Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 29 Tip of the Teeth

Chapter 2026 Tip of the Teeth

"...Your head coach has done so much for Farias, can Farias feel it?" Li Qingqing asked.

Hu Lai shook his head: "I don't know...but after today's training, Farias and the head coach had a private conversation. I don't know what they talked about."

"What's the use of this kind of talk? It's not like I haven't talked to him before. Don't talk about Parotti, haven't you and several captains taken turns talking to him? Is it useful?"

Li Qingqing also felt that it was a headache to deal with a naughty kid like Farias.

Hu Lai went to look for him when "Like Gate" first came out.

Facing Hulay, Farias's attitude was quite good, he was respectful and completely devoid of the unruly attitude rumored by the outside world.

But he still used the reason "my sister took my mobile phone to send this. She has her own ideas and I can't stop it."

Even a fool can see that he is prevaricating, but what can he do? Do we have to force him to admit that he was the one who clicked the like? That doesn’t make sense either…

Then when Hu Lai advised him to put the overall situation of the team first and reasoned with him, he was very cooperative and accepted it humbly.

On the surface, Hulay's conversation with Farias can be said to be very successful.

But when it came to the training ground and games, the situation did not change at all.

Moreover, the conflict has been intensified, and the problem cannot be solved by persuading both sides to make concessions.

In other words, everyone is an adult and has their own ideas, why should they listen to you?

Not only Hu Lai, but captain Ramirez also went to both parties to mediate. But from the actual effect, it is obviously useless.

Before the "Like Gate", everyone could still maintain a semblance of peace: the "old school" also complained that Farias was relatively independent, but the appearance must be done properly, and the old guy must not appear to be petty. Farias was not as extreme as he is now.

Farias is responsible for the team's poor performance this season, but it is not the biggest problem. It is still related to various factors such as the aging of the team's lineup and the increase in injuries. If Kamara hadn't been injured, the team's dependence on Farias might not be as high as it is now...

After the "Like Gate", the superficial "harmony" was broken.

Both sides also have a sense of conflict.

It can be said that before the two sides publicly accused each other in the media or on the Internet, the charisma of captain Ramirez and head coach Parotti was barely maintained.

The "old school" said: "Why should I retreat?"

Farias also said: If I could take a step back,

Will things develop to this point?

It looks like it's tied into a dead knot.

Fortunately, the "like gate" happened near the end of the season. Anyway, the team's results this season are like this. In addition, as the World Cup is approaching, many people may not be entirely focused on club games.

So some people may plan to deal with this matter coldly and leave the problem to the new head coach until next season.

If Hu Lai hadn't taken the initiative to fight for the Champions League, this season might have ended in such a confusing way.

As Hu Lai's wife, Li Qingqing naturally knows all these situations. Because after Hu Lai returned home, whether it was to complain or to relieve his emotions, he would always tell her these things.

At first, Li Qingqing was very serious about helping Hu Lai with ideas on how to resolve the conflicts between the two parties. Later, she was no longer so naive because it was useless.

She was lucky that Hu Lai only met the naughty kid in the club and not in the national team. If Farias were of Chinese nationality, he would be really in trouble.

Now, Farias is an Argentine player. By the end of the season, in the World Cup, Melli may be the one to have a headache...

At this moment, she heard Hu Lai's cell phone ringing with a new message notification tone. At the same time, Hu Lai picked it up and read it, and then there was an expression on his face... an expression that was difficult to describe.

"What's wrong?" she asked curiously.

"What day is it today and everyone is so concerned about Farias?" Hu Lai grinned and complained, then handed the phone to Li Qingqing.

Li Qingqing took it and took a look...

It really means that Cao Cao Cao Cao has arrived. She just thought of Meili's name, and now Meili sent a message to her husband.

The specific contents are as follows:

"I heard that something has changed within the Pirates? You were kicked off the throne of the top star and let a young man step on your head, but you don't even dare to fart?"

Li Qingqing also showed the same expression as her husband just now.

Seeing Li Qingqing's expression, Hu Lai burst into laughter: "Didn't you expect that your king's number one would be so sharp-tongued?" (Note 1)

"I feel like he wants you to help him train the wild horse Farias." Li Qingqing returned the phone to Hu Lai and revealed Meili's true intention.

"Hmm. It may be that Farias's poor state in the game against Valentia made Melly worry that if he continues to make trouble like this, Farias will be useless in the World Cup."

After Hu Lai finished speaking, he started to lower his head and reply to messages on his mobile phone.

Li Qingqing came over curiously, wanting to see how her husband responded to Meili.

"Do you think Farias' behavior is a 'booby trap' that I deliberately planted in your Argentine team?"

When he first saw Hu Lai's words, Li Qingqing's eyes were stern.

But she quickly laughed and shook her head.

Because her husband is not that dirty villain with no bottom line.

It is impossible to do such a thing.

The answer is obvious. He said this deliberately to disgust Merry in response to his sharp teeth.

He kicked the ball back.


Training Farias?

Farewell, you'd better hire someone else, Gao Ming.

For a stubborn child who doesn't get enough food and salt, nothing you say is of any use unless he figures it out himself.

When will he figure it out?

Who knows...


"This..." Sylvia looked at the message content that popped up on the screen of her husband's mobile phone. She didn't know what to say for a while. She was stunned for a while before complaining: "This is... too insidious!"

Mellie also had a sullen face.

Because he realized that what Hu Lai said made sense.

The competition between himself and Hu Lai is all-round. At the club level, they actually have nothing to fight for. The two of them won all the championships they could.

At the national team level, I lost to Hu Lai in the Olympics, so Hu Lai had the Olympic gold medal but he did not.

He doesn't have the America's Cup, Hu Lai already has the Asian Cup.

It seems that he is also lagging behind Hu Lai at the national team level.

But there is still the World Cup, which is the event where I have the best hope of completing the comeback against Hu Lai.

As long as he can win the World Cup, even if he lags behind Hu Lai in the Olympics and intercontinental events, he can still complete the victory.

The World Cup is indeed an event for which he has more hope than Hulay.

After all, in terms of overall strength, Argentina is stronger than the Chinese team.

In order to prevent yourself from successfully winning the championship, you can really do this...

If no one has a World Cup championship, they will naturally be weaker than Hu Lai.

Seeing that her husband didn't speak, Sylvia was a little anxious: "You'd better call Farias and remind him?"

Melly came to his senses, but shook his head: "No, there's no point in calling now."

"Ah? Then what should we do? We can't just do nothing, right?"

"Just do nothing." Melly explained. "With the current situation of the pirates, they should not be able to get through Vesuvius. After they are really eliminated, I will call Farias. At that time, maybe you can hear more..."

"Just let him suffer all the hardship first..."


"Then..." Sylvia said hesitantly, "What if they pass the Vesuvius level?"

"Then I will also teach Farias a lesson in the finals." Melly said firmly and with murderous intent.

When it comes to his World Cup dream, he will not be polite to anyone who dares to stand in his way.

If this person is still a teammate of his own national team and someone who will fight side by side when the time comes, then he will be even less polite.


"He didn't reply to you anymore." Li Qingqing saw that Hu Lai's mobile phone had not received any new messages for a long time, so he said, "If Farias continues like this, your Champions League semi-finals will be in doubt. Vesuvius's recent The state is really good, first in the league, and seven points ahead of the second-placed Torino Bulls. If they win one more game, they will win the championship in advance. So they have enough time to prepare for the game against you, and the next game will still be their home court. Waiting for do you plan to win?"

"Kamara has resumed training, and he should be able to catch up with the second round. So as long as we don't lose too much in the first round. By then the team will not be walking with a lame leg... Besides, this is not And me?"

Hu Lai pointed at himself.

"I came up with the idea of ​​winning the championship, so I have to be responsible to the end. Even if Farias really can't count on it, I will take this team to the finals and win the championship, regardless of whether the opponent is Melly , or a little star. Because I am the one who can decide the championship."

He said it very seriously.


Note 1: Yajian, in dialect, means gossip, sharp-tongued and sarcastic. It often has a certain derogatory connotation when used to describe people.

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