Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 320 Who said you can’t score without cheating? !

Can't score a goal in the first place? !

In the wave of attacks after the Chinese team kicked off, why did Chen Xingyi look for Zhou Zijing instead of Hu Lai when he made the final pass?

Because Hu Lai didn't enter the penalty area at all.

Why not enter the restricted area?

Is he running slowly?

No, Hu Lai did it on purpose.

He was also forced by the Dutch team's defense in this game.

As long as he enters the penalty area, he will be defended by at least two Dutch players, whether he gets the ball or not.

In addition to Danny Drew being the official candidate to guard Hu Lai, the other candidate is subject to change at any time.

Generally speaking, the "nearest principle" is followed - whoever is closer will help defend.

This situation of double-teaming Hu Lai alone is not uncommon in this game.

In addition to double-teaming, the Dutch team was really not polite to Hu Lai in the physical confrontation.

Danny Drew was good friends with Hulay in the Pirates Club, but he made Hulay fall at least three times in this game-two of them were legitimate collisions, and the other was a foul, for which he was verbally warned by the referee.

The Dutch team's completely over-the-top defense has also prevented Hulay from scoring a goal so far in this game.

In order to get rid of the defense, Hu Lai's range of activities is getting wider and wider.

Just now when the Chinese team launched an attack after the kick-off, he and Zhang Qinghuan changed positions - Zhang Qinghuan entered the Dutch team's penalty area, and he retreated outside the penalty area.

Because the angle was wrong, Chen Xingyi had no way to pass the football to him, so he had no choice but to pass it to Zhou Zijing.

Besides, Hu Lai's large-scale running is also to disrupt the Dutch team's defense and create opportunities for other teammates.

He does not think that the Chinese team can only score the ball by himself, nor does he feel that creating opportunities for his teammates weakens his status.

As long as it is beneficial to the Chinese team, he is willing to do anything.

When Vanderstern pushed the football out, Hulay also tried to run to grab the second spot, but this time the distance was a bit far. Maxi Carey controlled the football before he ran.

At the same time, he stopped the football forward, then suddenly accelerated, instantly widening the distance from Hu Lai, and dribbling the ball towards the Chinese team's half.

Hu Lai persisted in chasing for a certain distance. Later, when he saw that Kyrie had passed the football and was really unable to catch up, he slowed down and no longer expected that he could get the football back or interfere with the opponent's offense.

The only thing he can do is maintain a defensive formation,

It's just a show.

Fortunately, the Dutch team's offensive failed.

When their forward Riley Tesis cut inside to shoot, he was interfered by Qin Qi's body and was unable to make a move. Lin Zhiyuan easily got the ball.

Seeing that the ball returned to his side, Hu Lai immediately turned around and ran forward, rejoining the battle.

Once again, he failed to get into the penalty area immediately.

He even made a provocative gesture to Danny Drew: Come out if you can, elementary school student!

Danny Drew turned a blind eye, indifferent.

Hu Lai didn't feel upset about this in his heart, and was even happy.

Because he just didn't want Danny Drew to run out and continue to defend him, otherwise his plan would not be able to continue to be implemented.

He still has the last [World Wave Experience Card] in his hand. This card can't only be used when kicking off.

As long as you can get space to get the ball, it doesn't matter if you stay as far away as possible. I have the [World Wave Experience Card].

Hu Lai hopes to get the ball outside the penalty area and then shoot from long range.

In order to ensure that he had enough space to shoot, he also moved a little closer to the center circle.

He plans to replicate his "best goal" in the last World Cup.

When the Chinese team played against Algeria, he kicked off a shot just past the center circle. The football first flew low and flat, and then began to rise high and high as it approached the penalty area.

Finally broke into the goal.

This shot, which was like a submarine rising, was selected as the best goal of that World Cup.

In his system consciousness, the purple card was ready to be activated at any time.

All it takes is a chance to get the ball.

He looked left and right, then raised his hand for the ball.

However, the first football was not passed immediately. It took another circle before it was passed to his feet.

As soon as he caught the ball, Hu Lai used the [World Wave Experience Card] on himself, and then he adjusted the football under his feet and prepared to shoot...

Just then he suddenly lost his balance and fell out!

……Door! Eh?

At this moment, Hu Lai's thoughts drifted out along with his unbalanced body...

what's the situation?

As he fell out, he caught a glimpse of a figure out of the corner of his eye.

Where he originally wanted to shoot, there was an extra person.

A man wearing a Dutch jersey...

It's Maxi Carey!

"Maxi Carey! Ah! This is a tactical foul! He knocked down Hu Lai from the side!" He Feng exclaimed.

Chinese fans also booed the foul in the stands.

Hu Lai's shoulders touched the ground first. After rolling around under the influence of inertia, his body stopped and lay on the turf.

He felt obvious pain in several places on his body, including the places where he was hit and the parts in contact with the ground.

However, he could also feel that his joints and ligaments were not damaged.

So this is... head-on trauma.

But compared with the pain in the soul, the pain in the body is simply insignificant and not worth mentioning:

Damn it!

My [World Wave Experience Card]! ! !

The last one million points were exchanged for it!

[World Wave Experience Card] is valid for ten seconds after use.

He was knocked to the ground by Kaili. Ten seconds passed in a blink of an eye and had already passed. His card worth one million points... was wasted!

But just when Hu Lai was heartbroken about losing a [World Wave Experience Card], Maxi Carey added a word that made him fall into a huge shock!

"Don't think I don't know what you're going to do!" the Dutchman snorted.

Hu Lai felt like his blood was freezing - did Kaili know that I was going to cheat? How did he know I had a system? How should I answer him? Pretending not to understand? How to change the subject without leaving any trace?

Waiting online, it’s very urgent!

Just as Hu Lai's mind was running wildly, he heard the Dutchman's next sentence:

"You frequently pull out of the penalty area just for long-range shots. Since you can score directly from the center circle, you can definitely score thirty or forty meters away from the goal. I won't let you do that, Hu."

A pair of eyes on Hu Lai's dull face blinked, and then his inner alarm was lifted.

Hey, what else do I care about?

Yes, Kyrie gave me a "Century Assist" once. He knows my long-range shooting ability, so he has been wary of it for a long time...

Fortunately, it's not the biggest secret leaked...

What a fart!

My one million points!

[World Wave Experience Card]!

And most importantly...the Chinese team's chance to quickly equalize the score!

This card was not used during the kick-off, and Hu Lai had already decided to use it as soon as possible.

Because only by equalizing the score as soon as possible can we stabilize the morale of the army and bring confidence to our teammates.

Only by equalizing the score as soon as possible will the Chinese team have more time to pursue the victory.

If possible... Hu Lai also hopes to end the battle within ninety minutes.

This is also considered for the next game - playing two consecutive games for 120 minutes is even worse for the Chinese team's already poor physical fitness.

As a result, my spellcasting is now interrupted...

Hu Lai punched the ground angrily.

He did see Kyrie before catching the ball, but how could he have thought that Kyrie would commit a tactical foul on him who was still 38 meters away from the goal?

No one can think of it!

Chinese commentator He Feng didn't quite understand Kyrie's foul: "Kyrie's tactical foul on Hu Lai in this place is a bit... unexpected! From such a long distance, even if Hu Lai wants to shoot, there should be no threat. I don’t know what Kaili thinks.”

After knocking Hu Lai down on the court and verbally quarreling with him, Carey smiled and extended his hand to him: "Do you want me to pull you up, Hu?"

Although Hu Lai was unhappy with Kyrie's foul, he still held back his temper, took Kyrie's hand, and was pulled up by him.

While pulling up, Kaili patted Hu Lai on the back of the head, then turned and left.

The referee came up and gave him a verbal warning, but did not give him a card. After all, this position is too far from the goal and is not a perfect scoring opportunity for the Chinese team. There is no need to give a yellow card.

After standing up, Hu Lai turned to look at Kaili's back, his eyes a little fierce.


I can still score goals without cheating!


Hu Lai's shot failed because of Carey's foul, and the Chinese team won a free kick in the frontcourt.

However, this free kick was too far from the goal, and the Chinese team did not intend to attack the goal directly - that would only be a waste of possession and offensive opportunities.

The Chinese team did not let all the defenders go up and lurk in the opponent's penalty area to grab points.

Instead, seize the moment and take the free kick.

Hu Lai took the penalty himself and passed the football to Xia Xiaoyu, who came up to take over, and the game resumed.

The Chinese team reorganized their offense and failed to threaten the Dutch team's goal.

Then it was the Dutch team's turn to attack.

They fought all the way into the Chinese team's penalty area.

However, under the double-teaming of Qin Qi and Ding Yuanhai, center Jaden van Bruggen could not turn around and shoot even if he got the ball in the penalty area.

So he can only pass the football back.

Kyrie wanted to turn around and chase the ball, but he saw a teammate running towards the football and raising his right leg.

It's midfielder Vander Stern!

Seeing him swinging his feet to pass the ball, Kyrie quickly gestured to him, telling him to be steady and not to pass the ball in a hurry, especially not to the left!

But Van der Stern's foot had already hit the football, and he passed the football directly to the Dutch midfielder Robin Feeney in front of the left rib of the Chinese team's penalty area...

At the moment when he passed the football, Luo Kai, who was returning to defense, suddenly accelerated and looked at the right opportunity to kick on the ground and make a sliding tackle!

Just cut off Van der Stern's pass!

In fact, the football was very close to Robin Feeney...but he failed to catch the ball.

After the football was intercepted and destroyed by Luo Kai, it rolled to the Chinese team's center back Liu Yan.

He stepped forward to control the ball.

Luo Kai quickly stood up, accelerated and rushed forward.

However, Liu Yan did not pass the football back to him, because Robin Feeney sensed Luo Kai's intention to connect, so he got stuck in the passing route of the two people.

At the same time, the Dutch forward Guvelon Risdijk, who had been pulled into the forward line, took on the responsibility of the defensive midfielder at this time and actively started to press in the frontcourt. He rushed towards Liu Yan.

Liu Yan directly passed the football forward to Hu Lai, who retreated to respond.

Xia Xiaoyu, who was preparing to catch the ball diagonally in front of Liu Yan, saw that the football was not passed to him, so he immediately stepped forward diagonally and was ready to receive the ball again.

Because when Hulay retreated, he was also followed by the Dutch center back Danny Drew.

So he can only shoot the ball with one kick.

In this case, if he fails to respond well, Hulay will be in a dangerous situation where he cannot pass the ball and may lose the ball again, allowing the Dutch team to restart the attack.

Sure enough, Hu Lai ran towards the football, then turned to the left, attracting Drew behind him to turn to the left. But at the same time, his right foot knocked the football in the direction of Xia Xiaoyu!

The stands were filled with deafening cheers, and He Feng was also shouting excitedly: "Good shot by Hu Lai! A chance for the Chinese team to counterattack!"

Xia Xiaoyu had already observed the situation before catching the ball and knew who he should pass the football to. He passed the ball directly to Zhang Qinghuan who was in front of him on his left without stopping.

Zhang Qinghuan was already on the center line when he received the ball. In front of him were two Dutch defenders, one right back William Kolarentz and one center back Dean Luck.

They were the last Dutch defenders, and since the Chinese team's offense developed to the left, theirs was also concentrated on their right side.

In front of these two defenders are other Dutch players desperately trying to defend.

Van der Stern was already chasing Zhang Qinghuan from behind who was holding the ball.

Danny Drew and left back Tyrese Bullock are also running towards the penalty area.

It can be said that in the second half of the Dutch team, there is actually a huge space in the center and left side.

But Zhang Qinghuan did not choose to pass the football to that place, because Hu Lai's speed was not enough to support him to surpass Drew and catch up with the football.

Although there is Luo Kai at the far end, the distance is too far, and it is difficult for Zhang Qinghuan to accurately deliver the football to Luo Kai's feet while running at high speed.

Instead, right in front of him, there was Chen Xingyi who was pressing the Dutch team's right back Willem Kolarentz.

That's the best pass target.

Zhang Qinghuan, who dribbled the ball past the midline, pushed the ball in front of Chen Xingyi, just so that he didn't need to slow down.

Chen Xingyi chased the football and ran towards the 30-meter area of ​​the Dutch team.

William Kolarentz was stuck inside Chen Xingyi.

Center back Dean Luck began to move closer to the center.

Drew was still accelerating towards the penalty area, and of course he didn't forget to observe Hu Lai's position.

He didn't see Hu Lai from a position parallel to him, so he turned his head again and saw him diagonally behind him.

At this moment, Drew was a little hesitant to slow down and follow Hu Lai.

But when he looked around, he saw the Chinese team's right wing-back Luo Kai running diagonally from the wing to the center!

He took the lead with his speed and seemed to be in the middle of the penalty area ahead of him.

And that place was beyond Lark's control, it was an empty space!

At the same time, Hu Lai was actually followed by Van Der Stern who was returning to defense.

So Drew decided to go back and take up his position first.

After all, Van der Stern is here, and there is Luck, so it should be difficult for Hu Lai to get a chance...

Chen Xingyi finally caught up with the football outside the corner of the penalty area.

He did not speed up the ball and continued to break through to the baseline.

Instead, he stopped the football with his left foot, slowed down and turned around, facing the penalty area.

At this time, Hu Lai, who was still behind Drew, suddenly accelerated towards the penalty area and raised his hand at the same time!

The direction he sprinted was right behind Lark!

At this time, Van der Stern and Luck's attention was actually on Chen Xingyi who was holding the ball.

Van der Stern was even ready to help William Kolarenz defend Chen Xingyi if Chen Xingyi wanted to dribble into the penalty area.

Chen Xingyi didn't do this. After adjusting the football to his right foot, he started to pass!

It is Hu Lai we are looking for!

But he passed behind Hu Lai...or Hu Lai sprinted too far!

At the same time, he saw the football flying over. Van der Stern rushed forward, jumped up and tried to header the ball to clear the ball!

The Chinese team’s counterattack seems to be over here!

Just when everyone was thinking this, the football passed just above Vander Stern's head...

At the same time, behind him, Hu Lai, who had been running by, jumped forward, temporarily supporting his right foot, and lifting his left leg trailing behind.

The ball arrives...

Heel arrives!

His left heel hit the flying ball!

Knock the ball towards the near corner of the Dutch team's goal!

The football flew in a parabola in the air!

Goalkeeper Toney Schulman had no idea that Hulay could intercept the ball halfway. When he saw the football being knocked toward his goal, he jumped up hastily. Even if he stretched out his arm, he failed to touch the football!

The football passed over his fingertips, hit the lower edge of the crossbar, and then refracted into the net!


PS, there’s more!

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