Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 128 Normal Mind

Chapter 1801 Normal Mind

Hu Lai followed his teammates out of the locker room and walked to the court through the corridor.

The fifteen-minute intermission was almost over and now they were back in action.

On the way he met the Catalan United players who were also coming out of the locker room.

So he took the initiative to go up and greet Kabangka: "Hi, Kendall, you were in good shape in the first half."

Kabangka, who was covering his mouth and talking to Lima, turned around and said to Hu Lai: "You performed well."

Hu Lai laughed: "Then let's continue in the second half. Let me reveal something to you..."

Having said this, he first looked around, then deliberately lowered his voice and said in a mysterious tone:

"Our head coach made few adjustments during the halftime break. He just said, 'Let's play like we did in the first half'... So we won't set up a bus, and the game will definitely be good to watch. What about you guys?"

Kabangka smiled slightly: "What a coincidence, we are the same as the first half."

"Really? That's great, ha!" Hu Lai laughed.

Then he noticed Reynaldo Lima following Kabangka.

Because they had played against each other in the Club World Cup before, Hulay still had a deep impression of Lima.

So I took another look and then grinned at him: "Come on, try to be replaced as soon as possible!"

After saying that, he and Kabangka waved their hands and said goodbye.

As soon as he left, Lima snorted at his back.

Kabangka glanced at him: "What's wrong?"

"He looks down on me!" Lima said angrily. "Didn't his words just mock me for being a substitute..."

Kabangka smiled: "Don't think too much, Renaldo. Some things become more complicated the more you think about them, and in the end they completely deviate from the original meaning. Maybe he just said it casually."

"Isn't it just to anger me?" Lima couldn't believe it.

"Of course it's possible, but if you don't think in that direction, then won't he be able to anger you?" Kabangka spread his hands.

Lima didn't expect that Kabangka could explain it from this perspective, and he was stunned.

"You know there are many people who say that when Hu talks to you, you should not talk to him, otherwise you will be in trouble, right?"

Lima nodded, it was no secret.

It has long been no longer a "meme" among fans.

"But look, wasn't I just chatting normally with him?"

"That's what I'm asking, Kendall. Why didn't you do what everyone else did?"

"Because it's not necessary," Kabangka replied. "I even doubted that the so-called 'As long as you talk to Hu during the game, you will encounter misfortune', was it actively released by Hu's team?"

"Ah? It can still be like this?" Lima did not expect that Kabangka could talk about a "meme" that has been widely circulated in world football from such a tricky angle.

"Why not? Think about it, Renaldo, when the whole world knows that talking to Hu during the game may lead to bad luck, who is in the best interest of this matter? If Hu's opponents walk on the court with such worries , and then he was constantly harassed with words by Hu. Will he feel huge pressure in his heart because of these factors? Is it because talking to Hu will bring bad luck, or is it because talking to Hu causes excessive psychological pressure and makes mistakes? ?”

Lima was stunned.

This was something he had never imagined.

"So from the perspective of who benefits in the end, I think it might be that Hu's team spread it deliberately. Even if not, at least he would be happy to see it happen. Work hard to create this character and make full use of his language talent advantage to interfere with the opponent," Kabangka continued.

"After his image is completed, every opponent of his will be wary of something more when defending him. It was already difficult to defend him, but now it is even more difficult... If I were Hu, I would be very careful too. I’m glad everyone thinks that playing against me will put you under inexplicable pressure.”

The more Lima listened, the more he felt that this was true.

After all, before Hu Lai, it was actually normal for players to bicker and chat on the court.

Players can't keep their mouths shut during games, and they trash-talk each other.

But why did the situation become special when we arrived in Hu Lai?

"Then think about it on the other hand, if you keep a normal mind when facing Hu, he talks to you, and you respond to him with a normal attitude and don't think wildly, how can you have psychological pressure? Without psychological pressure, in the game Will it be more likely to function normally?"

Lima's mind finally came to his senses, and he asked a question: "But will normal performance allow us to beat Hu?"

Kabangka shrugged: "Of course not."

"Then..." Lima wanted to say, then what are you trying to do by going around like this?

"But Renaldo, doesn't a normal game have wins and losses? No matter whether you win or lose, it should be a normal result. If we blame the loss every time on our defenders and nonsense during the game, In other words, the reason why we win is that our defenders keep their mouths shut very well... How ridiculous would that be! Then what do we, the players, have to do? Then if a mute goes up to compete with Hu, we won't be able to win for sure. Already?" Kabangka stared at Lima.

Lima opened his mouth, unable to speak.

"So it's the same sentence, Renado. 'Normal heart'. If you treat Hu with a normal heart, you will find that you can also treat the game with a normal heart. As long as you don't take the initiative to provoke him, you can do whatever you want. If he greets you, you say hello. If he provokes you, treat him like a dog."

Lima was amused by Kabangka's last words.

Then nodded: "I understand, Kendall."

"Yeah." Kabangka wasn't sure whether Lima really understood it, but it didn't matter. He didn't expect that it took him several years to realize the truth. Lima, an eighteen-year-old boy, just After listening to myself speak two or three times, you will understand everything.


Time is the best teacher.

He believed that as long as he was given enough time, Lima could always learn those principles from constant battles with Hu Lai.

Just like he did before.

So he stopped "preaching" and said to Lima: "Let's go, we have been delayed in the passage for too long, don't keep them waiting."

Lima pouted: "Just let the pirates wait."

He still has opinions about Hu Lai.

Kabangka laughed and didn't mention anything about normalcy.


"Kabonka and Lima walked out of the tunnel talking and laughing. Lima went to the bench, while Kabangka stepped onto the court. Although the score was still 1:1 and the game was in a stalemate, None of this seemed to affect Kabangka's mood, he seemed very relaxed..."

The narrator observed Kabangka's expression and mentality.

Hu Lai also observed it.

He was a little strange and didn't know why Kabangka could talk and laugh with Lima.

Hu Lai frowned at the ease displayed by Kabangka.

The Brazilian probably didn't tell the truth. They must have made targeted adjustments during the halftime break!

There is no doubt that Catalonia United is determined to win this game at home.

So the second half of the game will definitely be more difficult than the first half.

Hu Lai looked at his teammates, hoping that they would have such an awareness.


Kabangka was the last player from both sides to step onto the court. After he took his place, the referee blew the whistle to start the second half.

In the second half of the game, Catalonia kicked off.

Kabangka gestured to his teammates, asking them not to rush to hit the football, but to pass it back and forth in the backcourt to attract Madrid Pirates players to press up.

Anyway, the score is now 1:1, Catalonia United is not behind, and the second half has just begun.

Catalonia need not be anxious at the beginning of the second half.

During the halftime break, head coach Reilly Vicente had reminded his players not to easily fall into the rhythm of Madrid Pirates and to stick to Catalonia's own rhythm.

Pass the football first and gradually attract the Madrid Pirates players to press up, so that there will be space behind them.

As Catalonia continued to play in the backcourt, the Madrid Pirates players did start to press forward.

At this time, Catalan United passed forward again, and through the advantage of passing control, they quickly pressed within the 30-meter area of ​​the Madrid Pirates.

In the end, Kabangka completed a long shot.

The quality of the Brazilian's long-range shot was very high, and Hywell made a wonderful save to avoid conceding the ball.

Although they didn't score a goal, the Catalan United fans in the stands still applauded the team after seeing the team's performance.

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