs are not high. He lives in a luxury house and buys famous brands not because he likes it, but because he can afford it. To ordinary people, it is a luxury house and a famous brand, but to him it is just a house and ordinary clothes.

As the number one star of the Madrid Kings, he does not drive a particularly luxurious supercar, but just an ordinary A45 S. This car can be bought in China for not even one million. For a celebrity like Meili, it can be said to be very "civilian".

There are no special needs in life, nor in entertainment, but isn’t it just football?

Although he has won all the honors a club player can win with the Madrid Kings, he still dare not relax.

In addition to having a "whip" lashing him behind him, as the most talented and capable player in Argentine football after Fiorjo Igovara, he also shoulders the historical mission of restoring the glory of Argentine football.

How dare you slack off?

Until the European Golden Globe Awards ceremony at the end of August this year...

Of course he would not admit that it was Hu Lai's question that irritated him.

He just saw Hu Lai and Li Qingqing standing side by side holding hands on the stage. He looked over from the side and saw the focused faces of those two people.

They all looked at the audience, their eyes focused and the corners of their mouths slightly raised.

To be honest, it was this scene, not Hu Lai's words, that stimulated him somewhat.

When I think about my life carefully, it seems that apart from football, there is nothing else worth mentioning.

Hu Lai and his childhood sweetheart girlfriend became a football couple. Kabangka had several girlfriends, but he was the only one who was still single.

On the night when he went to the store but didn't meet Sylvia, Melly sat on the sofa in the living room and thought for a long time. The emotions from the night of the award ceremony came back to him, making him realize that he should enrich his life.

In this way, he launched a pursuit offensive against Sylvia.

How many girls can resist the pursuit of a famous football star?

Sylvia herself doesn't hate Melli - she is not a fan of Madrid Pirates, nor is she a fan of Madrid Kings. In fact, she hardly watches football and is not a fan.

It may seem strange not to be a football fan in Madrid, but it is normal and not everyone has to like football.

Sylvia didn't refuse or play "play hard to get" and soon started dating Mellie.

Today is their second date.

Sylvia was a little surprised. She didn't expect that Melly would choose to date her at this time.

Although she is not a football fan, she also knows that the following weekend is the "Derby Weekend" in Madrid.

Before such an important game, shouldn't Melli take a good rest and prepare for the game?

But Melly told her confidently that it wouldn't affect her.

Sylvia didn't understand football either, but she knew that Melly did, so Melly told her it wouldn't affect her, which meant it really didn't matter.

She stopped worrying about it and began to relax and enjoy the beautiful night with Mellie.

This is an Argentinian specialty restaurant and is Melly’s favorite place.

Mellie now shares the place with Sylvia.

At the end of the meal, the Argentinian chef of the restaurant came to greet Melly. As a frequent visitor here, Melly is an old acquaintance with many people in this restaurant.

He first greeted Sylvia: "Good evening, beautiful lady. Did you like your dinner?"

Sylvia quickly smiled and praised: "It's very good. This is the best Argentinian restaurant I have ever eaten in Madrid."

The fat chef was very happy and proud: "Of course, you are right, this is indeed the best Argentinian restaurant in Madrid. Just like Melli, the best player."

Then he said to Mellie: "I hope this meal will give you the strength to win the weekend's game!"

"Definitely," Mellie responded.

※※ ※

As they finished their meal and left the restaurant, they met several Kings of Madrid fans. They were so happy to meet Merry that they stepped forward to take a photo with Merry.

Mellie complied with their request.

Before leaving, the Kings fans gave Melli a thumbs up and shouted: "Help us defeat them! Melli! You are the king of Madrid! Let that Chinese boy go to hell! We will always support you!"

Mellie smiled and waved goodbye to them.

After they left, Sylvia looked at Melly with the eyes of a hero: "That's so good, you are the king of Madrid."

Meili, who was admired by the girls, smiled happily, but his smile quickly disappeared, and he said seriously: "No, I haven't completely defeated Hu yet."

"You will definitely beat him this time. I heard that he made a very low-level mistake in the Champions League." Although Sylvia is not a fan, after becoming Melly's girlfriend, she also started to pay more attention to it. Follow football.

Mellie smiled.

Sylvia's words are a bit ridiculous to a person who really understands football. Hu Lai just made a mistake, which means those fans will take this matter as a joke and brush it off repeatedly. As a player, Melly is not stupid enough to think that a low-level mistake by Hu Lai will mean that he is in poor condition.

In fact, not only him, but the entire Kings team did not take this seriously. Everyone still prepares as they should. They still regard Hu Lai as their most threatening opponent and plan to completely lock Hu Lai down in the game.

It's just that Melly felt Sylvia's support and kindness, so he didn't use his professional knowledge to correct Sylvia's words, but followed her words and said: "You're right, Xi Sylvia. I will defeat him."

Sylvia didn't understand that. Whatever Melly said was whatever she said. She nodded vigorously in agreement.

※※ ※

As soon as Sylvia opened the door to her home, she saw her mother sitting in the living room turning her head and looking at her in surprise.

"Mom, what's that look in your eyes?" Sylvia was confused by her mother's look.

"Why...didn't you go on a date with Mellie?" Mom asked.

"Yeah. The date is over." Sylvia hung her coat on the hanger at the door and changed her shoes.

"What do you mean the date is over?" Mom stood up from the chair, "'get off work'? When the time is up, you get off work and leave? You didn't go to his house? I thought you wouldn't come back tonight..."

"Mom, this is our second date..."

"The second time? I thought it was just the first time. He didn't invite you to his home, or did you refuse?"

"No, none. We just had a meal together."

Mom glanced at the clock hanging on the wall, and then said, "Ah, are you hungry? You guys will be finished soon, so you must not have had anything for dinner, right?"

How could Sylvia understand why her mother said this?

She said helplessly: "Mom, the day after tomorrow is the Madrid Derby, he needs to get enough rest..."

"Then what will happen when your relationship is officially confirmed? Do you have to sleep in separate rooms every time before an important game?" Sylvia's mother frowned.

"Mom..." Sylvia was a little angry that her mother would not let go of this matter. She said angrily, "Do you think I should knock on Melly's door now? Just like those called on the phone. Like women?"

My mother sighed after hearing this: "I'm sorry, Sylvia. But we are just an ordinary family. Melly is a big star, and your status is very different. I'm worried... you know, men are unreliable, so... Like your father who died who knows where. You said that Melly is pursuing you, and I am happy for you. But I am also worried about whether he is really pursuing you, or whether you are just one of his many goals. …”

After her mother talked so much, Sylvia understood her insecurity caused by the emotional trauma in the past, so she walked over and hugged her mother, comforting: "Mom, have you heard about Mei before?" Is there any scandal about Li?"


"So Melly is not that kind of man. He is really simple and doesn't think about anything but football. He also invited me to watch the derby at the weekend..."

"He invited you to the game?"

"Yes. And you, Mom, let's go to the game together."

Mom’s eyes widened with surprise and joy: “Oh my God!”

She, who was still worried about her daughter just now, suddenly threw this doubt out of her mind.

"Dear Sylvia, please come and help me come up with an idea. What kind of clothes should I wear to watch the game?"

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