Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 152 Ah, yes, yes, yes

Chapter 1825 Ah, yes, yes

"It's strange to say that I didn't mean to leave suspense for now. But when I played Royal Cathorn, I didn't seem to have any particularly outstanding performance..."

At the dinner table, Hu Lai explained to Li Qingqing the recent hot topic on the Internet, his grudges and grudges with Royal Cathorn.

"In the Europa League quarter-finals in Leeds City, I scored two goals against them in a single game, which turned out to be my highest scoring record against them... Hey, this team is indeed a bit evil."

After listening to Hu Lai's words, Li Qingqing analyzed: "Because this is just an ordinary opponent, of course it is not worthy of your attention. And their strength is indeed relatively strong. If you do not deliberately target them, this data It’s just normal behavior.”

Hu Lai thought about it after hearing this. He indeed never regarded Royal Cathorn as any special opponent.

Even in the game in which he scored the most goals against Real Caterhorn, he had no particular grudge against Royal Caterhorn.

What impressed him most in that game was not his two goals, but Junpei Morikawa.

Because it was the meeting between two Japanese players, Junpei Morikawa and Masao Yonezawa, in the Europa League, and Hiroto Motegi, the head coach of the Japanese national team at the time, came to watch the game.

As a result, Masao Yonezawa did not start the game, and Hu Lai was still joking in his heart that Hiroto Motegi's trip was in vain.

Later, due to his own goal, Royal Cathorn was forced into danger, and Masao Yonezawa came on as a substitute.

Then I was entangled by Junpei Morikawa.

That's most of my memory of that game.

As for Hu Lai's two goals...he couldn't even remember how he scored them.

This opponent did not leave a deep impression on him like Catalonia, Madrid Kings, and Sevilla Navigators.

Just one of the countless opponents he defeated.

He also never thought about keeping track of his record against the Royal Cathorn.

As a result, after asking the opposing club to help him count it, he was surprised-did I score so few goals against Royal Catharion?

"You are right, I do not regard them as special opponents. But from now on, it will be different." Hu Lai nodded.

How could Hu Lai endure being treated as a joke by his opponent?

He never takes the initiative to cause trouble, but that doesn't mean he can swallow his anger.

"How do you want to respond to them?" Li Qingqing asked expectantly after hearing what Hu Lai said.

At the same time she even picked up her phone.

"What are you doing?" Hu Lai asked when he saw her action.

"Watch what you want to post on Twitter."

Hu Lai was a bit dumbfounded: "Don't look like a bunch of people eating melons!"

"Hurry up!"

Hu Lai shook his head: "I won't send it."

"Ah? Why?" Li Qingqing was a little disappointed.

"If you have anything to say, wait until the game is over. Then you will decide what you want to say based on my performance in the game. If I score a goal, I will definitely be full of firepower..."

"What if we don't score?" Li Qingqing asked.

"Of course nothing happened." Hu Lai said confidently.

"Wow, you are such a dog!"

"Tsk, what did you say about your boyfriend? I just don't want to be an old general on the stage with flags on my back."

Li Qingqing asked again: "But will you not score a goal?"

"Probably not...but my goal is not to score goals."

"If it's not a goal, what is it?"

"It's about scoring more than one goal."


Hu Lai can stop speaking on social media because the keyboard is in his hand.

But he couldn't stop reporters from running to interview him because his legs were on them. Moreover, Western journalists have always been known for being good at running around. Wherever there is news, they are there, just like a swarm of sharks following a slave ship.

In order to protect Hu Lai from falling into the whirlpool of public opinion, the club did not even allow him to attend the regular press conference in midweek.

Because they all know what questions reporters will ask if Hulay goes as a player representative.

But the club couldn't control the reporters blocking Hu Lai's car outside the training base.

So when a dozen reporters rushed to the middle of the road to stop the car, Hu Lai's Audi Q8 was successfully stopped.

Hu Lai had to roll down his car window and was forced to accept interviews with reporters.

"Hu, what do you think of the statement made by the official account of the Royal Cathorn Club? Do you feel offended?"

"Offended? No, what they said is the truth. I did only score five goals, and I did not score in three games. Since it is the truth, why do I feel offended?"

Faced with Hu Lai's answer, the reporters looked at each other, wondering how Hu Lai could be so calm.

When they think about it, Royal Cathorn is almost a face-mounted output.

Faced with such ridicule, everyone has a temper, how could Hu Lai not have it?

Judging from his past performance records, he is not a good person at all.

"So do you think Royal Cathorn is right?" a reporter asked hesitantly.

Hu Lai nodded: "Of course it is. What they said is the truth, and the facts are right, so they are right. The last time they fought, they were the victors. Of course they can say whatever they want. That's no problem. The winner is the king and the loser is the enemy. . I don’t think they shouldn’t say those things, as long as what they say is the truth, they can say whatever they want, that is the ‘prerogative’ of the winner.”

The reporters were confused by Hu Lai - how could he speak for his opponent?


"Hu Lai, are you holding back some bad water again?"

Zhang Qinghuan sent the news about the media's interview with Hu Lai to the group and circled Hu Lai.

"Holy shit, is this the image I have in your mind, Brother Huan?" Hu Lai came out to complain.

Chen Xingyi: "Perhaps the real image is even worse than this..."

Wang Guangwei: "Hu Lai, you'd better not ask this question. This is for your own good."

Xia Xiaoyu: "[cover face]"

Morikawa Junpei: "Although but... Hu Lai, your behavior is really strange..."

Zhang Qinghuan: "See? Even Morikawa thinks your behavior is abnormal. If it's too abnormal, there must be a monster! Royal Kathun spits on your face, and you actually help them speak? Isn't there a conspiracy?"

"There is no conspiracy, it's all conspiracy." Hu Lai said, "I have made it very clear. 'The winner can say whatever he wants. This is the winner's prerogative.' Is there any problem with this?"

It was Xia Xiaoyu who reacted first: "So Brother Hu means that as long as he wins next, he can spray as much as he wants?"

Hu Lai quoted Xia Xiaoyu's words: "Xiaoyu is still smart! What is this called? This is called 'legitimacy'. Now the Royal Cathorn fans are forwarding my words everywhere and they all recognize the 'winner's privilege'. Then wait until I beat them, and if I say anything, they can only shut up and listen.”

After hearing Hu Lai's explanation, Zhang Qinghuan gave him a thumbs up: "Don't worry, it is still the Hu Lai I am familiar with! He was not taken away from his body, nor was he pointed at a gun."

Hu Lai responded to Brother Huan with an eye-rolling expression.


The boos at Pirates Park were loud.

Royal Cathorn were running the ball and running the offense, and that's where the boos came from.

This was just an ordinary La Liga game, and it would definitely not be something Pirates fans would do.

After all, Real Catalon has no grudges against Madrid Pirates in history, and they are just ordinary opponents.

But just because there was no hatred before, does not mean there is no hatred now.

Pirates fans did this naturally because of the crazy provocation from Royal Cathorn officials before the game.

For Madrid Pirates fans, provoking Hulay is equivalent to provoking Madrid Pirates.

So from the beginning of this game, as long as the Royal Cathorn players got the ball, nearly 80,000 Pirates fans would greet them with harsh boos.

However, it can be seen that the players of Royal Cathorn are mentally prepared for this. Because in the face of harsh boos, the performance of the Royal Cathorn players was not affected.

They still organized the offense very calmly instead of kicking the football out quickly under the pressure of boos.

"The game lasted for almost half an hour, and the score was still 0:0. No one on either side scored a goal. Hulay was indeed tightly defended by the players of Royal Catharine during the game, and there were not many opportunities. It has to be said that Royal Catharion was a very good player. This team really has two skills, they are not just talking words..."

He Feng said this to everyone.

"That's why I'm even more unhappy!" Xie Lan complained in front of the TV.

"But don't rush!"

She quickly reminded her son through the satellite signal.

"Don't fall into their trap! Keep the normal rhythm, play how you want to play, don't think about the verbal battles before the game..."

Hu Lixin next to him burst out laughing.

Xie Lan turned to glare at him: "Why are you laughing?"

Hu Lixin smiled and said: "I think you can also become a coach."

"Are you trying to hurt me?" (Note 1)

Hu Lixin waved his hand: "No, no. I often say this to the players during halftime..."

He Feng on the TV continued:

"...Hu Lai pulled out of the penalty area. This is right. The penalty area is now full of people and there is no space at all. There is no point in staying in the penalty area. And Hu Lai has the ability to shoot long distances, so he pulls appropriately. If you leave the penalty area and stay away from the goal, you might have a chance..."

But although Hu Lai pulled out of the penalty area, he did not gain any space.

Because immediately a player from Royal Cathorn came up and stuck behind him, not letting him turn around or let him get the ball easily.

Despite this, Hu Lai still raised his arms towards his teammates to ask for the ball, as if he didn't feel anyone behind him at all.

Joaquin Vela passed the ball to him and moved toward him, ready to receive the ball.

Hulay faced the incoming ball, put his hands away, and blocked the Royal Cathorn player behind him, preventing him from going around him and grabbing the ball.

Then he flicked the ball with his right foot!

Not stopping the ball, but picking the ball!

Lift the football into the air from below, but not high and not behind the defensive player.

Then he half-turned around, raised his right leg again, and whipped the football in the air directly toward the goal behind him!


The football flew past the Royal Caterhorn player who was defending him, flying upward first, as if it was going to be higher than the crossbar.

Real Caterhorn goalkeeper Reuven Petexa jumped into the air and stretched his arms to the extreme, but failed to touch the ball, which seemed to prove this point.

But after passing his hand, the football suddenly fell!

Then it rubbed the lower edge of the crossbar and flew into the goal!


Note 1: Bensuan, dialect, meaning of joking.

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