Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 26 Dilemma

Chapter 2023 Dilemma

When the football flew towards the baseline and was about to go out of bounds, many people thought that the ball was gone and Valero's offense ended here.

Even if Peng Weijun can catch up with the ball, what will happen if he catches up with the ball?

He had to stop the ball first, but the defender of Sevilla Navigator was chasing back and was already very close to him.

Even if he can stop the ball, he will be blocked again by the opponent's defender.

The attack that was suddenly launched from the center back position lost its suddenness.

At this time, the players of Sevilla Navigator were turning back to defend. Even if he could get past the defensive players and pass the ball, there would be people in front of the goal, making it much more difficult.

If this attack does not succeed in the end, everyone can only complain that Izquierdo used too much force in passing the ball, and half complained and half ridiculed: "As expected of a defender!"

Then it will be settled, and no one will blame Peng Weijun.

This is just one of countless inconspicuous shots in this game, and it can't even leave a deep impression on everyone because of "regret".

But this was an opportunity that was not an opportunity, but because of Peng Weijun's powerful left foot, it turned into a miracle!

As the narrator said, this is a true theoretical zero degree angle!

When Hu Lai saw this goal in front of the TV, he almost jumped up from the sofa and kept shouting: "Holy shit!"

Li Qingqing beside him was also clapping and applauding.

But the two of them cheered for completely different reasons.

Li Qingqing applauded, of course it was purely applause.

From an ornamental point of view, this ball is absolutely beautiful. To an important extent, it is also important.

And it was scored by Chinese players.

No matter from which point of view, Li Qingqing should be applauded.

Hu Lai's exclamation was because the ball was exactly the same as the ball in his memory...

Although after Peng Weijun transferred to Valero, Hu Lai could often see Peng Weijun play. In terms of position and playing style, Peng Weijun is just like a yellow-skinned Roberto Carlos with long hair.

He also suggested that Peng Weijun switch from left winger to left back based on some playing characteristics, height characteristics, and positional similarities.

However, such a perfect 1:1 replica of Carlos' zero-angle goal against Tenerife in the 26th round of La Liga 1 still shocked Hulay.

In fact, when the football moves towards the bottom line,

Hu Lai already had a sense of déjà vu.

When Peng Weijun raised his left leg, in Hu Lai's eyes, the figure of the little Brazilian wearing a purple Real Madrid jersey seemed to overlap with Peng Weijun's figure, and their movements were highly synchronized.

And then the ball went in...

Seeing the football flying into the goal, for a moment, Hu Lai even thought that the Brazilian "cannon defender" in another time and space was reincarnated into Peng Weijun in this time and space.

Thinking of this, he raised his head and looked at the night sky outside the French window.

In the dark, it seems as if there is something that connects two completely different times and spaces...


Peng Weijun's goal became the last goal of that game.

In the away game, Valero, who was not optimistic, also relied on this zero-angle goal to defeat Sevilla Navigator 2:1.

Peng Weijun was named the best player after the game. This is also the first time he has received this honor in a competition.

After the game, his zero-angle goal quickly occupied the Internet space and became a hot topic of discussion.

This goal was also released again and again.

It was even compared to Farias' previous goal in the Champions League, and was considered to be the best goal of the season.

Sevilla Navigator was blocked by Valero, and Madrid Pirates retained their fourth position in the league.

However, the fourth position in this league is not stable.

Sevilla Navigator lost to Valero and was still only two points behind Madrid Pirates.

Sporting Vizcaya, ranked fifth, also lost in this round, but was only one point behind Pirates of Madrid.

Qualification for the Champions League next season is still uncertain.

Among the remaining three league games, there is also a Madrid derby with the Madrid Kings.

It is not easy to keep fourth place in the league...

Farias has started all the last three rounds of the league, but public opinion's evaluation of him seems to be going downhill, getting worse with each game.

In the first game, the team lost 1:2 to Aijer. Farias did not receive much criticism because he still had the aura of "the best goal in Catalonia" and "the best goal in the Champions League". Most people Still relatively tolerant.

In the second game, the Pirates defeated Pamplona 2:1 at home. Although he clearly won the game, Farias was criticized even more fiercely than in the previous game. Everyone said that if it were not for Hulay, the Madrid Pirates would have been dragged into the abyss by Farias.

In the third game, their prediction seemed to come true...

Farias performed very poorly in this game, and this kind of badness is not as bad as the previous two games... he is completely out of shape, and he can't even carry the ball to the end of the world.

So he was replaced in the 60th minute - earlier than the time he came off in the loss to Aher.

Seeing that next season's Champions League qualification is about to fly away.

Criticism of Farias reached a fever pitch online.

If you only look at the words he is scolded now, people will definitely be confused:

They are talking about the "hero" Nestor who broke into Longtan alone in the Champions League quarter-finals two weeks ago, defeated four people in a row, scored "the best goal in the Champions League this season", and tied with Catalonia United. El Farias?

The evaluation after the Champions League game and the evaluation after the loss to Valentia can actually show such extreme differences in the evaluation of the same person.

But that's football.

When you perform well, you will be praised by everyone, as if you are already the king of the world.

But if you perform poorly in two or three consecutive games, then it seems that you have become a heinous sinner, a "clown" that everyone can laugh at and make fun of.

Such an extreme public opinion environment is the daily routine in world football today.

In the past, professional football did not have such a developed network environment. Even if fans wanted to curse, the players could not hear them.

But now almost every player has an online social media account, and so does every fan.

When fans criticize players online, they can also circle them so they can see them.

The power of public opinion has been infinitely amplified, and everyone is caught up in it.

If you enjoy a hundred times more cheers than before, you will have to endure a hundred times more pressure than before.

This is one of the reasons why professional players are now under increasing psychological pressure.

People with poor mental endurance are really not suitable to be professional players.

In other words, not suitable for success in this industry.

Nestor Farias's mental endurance is actually not weak among his peers, but he is only a child who is not yet twenty years old.

After his stunning draw with Catalonia, those compliments made him so happy, and now those criticisms also make him so painful. Especially since he actually knows how bad his performance against Valentia was...

He has not yet reached the point where he is not shocked by honor or disgrace, and his face is not thick enough.

Facing the flood of criticism and scolding that came to him, Farias, who could still remain tough in front of his teammates, couldn't stand it anymore.

As a proud man, his career has always been smooth sailing, and he has received more praise than criticism.

In Argentina, when he first came to Spain, it was almost like he was soaked in honey.

And when he had conflicts with head coach Parotti, most of the fans were on his side.

Even when he liked the tweet scolding Parotti, which caused dissatisfaction among many Pirates fans, there were also many fans who stood by him and expressed understanding, sympathy and support for him.

Only this time, he was almost unanimously criticized and criticized, with very few people speaking for him.

Perhaps it is because of the decline in league rankings that Pirates fans feel that a huge crisis is around the corner.

There is nothing left this season. If you can't even participate in the Champions League next season... who can bear it?

Although the previous Madrid Pirates did not participate in the Champions League every year, they also played in the Europa League - the first championship of the team coached by Parotti was the Europa League championship.

But when was that?

At that time, the Madrid Pirates had not reached the semi-finals of the Champions League for how many years?

Champions League qualification is not a minimum goal.

Qualification for the European competition is.

What time is it now?

The current Madrid Pirates team has won three Champions League titles in the past five years.

If such a team cannot participate in the Champions League, it will be the end of the world.

Facing the criticism and insults on the Internet, Farias' agent Augusto Ayala was silent for a long time, and suddenly said as if he had understood: "So... why did Tonini take the initiative to give up the starting lineup? Because he wants you to be the scapegoat? Then the main responsibility for the team's failure will be on you..."

He didn't finish his words, because Farias looked up and glared at him: "Augusto, you didn't say that before. When I scored against Catalonia United, you said that the future was bright. , I no longer have to worry about others talking about whether I am worthy of being in the starting lineup. How come it has become a long-planned conspiracy against me?"

"Uh..." Ayala was speechless, and he also felt that what he just said was too forced. He originally wanted to comfort Farias, but now it seems that it has completely had the opposite effect.

Farias was silent for a while and said: "I will go to Parotti and have a good talk about the starting lineup..."

Ayala exclaimed: "Are you crazy, Nestor? The next game is the Champions League semi-final between us and Vesuvius! Are you going to give up starting in this game?"

Farias did not answer the question directly, repeating: "I need to have a good talk with him."


PS, today I will update all the manuscripts I have saved before. Thank you all for your patience. I am very sorry!

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