Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 239 A louder voice than 4 years ago

1st louder sound

"Calero—!! Ouch!"

The commentator shouted excitedly as the ball flew past the hands of Nigerian goalkeeper Nba Atuloma and towards Italian forward Vario Carrero in the open space behind him.

But then everyone saw the football hit Calero's head, then bounced high and over the crossbar...

"Holy shit!!"

Everyone in the living room exclaimed in unison.

"What's this kick for?"

"Can this even spit out pancakes?!"

"He's a tall guy with a height of 1.87 meters!"

Yan Yan pointed at the stunned close-up of Italian striker Carrero on the projection screen and angrily said: "I'm really good at scoring this goal!"

Meng Xi joked: "I would like to introduce to you the center forward of Rome City, Wario "Pestrel Death" Carrero!"

Joyous laughter erupted in the living room.

During the live broadcast, the commentator continued: "... Calero, who came on as a substitute in the second half, missed his best scoring opportunity and Italy's best opportunity in the game! The injury time has reached the 90th Eight minutes into the game, the score was still 0:0. Italy's weak forward was really a headache! Albertazzi's performance in this game was very good, but he could only help Italy not concede a goal, but could not help Italy score a goal. …”

"It's gone, it's gone, Italy is gone—!" Meng Xi said in a long voice.

"Italy is so awesome! Looking at it this way, we might really be able to win the second game!"

Mao Xiao frowned and said: "I don't think this is necessarily a good thing. If Italy doesn't win this game, they will definitely have to fight us in the next game..."

Meng Xi disagreed: "So what if we fight to the death? With their offensive capabilities. Our national team is originally top-heavy, good at offense but poor at defense. Now when we play against Italy we can use our strengths and avoid weaknesses. So what if Albertazzi is great? Siege Ninety Minutes, I don’t believe we can’t score!”

Just as he was talking, the referee blew the whistle for the end of the game.

This was the third scoreless game of this World Cup.

On the Internet, Chinese fans have engaged in larger-scale arguments like Meng Xi and Mao Xiao.

The draw between Italy and Nigeria cannot be said to be an upset, but it definitely surprised many people.

Even though everyone knows Italy's current problems, they always feel that "a skinny camel is bigger than a horse", so there is no way they can't win against Nigeria, right?

After all, he still won the last World Cup.

It is currently ranked tenth in the FIFA rankings.

In the end, we really didn’t win.

Some people saw the hope of the Chinese team's victory in this game, while others saw worries.

But no matter what the situation is, it is also a matter of the second round of the group stage.

Now the Chinese team has not even played the first round of the group stage...

The match between Italy and Nigeria had just ended, and after a period of commercials, it returned to the live broadcast.

What appeared in front of everyone was already the players of the Chinese team.

"Coming, coming, coming!"

People in front of the TV cheered.

The excited voice of reporter Wang Shanshan came from the speaker:

"The boys of the Chinese team are about to board the bus! They are going to Madrid's Crown Stadium! That is the venue for this game..."

In addition to the reporters' voices, there was also huge cheers from the scene.

In the hotel lobby, hotel staff and Chinese team staff, including chef Fan Fushun, lined up in two lines to see off the Chinese team players.

Every player who walked between them gave them a high-five.

Outside the hotel lobby, outside the security cordon, countless Chinese fans gathered. They were on three floors inside and three outside, surrounding the hotel entrance. If the cordon had not been arranged in advance, I am afraid that the Chinese team players would It's hard to even get on the bus.

Seeing the Chinese team players walking out of the lobby, the fans cheered louder.

Wang Shanshan had to raise her voice and shout loudly: "They are coming out! The first person to get on the bus is Wang Guangwei, the captain of the Chinese team in this World Cup!"

"Wang Guangwei! Wang Guangwei!!"

The fans at the scene shouted his name loudly, and Wang Guangwei waved to the fans and boarded the car.

Every Chinese player who came out to board the bus received enthusiastic cheers from the fans at the scene.

Even head coach Dillon is no exception.

Yesterday, the Spanish media exposed all the "embarrassing things" about Dillon, but most Chinese fans still stood firmly on Dillon's side. They are now showing their support for Dillon through this kind of enthusiastic cheering.

Dillon gave them a thumbs up and a smile.

It's not that Chinese fans think the Spanish Football Association was wrong in not choosing Dillon, it's just that the war is coming, and of course they must support the coach of their national team. Is it possible to join the Spanish media in ridiculing Dillon as an "outdated person"?

"All the Chinese team players and coaches have boarded the bus. Now the bus is honking its horn and slowly driving out of the hotel gate and heading towards the Crown Stadium, the competition venue!"


“The Chinese team’s bus over there has already set off!”

Li Qingliang reminded Han Shuyu who was filming.

"Got it! I'll take a few more empty shots."

Han Shuyu pointed his mirrorless camera at the bustling square outside the stadium.

Especially the exit of the subway station, where people are constantly pouring out of it, just like a faucet being turned on. Many of these people are fans wearing red Spanish national team jerseys, and among them are some Chinese fans wearing yellow Chinese team away jerseys.

They walked out of ten different exits from two nearby tube stations and walked together towards their common destination - the Crown Stadium.

"Okay, finished filming."

After Han Shuyu finished taking the empty shots, he put away his equipment and then walked toward the stadium with Li Qingliang.

Han Shuyu is no stranger to this stadium. As a Kings fan, she has been here many times before.

Later, after Hulay moved to Madrid Pirates, she also came with Hulay.

She still remembers the first time she came to watch a game at the Crown Stadium as an "undercover".

At that time, she bought the game ticket in the North Stand where die-hard Kings fans gathered...

In order to hide her identity and avoid causing unnecessary trouble for herself, she had to put on a gray King of Madrid sports coat over the red jersey of the Chinese team, zippered to the top, and cover up the five-star red flag on the chest. .

If you take a quick look at the collar from the outside and find that it is a red jersey, you will only think that it is the King's home jersey...

After Hu Lai scored, Han Shuyu did not dare to celebrate unscrupulously among the Kings fans who were roaring and yelling wildly. Even when shouting "Hu Lai is awesome", he had to grit his teeth and grimace.

But this time, she can wear the Chinese team's jersey and walk into the stadium without any cover-up. Together with the fans from the motherland who are thousands of miles away, she can openly cheer for Hu Lai and the Chinese team!

As she and Li Qingliang walked, there were gradually many Chinese fans like them around.

They carried big national flags and waved small national flags in their hands. Some people dressed themselves up as characters from traditional Chinese mythology, such as... Sun Wukong. Unfortunately, he could not bring a golden hoop into the arena, otherwise he would have been able to kill him along the way. The stick danced like a breeze.

There were also female fans wearing traditional Chinese Hanfu, which stood out among the crowd, and they even attracted countless Spanish fans to take photos.

Han Shuyu also saw a couple of fans, which should be a multinational combination. The man is Chinese and wears a Chinese jersey, and the woman is Spanish and wears a Spanish jersey. They each wear the national flag of their country, holding hands and walking side by side.

Han Shuyu used his camera to record everything he did along the way, and said excitedly:

"The World Cup is a festival for football fans around the world!"

At this moment, a song floated from a distance, not played by a stereo, but sung by people in unison.

As more and more people join in the chorus, the song becomes clearer and clearer from far to near.

Li Qingliang and Han Shuyu heard the singing and joined the chorus.

"... The heroic people have stood up. We are strong in unity and friendship! The five-star red flag flutters in the wind! How loud the victory song is! Sing our dear motherland and move towards prosperity from now on! Sing our dear Our motherland will become prosperous and powerful from now on!!"

After the song was sung, cheers and applause rang out from all directions. In this momentum, someone was waving the national flag vigorously, and for a while, the square outside the Crown Stadium was filled with red flags.

Li Qingliang excitedly grabbed Han Shuyu's hand and asked her to point the camera at him.

In the camera, Li Qingliang, who was so excited that he couldn't control his facial expressions, said loudly:

"Now Chinese fans have really joined in! This time, we want the whole world to hear our voice, louder and louder than four years ago!!"


PS, I’m not wrong:

As long as Brazil is not dragged into overtime, they will not lose. The result was that the game was indeed lost after being dragged into overtime.

I have to say that as a Brazilian fan for more than 20 years, I was very troubled watching this game. Whether Brazil is eliminated or Croatia is eliminated, it is very difficult to bear it.

Croatia’s tenacity and magic flute are admirable.

Neymar's goal was a stroke of genius, the way a superstar should be.

Petkovic's goal is also a goal that Croatia should score.

There are no losers in this game.

As for the Argentina vs. Netherlands game…

I did not see.

Because I still have things to do during the day, and I'm afraid that if I go to bed late and won't be able to get up, I won't delay my work, so I don't plan to watch it.

And I'm also afraid that if I watch the game, it will be detrimental to Messi...

So I went straight to bed.

As for the result of the game, I didn’t know it when I typed this text. I hope I guessed it right?

Today’s two games are Portugal and Morocco.

Originally I thought Portugal was a sure winner.

But after watching today’s match between Brazil and Croatia, I thought that Morocco also relied on penalty kicks to advance to the quarter-finals, and then thought that Portugal, like Brazil, both advanced with a big score in the quarter-finals...

As a result, I suddenly no longer dare to be optimistic about Portugal. Maybe this game can really be an upset.

Anyway, I am optimistic that Morocco will beat Portugal on penalties.

There is nothing much to say about the last battle between England and France. I think France can win and beat England by two goals.

So be it!

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