Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 145 Straight ball

Chapter 1818 Straight ball

The TV broadcast was replaying the scene where Nazari knocked over Chen Xingyi in the penalty area. Chen Hantang was no longer observing the scene as if he was looking for mistakes with a magnifying glass as before.

Although his eyes were looking at the TV screen, they gradually lost focus and drifted away.

"...This time my form in the league was not good, can it be reversed? I am in good form in the Champions League..."

Chen Hantang remembered what his son had said before, but he didn't expect that he would say it again!

Although it is difficult to say how good his son's condition is in this game.

But if he created a penalty kick, at least no one would criticize him after the game, right?

The performance was enough for his son to briefly win the right to breathe.

The most important thing is to win back the coach's trust and patience and give him more opportunities in the next game.

Buy him valuable time to regain his form.

When the TV broadcast switched from replay to slow-down and back to the live game, Chen Hantang's mind also swam back.

Then he was surprised to find...his son, Chen Xingyi, walked into the penalty area holding a football!


"Hey, this penalty kick... will be taken by Chen Xingyi? Although this penalty kick was created by Chen Xingyi, Atlético Amsterdam is not like Saria. Whoever creates the penalty kick will be taken. Rules! Originally, Atlético Amsterdam’s top penalty taker was their center Jaden van Bruggen. This shooter scored four goals in the Champions League this season and was also Atlético Amsterdam’s top scorer in the Champions League! But he seems to Give this penalty kick opportunity to Chen Xingyi!"

Zhuang Jianhong has almost forgotten how the commentator used to swallow water tepidly. Now he has a high-pitched voice and speaks very fast.

In the close-up shot of the TV broadcast, Chen Xingyi walked to the penalty spot and bent over to place the football.

When he did this, harsh boos resounded over the stadium - the Turin Bulls fans still believed that Chen Xingyi was diving and that the penalty kick was a misjudgment...


Athletic Amsterdam head coach Jopp Munster looked seriously at the Turin Bulls' goal, flanked by assistant coach Giacomo Bellucci who looked equally serious.

Both of them had just seen the scene of Van Bruggen running to find Chen Xingyi, so they guessed that it was Van Bruggen who took the initiative to give up the penalty kick opportunity to Chen Xingyi.

But it was difficult for them to evaluate whether Van Bruggen's approach was correct.

They knew Van Bruggen had good intentions and wanted to give his teammates a chance to regain confidence.

But if Chen Xingyi’s condition is still sluggish,

What should I do if I miss the penalty kick?

You must know that penalty kicks are about mental state, and Chen Xingyi has been in poor condition recently. He is under great pressure, and his mental state may not be much better...

But Munster did not stop the decision between the players.

Because he couldn't let Van Bruggen take a penalty kick, as that would hurt two people at the same time.

All he could do now was stand on the sidelines and watch quietly, placing his trust and eyes on Chen Xingyi, hoping that this kid would not betray the trust of himself and his teammates.


Chen Xingyi placed the football, stood up and stepped away, extending the distance for his running start.

Then he turned his attention to Mauro Albertazzi, who was standing in front of the door.

The talented goalkeeper is moving his body.

I wonder if the cold rain tonight froze his body...

Oh, by the way, isn't he nicknamed "Iceberg"? Maybe this temperature is just what he wants.

Chen Xingyi complained in his heart.

Since entering professional football, he has not taken many penalties.

But that doesn't mean he's not good at taking penalties.

During the school football era, he was the number one penalty kicker for the Shuguang Middle School football team that won two consecutive national championships.

If it was a penalty shootout, he would be the first to go to the penalty spot.

Is there any difference between campus football and professional football?

At least the goals are the same size. Just because it is campus football, the goals are not bigger than professional football.

Of course, the goalkeeper you face must be more powerful... but no matter how powerful you are, you will still get scored.

Before meeting Hulay, "Iceberg" Albertazzi was like an impossible mountain to conquer.

Even when he was far away in the Netherlands, when he heard this person's name, he felt like he was "looking up at the mountains".

but now……

When Chen Xingyi glanced at Albertazzi again, he found that he was looking at him levelly.


Albertazzi moved his body while carefully observing the man standing behind the penalty spot.

Another Chinese player...

But he is not Hu Lai!

Albertazzi now actually hopes that it is Hulay standing in front of the penalty spot, which will give him more motivation to save the penalty kick.

But it doesn’t matter. Anyway, we will meet in the World Cup in June this year... Oh no, maybe we don’t have to wait until then. We will still be in the Champions League quarter-finals, semi-finals, and even the final. Opportunity to meet.

Although he was a little unfamiliar with the Chinese player in front of him, he had no idea about this player's habit of taking penalty kicks. But Albertazzi didn't see anything wrong with this.

Anyway, no matter who is standing there, one thing will not change.

That is - I will save this ball!


The TV broadcast showed a close-up shot of Chen Xingyi, and there was nothing unusual about him in the shot.

The commentator finally calmed down from his excitement and lowered his voice involuntarily, as if he was afraid of disturbing Chen Xingyi who was about to take a penalty kick:

"...If Chen Xingyi can score this penalty kick, it will be his first goal in the Champions League this season... The number of goals is not important, the important thing is the key to scoring! For Sporting Amsterdam, This penalty kick is the key to their breakthrough. As long as they can take the lead, the Turin Bulls will no longer be able to play... For Chen Xingyi himself, if this ball can be scored, it will also bring him the most recent success. Move away the 'boulder' that time is pressing on him..."

Zhuang Jianhong couldn't help but straightened up on the bed and stared at the screen nervously.


Chen Hantang squatted on the floor in front of the TV, raised his head slightly and looked over. With the close-up perspective of the telephoto lens, it seemed as if he was squatting next to his son.

He put one hand on the ground to prevent his body from losing balance. The other hand was put to his mouth and he pressed it tightly.

So nervous that I could barely breathe.

He didn't know why his son took the penalty kick, but he knew very well that this was an opportunity, an opportunity that came with huge risks!

If this goal can be will really clear the sky!

That's why he was so nervous, so nervous that he almost lost his composure.


The boos at the scene finally subsided. After all, they still had to create a comfortable environment for their goalkeeper.

Albertazzi ended the warm-up, stepped back and stood in the goal.

He didn't bend his knees and lower his center of gravity like a goalkeeper would, like a compressed spring.

Instead, he straightened his body, leaned forward slightly, and finally opened his arms.

It looks like a big cross standing on the goal line.

After doing all this, he stared at Chen Xingyi who was about to take the penalty kick and looked at him.

He doesn't look at his ankle to tell which way the football is going to be kicked.

Penalty kicks are a psychological battle. At this time, what is the use of looking at the ankle to guess the direction of the shot?

Of course, you have to look directly at the other person and create psychological pressure on the other person!

When encountering rookies who don't usually take penalty kicks, they might lose their cool under his gaze, panic, and then kick the ball away.

He didn't know if the person standing opposite was a rookie, but at least there was no mention of a Chinese player in the information about Sporting Amsterdam's penalty taker.

Sure enough, under his undisguised gaze, the player on the opposite side lowered his eyelids and actively avoided his sight.

Great, that’s it!

Albertazzi took a deep breath and prepared to pounce.

Hearing the referee's whistle, the players on the opposite side began to run. Alberta's feet on tiptoe began to secretly exert force. At the same time, his body tilted slightly to his left side, as if he was about to pounce over there.

Then when the opponent shot, he bounced to the right again!

But after his whole body was ejected, he was surprised to find that the football did not fly over, but roared towards the center he originally occupied!

Albertazzi, who was in the air, could no longer change direction. He could only raise his feet, and his whole body formed a flat Y in the air, hoping to block the football with his feet!

But he far underestimated the power of Chen Xingyi's shot.

Simple and crude!

Straight ball!


The football brought out a silver light, passed through the area above the goal line, and plunged into the goal!

Albertazi, who was flying in the air, turned his head, widened his eyes, and watched the football fly into his goal...

Chen Xingyi, who scored the goal, did not run to celebrate. Instead, he stood there, clenching his fists and shouting to the sky.

Spit out all the turbid air in his chest!


"Chen Xingyi's run-up...beautiful!! Beautiful!! The ball went in!! Hit the center! Beautiful!! The first goal in the Champions League this season! Come on--!!"

The narrator roared excitedly.

Zhuang Jianhong, who was sitting on the bed, slapped the mattress next to him hard, making a muffled sound.

She still remembered that it was late at night, and she tried not to scream for fear of disturbing the neighbors.


"GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOAL!!! Chen! Star! Yi! Atlético Amsterdam finally broke the deadlock! With twenty-eight minutes left in the game, they led 1:0 away from home!"

When the football flew into the goal, Chen Hantang finally lost his balance, fell backward, and then sat on the floor.

He looked at his son who was yelling at the sky and grinned.

Smiling, he continued to lean back and simply lay on the ground with his arms stretched out.

Then he raised his fists towards the ceiling.


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