Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 199 Tougher than expected

Chapter 1872 Tougher than expected

"Tonini crosses the ball from the wing...Hu Lai! Oops! The header is high!"

With the commentator He Feng's roar, the football went over the crossbar.

Not long after, the Madrid Pirates' attack came back. This time Hulay's diagonal insertion in the middle attracted the attention of the Ruhrlein defenders, and then leaked the football to Kamara in the back.

After Kamara used his chest to remove the football flying in the air, there was no time to adjust. Because Ruerrhein's full-back Cobb rushed up. If he adjusts again, he will lose his opportunity to shoot.

So Kamara didn't wait for the ball to hit the ground before shooting it directly.

But under Cobb's interference, he masturbated...

A huge sigh erupted above Pirates Park.

Kamala himself felt very sorry. He put his head in his hands and looked up to the sky and shouted.

At the same time, Ruerrhein head coach Leroy Kuhn sat on the sidelines with a calm expression, not even moving his buttocks.

Don't look at the fierce offensive of the Madrid Pirates during this period, and they got continuous shooting opportunities.

But Kuhn isn't really worried.

Because he saw that it was difficult for the Madrid Pirates' offense to really create a threat within the thirty-meter area, and most of them had to rely on crosses from the wing to the goal.

As long as Hulay is targeted, the Madrid Pirates' offensive threat will drop significantly.

Take these two recent attacks for example.

Once Hulay headed a goal in the penalty area, but was interfered with by center back Jose Amorim, so it ended up going over the crossbar.

The second time, Hulay had no chance to shoot as Amorim followed him closely, and could only pass the football to Kamara behind him.

It seems like a very smart choice, but in fact it is also a very helpless approach - if the opportunity is good, how could Hu Lai give the ball to others? You must do it yourself!

So these two attacks seemed quite dangerous, but in Kuhn's understanding, the situation was still completely controllable, indicating that the team's defense was good.

There is nothing to worry about.

This is actually a chain reaction after Ramirez's injury - he injured a main midfielder. As a result, it was not the defense that was most affected, but the offense.


After withstanding the offensive of Madrid Pirates, Ruhrlein began to counterattack more actively.

In the 23rd minute, Edman faithfully implemented the coach’s tactical requirements of pressing high.

Relying on tireless running and counterattack in the frontcourt, Madrid Pirates' left back Olaf Brynjolfsson was forced to make a mistake in handling the ball.

Originally he wanted to pass it to his teammate, but he used too much force and almost turned it into a pass for Ruhrlein.

Fortunately, Danny Drew in the middle was very focused and headed the ball away.

But the second goal was still controlled by Ruhrlein - Ruhrlein's left midfielder Elmer van Ooyen jumped up and pushed the football to the center before Kamara.

After John Set received the ball in the middle, he observed it for a moment and suddenly kicked the ball!

The football went over Riva Moreno's head and flew into the space behind him!

There, Edman, who returned to the center, ran towards the spot where the football landed, then turned around and volleyed!

As soon as he took the ball out, Danny Drew's foot arrived - if he stopped the ball and adjusted, the shooting opportunity would be gone.

Fortunately, in front of the Madrid Pirates, there is the "Belgian Father" Hewel who is worthy of everyone's trust. He blocked Edman's powerful and heavy shot from the bottom line.

However, others were also beaten backwards and fell to the ground. This shows how powerful Edman's kick was - usually goalkeepers take the initiative to pounce, so they will fall to the side.

However, Hywell's save this time was completely subconscious and he raised his hand and stood still. Because Edman is not an "ordinary forward". Most forwards will turn around and chase for a few steps, adjust their steps to shoot. Edman relied on his height and long legs to turn around and volley!

The blow was very sudden.

If it weren't for Hywell's high concentration and Edman's own slightly on-point shot, the goal might have gone in.

In the end, the football was successfully saved by Hywell, and he himself fell into the goal, looking very embarrassed.

"Edelman! Oh, that's so right!"

The German commentator first shouted with regret and then praised:

"But it doesn't matter. As long as you continue to play like this, you will definitely have a chance! If the Madrid Pirates want to equalize the total score as soon as possible, they can only let their own defense have such and such problems! Just like Brynjolfsson's A cross-foot pass... Ion's red card suspension still has a big impact on their defense... Brynjolfsson is definitely a weakness that Ruhrlein will focus on!"


Brynjolfsson has indeed become the key target of Ruhr Rhein.

But Ruhr Rhein is definitely targeting more than just Brynjolfsson.

Joaquin Vela and Vukovich too.

Due to the lack of protection from Ramirez, as long as the two of them lose the ball under the pressure of Ruhr Rhine players, the Madrid Pirates' back line will be directly exposed to Ruhr Rhine's offensive firepower.

Three minutes later, Ruhrlein's pressing in the frontcourt created another opportunity.

This time it was actually Ruhr Rhein's normal attack. However, after their attack was blocked by the Madrid Pirates, the Ruhr Rhine players did not retreat in one fell swoop. Instead, they did the opposite - attack!

As a result, Joaquin Vela was diverted to the center by Ruerlein's right midfielder Patrick Littlemüller, who interfered with his kick. The clearance did not go far and fell right at the feet of John Sett.

Although Vukovic quickly came up to cover the defense, he still let the Norwegian midfielder take the lead and shoot the football towards the goal!

Fortunately, the football finally went over the crossbar...



After Set's shot, there was an exclamation from the Madrid Pirates coaching bench.

"Kun is really brave... he still insists on pressing high after losing the ball..." second assistant coach Enzo Naher sighed. "Isn't he afraid that we will score another goal?"

"But in fact, now we should be worried about being scored by Ruhrlein." First assistant coach Jesus Valentin said. "They've been really aggressive during this period."

Parotti next to him said softly: "It's okay, if you lose the ball, you will lose the ball. If you lose it, you will score again. We must not waver faster than our opponents."


Three minutes after Ruhrlein created two scoring opportunities through consecutive counterattacks, the Madrid Pirates once again won a set piece in the frontcourt.

Ruerlein learned the lesson this time, and no one in the team ran to argue with the referee about whether Hu Lai's move of lying on the ground with a scream was a flop.

John Set simply stood in front of the football to prevent the Madrid Pirates from taking another quick free kick.

The remaining Ruerrhein players quickly built a human wall.

However, the Madrid Pirates really have no intention of repeating their old tricks this time. After all, the same tricks will not work against the Saints... unless the opponent is stupid.

In the end, the free kick was taken by Toni, the Brazilian free kick master. His free kick went around the top of the wall and then flew out of the baseline against the top of the crossbar!

"Wow! Toni! This shot was so close!"

He Feng looked up to the sky and sighed, feeling very regretful.

Five minutes later, Madrid Pirates organized an offensive from the left wing.

Left back Brynjolfsson picked up the ball on the frontline. He saw Hulay running horizontally between Ruhrlein's right back and right center back, and immediately sent a through ball.

The moment he passed the ball, Hu Lai, who was moving laterally, suddenly turned around and cut across!

"Beautiful through ball and movement! Hu Lai! Not offside!"

Hu Lai turned around and reached the football, then dribbled the ball into the penalty area!

At the same time the defenders of Ruhrlein rushed towards him.

Goalkeeper Koenigs also abandoned the goal and pounced on Hulay!

Hu Lai kicked up and rubbed the football towards the goal behind him...

The football drew a parabola, passed goalkeeper Koenigs who had fallen to the ground, and fell towards the goal behind him.

But when it fell, it hit the top edge of the crossbar and popped out of the bottom line!

"Look at Hulay's shot in the penalty area...the crossbar!!"

When Koenigs looked back and saw this scene, he got up from the ground and yelled at his teammates who were returning to defense: "What happened?! Keep an eye on him!!"

After initially sighing with regret, the Madrid Pirates fans in the stands applauded the team's attack.

In the warm applause, Hu Lai looked up and grinned in regret, as well as the shocked Ruerrhein players.


Kuhn found that the situation was still a little different from what he expected - he thought that after Ruhrlein showed toughness, the Madrid Pirates' offensive would weaken.

It is reasonable to think so. After all, the Madrid Pirates will worry that they are busy attacking and will be stolen by Ruhrlein.

When the point difference is widened to two goals again, it will be a heavy and fatal blow to the morale of the Madrid Pirates players.

As a result, looking at the current game, the Madrid Pirates know the hidden dangers in their defense, but insist on not slowing down the offensive rhythm.

"It seems they are tougher than we expected..." Assistant coach Riden also observed.

"From another perspective, Moritz, this also means that they are more anxious than we expected." Kuhn said. "This shows that they know very well that they have no way out. Hold on, whoever can persist to the end will win."

After saying that, Kuhn sat on the coaching bench and continued to watch the game.

He crossed his arms across his chest to restrain his trembling hands.

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