Summary of Volume Seven

Finally finishing this volume, it was really full of ups and downs.

As usual, first use WORD to count the words to see how many words have been written.

1,041,924 words.

This volume was serialized since July 10 last year, and it has been almost half a year since I wrote it.

This half year was also the half year when I took the most leave, and there was even a complete break in updates that had never happened before.

The conflicts between reality and creation are intertwined and jointly produce such a result.

I have been accustomed to saving manuscripts for a long time. How many years has it been since I stopped updating during the serialization period?

It has to be said that people should serve their old age.


I wrote 1.04 million for six months, averaging 170,000 words per month, and not even 6,000 words per day on average.

The speed is really slow.

So last year I rarely asked anyone for monthly tickets.

I don’t have the nerve to ask for it…

It’s impossible to increase the speed. The only thing I can do is maintain the quality.

This is also the reason why I write slowly.

I still try my best to maintain the quality and look and feel. I said I wanted to give this book a happy ending, and I had to do it.

As of now, almost 7 million words into this book, I still have many images of that world in my mind.

When I write, I am still moved by the words and characters I write.

This is the same idea I had when I first started writing this book - I don't know if it will be popular with you yet, so I might as well write myself first.

From this point of view, I can be regarded as "not forgetting my original intention"...


In some places in this volume, I also gradually reduced the description of the protagonist Hu Lai, and increased the roles of many other people. There were even situations where Hu Lai did not appear in several consecutive chapters.

Some people criticized me for getting worse as I wrote, and that I lost all the main characters.

I would like to defend myself a little here. This is intentional on my part, and I don’t think this is a sign of worsening the more I write.

After all, what I want to create is a Chinese team that is so powerful that it is convincing, so how can I only focus on Hu Lai?

As a "forward", doesn't his teammates need to be molded to pass the ball for him and help him back up?

I had six volumes before,

Most of the time, the perspective is on Hu Lai, and even the appearance of other important characters must be "in the light of Hu Lai" and they must interact with Hu Lai before they can appear.

I feel that I have almost shaped Hu Lai through the previous six million words, and I need to temporarily focus on other important characters.

In this way, when I write that the Chinese team defeated world-class teams in the World Cup, everyone will not think it is false.

After all, I have spent so much writing and effort just to leave vivid and credible characters in everyone's minds, and then these images will automatically be combined into a credible and powerful Chinese team.

Judging from everyone’s feedback during the World Cup storyline, I believe I basically did it.

Why is it basically done?

Due to space limitations and the nature of the series, I still can't focus on characterization of each of the main characters and provide them with enough roles for them to perform.

For example, I originally wanted to devote some space to depicting the father-son relationship between Qin Qi and Qin Lin during the World Cup - the relationship between the two of them in the national team should be quite interesting. Qin Qi is holding back his energy to prove that he can get rid of The shadow of his father, and Qin Lin was unable to express his concern for his son due to his sensitive status...

But then I thought about it, it would slow down the pace - my original writing was slow enough, and if I added drama, even the most tolerant readers might not be able to bear it.

Similarly, in the competition, I reduced the description of the audience's perspective a lot, and did not frequently mention pure audience characters such as Hu Lai's parents and Li Qingqing. During the World Cup, they can only provide the audience's perspective. If they write too much, it will easily be repeated with other audience perspectives. Apart from the word count, it is meaningless.

This is just like making a movie. During the filming process, a lot of shots and content will be shot, but after the final editing of the film, a lot of shots and content will be deleted. In the end, after various choices are made, it becomes what everyone sees in the cinema. See the finished product.

After all, I still can't write it as a group drama without a protagonist at all, and the focus is completely blurred.

On the other hand, Hu Lai is the protagonist of this book, the focus of everyone's emotions and attention.

But it doesn’t mean that he is a special existence in this book. He can only act in all the scenes where he wants to be in the spotlight, have fun, and shine, and everyone else has become a tool to set off his pretentiousness and coolness.

After all, he is not jealous.

Besides, I already have a strong preference for Hu Lai. Think of Luo Kai...

It also depends on my tireless efforts in shaping other characters except Hu Lai that I dare to write the next final volume.

Otherwise, I don’t know how many people will scold me.

In short, under the general trend of the end of this book, there will definitely be more and more descriptions of other characters, and there will be many. In the last volume, I strive to write a real group portrait drama.

The protagonist is definitely still Hu Lai.

But Hu Lai is not the only protagonist.

I hope to be able to write about a World Cup that makes everyone feel like they are actually seeing it.

Just like the description of the World Cup game, words are used to describe the image for everyone.

For example, about the game against England, I wrote twenty-two chapters, which is very scary.

I didn't just write about the seven goals, I wrote about every aspect of the game, such as some of the attacks that didn't result in a goal.

In club competitions, I will be more restrained from using this kind of detailed writing.

But the World Cup is different.

So starting from the story of the Chinese team's first World Cup in the fourth volume, I used this writing method to restore the game video with words.

Some people call me "gritty".

In fact, everyone should be able to see it now.

Delicacy is the style of my book.

This is also intentional on my part.

The book is almost finished, but until now there is no news or possibility of any adaptation.

It is foreseeable that until the book is completed, there will be no possibility of being adapted into a graphic video.

What to do?

I can only try my best to use my words to paint a picture for everyone.

I have no control over the adaptation. This is the only thing I can do.

That’s why I write in such detail, and strive to enable every reader who reads my book to construct an image in their own mind through my words.

It can be regarded as a "visual adaptation" made by myself, and it is absolutely consistent with the original work.


Let’s talk about this World Cup and why we chose this approach.

Being eliminated after playing the Dutch team was something I had thought about a long time ago - I had thought about it as early as the outline of the plan. I would definitely not let the Chinese team win the World Cup.

Of course, I had not yet decided who would be eliminated at the time.

The selection of the Netherlands was also based on the fact that they were probably the most acceptable opponent.

After all, Hu Lai would be even more unhappy if he lost to Meili...

Because I don’t intend to take a failure lightly.

The reason is actually the same as the first World Cup.

Because failure is a very important experience for the protagonists, and it is so important in the atmosphere of this book that I don’t want to use any tricks to make readers ignore it.

Of course I could write that the protagonists defeated the Netherlands miserably in the end, ran out of ammunition and reached the semi-finals, and then were eliminated - I mentioned this failure at the end of the volume.

But that's not what I want.

After equalizing the score, I continued to attack until I was defeated by my opponent. This is what I had thought of after finishing the plot of the last world.

At that time, I even thought about the name of that chapter and wrote it down on the memo in advance:


It is not only a description and summary of the players of this Chinese team, but also the emotions and sighs of bystanders towards them.

Four years ago, they died of Xiaofu Ji'an, and four years later, they died of their own ambition and courage.

It all sounds like a loss, and it doesn't seem to make any sense.

But I think as long as you carefully feel their different performances in these two World Cups, you should be able to know that the same failure has very different meanings.

He was content to play three group matches before returning home.

Although he died of ambition and courage, he still returned home, but it made people see further hope and possibility.

As long as they still have ambition and courage, they will definitely become better and stronger in the future. But if you are always a rich man, you may not even be able to qualify for the World Cup in the future.

This plot also echoes the World Cup plot four years ago.

This is still the consistent theme of "growth" in this book.

Growth never stops, at least not until the end of this book.

Compared with four years ago, they have grown.

But growth is not enough, they need to continue to grow.

In addition, this is also a kind of "mysophobia" of mine - if I grow up just once and win a championship or something, that would be too perfunctory, right?

What's the difference between this and the director forcing a reversal when he says "it needs to be reversed"?

During the World Cup storyline, I saw many readers leaving messages optimistic about the Chinese team winning the championship.

The mood is understandable, but judging from the plot and description settings in the book, the Chinese team has not yet reached the point where it can transform from a team that failed to qualify for the group stage to a championship-winning team in four years...

Not to mention winning the championship, it is impossible for the favorites to win.

No matter how strong Hu Lai is, he can't carry the whole game by himself.

His characteristics are destined to require the cooperation and help of his teammates. If his teammates are not strong enough, then he will not be able to perform 100%. So being in the national team and being in the club team are two different performances, which is normal.

In the next four years, it is not actually Hu Lai who will become stronger, but his teammates in the national team.

Become stronger in all aspects, from mentality to strength.

Some readers said that they were upset when they lost to the Dutch team in the end and were eliminated.

It's right to be upset.

It shows that my Chinese team has been quite successful.

After all, if you really like a team, then you will definitely not be able to laugh when your favorite team loses.

If you had a chance of winning but lost in the end, you should be upset.

Therefore, the growth of the characters in the book can be made more powerful, and the final success can be more believable.

Only when you are unwilling to give up and refuse to admit defeat will you want to become stronger.


For me, the past year, generally speaking, is no different from the past two years. I have been coding and writing "Fox in the Forbidden Zone", and my life has remained the same. Three years have passed.

My children have all gone from being in first grade to fourth grade.

Sometimes when I look back, I feel that the past three years have gone by so fast.

A book's time...there are so many things happening in the world.

A lot of changes have happened in my life too.

However, these changes are all compared with three years ago. If you only look at last year, it can be said that there are no changes.

Except for the last month.

Because I had Yang in the last month, my whole family also had Yang.

In the pain of illness, I thought a lot about the world, and also made some thoughts and plans about my own life.

I’ll tell you all this at the end of this review.

In short, thanks to everyone for not giving up, even though the external environment has been turbulent and turbulent in the past three years.

I can also stay in my own little world, make up stories for everyone, and support myself and my whole family.

I belong to that group of "vested interests" who are least affected by the epidemic.

But what the future holds is hard to say.

After all, I am a fat man with underlying diseases. After losing protection, my own health, the health of my family, and my ability to create will all be affected to a greater or lesser extent.

There is no way to think about the future without thinking about it.

Let me finish writing this book first.

There is only one volume left in this book, and the number of words will not be too many. It will definitely not reach one million words like this volume. I made a rough estimate, which is about three to four hundred thousand words. At my pace, it took more than two months to finish.

So I will say goodbye to everyone completely probably in April this year.

However, considering my physical and mental condition, it may be postponed until May.

After all...what if it's sunny again?

It just so happens that it will be difficult to finish the book in March, the 20th anniversary of my entry into the industry.

But this is still the best gift I have given myself for my 20th anniversary in the industry, and it is also given to you.

The average order for this book so far is close to 9,600, and I hope to reach 10,000 before the book is finished.

To me, that's a great gift, too.

But I don't know if it can be done. After all, in reality, after the World Cup, the growth in average bookings has been very slow.

For a novel with nearly 7 million words and more than 2,000 chapters, it is difficult to increase the average subscription by one.

It might be easier if I could combine the two updates I usually make every day into one chapter...

It's not like I haven't considered it.

However, it is a bit difficult for me to adjust the update rhythm when the book is almost finished.

So although I really hope everyone can help me, I don't expect it too much.

Anyway, let it go.

From the average order of 1,200 yuan when it was first launched, to the average order of more than 9,000 now, it has been much better.

After all, in the beginning, I just hoped that this book could pass the 3,000-digit premium line...

I am very proud that so many people like this fictional story without familiar teams and stars.

Finally, since not even a word of content in the new volume has been written, and there are a lot of competitions coming next, there will definitely be three updates.

So I took a few days off and let me save the manuscript first.

I can't promise the specific number of days to wait for the update to resume. Anyway, I will let everyone know by posting a single chapter one day in advance.

Thank you for your understanding and tolerance, let us make the final journey a success.



202 Jia Hu Lai’s personal results:

Played 38 league games, scored

Played 3 games in the Copa del Rey and scored 1 goal;

Played 1 game in the Spanish Super Cup and scored 1 goal;

Played 13 games in the Champions League, scored 24 goals and provided 2 assists;

Played 1 game in the European Super Cup and scored 1 goal;

Played 2 games in the Club World Cup and scored 5 goals;

Played 3 games in the International Champions Cup and scored 2 goals;

Appeared in 1 friendly match;

Played 13 games for the national team, scoring 14 goals and assisting 3 times;

So far, Hu Lai's national team appearances have been 4 assists.

In his career, he has played a total of 437 games in various competitions, scoring 518 goals and assisting 35 times.

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