Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 311 Hypotension was cured

No. 1 was cured

As the night passed, the English media exploded.

In fact, the English media exploded after the game.

Some criticized Pete Williams for missing the penalty kick, while others slammed the Chinese team for their despicable win.

Wang Guangwei became a household name in England overnight.

The photos and videos of him flying in the air and reaching out to save appeared in front of countless people in England.

The English media and fans were criticizing and cursing his intentional handball foul.

Some English media even called on FIFA to amend the rules: whenever a deliberate handball in the penalty area blocks a goal, no penalty kicks will be awarded. The goal will be directly counted as a goal, and the player who deliberately handballed the ball will be sent off with a red card. .

This is to prevent similar things from happening in the future.

And the headlines from the English media were very offensive:

"The Thief" Wang Guangwei

"The Chinese team stole our victory!" 》

"This is not a victory for football, this is a victory for the despicable!" 》

"This game should be replayed, otherwise it will be the biggest shame in the history of the World Cup!" 》

"Wang will never be able to join a Premier League team!" 》

Titles and reports like this abound.

The media are so careless in their choice of words, not to mention the crazy fans.

In fact, on the night after the game, some fans took radical actions on the streets of England, such as burning the Chinese flag in the street...

Others called for a boycott of "Made in China".

If someone didn't pay attention to the performance of the English media after the game, but waited until they had a nap before watching, they would naturally feel as if the Chinese team had bombed England.

Especially Chinese fans.

After the Chinese team reached the quarterfinals, they were so excited that they couldn't sleep and watched the game between the Netherlands and Belgium.

Some people didn't last until the penalty shootout and fell asleep in overtime.

Regardless of whether you have finished reading or not, when you wake up, it is almost noon.

Then instead of rushing to get up, I lay in bed and browsed my phone.

Then I saw that the Chinese Internet was discussing the Chinese team's entry into the quarterfinals of the World Cup.

All aspects of this game and this result are the focus of heated discussion.

Some people discuss the classicness of the game, while others focus on the specific performance of a certain player.

Someone asked what level the Chinese team's performance in this World Cup would be compared to the entire Asia.

Some people are simply happy for the Chinese team.

The biggest controversy in this game naturally became the most heated topic after the game.

Many people translated and forwarded how the world media viewed this incident.

Some people do this just to let everyone know about foreign information.

Some people have ulterior motives.

After all, not everyone will be happy that the Chinese team has reached the quarterfinals.

Some people just don’t want China to be good, especially Chinese football, which has always been stigmatized in the past. Now it has become the pride of the entire Chinese people. Many people have broken their guard - why is even Chinese football shaking? Are you going to let us people from "your country" live?

There are basically few fans among these people. They have no idea that what Wang Guangwei did was just a foul. So in their mouths, Wang Guangwei became a heinous villain, a bastard who embodies all the bad qualities of all Chinese people from ancient times to the present. He alone can reflect and represent the negative qualities of the entire Chinese nation.

"Why can't Chinese football get better? Even such a foul without morality and humanity can be praised and cheered by so many ignorant fans, and they even named him a 'hero'... Such a despicable villain is here It’s so sad that the country is so openly worshiped by others!”

"After the game, I saw Pete Williams slumped in the arms of the England manager and cried bitterly. My face burned, and I felt ashamed and uncomfortable that I was Chinese. How I wanted to replace the manager and hold Williams in my arms. In my arms, tell him that he is the real hero. And I am also willing to sincerely apologize to him on behalf of all Chinese fans, and hope to get his forgiveness... Of course, if he refuses to forgive me, I will completely It’s understandable…”

"I sincerely appeal to Chinese people who can climb over the wall to apologize to the British team and Pete Williams, apologize to all British fans, and ask for their forgiveness! Use our meager power to restore a little bit of China and the Chinese people. The image in the world…”

"Personally, Wang Guangwei's handball will be an unavoidable stain on the Chinese team's journey to this World Cup. Don't tell me about reasonable use of the rules. This is clearly breaking the rules and taking advantage of loopholes! Obtained by violating the rules. Victory is also ugly! Just for this intentional handball foul, this Chinese team does not deserve my support!"

"Those Chinese fans who cheer for Wang Guangwei's handball obviously agree that it is right to win by any means necessary. So in order to win, if they send people to kill your Chinese players before the game, they will definitely think that this is just 'to win', right? I hope they won’t be filled with indignation when the opponent player tackles Hu Lai’s leg!”

"I would rather the Chinese team lose the game than see this handball foul..."

"I don't have any problem with losing this game, but why handball? Do you do anything to win? For the sake of the country? Sacrifice yourself for the greater self? Do you think you can do whatever you want from the moral high ground? Disgusting! How disgusting!"

"In order to win, you can do whatever it takes, without any bottom line, and then you still stand on a high point and say that this is for the country and the people... It's great. You real fans have such a high ideological consciousness, haha!"

"Only Chinese fans will cheer for this foul and shout heroes. Little do they know that in the eyes of those who pursue fairness and justice around the world, Wang Guangwei has become a despicable and shameless villain, and with him the entire Chinese team They have been spurned by people all over the world! Let’s see how foreign media evaluates... [Screenshot of a certain British media] [Screenshot of a certain British media] [Screenshot of a certain British journalist’s social network media] [Screenshot of a certain British journalist’s social network media] screenshot】……"

"Shocked! Because of Wang Guangwei's despicable foul in the game against England, the Italian team Vesuvius issued a solemn statement to terminate the contract with Wang Guangwei from now on! Well done, this is what a socially responsible football club should do What to do! Call on the global football community to unite and not give despicable people like Wang Guangwei any room to survive! A global boycott, so that the shameless people have no ball to play with!"

Among the comments under this Weibo post, the top ones are all like this:

"Support! Boycott Huang Guangwei!"

"Well done, Italian Club Vesuvius, this is a responsible team!"

“Thumbs up Vesuvius!”

"Awei deserves it! Funny.jpg"

"What a joy! Vesuvius has returned from his lost ways!"

"Holy shit!"

The Chinese fans who were lying in bed scrolling through their mobile phones had their blood pressure so high that they even slept through it!

I immediately got up from the bed, and then started a fierce confrontation with those idiot "die fans" in the comment area of ​​this idiot blogger.

"Support! Boycott Huang Guangwei!"

——"You damn sure got the person's name right, you idiot!"

"Well done, Italian Club Vesuvius, this is a responsible team!"

——"You are so beautiful! You are so responsible! Do you know about fake news? A stupid financial blogger can make you orgasm by making up a rumor. Do your parents know that you have a sensitive constitution?"

"Awei deserves it! Funny.jpg"

——"It's worth your paralysis! The yin and yang strange energy will paralyze you!"


"Good guy, I thought that at least everyone in China should support Lao Wang..."

Chen Xingyi forwarded a link in their small group, which was a summary post by netizens on "Goal" about the online debate about Wang Guangwei's handball foul. It collected a lot of controversial remarks on the Chinese Internet.

Zhang Qinghuan: "Little Xingxing, just treat your hypotension and it will be fine. Why the hell did you transfer it to the group..."

"I think it's too funny... By the way, Brother Huan, have you seen it?"

"I've seen it a long time ago. This matter has become a hot topic on the domestic Internet. Whether it is Weibo, WeChat official account, or Zhihu,, everyone is discussing it, and it is completely out of the circle." Zhang Qinghuan said.

The protagonist Wang Guangwei finally came out: "Actually, it's normal, it's nothing. I don't think everyone is on the same side as us. Don't talk about us, we are just a football team, even if it is the entire country, not all Chinese people will Stand with the country’s position.”

Xia Xiaoyu cared about him: "Brother Wang, don't be affected."

Wang Guangwei: "How can I be affected? They can say whatever they want without hurting me. I still don't feel that I did anything wrong."

"...As everyone knows, in the eyes of those who pursue fairness and justice around the world, Wang Guangwei has become a despicable and shameless villain, and the entire Chinese team has been spurned by people all over the world! Let's see how foreign media evaluate it. … [Screenshot of a certain British media] [Screenshot of a certain British media] [Screenshot of a certain British journalist’s social media] [Screenshot of a certain British journalist’s social media]”

Junpei Morikawa posted a screenshot of this Weibo and said: "He is talking nonsense. Many people in the Japanese media are praising Lao Wang, saying that his handball is full of courage and admirable."

Hu Lai: "Morikawa, didn't you see that the screenshots chosen by this person are all from the 'British media'? For colonists, their spiritual motherland is the whole world!"

Morikawa Junpei: "[Frowning.jpg] Didn't the ladies go to him to bow their heads?"

Zhang Qinghuan: "Pfft!"

Xia Xiaoyu: [covering face]

Chen Xingyi: "Hu Lai, you didn't run away either."

Hu Lai: "[Surprised] What's the matter with me?"

Chen Xingyi smiled evilly and posted another Weibo screenshot:

"Hu unexpectedly said in the post-match interview that every Chinese player would do that. If he were in that position, he would also reach out... I feel really speechless. If you can't speak, don't say it. Even if you have a low character, Now, I want to give all Chinese players a shit basin. 'Every Chinese player' is really messing with you... Let's see how the foreign media commented on his answer. I really... As a Chinese So ashamed!"

Below is a screenshot of an English report.

The general meaning is that he criticized Hu Lai's statement and believed that his public support of Wang Guangwei's unsportsmanlike foul was detrimental to his personal image.

Hu Lai: "Oh, finally someone understands what I mean. I'm so happy that I can break their defense!"

Wang Guangwei: "Actually, Hu Lai, there's really no need for you to say that. It was nothing to do with you, but in the end, you were dragged into it..."

Hu Lai: "Am I still afraid of being involved? Will this have any impact on me? If I didn't say this, someone might actually spread rumors that you were ostracized by other Chinese team players in the locker room... Never underestimate Just how despicable some people are, don’t overestimate their intelligence.”

Wang Guangwei thanked Hu Lai for his support, but at the same time said: "Don't go posting on Weibo... This matter ends here. If you go and scold them on Weibo, they might still be excited." It’s on, and when the time comes, the yellow mud falls off the crotch—it’s not just shit, it’s shit.”

Hu Lai rolled his eyes: "You think I'm stupid. When will I take action on this matter? They have been fucked by the Chinese fans a long time ago..."

That's right.

Those compassionate "Mothers" and "Holy Dukes" have been drowned by the vast sea of ​​people...

In every corner of the Internet, there are a large number of fans fighting. They spontaneously and consciously defend the Chinese team and Wang Guangwei, and scold everyone who dares to question Wang Guangwei to make them unable to take care of themselves.

Zhang Qinghuan said with emotion: "It's so spectacular... We used to do it the other way around. There were more people scolding us and fewer people speaking for us. Anyone who dared to speak for us would be attacked by a group of people."

Wang Guangwei said in the tone of a captain: "If the results are good and the performance is good, people will naturally support us. The most important thing is that we must be worthy of their trust."


After dinner, the national team leader Hong Renjie announced a discipline requiring all Chinese team players not to talk about Wang Guangwei's handball during interviews, nor to make any comments online related to Wang Guangwei's handball foul.

Neither can those who support Wang Guangwei.

When the Dutch team's quarter-finals begin in three days, the national team hopes to reduce all the impact of that incident so that the national team can return to football itself and prepare for the quarter-finals without interference.

Therefore, he did not want to cause trouble again, so he issued a "silence order" to all players.

The English media can make as much noise as they want, but the distant barking of negative dogs will not affect the Chinese team.

However, domestic public opinion needs special attention.

In fact, when the national team first discovered this public opinion, they were quite confused - Wang Guangwei was sent off with a red card and will miss the quarter-finals. We were awarded a penalty kick. Isn't that enough?

They believe that from the common sense of football, this matter should not be controversial.

As a result, who would have thought that some people in China could really create such a public opinion, whether they were really stupid or just following the British media's baton.

This is unreasonable disaster!

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