Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 226 Another failure accumulated

18th failure

"Any game in which Hulay scored a hat trick, his team never lost!"

He Feng said to the audience in front of the TV.

This is indeed the case. Since Hulay entered professional football, he has scored three goals or more in forty-seven games.

In these forty-seven games, let alone losses, there were very few draws - just one.

In the match between China and Brazil in 202, Hulay scored a hat trick to help the Chinese team draw with Brazil.

Except for this one, all other games were won.

In other words, as long as Hu Lai can score at least three goals in the game, the game will be won.

This is actually easy to understand and is not an incredible record.

After all, that's a three-goal guarantee.

With Hu Lai's condition, if he can score at least one hat trick in the game, it means that he feels very good in front of the goal.

How many teams dare to score against Hulebi in this state?

How many teams can still fight back after Hu Lai scored three goals?

Of course there are, so Hulay scored more than three goals in some games.

For example, in last season's Champions League final, Hulay scored a hat trick, and Melli also scored a hat trick. So in the end, Hulay scored another goal, becoming the first player in the history of the Champions League final to complete four goals.

In a word - if you dare to fight back, you will fight harder!

Back in this Champions League final, Hulay's hat trick had a great impact on the morale of the Catalan United players.

The bad memories of their many hat-tricks by Hu Lai came back to mind.

That kind of lingering's almost giving the Catalan United players PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder).

After Hulay completed his hat trick, Catalonia's siege did not last because some players were worried that the Madrid Pirates' counterattack would score another goal in a short period of time.

The players are not unified in their thinking on the court, which is reflected in the split between front and back during the game.

The offensive players in the frontcourt want to score goals as soon as possible and reduce the point difference to two goals.

The defensive players in the backcourt are worried about continuing to lose the ball.

This chaos lasted for five or six minutes, during which Catalan United's goal was full of dangers, but fortunately they held on to the final bottom line and did not allow Hulay to score again, nor did they allow any other Madrid Pirates player to score.

After this,

The Catalan League players have gradually adjusted, and their active mistakes have decreased a lot.

Then they launched a fierce attack on the Madrid Pirates goal.

At this time, there are still about twenty minutes before the end of regular game time.

There is indeed not much time left for Catalan United. They can no longer pass the ball slowly back and forth.

Catalonia also began to try to play more simply and directly, and the formation became higher and higher.

As a result, in the 74th minute, they were beaten by Madrid Pirates again.

Vukovich turned around in the middle and got rid of Van der Stern, who was guarding him. The latter tried to make a direct foul tackle, but failed to make a tackle.

Falling to the ground, he was unable to stop Vukovich's breakthrough.

Vukovic dribbled the ball towards the Catalan United backline!

"Vukovich! The Madrid Pirates' counterattack is coming again! Five on four in the frontcourt!"

Facing Vukovic with the ball, Catalonia's back line became very divided - they wanted to go up but they didn't dare.

Due to the lack of protection and help from the forward line, the two central defenders, Paul Fortune and Joel Jimenez, could only be forced back by Hulay and Ruiz at the beginning.

It wasn't until there was no retreat that Jimenez rushed forward to stop Vukovich.

After the Serbian midfielder drew him out, he distributed the football to Tonini who was outflanking him on the left.

The Brazilian midfielder received the ball and drove the ball diagonally towards the Catalan United penalty area.

When Catalonia United's right back Osqui stepped forward to defend him, he passed the football diagonally into the penalty area.

The destination of his pass was the space after Joel Jimenez stepped forward.

There, Hu Lai and Paul Fortune both ran towards the landing point at the same time.

Hu Lai had a slight half-body advantage, but Paul Fortune was also close.

After running into position, the football also rolled over.

Hu Lai didn't make any adjustments, just flicked the outside of his right foot and shot the football toward the goal!

Tony Schulman, who was blocking the angle at the front point, couldn't react in time. Although he reflexively raised his hands to block the goal, the football still flew in from above his hands!

This made him kneeling on the ground and raising his hands look like he was surrendering to Hu Lai...

The football is already in the goal behind him!

"HUUUUUUUUUU!! WOOOOOOOOOW!! Unbelievable! Unbelievable! Hu's condition today is so good, he's just going crazy!"

"Four! Four goals! After becoming the first player in the history of the Champions League to score three goals in the Champions League finals in two consecutive seasons, Hulay became the first player to score four goals in the Champions League finals in two consecutive seasons! It’s incredible! This Champions League final has become his one-man show!”

"Hu Lai! He broke his record of 23 goals in a single season in the Champions League last season! Twenty-four goals! There is no one before, and only... Hu Lai himself!"

"Last season the Madrid Pirates had to go back and forth with the Kings of Madrid, but this season they already had one final experience, but when they faced the Catalan United, they played an almost crushing performance! This team The team is maturing day by day!”

"With fifteen minutes left in the game, Madrid Pirates leads Catalonia United by four goals! There is no suspense about the outcome of this game! The first team to successfully defend the Champions League after the restructuring is about to be born! Hu has made history, Pirates of Madrid also made history!”

The Iron Dome erupted in cheers greater than any before.

Because Madrid Pirates fans also know that Hulay's goal sealed the victory and completely eliminated the possibility of Catalonia's comeback!

They no longer have to worry about other accidents and can vent all their emotions to their heart's content.

"It's stable! It's completely stable!" Xie Lan announced loudly in the stands, and then hugged Li Qingqing.

Hu Lixin and Li Ziqiang looked at them, applauding and laughing.


Hu Lai didn't even have time to do his own celebration this time - the crazy Madrid Pirates players hugged him halfway and dragged him to the ground. Everyone ran up, pressed on him, and stacked Arhat has risen!

Even goalkeeper Hywell traveled thousands of miles to the frontcourt to participate in the "Jenga" activity.

The Pirates players on the bench also actively joined in, and those who came later could no longer stack up, so they had to push past from the side, forming a spectacular "pile of people."

The head coach Parotti, who had always been very calm in the past, also waved his fists wildly after hugging the assistant coaches. After his gray hair was thrown away, it hung messily on his forehead and temples. This elegant man The Italian coach doesn't look elegant at all now...

It's not his fault.

It’s hard for anyone to remain calm when faced with the opportunity to make history.

He already led the team to win the Champions League last season.

But winning the Champions League is not unusual.

Countless head coaches have done it before him, and a champion coach is always born every year.

But leading the team to win the Champions League for two consecutive seasons is completely different...

From now on, his name, Ettore Parotti, will be written in a prominent position in football history!


While everyone in Madrid Pirates celebrated, everyone in Catalonia United was stunned.

Even Riley Vicente, who had vowed before the game to settle all the scores in this game, was just standing blankly on the sidelines at this moment, his expression even a little confused.

He never imagined that the final he had carefully prepared would end up like this...

To say that the Madrid Pirates chose to press high at the beginning was somewhat beyond his expectation. But just this unanticipated situation wouldn't have caused his team to fall behind by three goals at the beginning of the final, and now it would be even more behind by four goals, right?

He felt that his coaching career had suffered a major crisis...

On the court, Reynaldo Lima turned to look at Kendall Kabangka and found that his big brother in the national team had a dull expression. He did not lose the ball like he did a few times before. He also clapped his hands and loudly encouraged his teammates. …

Seeing Kabangka like this, Lima remembered what Kabangka told him before the game.

He said: "You remember, Renaldo. No matter what Hu does or says in the game, don't take it to heart. We just have to play our own ball."

But could he not take this to heart?

He has scored four goals!

Kabangka didn't notice the way Lima looked at him. He was in great pain.

He thought that during this game, Hu Lai would use some off-board tricks to interfere and affect his teammates, so before the game, he specifically warned his teammates not to tangle with Hu Lai and to stay calm.

As a result, from the moment the players from both sides met in the tunnel, until now, Hu Lai has not made any mistakes.

He really just plays the game.

Yes, he played the game normally, and as of the 75th minute of the game, he scored four goals.

I originally thought that Hu Lai would use off-the-disc moves because he couldn't take advantage of his normal kicks.

Only now did Kabangka realize how terrifying Hulay is when he concentrates on playing the game.

Perhaps Hu Lai, with his playful smile and chatting with opponent players on the court, is cuter...

He raised his head and looked at the night sky illuminated red by the lights.

It looked like he had accumulated another failure.

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