Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 68 Hustle

Chapter 1741 Noisy

Tonini passed the football diagonally to Hulay who penetrated into the penalty area.

Peralta goes up to defend.

Hu Lai slowed down while running and turned around, then raised his left foot to stop the ball.

But the football was stopped by him and flew to Peralta's right.

He himself turned to the left.

It looked like a blunder - a lot of people must have thought that.

Until they next saw Football and Hu Lai meeting behind Peralta!

When Peralta turned around, he reached out hastily to pull Hulay's arm, and then he was pulled away.

The next time he made a tackle... he didn't know whether it was a tackle or a tackle.

He didn't touch the ball, but Hu Lai.

Hu Lai staggered, but miraculously stabilized his posture just before he fell to the ground!

At this time, the football had already arrived in front of him, and he completed an incredible pass!

Goalkeeper Bakker was midway through his attack, but before he could completely block Hulay's shooting angle, the latter shot with a flick of his foot!

He could only fall to the ground in a hurry, spread his legs and spread his arms flatly in a "earth" shape, trying to expand his defensive area as much as possible.

But he did not expand the defensive area above his head.

With his body's center of gravity still unstable, Hu Lai hit a very high-quality... lob shot!

The football flew over Bucker's head in a parabola and jumped lightly into the empty goal.

Accompanying this scene, deafening cheers erupted above Pirates Park.

"...In the just-concluded seventh round of La Liga, the Madrid Pirates defeated the challenging Madrid Kings 3:1 at home, continuing their winning streak against their city rivals in all competitions. In the game, China Top scorer Hu scored such a beautiful goal that shocked the whole audience..."

"...In the first Madrid derby of the season, Melli, who has been in excellent form recently, lived up to expectations and scored a very beautiful goal. However, such a beautiful goal seemed to be just to serve as a backup for the next goal. Foreshadowing - in front of Hu's second goal, Melli's goal can only be eclipsed. In the 72nd minute of the game, one of the most exciting goals in football history... was born!"

"...Madrid derby has always been the stage where heroic legends are born, and in this Madrid derby in the seventh round of the 202 A-League, a new legend was born. Hu used an incredible turn to show the world-'Football can still be Such a kick! The commentators on the scene were dumbfounded. They remained silent almost the whole time before the football flew into the goal.

No sound was if any sound would destroy this wonderful work of art..."

"...In the Madrid derby that ended in the early morning, Chinese player Hu Lai completed one of the greatest performances in the history of human football. He made the football draw a strange arc in the air, and he made the 'human ball pass' rise It has reached a height that no one has ever reached. Just because of this ball, this game will go down in history forever!"

"According to reports, after Hulay scored, a large number of users entered the "Goal" website, causing the server of the website forum to go down for a time - please note that this was after five o'clock in the morning. At this time, everyone should be sleeping. time, the server of "Goal" website was overcrowded by excited fans! On Weibo, 'Turn of the Century' also quickly topped the list of hot topics... As of press time, the topic was still a hot topic The top three and five of the top ten topics on the list are related to Hu Lai... He is well deserved to be the top player in Chinese sports!"

"...Although Hu Lai covered his mouth with his hands in a gesture of surprise after scoring the goal. In an interview after the game, he also stated that the goal was a matter of luck and he didn't know how it was kicked... But from the public opinion after the game Looking at it, it is obvious that no one believes what he said. On the one hand, he has a criminal record - he once performed the same celebration when it came to his left foot problem, which made everyone mistakenly think that he got in by luck, but In fact... On the other hand, just before this game, he had tried it in the Champions League group stage against Insubre. From the short Douyin video posted by Li Qingqing, you can also see that he is practicing such a turn .So he said he was deceived, who would believe it?"

"...After the game, the famous British sportscaster Bobby Klein tweeted that he had never seen such a goal, and he hoped that the media would stop using 'Kyrie-style goals' to describe Hu's goals. Because even Maxi Carey has never kicked such a goal..."


Maxi Carey stood outside the training ground and was being interviewed by reporters:

"That goal by Hu? I watched it, I watched it live. It was indeed beautiful, full of imagination, and of course it was also part of the luck. Me? I have never scored such a goal."

He shook his head.

Someone asked: "Can you score a goal like that?"

They all know Kaili's character, and they also know that the relationship between Kaili and Hu Lai is not harmonious. In fact, they want to hear some exciting content from Kaili so that they can go back to do news.

Unexpectedly, after hearing this question, Kyrie opened his eyes and asked: "What question are you asking? I doubt you didn't watch yesterday's game at all, otherwise you wouldn't be able to ask such a question. That ball is If a miracle can be copied easily, what kind of a 'miracle' is it?"

The reporter was speechless.

Kaili shook his head when he saw this: "You should still improve your professional knowledge to avoid asking such stupid questions."

After speaking, he shook his head and left the reporters.

Judging from the way he shook his head as he walked, he seemed to be really disappointed with the quality of these reporters.

But reporters don't care, they care about something else.

They looked at each other. Did the sun come out in the west today?

Maxi Carey actually gave in? He admitted that he couldn't do it!

Although it was admitted very tactfully...

But even Kyrie himself admitted that he could not replicate this ball. You can imagine how amazing Hu Lai's ball was...

Some blew it!

I know how to write it!


"Hey, okay, okay. I'll prepare delicious food for Fatty Song and ask him what he wants to eat? Tsk, how can you talk? Even if he doesn't bring the football, I'll still entertain him! Okay, okay, you Just ask him what he wants to eat and just reply to me on WeChat. Hang up!"

After hanging up the phone, Xie Lan happily walked back to the bedroom and made a "V" sign to Hu Lixin:


"Are you asking Fatty Song to go out again?"

"Yeah, I'll make delicious food for him!"

Hu Lixin shook his head: "You are really struggling... After the season is over, wouldn't it be better for him to bring it back all at once? I just carried a Golden Globe trophy for you some time ago, and now you have to fly again just for a ball. .Isn’t there any money for the round-trip air ticket?”

"Boss Song still cares about the ticket price?" Xie Lan shook his head and waved, "Aren't you worried about the long nights and dreams? The security abroad is so bad, what if it is stolen at home? This is not an ordinary football, this is the ball that turned the century around. ! You can rest assured when you take it back and put it at home..."

Hu Lixin couldn't convince his wife, so he could only nod: "Yes, yes, I'll be safe."

"Don't worry about the museum. Leave it all to me!" Xie Lan patted his chest and looked like he was taking charge of everything.

Hu Lixin smiled and shook his head: "Yes, leave it all to you. Thank you, Director."

Hearing this title, Xie Lan showed a proud smile on his face.


Hu Lai hung up the phone and saw Li Qingqing looking at him and smiling.

So he asked: "What are you laughing at?"

Li Qingqing did not answer the question, but smiled and said: "I'm wondering if Song Jiajia can help me bring something back to my dad."

"Okay, it's just a trip anyway, and he's traveling first class. He has so much baggage allowance, so he doesn't use it in vain. If you have anything else you want to bring back from China, you can tell Fatty Song."

Li Qingqing kept smiling and shaking her head: "No, no, I have nothing for him to bring from China."

"Hey, don't be polite to Fatty Song. If you have any requests, just ask!"

Li Qingqing waved her hand again: "Really not!"

"Okay, then I'll let Fatty Song order."

Hu Lai picked up his cell phone and sent a message to Song Jiajia.

Li Qingqing looked at his lowered profile, the smile on his face not fading yet.

In fact, she still feels disconnected - this shapeless guy in front of her actually scored such an elegant goal in the game.

When Hu Lai described the scene to her, she really thought it was impossible for Hu Lai to do it.

But this time she was shocked.

She may be the person who knows Hu Lai best, but Hu Lai is getting more and more beyond her expectations.

She doesn't even know what kind of goals Hu Lai will score in the future or what she can do that she can't think of...

She really discovered an amazing genius!

After asking Song Jiajia to order food on WeChat and send it to her mother, Hu Lai looked up and saw Li Qingqing looking at him and asked, "What's wrong?"

"It's nothing." Li Qingqing shook his head, unwilling to tell Hu Lai what he was thinking just now.

Hu Lai didn't dwell on this, but asked another question: "Hey, did Meili have any reaction today?"

"Everything is normal." Li Qingqing thought for a while and said, "Anyway, watching the first team training through the barbed wire fence, his behavior is quite normal."

Hearing what Li Qingqing said, Hu Lai frowned: "Tsk, that shouldn't be the case... He collapsed in the last ten minutes of yesterday's game. I thought it was a big blow... Why did he get better after just a nap? "

At this point, he suddenly paused and then looked at Li Qingqing.

"What's wrong?" Li Qingqing asked puzzledly.

"Unless it's not just an ordinary 'sleep'..."


Melly stood at the door of his house. Before he could open the door, the door opened by itself.

There was someone standing inside.

Sylvia looked at the man in front of her with a smile, opened her arms to him, and took him into her arms.

But Mellie Banega, the all-powerful figure on the court, did not struggle at all, just like a child returning home, bowing his head and snuggling in the arms of the beauty.

He shed his burdens and fatigue and became an ordinary person.

The noise and ridicule from the outside world have nothing to do with him.


PS, this is the first update today.

Let’s see if I can resume two updates tomorrow and see how I write today…

Sorry sorry!

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