Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 66 The right time, right place and right people

Chapter 173

"I have been commentating on the Madrid derby for fifteen years. The Madrid derby has always given people a wonderful and fierce impression. This is a contest between the two best teams in Madrid, with superstars gathered and famous coaches... In this Many heroic legends and legendary moments have been born on the stage, but this was the first time I saw a player express his love to his girlfriend after scoring a goal in the Madrid derby... Melly set a precedent, and this romantic episode was also somewhat It diluted some of the tense atmosphere between the two teams, ha!"

When the Madrid Pirates kicked off again and the game resumed, the commentators were still talking about a "romantic episode" that had just occurred.

As they themselves said, this really diluted the tension of the Madrid derby greatly.

Some people are not even thinking about watching the game. They pick up their mobile phones and go online to find gossip about Mellie's relationship.

Xie Lan, who was watching the live broadcast at home, angrily criticized Meili's "sinister intentions":

"It's so shameless! You actually used this off-board move to steal the limelight from my son!"

Hu Lixin couldn't laugh or cry - why were they trying to steal Hu Lai's limelight?

However, he didn't say much and continued to focus on the game.

The public may have been attracted by Melly's romance gossip, but as a professional football coach, he still has to pay attention to the football game itself.

He fully agreed with the analysis made by Zhang Rang during the halftime break. In fact, Melli was in good shape in this game, but he had been unable to score before because of the lack of transition and lubrication from Cerrados.

Melli finally scored in the second half. Did coach Tavares make any targeted adjustments during the halftime break?

From the beginning of the second half to before Melli scored, Hu Lixin did not see it.

But Merry is Merry after all.

Without lubrication, he forced a breakthrough through the middle and actually opened a channel in front of the layers of defense of the Madrid Pirates!

This is truly remarkable.

So Hu Lixin was a little worried about the Madrid Pirates.

Melli also found a way to break through the Madrid Pirates defense with this ball.

He didn't care who Melli was comparing his favor to, he only cared about whether the Madrid Pirates could win in the end.

※※ ※

Melly wanted to do his old trick again. He retreated to the midline to demand. After catching the ball, move it forward.

But this time he didn't succeed.

Because he was knocked down by Hulay as soon as he started - yes, it was not Tonini who guarded him, but Hulay who returned to defend.

As a center, Hu Lai rarely has the opportunity to receive a card, so he has no scruples when he commits a foul. He directly grabbed Melli's arm and held on tightly without letting go.

Melly struggled to break free twice, and finally had to stop and spread his hands to complain to the referee.

The referee's whistle was accompanied by boos.

It was undoubtedly a foul, but Madrid Pirates fans didn't care that much.

This is our home court. If you dare to play Hu Lai a card, no matter what color it is, we will boo you to death!

Of course the referee doesn't care what the fans of the home team are thinking, he just follows the rules and officiates the game.

After running to Hu Lai, he took out a yellow card from his body and showed it to Hu Lai.

The boos got louder.

"Hu Lai received a yellow card for an intentional foul. There was no other way. Under the circumstances, he really had no choice but to do this..." He Feng said helplessly.

The Argentine commentator was very excited: "Yellow card! No problem, intentional foul should indeed be a yellow card! Facing the unstoppable Melli, Hu could only use embarrassing fouls to stop it. But this is doomed to be in vain!"

※※ ※

After Melli's goal, the Madrid Kings regained their morale and launched a fierce attack on the Madrid Pirates' goal.

During this period, the Madrid Pirates did play a bit passively, just like Julay had to use intentional fouls to stop Melli.

Parotti also asked the team to tighten their defense to avoid his sharp edge.

If you have a chance, fight back. If you don't have a chance, forget it.

Absolutely no risk taking.

Even Hu Lai often retreats to participate in defense.

However, he already had a yellow card on his body and never used intentional fouls to stop Melli.

Many times his defense is just for show and has no effect.

Because he needs to return to defense, when the Pirates get an opportunity to attack, he has to rush forward immediately. Otherwise, he may have had a chance to counterattack because he was not in position and the chance to counterattack was lost.

So even if he found out after going up that he had made another trip in vain, he still had to grit his teeth and rush forward.

In the 71st minute, the physical fitness of all players reached a bottleneck period.

The Madrid Pirates relied on the continuous cooperation of three people in the backcourt to finally prevent the Madrid King's attack.

In the end, Ramirez shoveled the football from Melli's feet, and Joaquin Vela quickly passed the shoveled football to Vukovich.

Madrid Pirates quickly switched from defense to offense, and the counterattack began!

When defending, Hu Lai was near the center arc of his own half. He only started to turn around and run forward after seeing the football being taken by Vukovich.

He didn't run very fast at first, and he had to observe the movement of the football.

When he saw Vukovich passing the football to Tonini who was pulling to the left, he started to accelerate.

After Tonini received the ball from Vukovic, he took the ball all the way up the sideline.

Since the Madrid Kings are in the transition stage between offense and defense, there are not many defensive players in the backcourt, so the person defending Toni on the right wing at this time is their center back Nuno Sequeiros - the team's original right back. Patin Garcia went forward with an assist and has not returned yet.

Cequeiros did not rush to steal Tonini's ball rashly. He knew that he should trade space for time now - there was a lot of space behind him. What he needed to do at this time was to fight and retreat to prevent Tonini from having a chance to cross. His own line of defense went straight to the penalty area. Give your teammates time to return to defense.

At the same time, King midfielder Osei was running back with Hulay in the middle, but halfway through, he found Tonini suddenly cutting in and running towards his defense zone.

So he let Hu Lai go and went to catch Toni.

Hu Lai continued to run forward.

Another Kings center back, Sergi Peralta, came up on the line of the penalty area, ready to meet the enemy.

Osei and Cequeiros both pounced on Tonini and defended the ball, but at this moment Tonini passed the football.

The target of the pass is Hu Lai who runs diagonally towards the penalty area!

Sequeiros and Osei both reached out to intercept the pass.

The football flew between their feet!

Hu Lai was still running towards the penalty area, while turning his head to observe the trajectory of the football, and then he discovered that Toni had not passed the ball well!

He ran forward, but the ball passed behind him...

If he continues to run forward, he may miss the football and he will be forced to run for nothing again.

Of course Hu Lai doesn't want this.

Even if he has [Stamina Potion], he can only restore the physical energy consumed in the previous game, but not during the game.

If he keeps running on empty again and again, his physical fitness will still have problems in the last few minutes of the game.

Now that he is here, we must seize every opportunity as much as possible.

So after seeing Tonini pass the ball, Hu Lai quickly stopped and slowed down, turned around and stretched out his feet to catch the ball.

The football hit the ground twice before flying to him, bouncing towards him.

His outstretched left foot just touched the ball.

At this moment, a classic picture flashed in Hu Lai's mind.

At the same time, Li Qingqing’s words also sounded in his ears:

"Try rubbing the ball while turning around..."

He felt like he caught that feeling all at once.

The right time!

Convenient location!

People and!

So as he approached, he gave up his plan to stop the ball and turned directly to the left!

While turning, the inside of his left foot came into contact with the ball, and then he used the power of his turn to slice directly towards the football!

He saw the football hit his left foot and fly out again.

Then he couldn't think about whether he succeeded or not, so he could only continue to turn around.

Others turn left and the football flies right.

So they parted ways and went their separate ways.

When Hulay turned around and gave up the front view, Peralta saw the football flying to the right.

He hesitated for a moment, because the football went to the right, but Hu Lai turned to the left. He suddenly didn't know whether he should guard Hu Lai or chase the ball.

But just for a moment, Peralta turned to football - no matter what happened to Hu Lai, as long as he controlled the football or cleared the football, this defense would be considered a success!

As he turned around, the football was spinning violently in the air, rubbing against the air and turning a weird arc!

Almost grazing Peralta's body and flying behind him!

How close is it?

All Peralta has to do is reach out and hit the football...

But except for his hands, no part of his body could touch the ball!

Deafening exclamations sounded in the sky above the Pirates Park stadium, because everyone saw the football flying past Peralta's right. Behind Peralta, Hu Lai turned around and was heading towards the football!

When Hu Lai "stopped" the ball and turned to the left, everyone thought Hu Lai had made another mistake...

I don't know how many Kings fans couldn't wait to burst into laughter.

Now their laughter stopped suddenly, the smiles solidified on their faces, and their eyes gradually widened, making them unrecognizable!

One person and one goal, they are going to reunite in this way!

※※ ※

Li Qingqing stood up from the sofa in front of the TV, and the pillow in her arms fell to the ground. She didn't even look at it, she just stared at the TV screen with wide eyes without blinking...

She suddenly became nervous for no reason, so nervous that her breathing and heartbeat seemed to have stopped.

※※ ※

Peralta, who was on the field, just turned around and noticed something was wrong. After the football fell to the ground in front of him, it turned another corner!

At the same time, he felt like someone was traveling through time beside him.

A terrible thought rose in his mind:

Could it be...

How can this be? !

He didn't care to think about anything else, and simply grabbed the person behind him.

He felt himself grabbing an arm, but a huge force came from his fingertips and pulled his hand away!

The panicked Peralta saw that he couldn't catch anyone, so he tried to tackle and destroy it again.

His right foot shoveled down first, grazing the opponent's calf, but did not bring the opponent down.

Then his whole body slid down and he shoveled again with his left heel!

He felt as if he was being brought to the opponent's heel...

At the same time, he saw the other party's body falling forward.


Peralta breathed a sigh of relief.

He was already prepared and heard the referee's harsh whistle and the boos from the stands - he knew that what he did must be a foul.

However, facing this ball, he would rather foul to interrupt it, give the opponent a penalty kick, and possibly send himself off with a red card, than let that kid Hu Lai complete the ball in front of his eyes!

※※ ※

Hu Lai waved back to break away from Peralta's pull, but immediately felt the impact under his feet.

He jumped up to avoid it, but was still brought... So his body swayed and he threw forward.

The referee who had just reached the top of the penalty arc put the whistle in his hand into his mouth and was ready to blow the whistle, just waiting for Hu Lai to fall to the ground.

This is undoubtedly a foul.

But he saw Hu Lai stretched out his left hand to rest on the turf, supporting his body!

He didn't fall!

He refused to go down!

Peralta's half-relieved breath was once again blocked in her heart...

"Hu Lai——!!"

Amidst the exclamations of the commentator, Hu Lai's forward body lifted up again, and at the same time, his right foot kicked the football in a very awkward situation!

Before he could regain his center of gravity, his kick was very sudden!

The attacking goalkeeper Bakker had not had time to rush to him and block all angles, so he could only rush to the ground to save.

But the football didn't roll over against the turf. Instead, it flew straight up and passed over his body!

Bucker turned around and looked back, and saw the football falling from the sky towards the huge empty goal behind him!

There was nothing he could do anymore, he could only watch the football bounce off the goal line and fly into the goal he was guarding!

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