Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 245 Beautiful things don’t look like reality

1st image reality

When Luo Kai passed the ball, he chose a ground ball instead of a lob.

This somewhat surprised the Spanish defensive players.

Because the two Chinese team players in the penalty area - Zhou Zijing and Wang Guangwei - are both tall.

At this time, the pass must be a high ball, so that they can give full play to their heading skills.

As a result, Luo Kai passed a ground ball in, which also caught Spain by surprise.

Sequeiros, who was following Zhou Zijing, was focused on guarding against high balls. When he saw Zhou Zijing rushing out with a lunge, he was pushed to the side and behind.

Then Zhou Zijing stretched his foot to stop the ball while running forward. He didn't need to slow down, he caught up with the football and directly swung his right leg to shoot!

Zhou Zijing was originally a powerful center, and the ball he pulled out with all his strength was so fast that it seemed to be flying at a normal speed in slow motion...

Not to mention that Bucker was uneasy right now, even under normal circumstances, it was impossible for him to block the heavy artillery blast that was so close at hand.

This one shot alone is the world's top shot!

When He Feng saw Zhou Zijing score again through the replay, he was still shaking his head in admiration:

"Zhou Zijing played this ball so decisively! After all, the angle when he shot was not too big, and Wang Guangwei was running forward in the middle. Even the Spanish players probably thought Zhou Zijing was going to sweep the ball. In the middle, he turned around and shot directly! Hey! He caught Bucker off guard!"

"This is how a center should play. If you have the chance, shoot directly! Don't think about other things!" Yan Kang said happily. "Hu Lai scored a goal, and Zhou Zijing also scored. The two players on the front line are in such excellent condition, which really makes everyone feel relieved!"

Less than twenty minutes into the game, the Chinese team took a two-goal lead. For the two Chinese commentators, this start was simply perfect.

After Hulay scored in the opening game, the two of them were still in an unreal sense of happiness.

When Zhou Zijing scored, their emotions were actually much calmer than before. At least they could talk and laugh about the goal instead of shouting.


The Chinese fans in the stands continued to cheer.

The same is true in front of the TV.

This is even more true on the Internet.

Chinese fans have never been so happy.

Everyone in the living room was cheering, but Zhong Shihao was sitting on the sofa blankly, holding a beer in his hand.

Staring motionless at the TV screen.

Chu Yifan walked over with a wine bottle and touched it with him, which brought his attention back.

"What are you doing? Why don't you cheer?" he asked Zhong Shihao.

The latter had a complicated expression, as if he wanted to laugh and cry at the same time.

He frowned and grinned, shook his head at Chu Yifan and said: "No, Team Chu... I just find it incredible. Four years ago, we played Algeria in the first game of the World Cup, and it was so difficult. As a result, today we are two goals ahead of the defending champion... Couldn't some master use the game screen to pretend to be a TV broadcast signal to deceive us?"

Chu Yifan was amused by Zhong Shihao's imagination: "What? You are too imaginative. You are pretending to be a broadcaster in the game... Don't think about it. Look carefully. The latest generation of football games can't compare to this real physics." Engine!"

He pointed to the replay of the moment when Zhou Zijing swung his foot and shot.

"If this were in a game, players would have to slide one step forward no matter what, just like skating. But look at how strong Zhou Zijing's foot is!"

"Of course I know this can't be a game screen, Captain Chu. But...if this is reality, then this reality is too beautiful, right? It's so beautiful that I can't believe it..."

Chu Yifan laughed and patted him: "You've got to get used to it, the good times are yet to come!"

After saying that, he clinked the wine bottles with Zhong Shihao again: "Come on, let's go one!"

After saying that, he raised his neck and drank it for himself.

Zhong Shihao looked at his excited friends and raised his hand to pour all the wine in the bottle into his mouth.

The beer was refreshing and cold, making him feel refreshed.


"I never imagined such a scene, but after Hu's goal, isn't this all natural?"

Jorge Dillon hugged Yu Jintao and said excitedly to him.

"Hu gave us a great start! If we still can't seize the opportunity, then this team is not worthy of having him!"

Yu Jintao smiled and said: "Jorge, you are simply more fanatical than the most famous Hu Lai fan in China!"

Dillon laughed and readily accepted Jin Tao's words.

He is happy to be Hu Lai's idiot fan, let alone a fanatical fan.

Borja withdrew his gaze from the Chinese team's coaching bench - he didn't mean to look, it was because there was so much movement after the goal that he couldn't help but look over.

You can see Dillon laughing at a glance...

By the time he looked away, Rosas had already run down the field and came to him, waiting to listen to his latest instructions.

"Keep calm, Gaspar. You are the metronome of the team, you can't mess up!"

Rosas nodded and said, "Yes, sir. I'm fine."

"Although we conceded two goals, there is still a lot of game time. You have to make the whole team calm down like you and play more in the backcourt, even if you face the risk of being stolen!"

"Okay." Rosas nodded again.

"Also, after we go up there, tell Joaquin to let him run more aggressively. He should also be able to control a larger area, but he is still too conservative now."

Rosas continued to nod.

While the Chinese team players were celebrating, Borja gave Rosas face-to-face instructions, told Rosas the arrangements of several major players, and then asked him to pass the news on his behalf after playing.

Finally he pushed Rosas onto the pitch, and at the end he shouted to him to cheer him up: "Stick to our football, Gaspar!"

Rosas took the lead and conveyed the coach's thoughts to his teammates through shouts and gestures.

But to be honest, Rosas himself had no idea how much they could listen to.

Before he could recover from the first goal he conceded, he conceded the second goal.

These blows come one after another...

Even Rosas, who has experienced hundreds of battles, feels that this World Cup group match is so unexpected!


The excited Chinese team players finally ended their celebration and ran back to half court.

Zhou Zijing followed everyone back, but still turned his head and reluctantly looked at the corner flag area of ​​the Spanish half.

His first goal in the World Cup, but he did not use the "three stripes to slide and kneel" to celebrate. This is simply one of the biggest regrets in his career.

After thinking about this, he looked at the figure running back with his teammates.

Then he secretly swore in his heart that if he scored again in the future, he would go to the other side to celebrate wherever Hu Lai was!

Although he failed to complete his iconic celebration as planned, he did not slide out the three stripes in front of the global audience.

But this did not completely ruin Zhou Zijing's good mood. His regret was fleeting, and then he waved his fist vigorously in a certain direction of the stands.

This is a signal for him to make an appointment with his parents.

His parents were watching his game from the stands!

Seeing Zhou Zijing waving to the stand where he was, the Chinese fans in the stand were particularly excited. They cheered even harder and shook the five-star red flags in their hands.

These Chinese fans don't know that among them, a pair of middle-aged fans who look very ordinary are actually the parents of the goal-scoring hero Zhou Zijing.


When the Chinese team players ran back to their own half and returned to their respective positions, the Spanish players had been waiting for a long time.

Pablo Alleglia once again stood in the center circle with a football under his feet, ready for kick-off.

This is the second time he has appeared in this position in this game.

But to be honest, compared with the last time, his brain was not in a state of confusion this time, and he still maintained a little ability to think.

Although it is painful to lose two goals, the impact is not as great as when the first goal was lost...

Alegria even had the heart to laugh at himself:

Well, at least this throw looks a lot more normal...

As the referee blew his whistle, Alegria turned and passed the football back to Rosas.

The Chinese team players still rushed towards the Spanish half without any courtesy.

Everything was exactly the same as after the first goal was conceded.

Facing Zhou Zijing's tackle, Rosas spun around in circles and used his body to protect the football.

After scoring the goal, Zhou Zijing was still in a state of excitement. He was eager to grab the ball, moved his hands, pushed and bumped, knocking Rosas to the ground.

The referee's whistle sounded.

The Chinese team Zhou Zijing was whistled for a foul and Spain was awarded a backcourt free kick.

Finally... after conceding consecutive goals, Spain did not let the Chinese team go all the way this time and came to the gate.

Rosas stood up and shouted to his teammates:

"Hold on! Use our advantages! Don't let them lead us by the nose!"

It seems a little different again...


PS, sorry, I said it would be updated at 1 noon, but when I set the automatic update, it was set to 12:00.

Now it has been changed back, and the second update will be at 1:00 noon...

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