Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 229 Lubricant

Chapter 1902 Lubricant

Hu Lai, who arrived at Feiyu Island in Shanhai City, participated in the team's joint training the next day. The reason why he did not train on the first day was because he underwent a physical examination specially prepared for him by the national team's coaching staff and medical team to facilitate Understand his physical condition.

On the training ground, as a Champions League champion, he was welcomed and congratulated by all his teammates.

The coaching staff led by Dillon also shook hands with Hulay one by one and congratulated him on his achievements in the club.

Hu Lai is also the last international player to report to the national team.

With him, the national team on Feiyu Island is complete.

"The results of the physical examination are out, and all indicators are very good. But to be on the safe side, we have prepared three days of recovery training for you."

Dillon did not use translator Yu Jintao, but directly communicated with Hu Lai in Spanish.

With Hu Lai's language skills, there is really no need to be a "middleman" through a translator. It's not that I can't trust Yu Jintao, who has been with him for many years, it's mainly because direct communication is more efficient.

Hu Laixin said, it’s no wonder that the indicators are not good. I drank [Stamina Potion] the night after the Champions League final...

However, he did not object to the head coach's arrangement, but nodded and accepted: "No problem, sir."

Dillon was very satisfied with Hu Lai's attitude.

As the biggest stars, some people will always be more or less above the head coach.

But there is no such problem with Hu Lai.

No matter how famous or high-status he is now, his attitude in front of the coach is always very respectful.

This virtually further consolidated Dillon's authority.

After all, the team's top star is so obedient to Dillon's instructions, what right do the others have to disobey?

He nodded: "Very good. You go to train first."

Jorge Dillon is indeed very happy that Hulay can return to China to participate in the training camp.

Although he has previously said that if the body is too tired, then Hulay does not need to come back, just take a good rest and vacation in Madrid, and wait until the whole team goes to Spain before reuniting.

But that was a stopgap measure.

If he was given a choice, he certainly hoped that Hu Lai could return to China to participate in the training camp.

Although this training camp is nominally to select the last 23 players to participate in the World Cup.

But it also has the effect of allowing the team to practice together.

Although Hu Lai will definitely be selected into the final list of twenty-three people,

But it doesn't mean that he doesn't need to train with the team and master the tactical requirements of the national team. If he waits until the national team goes to Spain to join the team, there will be too little time left for the team to practice together.

Each player plays in his or her own club, and the head coaches of their respective clubs have different tactical preferences and different tactics. If they are not allowed to train together, they cannot be integrated into a whole.

For example, Chen Xingyi and Luo Kai are both wingers in their respective clubs, but in Dillon's Chinese team, they are wing-backs. In addition to offense, he also has to shoulder many defensive tasks.

They are accustomed to the club's tactical play. Without training from the national team, it is impossible for them to know how to play a good wing-back as soon as they come on the field.

This is why many players perform well in their respective clubs, but when they come to the national team, their performance is never as good as that of the club.

The difference in tactical requirements between the national team and the club, as well as the difference in player positioning, is one of the important reasons.


Hu Lai did not go into recovery training alone.

In the dedicated restorative training area, besides him, there is another person who is also doing restorative training.

It was Luo Kai who had just recovered from his injury.

He has gradually recovered from his injury, but because he has not had systematic training for a long time, his physical condition cannot meet the requirements of training with the team.

You can only conduct restorative training alone under the leadership of a specialized physical coach. If you don't perform recovery training and just go to the gym, you will easily get injured again. Even if you are not injured, the training effect will be greatly reduced because your physical condition has not been adjusted yet.

He returned to China before the Champions League final and has been practicing for four days. The plan is to practice for a week.

After training, do a physical check-up to evaluate your physical recovery.

If he recovers well, he can train with the team.

"Hey, are you practicing?"

Seeing Luo Kai, Hu Lai took the initiative to say hello.

It was like two wandering old men meeting each other.

Luo Kai glanced at him and replied: "We haven't started training yet."

"Oh oh oh!" Hu Lai said suddenly.

Then there was silence between the two of them.

In fact, this is the norm when the two of them are alone. It has been like this since high school, so neither of them feels embarrassed by it.

Just when Hu Lai started to move his body briefly, Luo Kai next to him suddenly spoke:

"I watched that video."

Hu Lai turned to look at him strangely.

"That video of you at Koto International Airport."

"Ah, yes, oh..." Hu Lai suddenly understood, but he didn't understand why Luo Kai brought this up.

"Do you still remember how many people scolded you when you told the media that your goal was to lead the Chinese team to win the World Cup?" Luo Kai asked.

Hu Lai sneered: "I'm not cheap, how can I pay attention to this?"

Luo Kai gave him a meaningful look, but did not continue to argue with him on this topic. Instead, he continued: "But in the video yesterday, after someone shouted 'World Champion', in addition to the beginning, there were also people who habitually In addition to laughing at him, more people are shouting champion."

Hu Lai still didn't understand what Luo Kai was going to say, so he just looked at him and didn't answer.

Luo Kai also looked at him and said: "My goal is also to lead the Chinese team to win the World Cup."

Hu Lai's eyes widened. He didn't expect to hear such words from Luo Kai's mouth.

Just when he didn't know what to answer, the team's physical coach Giuseppe Raffaelli came over and said in English with an Italian accent: "Okay, boys, let's start today. Let’s resume training.”

Then he turned to Luo Kai and asked: "Luo, how did you feel after training yesterday? Is there anything uncomfortable?"

Luo Kai shook his head: "No, Coach Raffaelli. I feel that my ankle is getting stronger."

Rafaeli nodded: "Very good, keep at it, you will be back on the court soon."

Then he turned to Hu Lai: "I have read your physical examination report. It is perfect, but for the sake of caution... mainly considering the problem of jet lag, I will let you resume training for three days."

"That's okay with me, Coach Raffaelli." Hu Lai readily accepted.

How could his consciousness be lower than Luo Kai's?

"Very good, let's get started! Hu is here just in time. You can cooperate with Luo, so I don't need to be Luo's partner."

Some recovery exercises can be done by one person, such as jogging in a straight line. It's just a simple jog to make the body sweat and warm up. This is because the human body's metabolic function is most efficient when the body temperature is higher than the resting body temperature.

Just like before driving in winter, you need to warm up the car to let the engine run. The temperature rises and the solidified lubricating oil melts and flows into each cylinder of the engine, so that the engine can run smoothly.

Jogging can help players raise their body temperature without increasing the burden on the body.

Some training content requires the cooperation of two people. Before Hu Lai came, it was the physical fitness coach Raffaelli who personally cooperated with Luo Kai.

Now with Hulay, the two of them can complete the recovery training, while Rafaeli can focus on coaching.

After a series of recovery training subjects such as straight-line jogging, hip outward jogging, hip inward jogging, support, and side support, Raffaelli signaled the two people to do one-leg standing training.

Two people stand an arm's length apart, slightly staggered.

Then they stood on one leg, then nudged each other at Raffaelli's request.

You can use one hand or two hands.

The goal is to throw the other person off balance.

So the two people are like "cranes" practicing pushing hands with each other. You push me, I push you.

While trying to get the other person to put down their other leg, you also have to make sure you don't lose your balance.

"With your goal of winning the World Cup, are you following me?" Hu Lai pushed with his hand while still "nodding" with Luo Kai.

He thought Luo Kai was going to deny it, or find some other excuse. As long as he could make Luo Kai uneasy, he could push Luo Kai off balance.

Unexpectedly, Luo Kai not only successfully defended Hu Lai's offensive, but also admitted openly: "Yes, you inspired me, what's wrong?"

At the same time, he also struck back.

Hu Lai was caught off guard by Luo Kai's reaction and almost broke his defense. Fortunately, he shook his body violently and managed to maintain his balance.

"No...why did you admit it?"

Push through.

"Why can't I admit it? Is this embarrassing?"

Push back.

"Hey, didn't you look down on me before? Why are you still imitating me?"

Push it over again.

"There is no conflict between me looking down on you and winning the World Cup. Any player should have such thoughts."

Push it back.

"It really shocked me to hear such words from a guy like you who only has eyes for women!"

Push through.

"Don't think you are the only one who has ambition!"

Luo Kai desperately controlled his balance and pushed back.

Hu Lai resisted Luo Kai's attack and asked instead: "Very good. Then let's talk about the love story between you and Qingqing's best friend?"

This time he used both hands to push Luoke.

Luo Kai failed to hold on, his body kept shaking, and finally his raised left foot landed on the ground.

Rafaeli whistled: "Very good, change your foot!"

Watching the two people sparring and chatting non-stop, although he couldn't understand a word, he felt that the effect of the two training each other would be better than before.

Dillon said that Hulay is the lubricant of the team. With him around, many things will go smoother.

Now it seems that it is really well-deserved!

After he arrived, Luo Kai's performance in recovery training was obviously improved to a higher level - it's not that Luo Kai's performance before was not good, but that it is better now.

Rafaeli watched the two people chatting and training with a smile on his face.


PS, Mbappe is so strong...

Maybe they can defend the World Cup title this time...

In today's two games, Japan plays Croatia. I am optimistic that the Japanese team will win by one goal.

Brazil and South Korea, there is not much suspense, Brazil defeated South Korea with two goals!

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