Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 256 Caesar before and Caesar now

1st Caesar and current Caesar

"Since when has the appearance of 'The Great' Caesar been a major benefit to the opponent?"

Yan Yan in the living room sighed with emotion: "I think back then. How popular was Kaiser when we were in high school? I still remember that free kick..."

Meng Xi was excited first and then got stuck: "Yes, yes, that...that, that...which team is it for?"

Mao Xiao said: "In the 201 UEFA Champions League group stage, the Turin Bulls played against Apollon Athletic of Cyprus at home, and Caesar scored a hat trick. The third goal was the free kick."

Everyone gave Mao Xiao a thumbs up: "It is indeed a humanoid self-propelled football encyclopedia!"

"Yes, yes, that ball was a classic! Before kicking it, Caesar pointed to the upper right corner of the goal to announce the goal. And then he really hit the ball from that place! It was so cool!"

"And he once kicked a penalty kick that was traveling at 210 kilometers per hour. It was almost like breaking the goalkeeper's hand!"

"There's also headers. No one has scored a hat-trick of headers in one game..."

"Two consecutive big fours in the league, back-to-back hat tricks in the knockout rounds of the Champions League...Caesar was really omnipotent at that time! No wonder he was the most popular and famous among the 'Four Kings'!"

Before the match between the Chinese team and the Italian team started, everyone recalled the past of watching football in their youth.

"That's all the old Caesar."

When everyone was in the heat of reminiscing, someone suddenly said this, pulling everyone out of their past memories.

Everyone looked around and saw that it was Tang Yuan.

After being stunned for a moment, someone suddenly said: "By the way, Tang Yuan, you used to be a die-hard fan of Caesar."

"I remember Tang Yuan said that he played winger since he was a child because he was influenced by Caesar and wanted to play like Caesar. But after he played as a winger, Caesar became a center!"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Everyone burst into laughter.

"Even now!" Zhong Shihao pointed at Tang Yuan and said. "Caesar did not perform well in the league and Champions League before, and he was still fighting with people online."

"Tang Yuan, isn't it hard for you to watch the match between the Chinese team and the Italian team today?" Tang Xiuyuan, who was sitting next to Chu Yifan, asked kindly.

Faced with his sister-in-law's concern, Tang Yuan smiled awkwardly: "Actually, I'm used to it. Caesar fans know in their hearts that the 'Great Emperor' will never go back to the past. Sooner or later, there will be such a day."

Yan Yan sighed again: "In the past, if Caesar couldn't play,

Opponent fans were delighted. Now that Caesar can't play, everyone is worried that the Chinese team won't win..."

"After all, I am getting older. I am thirty-eight years old..." With Tang Yuan, Caesar's die-hard fan, present, everyone became much gentler to Caesar.

"Then...will it be like this when Hu Lai gets older?"

As soon as Tang Xiuyuan asked this question, the scene quickly cooled down.

The people who had been talking loudly before became silent.

Meng Xi waved his hands repeatedly: "We can't talk about this topic. We can't talk about it. Let's watch the game. The game is about to start!"

"Yes, yes, watch the ball, watch the ball! If we can win today's game, we will qualify one round ahead of schedule!"

"Qualifying the group... I couldn't even think about it before, but now it's just a matter of time!"

"Winning two world championships in a row and qualifying from the group... Wow, it's like a dream!"

The atmosphere in the living room became lively again.

Tang Xiuyuan lay next to Chu Yifan's ear and asked him in a low voice: "Did I say the wrong thing just now?"

Chu Yifan smiled and shook his head, patting her shoulder gently: "No. Everyone will have that day, whether it is Caesar or Hu Lai. But that day is still too far away from Hu Lai, and no one wants to think about it. There’s no need to think about it, let’s wait until the time comes.”

"Yeah." Tang Xiuyuan nodded, snuggled next to her fiancé and stopped saying anything, but listened intently to the various topics between their men.


Selius Caesar was wearing a sports coat, standing in the locker room, slapping his teammates who were getting ready to play:

"Come on, guys! If the Chinese team thinks Italy can be underestimated, then let them see how good we are! You can definitely do it! Italian football has a kind of resilience in it, and we have encountered it many times in the past The situation was countless times more difficult than today, but we still had the last laugh! Please remember, no matter what happens, you must always believe in yourself and the teammates around you, we are one! Italy, come on!"

"Come on Italy!!" the Italian national team players in the locker room shouted together.

“Come on Italy!!”

“Come on Italy!!”

After shouting three times in a row, they opened the door to the locker room and walked out.

Caesar did not follow them out, but stood at the door of the locker room, patting the shoulders of every teammate who went out.

Until he sent away his last teammate, even if it was a substitute, he and coach Caviglia were the only ones in the locker room.

"Thank you, Selius," Caviglia said to Caesar.

"I'm here for Italy, Mateo. If you think that if I don't start, Italy can win, I have no problem. I just hope it's true."

Caviglia spread his hands: "Who can guarantee this? I just think that after the draw with Nigeria, we need to make some changes... Making changes may not necessarily win, but if we do nothing, we will definitely not win. .”

Caesar was silent for a while and said: "I don't agree with you, Mateo. Just because the opponent is different, it doesn't mean that our previous system is not effective. But I can't convince you, you are the head coach, you said Never mind. I just hope you’re right.”

"I also hope I am right, Serius. Everyone is doing this for Italy, and no one wants to be eliminated in the group stage."

Selius did not continue to argue with Caviglia. He just said: "If you need any changes, don't forget that I am still on the bench."

After saying that, he walked straight out of the locker room.

Caviglia continued to stand against the wall without saying a word.

Of course he knew that Caesar was very dissatisfied after he chose to replace him.

If he is still friends with Caesar as before, he may also be dissatisfied because his friend, a player of Caesar's level, was given up by the head coach.

But now that he's the head coach, he has to do that.

No matter how you look at it, Caesar is no longer an arrowhead who can help Italy conquer the city. Someone has to tell him this directly.

Whether it is a personal relationship or a professional relationship, Caviglia believes that he is the most suitable person to do this.

Only he could minimize the possible impact of this incident.

He was prepared to lose Caesar's friendship, but he had no regrets as long as it was beneficial to Italian football.



Wang Guangwei approached Hu Lai and asked him in a slightly excited tone: "I will try to help you get the kick-off right later!"

"Ah?" Hu Lai was a little surprised. He didn't expect Wang Guangwei to be so proactive.

He originally wanted to say that it might not be effective.

But then I thought: What if?

What if I get fooled again?

If we can score from the center circle at the kick-off for two consecutive games...that would be enough to go down in history and be a book to write home about!

Hu Lai still couldn't resist the temptation and nodded: "Okay."

Wang Guangwei gave him a thumbs up: "Come on! But don't feel any pressure. If you don't get in, you won't get in. Let's just give it a try."

As they were talking, there was a small commotion behind them.

The two people looked back following the movement and saw Serius Caesar walking from the end of the passage wearing a sports jacket of the Italian national team.

Everyone came out and he was the last one to appear, like a grand finale.

No, he was a superstar.

As a top star who has been on top of the world for a long time in his career over the past twenty-two years, "The Great" Caesar has had a long and extremely successful career.

Although people always talk about the "four heavenly kings", for a long time before, everyone recognized that Caesar was the "king of heavenly kings".

Unlike today's "History of the Years", when Caesar was successful in the past, no one dared to say that Caesar was not worthy of becoming one of the "Four Heavenly Kings", and no one said that Caesar was a marketing lie.

If anyone dared to question Caesar's ability at that time, he would definitely be beaten up by Caesar - it's not like no one has done this before.

For example, during the most intense period of competition between Kaiser and the German superstar Grimand Aylmer, when Kaiser went to play away games, fans from the opposing team would chant Aylmer's name to stimulate him.

As a result, Caesar scored a hat trick in that game and made three "listening" celebrations.

Similar stories of "unyielding rule" happened to Caesar many times.

Provoking Caesar will only anger him and make him perform better.

Ten Serie A champions, six Italian Cup champions, seven Italian Super Cup champions, three Club World Cup champions, three European Super Cup champions, and three Champions League champions.

Eight Serie A top scorers, three Champions League Golden Boots, three Ballon d'Ors, four World Footballers... He is also one of the "Four Kings" in terms of the two most important individual awards, the Ballon d'Or and World Footballer. The most numerous.

Those honors are like the stars in the sky, dense and bright.

The most important thing is that he led the Italian team to win the European Cup and World Cup as the absolute main force, which is the only one among the "Four Kings".

Cerrados has a World Cup title, but no European Cup title.

Aylmer also has a World Cup championship, but no European Cup championship.

Francis has won both the World Cup and the European Cup, but he won the World Cup while lying down. At that time, he was not even a rotation player of the French team. He was just a marginal player. He then won a World Cup championship. If others had not mentioned such an honor, he himself might not even remember it.

Because he does not regard this World Cup as his honor from the bottom of his heart.

Only Selius Caesar, the World Cup champion and European Cup champion, won by his own strength.

Now such a great football player is on the bench in the last World Cup of his career.

The last time he was a substitute in the World Cup was when he just debuted at the age of 18. He was just a rising star in the Italian national team and was not qualified to start, which is normal.

In the three World Cups since then, he has been the absolute main force, starting every game. Even in the last round of the group stage, which has already qualified, the entire Italian team can rotate. His position cannot be rotated, he must start.

There is no reason or reason, because he is the "Great" Caesar, and no one dares not to let him start, unless he actively requests not to start - which is usually when he is injured. It's just that in his long career, he has not suffered many injuries, so his absence from the game due to injury is not something that everyone is familiar with.

Now the match between Italy and China has created a piece of history - the longest record of consecutive starts for the national team has been fixed at 101 games.

Caesar, who played alone, did not say hello to his teammates, nor did he talk to his "acquaintances" on the Chinese team.

Under the gaze of everyone, and under the tracking of the camera lens, he passed between the players of the two teams expressionlessly, walked out of the tunnel, and disappeared from everyone's sight.


PS, the World Cup is over. Thank you all for your company during these more than 20 days.

Messi got his wish and won the cup, and he also became the first true Grand Slam player in the history of world football to win all the competitions he has participated in.

Regarding his thoughts on winning the championship, you can read the single chapter I posted early this morning.

I won’t go into details here.

Although the World Cup in reality is over, the World Cup in the book is in full swing.

So please continue to witness Hu Lai’s World Cup journey with me.

In addition, this book is not far away from the goal of 10,000 average subscriptions, so I hope everyone can help to order all of them. Don't jump in and subscribe, pull the average subscription, and try to get this book before it is finished. A badge worth 10,000 orders.

This is also very important to me, because it will be the first time that I have achieved 10,000 average subscriptions during the serialization period - the previous Heart of Champions had 10,000 average subscriptions, but it was more than three years after the completion of the book.

Thank you all!

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