Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 14 Destiny

Chapter 2011 Destiny

As soon as Nestor Farias got the ball, Catalan players rushed to defend him.

While receiving the ball, the Argentine genius dropped his left shoulder and made a fake move to break through from the left.

Then he used the shaking of his left ankle to stop the football to the right side of his body, and simply shook away the opponent's player who was attacking his left foot.

Pirates fans cheered in the stands.

Commentator Sanchez also applauded Farias’s escape:

"Well done, Farias! After the team lost the goal, what we need most now is this kind of performance that can boost morale!"

Although his previous performance was not satisfactory, everyone still has high expectations for Farias.

After all, Farias has outstanding personal abilities and has proven his ability before.

In the case of Tonini's poor performance in the first round, everyone can only count on Farias.

Otherwise, who can we count on?

You can't count on Kamara sitting in the stands with a no-fight card, right?

Ismael Kamara was injured half a month ago, which had a great impact on Madrid Pirates' offense.

Plus right back Jose Irazusta, who was injured a month ago.

The right wing of the Madrid Pirates is almost useless.

This is also one of the important reasons why the Pirates were beaten by Catalonia United in the away game and were unable to fight back.

Kamara's replacement is the team's Dutch forward Wesley Hodt. He is 1.89 meters tall, strong and has the build of a center, but he also has very good speed and can also play as a winger.

He transferred to Madrid Pirates last summer because of his versatile attributes, which can add more changes and possibilities to Madrid Pirates' forward line.

However, the skills of the Dutch big man are too rough. Once he cannot take advantage of his physical advantages, his performance will not be good.

In terms of personal ability, he is far from Kamara.

If Kamara hadn't been injured, his position would have been just a substitute.

When the right wing cannot attack, the left wing becomes very important.

Especially with a super talent like Farias on the left.

When he first debuted in Argentina, he was called "Little Melli"...

When Madrid Pirates signed him, Pirates fans were delighted - we had Julay and Melly in the same team.

Simply invincible!

Of course, so far, what Madrid Pirates fans want to see has not come true.

But Farias is still young and everyone is willing to wait.

You should always be more tolerant towards young people.

So even though Farias's performance was not impressive enough after the start of the game, when he made a beautiful escape, the cheers in the stands still rang out as usual.

Farias got rid of the first Catalan United player and drove the ball towards the Catalan United penalty area.

At this time Catalan United midfielder Dino Sosa rushed up.

Farias stopped suddenly again and raised his right foot at the same time, as if to move the ball and continue to take it laterally to the center.

The Argentine midfielder braked quickly, blocking his path to the center.

It turned out that Farias faked it again.

After he raised his right foot, he did not kick the ball. Instead, he feinted behind the football and then dunked the football towards his left foot!

At the same time, he turned around and accelerated, passing by Sosa who raised his arms high!

"Passed two people in a row! A beautiful breakthrough!"

When he saw Farias breaking through Sousa outside the penalty area, Hulay immediately ran diagonally behind the Catalan United defense.

At this moment, the eyes of the Catalan United defenders were involuntarily attracted to Farias as he passed two people in a row. This was his chance to get rid of the defense and run into space!

However, after Hu Lai ran into the space, the football was not passed.

He looked into the distance and saw that Farias was already surrounded by Catalan players...

"Farias is still taking it! But he has no room!"

As soon as He Feng finished speaking, he saw Farias' football being poked away by Catalan United center back Paul Fortune.

He tried to get the ball back, but was blocked by Catalan United right back Giovanni Petrick.

The ball was dropped.

The cheers of excitement from Pirates fans turned into sighs of regret.

Sighing, Farias tried to counterattack and caused his own foul.

Catalonia United received a backcourt free kick outside their own penalty area.

The Madrid Pirates' attack collapsed in the middle...


Catalan United played very easily and calmly after taking a three-goal lead in the total score.

They gave full play to their advantage in possession of the ball and mobilized the Madrid Pirates players with passes back and forth, making them exhausted.

Seeing that the first half was about to end, they suddenly exerted their strength!

In front of the Madrid Pirates penalty area, Kabangca tried to make a through ball, deceiving the Madrid Pirates player Joaquin Vela who was guarding him to focus on his pass. He suddenly pushed the football out, but it was not a pass. The ball, but the ball passed by the man!

The football slipped under Joaquín Vela's crotch, and Cabonca passed him by.

Bella was shocked and stretched out her hand to hold Kabangka.

The two people were entangled, and they were about to separate - when Kabangka slapped Bella's hand away, he had already rushed over!

As soon as he reached the penalty area line, Danny Drew quickly blocked him.

Seeing that Kabangka could not break through, he quickly distributed the football to the left wing.

There was Mario Salado.

The latter faced the rolling football and directly kicked the ball in!

The football flies into the penalty area of ​​Madrid Pirates.

Goalkeeper Hewel took the initiative and punched the football out of the penalty area!

The football flew outside the penalty area, where Catalan United midfielder Dino Sosa was waiting!

I saw the Argentinian midfielder using his chest to remove the ball. Without making any adjustments or stopping, or waiting for the ball to hit the ground, he raised his right leg and volleyed directly!


The football roars towards the Madrid Pirates goal!

And then hit Joaquin Bella on the arm!

Kabangka, who was right next to Bella, immediately raised his arm and shouted to the referee: "Handball! He has a handball!"

Joaquin Vela was in the penalty area when he took the handball...

So it's a penalty!

The referee's harsh whistle and the harsh boos from the stands sounded at the same time.

"Ah, this ball..." He Feng's heart skipped a beat, and his words seemed weak...

If the Madrid Pirates are awarded a penalty kick at this time, it is basically a death sentence for the Pirates!

By then, the total score would be four goals behind, and there would be no way to catch up...

In the TV slow-motion replay, you can clearly see that Joaquin Vela's arms are open, expanding his defensive area and interfering with Dino Sousa's shot.

So this ball is undoubtedly a penalty kick!

Pirates players can certainly argue that Joaquin Vela didn't handball the ball intentionally, it was the ball hitter.

But the referee will not accept their defense...

Sure enough, the referee didn't even look at VAR and pointed directly at the penalty spot!

"Penalty kick! Catalonia won a penalty kick! At the end of the first half! They had the opportunity to make the entire forty-five minutes of the second half meaningless!"

The boos in the stands were so loud that commentator Sanchez could barely hear his own voice.

Obviously Pirates fans also know what this penalty means.

They could only express their dissatisfaction by booing.

It's just that the boos were dissatisfied with the team's performance or the head coach who didn't even conduct VAR confirmation and just awarded a penalty kick... It's hard to say.

Or perhaps both.

Amid huge boos, in the coaching bench on the sidelines, the coaches of the Madrid Pirates were very dissatisfied with the referee's rash decision.

They rushed to the sideline and roared loudly, expressing their anger with rich body language.

The second assistant coach Enzo Nacher also received a yellow card for himself because of his fierce words...

Parotti did not rush out to protest like other coaches, but stood on the sidelines and watched everything happening on the court with a blank expression.

If this is fate, he seems to have accepted it...

At this moment, he was just a little bit unwilling.

No matter what idea he had, he didn't have enough time to realize it.


When the Madrid Pirates players were attacking the referee, the Catalan United players were hugging and high-fiving in celebration.

Kabangka finally pulled away from the crowd, holding the football in his hands.

As the team's top penalty taker, he is here to put the final nail in the coffin of Madrid Pirates.

As he walked towards the penalty spot, he saw Madrid Pirates goalkeeper Hewel pulling his teammates away from the referee one by one.

Haywell, who was pulling people in, felt the gaze from Kabangka and turned his head to look over.

The two people's eyes met, and Kabangka walked just in front of the penalty spot. He lowered his head, bent over, and placed the football in his hand on the white spot.

Hywell also withdrew his gaze and continued to pull his teammates outward.

He was still shouting: "Stop making a fuss! It's just a penalty kick! It's no big deal! Trust me, I can save it! Don't apply for a brand for yourself!"

Although when the ball was lost due to Riva Moreno's mistake, Hewel was very angry and yelled at Moreno.

But now it was also the teammates who made mistakes, resulting in the death penalty. But he didn't blame anyone.

It's because since the penalty kick has already happened, as a goalkeeper, there is no point in complaining about his teammates.

What he should do now is really save the penalty kick.


Players from both sides exited the penalty area, except for Kabangka and Hewel.

Kabangka placed the football and stood behind it waiting.

The Belgian national goalkeeper, Jonathan Hewel, the former 202 Cup Golden Glove winner, opened his arms and stepped on the goal line with both feet, also ready.

"Actually, I don't quite agree with the statement that this penalty will kill the game...because the Madrid Pirates are already three goals behind. With fifty minutes left in the game, being behind by four goals and being behind by three goals are both It makes no difference. The suspense of the game has been killed!”

The commentator of Radio Catalonia said before the penalty kick was taken by both sides, but he did not really think that it would make no difference whether the goal was scored or not. What's wrong with being one more goal ahead?

He was just relieving Kabangka's stress. As long as the Brazilians can take this penalty kick with a normal heart, it will undoubtedly be scored.

When Kabangka was about to take the penalty kick, the boos above the Pirates Park stadium not only did not disappear, but became even louder.

Especially the home team fans in the stands behind the Pirates goal, they tried every means to interfere and influence Kabangka.

The boos were so loud that Kabonka had to visually confirm the whistle to the referee - he was afraid that the whistle would be drowned in the boos.

After seeing the referee blowing the whistle, he started to run!

Kicked the football to the lower right corner!

At the same time, goalkeeper Hewel stepped on the ground and pounced, hitting the lower left corner - his own lower left corner, the lower right corner where Kabangka shot!

Then he used his super wingspan to hit the ball kicked by Kabangka!

"Havel!! He saved it! He saved Kabangka's penalty!!"

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