Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 12 Good news? bad news?

2nd interest?

"This is good news!"

Agent Augusto Ayala was excited on the phone when he heard Farias would start the rest of the season.

"This means that either Parotti has finally bowed his head, or he may not be able to coach until the end of the season... No matter which one it is, this is a good thing for you!"

"But Parotti told me that it was because Tonini took the initiative to let me start..." Farias frowned. There was no happy look on his face, but only confusion. "Since he is not injured and seems to be in good condition in training...then why should he give up the starting job to me?"

"Maybe it's because I've been scolded too much and can't bear the pressure?" Ayala guessed.

Farias shook his head: "He was talking and laughing with everyone else today. He didn't look like he was under too much pressure at all..."

Ayala was unwilling to continue playing the game of "you ask me to guess", which was meaningless, so he turned to Farias and said: "What the hell is it? After all, you are the starter now. Don't think about it. Those messy things distract ourselves. Then we can perform better and leave a good impression on Parotti’s potential successor, and then the initiative will be in our own hands!”

Farias promised his agent, but after hanging up the phone, he still fell into deep thought.

He recalled what coach Parotti said to him:

"For the overall interests of the team, he voluntarily gave up starting all games from the next to the end of the season."

Think about the overall situation of the team?

Considering the overall situation of the team, can you not even start?

If he is in good condition and not injured, why not fight?

Isn't it true to consider the overall situation of the team by letting the one who is in better condition and more capable play?

Although Farias's dream was to become the main starter in Madrid Pirates, and now it seems that he has got his wish, he is not happy at all.

Because of Tonini's performance in training today, Farias always felt that this starting position was not earned by himself based on his strength, but was given to him by Tonini.

He gave it to him not because he felt that he was not as powerful as him, but because he didn't want to continue to quarrel with himself, and he had a "sense of superiority" that he didn't want to be on the same level as him...

This made Farias feel slighted.

Just wait, I will prove in tomorrow's game that I have legitimately competed for this starting position! Rather than charity from others!

Just as Farias was swearing secretly, there was a knock on the door.

The rapid knocking on the door seemed to indicate that someone outside wanted to see him for something urgent.

He got up to open the door, and the team's right back Ettore Navarro squeezed in.

After Farias closed the door, he lowered his voice and asked: "Have you read the news, Nestor?"

"What news? I didn't read it." Farias looked confused.

Navarro unlocked his phone and handed it to him: "Look."

Farias took the phone, and on it was the homepage of the official Twitter account of "World Sports News".

The latest news is a news:

" # Parotti's dismissal is imminent # The agent of Jairo Gutierrez admitted that Madrid Pirates Club contacted him and asked if he was interested in taking over the team. According to well-informed sources, Ettore Pa Rotti will be sacked after the Catalan game - if his team is eliminated."

Farias returned the phone to Navarro and said expressionlessly: "This is no secret. If Catalonia is eliminated from the Champions League, the head coach is indeed very likely to be fired."

Navarro shook his head vigorously: "It was all rumors before, but now it has been confirmed. The club has already started to contact other coaches! It is said that they have not only contacted Gutierrez..."


"Tonini's condition in training is obviously better. Should we let him continue to start? And Tonini's defensive contribution is much greater than Farias..."

In Parotti's room, the coaching staff gathered together and were making final preparations for tomorrow night's game.

They all chatted about what happened in training today.

After Tonini switched to the right, he performed very well in defense against Farias, which greatly exceeded their expectations.

So some people got active and considered adjusting the starting lineup.

But Parotti dismissed their thoughts:

"You can't make a conclusion based on the performance of one training session. There are special reasons for Toni's performance..."

Second assistant coach Enzo Naher nodded: "That's true. After all, it is Farias standing opposite him."

Everyone burst into laughter.

"In short, tomorrow's game will be based on the starting lineup we have decided."

As soon as Parotti finished speaking, his phone rang.

In full view of everyone, Paroti answered the call.

Then the somewhat angry voice of Samuel Leray came from the opposite side: "Ettore, I assure you, this is definitely not leaked from the club!"

"Ah?" Parotti hadn't reacted yet, "What happened, Samuel?"

"Uh... you don't know yet?" Le Lei came back to his senses.

"what do you know?"

For a moment, LeRae wanted to hang up the phone and just pretend that nothing happened.

But he knew full well that Parotti would soon find out.

So it’s better to be proactive at this time...

So he said honestly: ""World Sports" exposed the news that we were looking for your successor. But the news was not leaked from our side, it was Hiero Gutierrez's agent who revealed it to the media. The rumor...hell, I even told them not to tell anyone! Damn it! We will not consider cooperating with such a person who does not keep his word!"

"It's okay, Samuel." After hearing the whole story, Parotti comforted the other party in turn, "Originally, I planned to tell the players my decision after the second round of the Catalan United match - if If I hadn’t been sacked by the club at that time.”

Leray said quickly: "Don't listen to those rumors outside. The club has not decided to fire you after being eliminated from the Champions League..."

"I know, Samuel." Parotti said calmly, "Is there anything else? The coaches are having a meeting."

Le Lei on the other end of the phone was a little embarrassed. He quickly said: "It's okay, it's okay. You can go get busy."

After hanging up the phone, Parotti looked at his colleagues, and they were also looking at him - the speaker on Parotti's mobile phone was very loud, so they all heard what Le Lei said there just now.

Some people used their mobile phones to search for news online on the spot.

Sure enough, I saw the news from "World Sports News".

After Parotti finished the call, someone handed him his cell phone and asked him to read the content.

After reading it, Parotti returned the phone to the other party and said at the same time: "I thought it was some new news... Isn't it obvious? If we are eliminated from the Champions League, we will be fired."

Enzo Nacher said: "But on the phone, LeRae denied..."

"What he said is that the club did not decide to fire me after being eliminated from the Champions League, but the club also did not decide not to fire me after being eliminated from the Champions League." Parotti laughed, "It doesn't matter, we originally considered this. What it was like coaching the Pirates in their last game.”

The first assistant coach Jesus Valentin frowned and said: "The key is not this, the key is the timing of releasing this news. Why did it come out on the eve of our game against Catalonia? I think "World Sports" We hope to shake our military morale."

This time, Parotti's expression became more solemn.

This is indeed a situation that cannot be ignored.

Someone asked: "Are we going to tell them that this is a rumor created by the Catalan media to distract us? Anyway, the club will definitely cooperate with our statement."

Everyone else thinks this approach works.

At least let's get over tomorrow's game first.

But Parotti shook his head: "No matter what the result of tomorrow's game is, I will tell them the truth after the game. In that case, what's the point of deceiving them before the game? Isn't it worse to let them know that they have been deceived?" So I will tell them everything truthfully before the game tomorrow."

The other coaches looked at each other. Since the head coach had made a decision, they couldn't say anything more.


"...Since Madrid Pirates lost 0:2 to Catalonia in an away game last week and the Champions League promotion situation was in jeopardy, news about Parotti's dismissal has been flying all over the sky. But those are just rumors, and the Pirates Club even refuted it According to rumors, they have no plans to fire Parotti... And today's revelations from Jairo Gutierrez's agent gave the Pirates Club a slap in the face... It turns out that the Pirates Club is indeed planning to fire Parotti. Well-informed sources According to sources, the Pirates Club not only found the former Manchester Athletic coach, but also found other people, including Parotti's predecessor Bjorn Hantcek..."

Chen Xingyi transferred this news analysis to the group and circled Hu Lai:

"Is this true, Hu Lai?"

Before Hu Lai came out, others jumped out.

Wang Guangwei: "It's "World Sports News" again... I remember this newspaper did something like this before our match against Spain in the World Cup four years ago, right? It suddenly broke the news before the game. It doesn't matter about martial ethics. Come on. Sneak attack..."

Zhang Qinghuan: "World Sports News, it's a rubbish newspaper that is too hard to wipe your butt."

Xia Xiaoyu: "Oh, the most successful head coach in the history of the Pirates Club can only end up like this. It's really sad..."

Hu Lai only appeared at this time: "I don't know if the club is looking for someone. But Parotti shouldn't be with the team for long. This is what everyone has guessed."

Morikawa Junpei: "It was a guess before, but now it's a solid fact?"

Hu Lai: "Maybe so. Who knows if "World Sports News" made it up? This media is particularly good at spreading rumors."

"Will it affect your game tomorrow?"

Hu Lai: "I don't know. Probably not?"


"No, definitely not!" Hu Lai's answer was more decisive this time.

Just when everyone was breathing a sigh of relief, they saw him say again:

"With so many problems within our team that can affect tomorrow's game, it's not the head coach's turn to sack him! Even if it does, it doesn't matter which louse bit him if there are too many lice."

Everyone: "Fuck..."

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