Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 132 System Bureau

Chapter 1805 System Bureau

"Hu! Hu! Hu Lai!! GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL!! Scored twice! He used the second goal of the game to help Madrid Pirates equalize the score! Let's see how this goal was scored..."

In the slowdown of the televised goal replay, everyone can clearly see that when Hulay was about to grab a header from behind, he was slightly squeezed by Joel Jimenez.

It cannot be said that Jimenez committed a foul, because there is a lot of physical contact in defense. If a foul is called every time there is physical contact, then dozens of penalty kicks may be called in a game.

If Hu Lai doesn't score a goal because of this, then he can only admit that he is unlucky...

It can be said that Jimenez was very clever this time, not only disturbing Hu Lai, but also not causing a foul.

But he will soon regret his actions...

Because the fallen football was kicked towards the goal by Hu Lai's left foot!

This is not a shooting action, but the effect is comparable to shooting!

Because his goalkeeper teammate Tony Schulman didn't react at all - he didn't even make a save action, the football had already hit the net behind him!

When Joel Jimenez saw the football in the goal, he turned around and stared at Hulay, who had turned around and ran to celebrate.

He really didn't expect that Hu Lai could convert such an opportunity into a goal...

"Hu Lai! Haha! Hu Lai! This goal can be scored! Hahaha!"

As Hu Lai's "maternal family members", He Feng and Yan Kang slapped the table and laughed in the studio behind.

Judging from the slow motion, Hu Lai was actually upset for the first time.

For the average forward, that's where this attack ends.

But there are always all kinds of "miracles" happening to Hu Lai.

What a coincidence that the falling ball was kicked by Hu Lai's left foot as he moved forward!

So the header turned into a kick shot...

In front of Chinese TV sets and on the Internet, countless Chinese fans burst into gloating laughter - except for the Chinese fans who already like Catalonia United, they have mixed emotions at this moment.

Being scored like this is really demoralizing.

This goal can be compared with Kabangka's "World Wave" goal. They are both unreasonable goals that you can't stop even if you try your best.

It's simply..."system bureau"!

What are you most afraid of in competition?

It’s not that I’m afraid of a strong opponent,

But you are afraid that no matter how much effort you put in, you will find that it is all in vain because you are destined to not win.

Renaldo Lima, who was off the court, looked dumbfounded when he saw the ball:

Is this okay? ! Can you score a goal like this? !

Isn’t that too nonsense? !

Isn’t this luck too damn nonsense? !


After celebrating the second goal with his teammates, Hulay turned around and ran back slowly towards his half.

Then he raised his wrist and kissed the red bracelet on it.

Hu Lai also felt that he was extremely lucky with this ball.

The reason for such good luck is of course the props given by the system’s father!

Thank you System Dad!

Who says the system is useless? Doesn’t this bless me every game?

In addition to this bracelet, Hu Lai is now wearing a "broken Bears shin guard" and a "worn Bears jersey". Although these are one-time props, Hu Lai now has a lot of points - since the system achievement system was launched, Hu Lai can get a lot of points without completing tasks, as long as he can achieve the corresponding achievements.

So now Hu Lai has enough points to ensure that he can fully stack the BUFF in every game.

The reason why he wears [broken Bear shin guards] in every game is because he doesn't want to get injured when the World Cup is approaching. In order to ensure that he can participate in the World Cup in good health, he must always equip this item that can protect him from serious injuries.

In addition to protecting himself, this is also the main reason why he has not had any serious injuries so far.

Never forget the man who dug the well. Even though he has achieved great success, Hu Lai has never forgotten the help given to him by his father. It can be said that without the support of System Dad, he would never have achieved what he has achieved today, because the story would never have happened from the beginning.

This is called "never forget the original intention".

He Feng smiled when he saw this scene:

"Hu Lai specially kissed his bracelet. This bracelet is very particular... It was knitted by Li Qingqing himself. There are only two in total. One was given to Hu Lai, and she kept one for herself. It can be said that this bracelet The ring is a token of love between the two of them. Hu Lai obviously wants to give this goal to his girlfriend... This pair of divine couples in world football is really enviable!"

"Ah, yes, yes!" Xie Lan echoed loudly in front of the TV to express his agreement.


After Hu Lai equalized the score, the two sides returned to the same starting line.

Catalonia United had previously pressed on, but failed to score. Instead, Madrid Pirates equalized the score.

Therefore, in the next game, Catalonia United, who played at home, had to withdraw their formation appropriately to avoid being taken away by the rising Madrid Pirates.

Situations like that are not uncommon for the Madrid Pirates team.

Last season's Blue and White Munich and Madrid Kings all experienced it firsthand.

For example, just after scoring a goal, they were scored by Madrid Pirates, and just after Madrid Pirates scored, they scored another goal...

In order to avoid such a situation, Catalonia had to shrink its defense first.

Paul Fortune and Joel Jimenez were replaced again, and the French international continued to follow Hulay.

Although the rest time was not enough, Fortune had to do this, because it was he who actively proposed to change positions with Jimenez, which caused the latter to lose the ball while defending Hulay. At that time, the responsibility for conceding the goal will probably be placed on Jimenez.

This is unfair to Jimenez.


Seeing Paul Fortune returning to his side, Hu Lai couldn't help but laugh.

"What are you doing here in exchange? Why bother?"

Hearing Hu Lai's mean voice, the veins on Paul Fortune's forehead couldn't help but jump.

He began to think seriously about whether he should wear earplugs to compete next time he saw Hu Lai...

"Brother, what did I say before? If I really want to score, even if you follow me every step of the way, I will still score. So don't waste your energy on accompanying me. What should you do? Well, go ahead, it's good for you and me, it's really good if everyone is good. I know you find me annoying, so I don't force you to stay with me, right? So who is pestering whom? "

Paul Fortune still couldn't help but look at Hu Lai deeply.

Indeed, as he said, even if he and Jimenez follow him closely, he can still score goals.

So in that case, why do you still care so much about me following you?

It's the coach's request that I follow you. This matter is not something I can decide, so why don't you just shut up? !


The Madrid Pirates, who had equalized the score, had high morale and took advantage of Catalonia's shrinking defense to launch a fierce attack on their goal.

Catalan United fans in the stands continued to boo, disrupting the Madrid Pirates' attack.

Amid the boos, Kamara cut in from the wing and tried to take a long shot, but pushed the football diagonally.

Hu Lai made a diagonal run and ran with Fortune to the landing point of the football. He stopped the ball and half-turned to shoot!

Fortune stretched out his foot to block.

The football hit Fortune's leg and bounced off the baseline.

Madrid Pirates receive a corner kick.

Toni took the corner kick and Danny Drew beat Joel Jimenez to head it.

But his header was a little on target... and the ball was picked up by Catalan United goalkeeper Tone Schulman.

The boos in the stands turned into applause for Schulman.

Schulman did not throw the ball out immediately, but signaled the team to calm down and slow down the rhythm.

The Madrid Pirates want to go fast, but Catalonia cannot let them do so.

And what Catalonia is best at is indeed slow.

But the Madrid Pirates players did not take it back.

After the corner kick, except for the central defender, everyone else stayed at the front, marking the Catalan players almost one-on-one.

If Schulman wants to throw the football to his teammates and then rely on short passes to advance the offense, then the Madrid Pirates will launch a high press in the frontcourt.

Schulman looked left and right, and there were all Madrid Pirates players around the receiving point.

He can't hold the football and not send it out, otherwise he will be called a violation and will be given an indirect free kick in the penalty area of ​​the Madrid Pirates.

So Schulman had no choice but to kick the football forward with his big foot.

Catalan United forward Pablo Alegría and Ramirez, who started the game, fought for the top near the center circle and lost.

The football was pushed back into the frontcourt by Ramirez.

Vukovic retreated to receive the ball, and the Madrid Pirates attacked again.

"The Pirates' offensive during this period was so fierce... Catalonia couldn't even get past halftime!"

"Hu Lai's long-range shot! Ah! It was a little missed! It missed the goal post!"

Seeing his team at a disadvantage, with Madrid Pirates pressing heavily and having a lot of space behind them, Reilly Vicente made a choice.

He told assistant coach Van Hoyzen: "Let Lima warm up."

"Okay." Van Hoyzen took the order and strode to the bench.

Soon Renaldo Lima put on a yellow vest and ran to the warm-up area.


PS, single update for now, I will adjust my physical condition as soon as possible and resume double update!

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